Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Vayikra/ Rosh Chodesh Nissan/ Parashat HaChodesh Erev Shabbat Schedule 7:14 PM 6:45 PM Shabbat Schedule Hashkama Minyan 7:30 AM Shabbat Morning Drasha Rabbi Zvi Kahn Main Minyan 9:00 AM NO TEEN MINYAN Rabbi Avi Bossewitch Shiur 6:15 PM Mincha: 7:05 PM Maariv: 8:00 PM Shabbat Ends 8:06 PM Daily Schedule Candle Lighting Mincha Sunday - Friday Week of nd March 22 Weekday Shacharit: 7:00 & 8:00 AM Weekday Mincha/Maariv 7:25 PM Rabbi Bixon’s Weekday Classes Women’s Parshat ClassTuesdays at 9:15 AM Men’s Advanced TalmudWednesdays at 8:00 PM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Micky Dalfin, Bernice Stauber, Martin Wasserman, Benjamin Lazerson, Harold Tokayer HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO: Laurie & Jack Miller, Rosalie & Rabbi Zvi Rosenbaum, Ronalee & Russel Galbut, Elaine & Robert Grover, Rhonda & Thomas Weiss This Shabbat Rabbi Zvi Kahn TITLE Shabbat Morning Drasha “The Importance of Making Sacrifices in a Modern World” And Rabbi Avi Bossewitch TITLE Shabbat Afternoon Shiur at 6:15 PM “Moshe: The Makings of a Redeemer and the Dimensions of Redemption” Mazal Tov to: - Mazal Tov to Brenda & Jeffrey Eisner on the birth of a grandson to their children, Chana Bluma & Zachary Eisner ____________________________________________________________ -Rhoda & Dr. Lee Goldberg on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Akiva Rosenthal. Mazal Tov to parents Sara & Daniel Rosenthal. Extra Mazal Tov on behalf of their grandchildren Leor Levenson and Lana Rosenthal whose Hidon achievements earned them both invitations to the National Hidon In New York _______________________________________________________________ -Rona and Rabbi Dovid Holzer on the engagement of their son, Tuvia, to Shiffy Kastel of Monsey, NY. _________________________________________________________________ -Judi and Sandy Saka on the upcoming wedding of their son, Jacob to Talia Subin of Teaneck NJ _______________________________________________________________ - Malkah & Harold Tokayer on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Lizzy, daughter of Wendy & Jeff Tokayer of North Miami Beach, Florida. This Week’s Announcements Are Sponsored by Nina and J. Jerry Schechter and family in commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Nina's beloved mother, Celia Sadovnik a”h Hashkama Minyan kiddush is sponsored in honor of Harold Litwin’s bar mitzvah anniversary by his children Efrem, Dov and Chanee, Avi and Sharona Howard Abrahams – President March 21st 1 Nisan 5775 Seudat Shlishit is Sponsored by Rita & Robert Galbut in beloved memory of Bertha Trapkin a”h Sorah Baila bas Shimon, aunt great aunt and great-great aunt of Rita & Robert Galbut, Brian & Adina Galbut and family, Kimberly & Seth Frohlich and family, Alexandra & Noam Lipshitz and family, and Erica & Ari Newman and family. Shabbat Hagadol Drasha March 28th 7:00 pm “Mishenichnas Adar Marbin B’simcha” Dedicated in memory of: Batya Bat Moshe Mrs. Bessie Galbut a”h Remember to sell your Chametz If you wish to do so through the Shul, please fill out the “Power of Attorney Form” that can be found on our website. Deadline: April 1st Hagallat Keilim on Sunday, March 29th from 9:00 to 11:00 am in the Beth Israel Kitchen Upcoming Scholar in Residence th April 18 Mr. Herb Keinon Columnist for the Jerusalem Post Sponsored by Gale and Lanny Grobman VOTE TORAH Make your voice heard! Vote for the Religious Zionist Slate Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Vayikra/ Rosh Chodesh Nissan/ Parashat HaChodesh Sergeant Benjamin Anthony will be addressing the Congregation after davening next Shabbat March 28th Dara and Oren Lieber Ashleigh and Mark Muhlrad Lauren and Joe Saka Youth Program Announcements: We would like to thank Dr. Ari Ciment for taking the time this past week to build two shelves for our youth house. We are almost there, we could use some more volunteers... Shabbat morning Pre- Groups @ 9:15 am Shabbat Morning Youth Groups @ 9:45 am Afternoon groups is here! Begins each week 45 minutes before Mincha. HELP WANTED: Anyone good with a screwdriver and instructions to help put together some new small shelves and toy tables for our Youth House. A great way for parent/child quality chesed time. Please see Rabbi G. for details. Beth Israel Birthday Club would like to wish a B.I.G. happy birthday to our Adar and Nissan birthday kids: ADINA BAILA DALFIN YONA AHARON KLEIN AVRAHAM MUHLRAD CHANA AVIGAYIL HOFFMAN YAKOV CHAIM ROTH CHAYA ESTHER SUSTER TZIPPORA SAKA ELLA TURETZSKY CHAYA TOVA SAKA CHANI GOTTLIEB YEHUDA SAKA ZAHARA UZIT LEHMAN YOEL YITZCHOK LEHMAN AIDEN GAVRIEL LIEBER MOSHE YOSEF BOSSEWICH AVROHOM SIMCHA BOSSEWICH YOEL YITZCHOK LEHMAN ATARA HINDI MARKOE SHMUEL CIMENT YONA MUHLRAD RUTH CHAYA KRUGER Thank you to the following families who helped sponsor this month’s Birthday Kiddush Shuli and Rabbi Avi Bossewitch Elissa and Ari Ciment Miriam and Daniel Hoffman Jean and Marc Lehmann Leah and Zvi Klein Shana and Joel Kruger Thank you to Elaine & Judge Robert Grover for donating accessories for our kitchen set. Our youth appreciates it! Thank you to Lennys Pizza for supporting our Purim Carnival. Our youth house is looking for further upgrades. Our toy wish list is: Legos and Children Bookcase, posters and signs to decorate If you would like to sponsor any of the above in honor, or in memory of a loved one please contact Rabbi G. Dvar Torah by: Dr. Ari Ciment ְשּ ַכר הַ לִ יכַ ה בְּ יַד ֹו, ה ֹולֵך וְ אֵ ינו עושֶּ ה: “He who goes and does not practice, gets reward for going” (AVOS 4:14) Even without doing anything at shul or place of study, a person gets reward?!? How So? lets analyze... ֹ וּמָ ֲעלָה מַ עַ ל בַּ יקוָק; וְ כִ חֵ שׁ בַּ ע ֲִמ יתו,נֶפֶ שׁ כִּ י תֶ חֱ ָטא - עָ ַשׁק אֶ ת, א ֹו,שׂוּמת יָד א ֹו בְ גָזֵ ל ֶ בִ ְת- א ֹו,בְּ פִ ָקּדוֹן ֹ( ע ֲִמיתוVayikra 5:21) “If any one sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD, and deal falsely with his neighbour in a matter of deposit, or of pledge, or of robbery, or have oppressed his neighbour” Why does G-d interject וּמָ ֲעלָה מַ עַ ל בַּ יקוָק and not just simply state “if a man sins by dealing falsely with his friend”- what is added by that seemingly obvious phrase? The answer is derived from understanding why Bezaelel the grandson of Hur was the backbone of assembling the Mishkan and why the first pasuk of the actual completion of the mishkan in last weeks parsha read “ ,אֲ ָדנָיו- וַ יִּ ֵתּן אֶ ת,הַ ִמּ ְשׁכָּן-וַיָּ ֶקם מֹשֶׁ ה אֶ ת ,בְּ ִריחָ יו; ַויָּ ֶקם- וַ יִּ ֵתּן אֶ ת, ְק ָר ָשׁיו-וַ יָּשֶׂ ם אֶ ת מּוּדיו ָ ַע-אֶ ת...... Howard Abrahams – President March 21st 1 Nisan 5775 “And Moses brought up the tabernacle, and laid its sockets, and set up the boards thereof, and put in the bars thereof, and brought up its pillars” Hur understood the power of positive attitude/philosophy/encouragement as he (along with Aharon) lifted up Moshe’s hand during the war against the Amalekites. As long as the Jews saw Moshe’s hands up, they were “uplifted” and were able to make key advances. Before assembling the Mishkan, G-d wanted someone who would perpetuate a constant positive encouragement. Similarly, the Talmud states that even though the Mishkan was brought up and down, it records only that Moshe “brought it up”, again highlighting the concept of “positivity” during the very first interaction with the Mishkan! The concept ִ ( מַ עֲלִ ין בַּ קו ֶֹדש וְ אֵ ין מו ִֹרliterally of ידין refers to going up in holiness and not downi.e: you cannot write a mezuzah out of a sefer torah cloth etc.) actually derives from here! Perhaps one homiletic way to understand (similar to an approach by the )אוֹר הַ חַ יים “ ֹוּמָ ֲעלָה מַ עַ ל בַּ יקוָק; וְ כִ חֵ שׁ בַּ ע ֲִמ יתו ...בִ ְתשׂוּמֶ ת יָד- א ֹו, ”בְּ פִ ָקּדוֹןthen is that if one deals negatively with places of G-d, then this can trickle down to how he deals with his neighbors. If you have a negative attitude towards G-d’s places, you will inevitably have negative interactions with your fellow man. Conversely, a Hur-like positivity-engendering approach personified by Moshe’s first act with the Mishkan ( וַיָּ ֶקם... )וַיָּ ֶקםdirected to our holy shuls and schools saves us from sinning with man!! In this way, even without saying a single word of prayer in shul, I can get reward for going because I am demonstrating the prerequisite positive attitude directed to a house of G-d- !!!!!!!! ְֹשּכַר הַ לִ יכַה בְּ יַדו Takeaway message: A message in this week’s Parsha is that if we deal positively (say nice things about, engender good feelings, avoid speaking negatively regarding its leaders etc..) with our very shuls and schools, we are actually saved from sinning with our fellow man. Homiletically again G-d assures us: מַ עֲלִ ין, בַּ קוֹדֶ שif you accord high respect for the ִ אֵ ין מו ִֹר, things that are Kodesh, then ידין you cant possibly fall!!!!
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