PARSHAT CHAYA SARA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2014 Candle Lighting 4:49 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 4:55 pm SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Hashkama Minyan 7:45 am Shacharit 9:00 am Talmud Class 3:30 pm Mincha 4:30 pm Motsaei Shabbat 5:48 pm WEEKDAYS KIDDISH and SEUDA SHLISHIT: Kiddush in Klein Hall is in honor of our guest and Scholar–in-Residence, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag. Hashkama Minyan Kiddush is sponsored this week by Gerry and Miriam Engelhart in honor of the birth of Noam Nachman to Rafi and Stacy Engelhart of Jerusalem. Seuda Shlishit is sponsored by the Synagogue. MAZEL TOV Mazel Tov to Talia and Akiva Fleischmann on the birth of a baby boy.. Shalom Zachar Friday at 7:30 PM at 23218 Greenlawn, Beachwood. Bris to be held Tuesday, November 18, at 8:00 AM at Fuchs Mizrachi School. Mazel Tov to Mordy Edelstein upon his passing the Ohio Bar Exam. CONDOLENCES Sunday Shacharit 8:00 am Weekday Shacharit 6:40 am Mincha & Maariv 4:55 pm Late Maariv 9:00 pm The Downtown Mincha Minyan will once again be meeting at the offices of Ehrenreich & Associates, 1130 Leader Building, Monday-Thursday at 12:40 p.m. All interested individuals are invited to attend. Call (216) 861-1070 for further information. Please join Mincha services at University Hospitals Main Campus (University Circle). Monday-Thursday at 1:10 pm (November – March).Bikur Cholim Room - 1118 Lakeside Building. Lakeside Bldg. entrance on Adelbert Drive.For more info email We wish our condolences to Jordan and Amy Gorfinkel on the passing of Amy’s father, Nathan Burzinski z”l. SYNAGOGUE ANNOUNCEMENTS Shabbat with Scholar-in Residence Rabbi Menachem Leibtag Friday night Oneg 8:15 p.m at the home of Hildee and Gary Weiss 2401 Blossom Lane. Rabbi Leibtab will discuss “How and Why We Daven, Stories in Sefer Bereshit" Hashkama Minyan Lecture 9:15 a.m. “Tehillim 105: The Earliest Commentary on Sefer Bereshit or the First Siddur?” Main Shul Minyan 11:15 a.m. “Be Fruitful & Multiply - A 'Commandment' or a ‘Blessing’?". Kiddush following lecture Shabbat afternoon: Mincha 4:30 p.m. Shiur following Mincha . “Who is 'Chosen', Who is 'Blessed', and Who is ‘Best'?" [Using algebra to explain Sefer Bereshit] The Parent-Child Learning Program this Motsaei Shabbat is at 6:30 p.m at Young Israel. GRS Group Sponsored Kiddush: The following date has been set aside for the next group sponsored Simcha or Yarhzeit Kiddush; November 29th. To join in the Kiddush, please call Murray at 216-952-8906. CLASSES AND EVENTS ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM Monday- 8:00pm. -Natanel Efek. Bereishit *at Green Road Synagogue Monday-8:00pm. Halacha-Sarah Rudolph for women. . Class meets at her home, 2455 Claver. Tuesday-9:15am –Estee Fleischmann– Fuchs Mizrachi School Tuesday-7:30pm-Rabbi Moshe Berger– YIStark Beit Midrash LOST and FOUND: The lost and found will be collected from the coat room and the th coat room closet. The items will remain in the office until Monday, November 24 . If you think that there may be an item that belongs to you, then please come and th claim it. After November 24 , the items will be donated. Planning a Simcha at GRS? If you are planning a Bar Mitzvah for this Hebrew year, or if you are planning a Simcha or other event in which you will be providing layners and/or baalei tefilla for that Shabbat, please let Ben Baskin know so that he can help coordinate the shul part of your event. Contact Ben at BNEI AKIVA No Snif this week due to the FMS HS Retreat and no Chevraya Bet shiur Zach Shabbaton. All 7-8 graders are invited to our regional Shabbaton in Chicago November 21-23. Sign up by November 12th @ Or speak with Ziva Bibbins, Natanel Esraeilian or Netanel and Odelia Afek th Tuesday-8:30pm-Tami Goldberg– YIStark Beit Midrash Wednesday-8:15pm.- Rabbi Blau- Hilchot Shabbat Thursday -9:15pm- Rabbi Yehuda ChanalesGemara- for men and women. *at Green Road Synagogue Rav David Stav - special Shabbat on Dec. 6 . Bnei Akiva Cleveland, joint with the world Mizrachi movement, is excited to announce a special guest coming the weekend of December 5-7: Rav David Stav- For a shabbat about "Why Israel Now? The Challenges Facing Our Generation". This shabbat is joint with Fuchs Mizrachi School, Green Road Synagogue, Young Israel of Greater Cleveland and Cedar Sinai Synagogue.. More details on the flyer. For information and sponsorship please call Netanel and Odelia Afek 216 644 4153 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Bubbes and Babies Bring your children or grandchildren ages 1-4 for an interactive and intergenerational th program. Tuesday, November 18 at 10:30am. and the Montefiore’s Maltz Auditorium. For more information, call Diane Weiner at 216-910-2741 REFUAH SHLEIMA We wish a Refuah Shleima to all who are ill in our community. If anyone would like a name added or removed from the list, they can send an email to Dan Lowenthal at THANK YOU Thank you to our Baalei Teffila for Parshat Va Yera: Yakov Fleischmann for Kabbalat Shabbat, Alex Bailey for Shacharit, Jeff Berenholz for Musaf and Aaron Fleischmann for Mincha. Thank you to our Baalei Keriyah: Eli Meyers and Doniel Ehrenreich FACEBOOK Become a friend of Green Road Synagogue Facebook at CONTACT: Binyamin Blau, Rabbi Melvin Granatstein, Rabbi Emeritus GREEN ROAD SYNAGOGUE 2437 South Green Road Beachwood, Ohio 44122 216-381-4757
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