PARSHAS MISHPATIM SHABBOS SHEKALIM 25 SHEVAT 5775 FEBRUARY 14, 2015 Torah Portion by Rabbi Kalman Packouz One of the most mitzvah-filled Torah portions, containing 23 positive commandments and 30 negative commandments. Included are laws regarding: the Hebrew manservant and maidservant, manslaughter, murder, injuring a parent, kidnapping, cursing a parent, personal injury, penalty for killing a slave, personal damages, injury to slaves, categories of damages and compensatory restitution, culpability for personal property damage, seduction, occult practices, idolatry, oppression of widows, children and orphans. The portion continues with the laws of: lending money, not cursing judges or leaders, tithes, first-born sons, justice, returning strayed animals, assisting the unloading of an animal fallen under its load, Sabbatical year, Shabbat, the Three Festivals (Pesach, Shavuot & Succot). Mishpatim concludes with the promise from the Almighty to lead us into the land of Israel, safeguard our journey, ensure the demise of our enemies and guarantee our safety in the land -- if we uphold the Torah and do the mitzvot. Moses makes preparations for himself and for the people and then ascends Mt. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. Rosh Chodesh Women’s Learning NEXT SHABBAT: February 21st Guest Speaker: Bee Braude T o p i c : “I am Jewish” Approximately 11am Rabbi Joseph Kanofsky, Ph.D. Mincha/Kab.Shabbat: 5:25pm Candlelighting: 5:26pm 9:15 am Shacharit: Tot Program: 11am Stone p. 416 Torah Reader: Paul Slodovnick Hertz p. 352 Mincha: 5:10pm Maariv/Havdala: 6:30pm Chumash: Hertz p. 306 Maftir: Stone p. 484 Haftorah: Hertz p. 992 Stone p. 1212 The entire congregation is invited to the Davidson Social Hall for Kiddush immediately following services. ———— Kiddush this week is sponsored by Michelle & Arin Klug on the occasion of the birth of a baby girl. SAVE THE DATE ——————————————————————————————————————— WOMEN’S DAY OF LEARNING 2015 In memory of Irene Zion, z”l Sunday, April 26 “Passion: Friend or Foe?” Speakers: Rifka Sonenberg and Ilana Rubenstein Sponsorships Welcome Contact Esther Schwartz Luft : MAZEL TOV To Michelle & Arin Klug on the birth of a baby girl and to the proud grandparents: Sharon Klug, Edda & Ron Laxer & the great grandparents WEEK @ A GLANCE Sunday, Feb. 15 Shacharis 8a To Andrea & Daniel Lipton on the birth of a baby girl, Shoshana Sima (Annabel Rose) and to the proud grandparents: Lawrie & Lydia Lipton and Sendor & Rosalie Herschorn Monday, Feb. 16 To Michael Glina & Jenna Laskin Glina on the birth of a baby boy, Cooper Aaron and to the proud grandparents: Charles & Zana Glina, John Laskin and Holly Goren Laskin & the Great Grandmother, Bernice Goren Shacharis 7:00a Books with Dr. Ed Pakes Wed. Feb. 25th: 7:30pm FAMILY DAY Shacharis 8:00a Tuesday, Feb. 17 Wednesday, Feb. 18 Shacharis 7:00a Thursday, Feb. 19 ROSH CHODESH Shacharis 6:45a Friday, Feb. 20 ROSH CHODESH ADAR Shacharis 6:45a Breakfast Learning 7:45a Candlelighting 5:36p Mincha/Kab Shabbos 5:40p Shabbat, Feb. 21 TERUMAH Shacharis 9:15a Tot Program 11:00a Mincha 5:20p Maariv/Havdala 6:39p SAVE THE DATE Tues. June 2nd, 2015 KST / JACS ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS, PLAYERS & SPONSORS CONTACT: Daniel Lipton PLEASE NOTE: ALL members’ announcements in the weekly bulletin need to be submitted in writing with all relevant names and the occasion via email or fax to the office by Wed. mornings at 9am. SAVE THE DATE ed r e t a C Fully Shabbat HaGadol Friday, March 27th $36 pp (13 and up $10: 3-12) Sponsorships opportunities available SPACE IS LIMITED - Contact Office to RSVP ST B A C K AT K MUSSAR MONDAYS With Rabbi Michael Skobac MONDAYS 7:30pm: Upcoming: Feb 23 Mar 2, 9, 16, 2015 Rabbi Michael Skobac was educated at Northwestern University and Yeshiva University. He has been involved in informal Jewish education and outreach work since 1975. Rabbi Skobac was the founding director of Kiruv, the campus outreach arm of the Rabbinical Council of America, and has worked as a campus professional with Hillel groups in Philadelphia, New York and Toronto. He has specialized in countermissionary work since 1983, establishing the New York branch of Jews for Judaism and serving as a consultant to the New York Jewish Community Relations Council Task Force on Missionaries and Cults. Rabbi Skobac is currently the Senior Counselor and Director of Education for the Canadian branch of Jews for Judaism. P eople often wonder what Jewish prayer, holidays and dietary regulations have to do with becoming a more sensitive, patient, grateful and generous person who enjoys a life of inner peace. This sixweek class will explore the increasingly popular Jewish teachings of personal growth and transformation known as Mussar. On our journey we will include classical and modern Mussar texts and discover practical tools to help us lead more spiritual and satisfying lives.
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