UJA@KJ Mitzvah Monday THIS Monday, November 17 at 11:30 a.m. Everyone is invited to help serve lunch to seniors at Educational Alliance's Project ORE , 331 East 12th Street RSVP to zimiloverr@ujafedny.org NEXT Shabbat, November 22 Men’s Club Kiddush Discussion with Noted Author and Lecturer David Goldman “Israel and China - Should Israel Refocus its Strategic Alliances?” following 9:00 a.m. main services and a hot Kiddush on 85 Street "UJA at KJ" Thanksgiving at Project Ore Help us serve a Pre-Thanksgiving dinner to those in need. Sunday, Nov. 23, from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., at the Sirovich Center, 331 East 12th Street RSVP to 212-836-1356 or zimiloverr@ujafedny.org DONATE GENTLY USED WINTER CLOTHING The Ramaz Middle School Chesed Club is now collecting, through November 25, winter clothing items for needy men, women and children: coats, sweaters, sweatshirts, hats, gloves, scarves, skirts, etc. Please deposit items in the Middle School lobby at 114 E. 85th St., marked ATTENTION: Victoria Ginsberg, Chesed Club - Room 201. Kesher New & Expectant Mother's Breakfast featuring fitness expert Laura Kovall, THIS Wednesday, November 19, 10:00 a.m. at the home of Gealia Friend, 525 East 86 Street. RSVP to Gealia.Friend@Gmail.com “History at Home” with Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter “Did Moshe Rabbeinu Know Everything?: Printing and the Unfolding of Human Knowledge” NEXT Saturday, November 22 at 8:30 p.m. in the Heyman Auditorium, 125 East 85 Street Sponsored by Deborah & Barry Berg with a delicious dessert buffet! All lectures are stand-alone so please feel welcome even if you missed the previous one. Upcoming dates: January 10 and February 7 SHABBAT ANNOUNCEMENTS November 14-15, כ״ב בחשון תשע״ה פרשת חיי שרה Guest Speaker Rabbanit Chana Henkin Founder and Dean of NISHMAT, which created Jewish history's first Yoatzot Halakha, experts in women's health and halakha. “Changing Boundaries for Women in Jewish Life” Following 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Services Men's Club Kiddush Discussion with Adena Berkowitz "What Bruce Springsteen Can Teach Us About Tikkum Olam" Following main services and a hot Kiddush on 78th Street __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ KJ ANNUAL DINNER: “RACING TO THE FINISH LINE” Saturday Night, December 6 RSVP to jennifergross1@gmail.com Chaired by Jennifer & Saul Burian, Rebecca & Evan Farber, and Alice & Leon Wildes Please respond to Rabbi Lookstein’s appeal for RENEWAL, the organ transplant organization, by sending contributions to the Benevolent Fund, marked “RENEWAL” NEXT Shabbat, Nov. 22, on 85 Street Guest Speaker Dr. Sharon Goldman AIPAC Northeast Region Political Director Dr. Goldman bears the weighty responsibility of developing an overall strategy for political engagement and educating activists on relevant policy concerns. She received her doctorate in Political Science from Yale University. Dr. Goldman will speak at the conclusion of 9:00 a.m. services, and again during Seudah Shlishit in conversation with Rabbi Weinstock on “The Crisis of ISIS” Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun 125 East 85th Street New York, NY 10028 (212) 774-5600 www.ckj.org Shabbat Torah Reading Parshat Chayei Sarah: Genesis 23:1 - 25:18 pp. 106 - 123 Haftarah Chayei Sarah: I Kings 1:1- 31 pp. 1136 - 1137 Daf Yomi Tractate Yevamos page 42 7:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Hashkama Minyan Main Service Sephardic Minyan Young People’s Minyan Learners Service Intermediate Service Teen Minyan Middle School Room 501 Upper School Auditorium Upper School Room 603 Middle School Auditorium Upper School Room 606 Upper School Chapel Upper School Room 601 SHABBAT AFTERNOON IN THE GOTTESMAN CENTER Talmud Class - “Who May We Marry?” with Rabbi Roy Feldman 3:30 p.m. Middle School Auditorium Mincha Services - Middle School Auditorium 4:10 p.m. Seudah Shlishit Guest Speaker Ari Sprung “The Story of the Red Alert App” Shabbat Concludes 5:17 p.m. Shabbat Sponsors Congregational Kiddush in the Cayne Gymnasium is co-sponsored by Dr. Leonard Feingold in honor of the birth of his granddaughter, Emma Lily, born to his daughter and son-in-law, Mychal and Dr. Elliot Grodstein; by Jeanne and Adam Peldman in celebration of the birth of their third child and first daughter, joining Big Brothers Daniel and Andrew; and by Phylise and Richard Sands in celebration of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ryan. YPM Kiddush is sponsored by Brittany and Jonathan Cogan in celebration of the first birthday of their son, Brody Jack. Seudah Shlishit is co-sponsored by David Bernstein commemorating the yahrzeit of his mother, Natalie M. Bernstein; by Charles Edelsburg commemorating the yahrzeit of his beloved father, Nachum Edelsburg; by Cheryl and Fred Halpern commemorating the yahrzeit of Fred’s father, Samuel Halpern; by Rena and Scott Hoffman commemorating the yarhzeit of Rena’s father, Morris Sterman; and by Dr. Vivian, David, and Ian Mark commemorating the yahrzeit of Vivian’s mother, Aranka Mauskopf. SCHEDULE OF WEEKDAY SERVICES - NOVEMBER 16 16--21 In the Gottesman Center, 114 East 85th Street Sunday 8:30 a.m. Monday & Thursday 7:15 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 7:30 a.m. Evenings 4:30 p.m. For Sephardic service times, contact sephardicminyan@ckj.org Friday, November 14 Friday, November 21 Candle lighting 4:21 p.m. Candle lighting 4:15 p.m. Main Service 4:35 p.m. Main Service 4:30 p.m. Soul Cycle with Rachel Kraus THIS Wed., Nov. 19, 8:00 pm “From Blueprint To Building: The Art of Transformation” at the home of Elana & Aryeh Bourkoff, 1036 Park Avenue (at 86 Street), Apt 17B. RSVP to roshchodesh@ckj.org SHABBAT YOUTH GROUPS 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Early Drop Off Pre-K to 7th Grade Upper School Room 301 10:00 a.m. Youth Groups Toddlers Upper School Room 306 Nursery Upper School Room 305 Pre-K Upper School Room 302 Kindergarten Upper School Room 301 Grades 1-3 Boys and Girls Upper School Room 303-304 Grades 4-7 Boys and Girls Upper School Room 307 Open Gym in the Lindenbaum Gymnasium, 114 East 85th Street: Boys and girls in grades 5-7 play from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Boys and girls in grades 1-4 play from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. All kids enjoy a magic show at our Bnei Akiva Snif program from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. in Gottesman Center room 301. Musical Havdalah and Movie Night For All NEXT Saturday night, November 22, from 5:45 - 8:30 p.m. Kids younger than first grade welcome with adult chaperone. Be inspired by a beautiful Havdalah ceremony bidding Shabbat "farewell," followed by a kid-friendly movie on the big screen, with pizza dinner to boot! Only $5 per child. "Tefillah Together" Parent-Child Minyan For Fathers & Mothers, and Sons & Daughters, followed by a delicious breakfast. NEXT Sunday, November 23, from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m., All programs are in the Gottesman Center, 114 East 85 Street RSVP to Aryana Ritholtz, at Aryana@ckj.org or 917-658-5402 UPCOMING EVENTS FROM THE SISTERHOOD A Special Tour of Important Judaica and Israeli Art Auctions with Sharon Liberman Mintz, John Ward, and Jennifer Roth at Sotheby's, 72nd & York Avenue Wednesday, December 3, at 11:30 a.m. $25/person. RSVP to barbarabraffman@gmail.com Pre-Chanukah Boutique Sunday, December 7, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, in the Gottesman Center, 114 East 85 Street Come shop for Hats, Children's Clothing, Kippot, Chanukah Gifts, Fine & Costume Jewelry, Table Linens, Handbags, and much more! JLI’s new course “How Happiness Thinks” Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Taught by Rabbi Elie Weinstock.
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