Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Vayeshev ,n z xz Howard Abrahams – President December 5st 2015 23rd Kislev 5776 P Erev Shabbat Schedule 5:12 PM 5:20 PM Shabbat Schedule Hashkama Minyan 7:30 AM Main Minyan 9:00 AM Kriyat Shema 9:31 AM Teen Minyan 9:30 AM Rabbi Bixon’s Class 4:20 PM Mincha: 5:05 PM Maariv 6:00 PM Shabbat Ends 6:07 PM Father Son Learning 50 minutes after Shabbat ends in Ahavas Torah Candle Lighting Mincha This Saturday night begin saying V’Tein Tal Umatar L’Bracha at Maariv. The First night of Chanukah is th Sunday December 6 th Sun. Dec. 6 – Fri. Dec. 11th Shacharit: 7:00 & 8:00 AM Mincha: Monday – Thursday 5:20 PM Weekday Class Schedule Tuesday, Wed, Thurs. 6:20 AM Masechet Avodah Zarah Shiur Tuesday at 9:15 am Women’s Parsha Class Wednesday at 8:00 PM Advanced Talmud Class HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Helene Berkowitz, Sandy Saka, Ibolya Wiesel, Gloria Bierman, Hailey Deutsch, Ari Newman, Daniella Stern HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO: Rivkie and Ozer Simon Janie and Mark Hayes Upcoming Scholar in Residence December 14th at 8:00 pm Q&A With Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg Sponsored by Helen and Dr. Larry Ciment Elissa and Dr. Ari Ciment _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shabbat January 9th Dr. David Pelcovitz Sponsored by Gale and Dr. Lanny Grobman Mazal Tov To -Bunny and Julius Sand on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Jack Leser Mazal Tov to parents Tiva and Lior Leser -Drs. Angela and Edward Gologorsky on the birth of a grandson born to their children Leah and Jake Gologorsky. Seudat Shlishit is Sponsored By: Elaine and Marc Birnbaum & family in commemoration of the 5th yahrtzeit of their mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Emily Birnbaum a”h Teen Minyan Kiddush is Sponsored by Velvy Posner and Family in gratitude and appreciation for all of Jonathan's friends who have been so helpful to him over the last two months Saturday Night Dec. 12th 7:30 pm 7th night of Chanukah Soul Farm Band Kumzitz Concert and Bonfire At Beth Israel Congregation __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Noah Solomon will be joining us all Shabbat, Parshat Miketz For a Soul Farm led davening SAVE THE DATE Beth Israel Congregation Annual Dinner Honoring Leah and Zvi Klein Keter Shem Tov Award Rabbi Zvi Rosenbaum Keter Torah Award Saturday night February 6th at 8:30 pm New Board Member Elections th Dec. 20 if you are interested to run for the Beth Israel Board please contact the office Youth Program Announcements Teen Seudat Shlishit is available for sponsorship Pre-Groups begin @ 9:15 Regular Groups begin @ 9:45 #TeamChesed - Gearing up for another monthly chesed - Kislev Chanukah edition will be extra special. Group will be accompanied by Rabbi G., Mathew Turetsky and other adult chaperones are welcome! At 3:15Pm at Beth Israel to Head to Mt Sinai hospital - Join us as we stop off at the Sakas for Slurpees after such an amazing Mitzvah Our Junior Cong. Parsha Battle Competition is heated up and series is 2 -2, This Shabbos will decide the champs! This best of 5 series continues Shabbos and winners get a special dinner trip to a local restaurant! Friday Night continues our 6 week Friday Night Youth Minyan for kabbalat shabbat. Taking place in Shul/Beit Midrash – Children of all ages are welcome! Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Vayeshev Child friendly davening, prizes and lots of fun! Thank you to Lisi and Daniel Wolfson for hosting and so generously giving of their time, home and energy to Mission Chanuka Bikur Cholim B.I.G. Time! Thank you to our Elissa and Ari Ciment for sponsoring the event Beth Israel Youth Department will be offering a Krav Maga Self Defense class for families - join us Sundays at 5:30 in the youth house. $10 per session per person. 6 week commitment necessary - (Sunday of Chanukah will be postponed) Our first week was a huge success. As our instructor taught the ins and outs of proper self defense mechanisms. Primary age 12 and up. Fathers, Uncles and Grandfathers welcome to join their children. See flier or Rabbi G. for more details. DVAR TORAH BY: DR. ARI CIMENT HOW DID YOSEF KNOW THE CUPBEARER WAS GOING TO LIVE AND THE BAKER TO DIE? EASY... ַ וּבו ֵֹרח,מוּרה ַ ַהֶ וֵ י ַרץ לְ ִמ ְצוַ וה ָקלַה כְּ ח:בן עזאי אומר ירה גו ֶֹר ֶרת ַ ֵ וְ עַ ב, ֶש ִמ ְצוַ וה גו ֶֹר ֶרת ִמ ְצוַ וה.ירה ַ ִֵמן הָ עֲב ...ירה ַ ֵעַ ב Ben Azzai would say: Run to pursue a minor mitzvah, and flee from a transgression. For a mitzvah brings another mitzvah, and a transgression brings another transgression.... Question: I understand running to pursue a mitzvah, but why do I need to flee from sinhow about just avoiding sin? 2nd question: The Gemara Brachos 57a says that if you dream that you are standing naked in Israel, it is a sign that you are “naked of merits”!? Is it because you are naked in the dream?!?!? Howard Abrahams – President December 5st 2015 23rd Kislev 5776 ANSWER/ANALYSIS: The answers and a profound lesson is found in our parsha by analyzing the dreams (and their repective interpretations) of the Cupbearer and Baker: -וַ יְ סַ פֵּ ר ַשׂר....וַ יַּחַ לְ מוּ חֲ לוֹם ְשׁנֵיהֶ ם ִאישׁ חֲ �מ ֹו ,בַּ חֲ לו ִֹמי-- לְ יוֹסֵ ף; וַ יֹּאמֶ ר ל ֹו,חֲ �מ ֹו-הַ מַּ ְשׁ ִקים אֶ ת - בְּ י ִָדי; וָאֶ ַקּח אֶ ת,וְ כוֹס פַּ ְרעֹה....גֶפֶ ן לְ פָ נָי-וְ ִהנֵּה - וָאֶ ֵתּן אֶ ת,כּוֹס פַּ ְרעֹה- וָאֶ ְשׂחַ ט אֹתָ ם אֶ ל,הָ ֲענָבִ ים זֶ ה,וַ יֹּאמֶ ר ל ֹו יוֹסֵ ף....כַּף פַּ ְרעֹה- עַ ל,הַ כּוֹס - יִ ָשּׂא פַ ְרעֹה אֶ ת,�שׁת י ִָמים ֶ בְּ עוֹד ְשׁ....פִּ ְתרֹנ ֹו ....�ֹאשׁ ֶ ר And they dreamed a dream both of them... and the Cupbearer told his dream to Yosef and said “ Pharaoh's cup was in my hand; and I took the grapes, and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand”...And Joseph said unto him: 'This is the interpretation of it: the three branches are three days; within yet three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy head, and restore thee unto thine office ,יוֹסֵ ף- אֶ ל, כִּ י טוֹב פָּ תָ ר; וַ יֹּאמֶ ר,הָ אֹפִ ים-וַ יּ ְַרא ַשׂר -�שׁה סַ לֵּי ח ִֹרי עַ ל ָ וְ ִהנֵּה ְשׁ,אֲ ִני בַּ חֲ לו ִֹמי-אַף מַ ע ֲֵשׂה-- ִמכֹּל ַמאֲ כַל פַּ ְרעֹה,וּבַ סַּ ל הָ עֶ לְ יוֹן....ֹאשׁי ִ ר מֵ עַ ל--הַ ַסּל-א ֵכל אֹתָ ם ִמן ֹ ,אֹפֶ ה; וְ הָ עוֹף �ֹאשׁ ְ ר- יִ ָשּׂא פַ ְרעֹה אֶ ת,�שׁת י ִָמים ֶ בְּ עוֹד ְשׁ...ֹאשׁי ִ ר ;עֵ ץ- עַ ל,� וְ תָ לָה או ְֹת,�מֵ עָ לֶי When the Chief Baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said unto Joseph: 'I also saw in my dream, and, behold, three baskets of white bread were on my head;... the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head...within yet three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy head from off thee, and shall hang thee on a tree; and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee... (Breishis;40 5-19) How did Yosef know how to interpret those dreams of the Cupbearer and Baker? The standard answer is that normally birds are naturally fearful of approaching humans. Since in the Cupbearer’s dream, the birds ate directly from the head of the Cupbearer, it was the clear sign to Joseph that he was a “walking dead man”! But I prefer a different approach. The Cupbearer’s dream was full of action where he was constantly on the move-> "I took the grapes, and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave” ( וָאֶ ְשׂחַ ט,הָ ֲענָבִ ים-וָאֶ ַקּח אֶ ת וָאֶ ֵתּן,כּוֹס פַּ ְרעֹה-)אֹתָ ם אֶ ל. On the other hand, the Baker was completely passive and the birds did all the work--> “he birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head” (ֹאשׁי ִ מֵ עַ ל ר--הַ ַסּל-אכֵל אֹתָ ם ִמן ֹ ,)וְ הָ עוֹף. Life is defined by actions. Being passive is being dead to the world. Pardon the cliche: When you are green, you are growing and when you are ripe, you are rotting! The reason our Tanna in Avos says you should run towards a mitzvah and should flee sin (as opposed to merely “avoid sin”) may also be likewise to demonstrate that action is needed at all times to stave off degradation. Standing still is a recipe for depreciation. Active steps are needed to ensure we don’t inevitably decline. This may also be why the Gemara in Berachos says that if you dream of yourself standing naked, it is a bad sign. If you dream that you can just get by unscathed by standing still despite the currents pulling you down, you will inevitably decline. The Gemara is hinting that we each need to take active steps (go to shiurim, bikur cholim, classes, invest in kids education etc) or we risk inevitable abasement. TAKEAWAY MESSAGES: When Ben Azzai says you need to flee from a sin as you need to run towards a mitzvah, he may have purposely taught us the lesson that inaction is unacceptable, akin to negative action. Yosef recognized that the Cupbearer was going to live and the Baker was to die because the Cupbearer’s dream was full of action whilst the Baker was passive. The dreamer in Berachos 57a who dreams of himself/herself standing naked is perhaps naked by virtue of the standing! WHEN YOU DREAM, MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT STANDING STILL!!!! COMMUNITY NEWS WIZO KOSHER FOOD & WINE Turnberry Hotel Country Club December 15th 6:00 pm VP/ 7:00 General Admission Proceeds benefit thousands of children and women in the state of Israel.
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