The Village Shul Weekly Update.. Week of January 9-16, 2015 19-25 Tevet, 5775 In This Issue Mazel Tov to David Barth and Sheryl Gutzin and Family on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Shira! The Village Shul Kiddush is sponsored this Shabbat by David Barth and Sheryl Gutzin in honour of their daughter's THE VILLAGE SHUL MISSION STATEMENT "The mission of The Village Shul & Aish HaTorah Learning Centre is to create a community where each individual can experience Jewish living to enhance personal growth, and where membership is outwardly focused in effecting positive change in the world, according to the vision of Rabbi Noach Weinberg zt"l, our founder." VILLAGE SHUL EVENTS PARASHAT SHEMOT JANUARY 9-10, 2015 19 TEVET, 5775 FRIDAY, JANUARY 9 4:41PM Mincha/Candle-lighting Bat Mitzvah. Seudat Shlishit is sponsored this Shabbat by Sari Herman. Men's Morning Learning is sponsored on Friday, January 9, 2015 by Richard Verman in honour of the 34th Yarhzeit of his father Morris Verman, Moshe ben Shmuel A"H. Rabbi Posen's class on Friday, January 9, 2015 is sponsored by Les and Lisa Aaron in memory of Reb Zale Newman's father Cyril Newman, Reb Yisrael SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 7:40AM Pre-Shacharit Class on the Philosophical Outlook of Rav Dessler with Rabbi Yosef Posen 8:30AM Shacharit Services begin 10:10AM Stairway to Heaven with Reb Zale Newman: "Blessings for Body and Soul" 10:30AM 2-Part Series with Ilana Rubenstein: "Becoming the Greatest You, Part I" 11:10AM Issues @ 11: A Special Presentation by Shira Barth and Dr. David Barth Advanced Ethics Class with Rabbi Yosef Posen: "The Opportunities Afforded by the Darkness Before the Dawn" 11:50AM Communal Kiddush 4:26PM Mincha followed by Seudat Shlishit Newman A"H. 5:38PM Ma'ariv Rabbi Posen's classes are sponsored on Shabbat, January 10, Sunday, January 11 and Monday, January 12, 2015 by David and Debbie Antebi in honour of the Yahrzeit of Debbie's mother Ethel Shifra bat Ze'ev Volf A"H. 5:48PM Havdallah/Shabbat Ends Men's Morning Learning is sponsored for the week of Monday, January 12 to Friday, January 16, 2015 by Barry and Donna Bank in memory of a husband, father, REBBETZIN FAIGY HOCH'S CLASSES IN JANUARY MONDAY, JANUARY 12 and MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 2015 WHERE: At the Hoch home - 754 Briar Hill Avenue WHEN: MORNING CLASSES: 9:30-10:00AM THE LAWS 10:00-11:00AM TORAH OF BLESSINGS PERSONALITIES EVENING CLASSES: 8:00-8:30PM THE LAWS 8:30-9:30PM TORAH OF BLESSINGS PERSONALITIES grandfathe r and greatgrandfathe r, Frank Schwartz, Ephraim ben Noach A"H. Thank you to Deon Kibel and Judi Hoffman for greeting shul-goers on Shabbat. Thank you to our Security Volunteers for taking out time to keep us all safe. Weekday Services for the week of January 11, 2015 Sun Morn: 8:00AM Mon-Fri Morn: 7:00AM Sun-Thurs Eve: 4:45PM Please do your best to help out with our daily Mincha/Ma'a riv! Your attendanc e at
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