Bais Medrash of Bergenfield 371 S Prospect Ave, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 - - Rabbi Moshe Stavsky Shabbos Parshas Tetzaveh שבת זכור February 27 - 28, 2015 ט' אדר תשע"ה Candle Lighting 5:26 PM 5:30 PM Mincha and Kabalas Shabbos Shacharis Hashkama 7:15 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 9:20 AM Main Minyan (& Groups) “Tot Shabbat” Program for ages 3 and younger Sof Zman Krias Shema 2nd Reading of Parshas Zachor GALA Kiddush this week sponsored by Leah and Jonathan Adler in honor of Shira’s Bat Mitzvah Women’s shiur given by the Rabbi 4:15 PM 5:20 PM Mincha Rav’s Shiur + Shalosh Seudos sponsored by the Davidoitch’s Maariv 6:25 PM 6:27 PM Shabbos Ends Sunday – Shacharis Mincha / Maariv Shiur by Nechama Price on the Shevatim, at the Price home Monday – Al Haperek women’s Chaburah lead by Rebbetzin Stavsky at the Isaacson’s 8:30 AM 5:30 PM 8:45 PM 10:00 AM M I R U P March 4 - 5, 2015 י"ד אדר תשע"ה-י"ג Wednesday – The Fast of Esther – תענית אסתר Fast Begins Mincha at BMOB Fast Ends Ma’ariv + Megilla followed by our Purim Chagiga at the LINCOLN SCHOOL 5:13 AM 5:25 PM 6:26 PM 6:25 PM Babysitting for children who are potty trained and are ages 3 and up. Megilla – 2nd reading (at BMOB) 8:30 PM Thursday – ם י ר ו פ Shacharis 1 Megilla 1 Shacharis 2 Megilla 2 Family Visit to Care One Mincha Maariv 7:00 AM ~7:30 AM 8:30 AM ~9:00 AM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 9:00 PM Shul Announcements IMPORTANT REMINDER: There is a biblically ordained commandment for both Men and Women to hear the reading of Parshas Zachor that takes place this week. As such, we will be offering an additional reading of Parshas Zachor, immediately following davening, for those who cannot make it to the first reading. Because of its importance, we urge parents of children who may not be in groups, and have trouble staying quiet, to keep them OUT of the shul during the reading and instead come to the second reading directly after davening, while someone who has already fulfilled the mitzvah watches your child for a minute, outside the shul. We also request that doors remain closed and extra close attention is paid to the noise level directly outside the sanctuary, to allow all those who are in the shul to fulfil this mitzvah properly, with Kavanah, and without interruption. Please pick up your children immediately after the conclusion of mussaf so that the leaders can get to the 2nd reading of Zachor. There will NOT be groups during the 2nd reading of Zachor. Our first-ever for BMOB, Youth Davening Shabbos is taking place THIS SHABBOS. Bar mitzvah age boys in our shul will lead all aspects of the davening on Shabbos, from Davening to Leining and Gabbaus. Mazel Tov to Leah and Jonathan Adler on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Shira! GALA Kiddush this week is sponsored by Leah and Jonathan Adler in honor of Shira’s Bat Mitzvah! Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored by Dafna and Yossie Davidovitch לעילוי נשמתDafna’s mother, Pesha Yetta Bat Yehuda. The bmob sisterhood will be packing shaloch manot Saturday night at 8:00 pm at the home of Rachel Kleinman 8 Alice Place. Please RSVP to if you can come help. Your rsvp will help us know how many bags will still need to be delivered, as we are in the process of creating delivery routes. Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stavsky invite the entire shul to their home (134 Wilbur Road) Purim day, from 11:30am-2:30pm, for a PrePurim Seudah! Please join for singing, divrei Torah and refreshments. May we all be zoche to a month which is transformed "מיגון לשמחה ומאבל ליום טוב," in which we experience individually and communally ישועות ונחמות. We are still looking for any and all volunteers to help with aspects of the chagiga from set up to cleanup and all things in between. We are also looking for people who may be able to offer their talents to help out with entertainment during the chagiga including but not limited to face painting and balloon creations for the kids. Please let Simcha Goldstein or Netti Grauberd know if you can help out. Netti Grauberd - Simcha Goldstein BMOB Purim Chagiga 2015 - Come celebrate Purim with BMOB! On Wednesday night, March 4th, BMOB will be holding Megillah reading at the nearby Lincoln School. Join us for an exciting chagiga immediately afterwards, including pizza, snacks, and entertainment! Reservations are REQUIRED, and the chagiga is FREE for members who have already RSVP’d. If you have not yet replied, or are a non-member or affiliate member, there will be a $25 fee. To RSVP for the chagiga, please fill out the form located at: There will be babysitting from children who are toilet trained and ages 3 and up during the nighttime megillah reading at the Lincoln school. No exceptions. There will be a family visit to Care One on Purim afternoon at 2:30 PM. Details will be forthcoming. We have the opportunity to host the well-known singer Shim Craimer on the first Shabbos in the beginning of March. In addition to leading tefilos, he would lead the singing at a Friday night oneg and at Shalosh Seudos. We are looking for sponsors who would like to contribute to what we hope will be an inspiring and uplifting Shabbos. Please email Yisroel Hochberg if you would like to contribute. Thanks. Youth Department To celebrate your child’s birthday at groups please e-mail Please email Noah Bender ( and/or Akiva Wolk ( if you would like information on volunteer opportunities or sponsoring of events going on in the Youth Committee. Please Note: At least one parent or guardian must be in the shul AT ALL TIMES while their child is attending groups. Nursery: 371 House Pre K – 2nd Grade: 385 (new) House 3rd – 5th Grade Girls: 385 (new) House 3rd-5th Grade Boys: Shul basement beginning after Kedusha Please pick up your child as soon as davening is over, before attending the kiddush. All children must be toilet trained. Once in groups, children are not permitted to return to shul, unless picked up by a parent. Parents of children in the youth house must pick up their children before going to the Kiddush. Children will not be released to siblings. No outside food will be allowed into groups. Shul Notices Kiddush sponsorship: $150 (Basic / cold food); $440 (Hot / chulent & kugel); $575 (Gala). Shalosh Seudos sponsorship: $100. Please e-mail Jason Pfeiffer ( to reserve your Shabbos. ************ Membership: Please send your membership dues and building fund payments for the fiscal year to Joel Krinitz as soon as possible. There will be envelopes for this purpose in the entryway of the shul. Annual dues are $700 for each member family and $275 for each affiliate member family, and the building fund for each member family is $1,000 per year for eight years. Please send checks to 139 Dudley Drive, Bergenfield NJ. As always, anyone who is unable to pay these amounts due to financial hardship should contact Joel Krinitz ( or Yale Baron ( to arrange for an alternative arrangement. Please note that you can now make all payments/donations to the Shul via the Shul’s Paypal account: ************ Our Sisterhood arranges meals for members with new babies. If you are interested in making a meal or would like to have meals arranged for your family, please contact Rachel Neufeld ( or Daffy Yahalom ( To get involved in the sisterhood please email Sarit Glass and Esther Slomnicki at ************* Welcoming Committee: There have been many new faces in our shul over the course of the past few months. In order to make it easier for new families to be properly welcomed, we have created this new email account. We ask all of you to join in our efforts by contacting Chavi Satz or Leah Gottlieb at if you know of a new family that has moved into the community. Another initiative that we would like to institute is to ensure that each new BMOB family be welcomed into the home of a current BMOB family for a shabbos meal. If you would be interested in hosting a new family at any point (this is not a commitment), please email the welcoming committee to gather your information. ************* With your help, we look forward to continuing our efforts to establish a warm and welcoming shul. Message from the Bergenfield Police Department: Please use the crosswalks when crossing. Also, please make eye contact with drivers to ensure they are stopping, and when the vehicles stop, proceed swiftly across the street, paying attention to traffic at all times. Please wear bright clothing, especially at night time, or utilize reflective tape on yourself and strollers. ************* Community Announcements Heichal HaTorah and the Jewish Center of Teaneck invite the entire community to dance, sing and rejoice in the Purim spirit with the talmidim and Rabbeim of Heichal. Our Chagigah will be on Wednesday night, March 4, from 9:30 PM to 12:30 AM, in the main ballroom of the Jewish Center of Teaneck. Music and dancing will be led by inspirational singer, Eitan Katz. Persian food will be served. ************* Download the Benjamin and Rose Berger Purim To-Go® 5775 from Yeshiva University – This issue of Torah for Purim, dedicated in memory of Herb Smilowitz ז"ל, who was a long-standing member of the board of RIETS, by his loving wife and children, includes the following articles: Mordechai and Esther: The Evolution of a Relationship - Rabbi Yosef Blau (Senior Mashgiach Ruchani, Yeshiva University). Amalek and Yitro: What's the connection? - Dr. Lisa Fredman (Principal, YTA Girls’ High School in Jerusalem). The Meaning of Ta’anit Esther - Based on a sicha by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein (Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivat Har Etzion • Honorary Rosh Yeshiva, RIETS and Honorary Director of the Gruss Institute). The Origin of Mishloach Manot - Rabbi Menachem Penner (Max and Marion Grill Dean, RIETS • Rabbi, Young Israel of Holliswood). The Meaning of Mishlo’ach Manot - Rabbi Mark Smilowitz (Faculty, YTA Girls’ High School in Jerusalem). The Intrigue Behind Mordechai's Approval Rating - Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler (Senior Rabbi, Congregation Ahawas Achim B’nai Jacob and David, West Orange, NJ). Download the publication for free at The Benjamin and Rose Berger Torah To-Go is a project of Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future. ************* On Shabbat, March 14, 2015 from 4:00-6:00 pm, Cong. Rinat Yisrael will join with Cong. Beth Sholom in a pre-Pesach Community Beit Midrash, taking place in the Rinat Social Hall. This unique partnership will bring together members from each synagogue for a study program whose participants will engage in small groups to study a number of Jewish texts related to the overarching theme of "How Jews Relate to our Enemies". Texts will include the Haggadah, passages from the Talmud, midrashim and modern commentaries. The materials will be available in their original language as well as in English translation, enabling participants at all levels of Jewish knowledge and familiarity with classical sources to take an active part. Rabbi Yosef Adler (Rinat Yisrael) and Rabbi Joel Pitkowsky (Beth Sholom) will conclude the program by addressing the assembled. Planned collaboratively by a committee with representatives from both shuls' Adult Education Committees, the program is offered at no charge and community members from other synagogues are welcome to attend. ************* Yeshivat Noam invites the entire community to celebrate at the 13th Annual Dinner on Tuesday night, March 17th at Congregation Keter Torah. Join to pay tribute to outstanding honorees: Sheva & Dov Adler, Deborah & Eitan Fiorino, Ilissa Green and Rachel Levy. To make your reservation and/or contribution, please register at or call 201-261-1919 x126. ************* To include an announcement, please send it to by Thursday at 10:00 AM. To join our email list, send an e-mail to with your name and home address.
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