December 20, 2014 Shabbat Chanukah - Parshat Mikeitz 28 Kislev, 5775 Welcoming the upcoming month of Tevet ‐ Rosh Chodesh is Monday‐Tuesday Please note that our services use the Artscroll Sabbath & Festival Siddur (prayer book) Torah & Haftorah readings may be found in either the Hertz or the Artscroll edition Chumash. Hertz Artscroll Continuing Education Parshat Miketz: Genesis 41:1‐44:17 p.155 p.222 Rabbi Bier’s morning class meets daily in Maftir Aliyah: Bamidbar 7:30‐35 p.598 p.768 the library after breakfast. Special Haftorah: Zechariah 2:14‐4: p.987 p.1210 Talmud Cafe Mondays, 1pm Pre-Kiddush Parsha Performance by the Heritage Academy (Frieder Mem. at Ruth’s House Drama Club. Welcome students, faculty, and families! Talmud Shiur) Next Class Dec. 22 Kiddush this morning is sponsored by the shul. with Rabbi Davis Mondays 8:00pm Eunice Dr. Talmud Class by Dr. Ira Pollack 2:55pm Monday Night Next class: Dec. 22 Forest Park Shabbat Class by Rabbi Wolff 3:00pm Talmud Chabura Tractate Sanhedrin Shabbat Shabang for Kids in partnership with the JCC 3:00pm with R. Bier at the JCC Playscape. Studies in the Tuesdays 7:00pm Greater Springfield Shabbat Afternoon Women’s Class 4:00pm Weekly Parsha Next class: Dec. 23 Home of Joanne Brown, 40 Morgan Ridge, Longmeadow with Rabbi Davis Mincha/Seudah Shlishis is sponsored by Arie Shteyntsayg & History, Halacha & Wednesdays 7:30pm Inna Stein in observance of the 6th yahrzeit of Arie’s father, Hashkafa with Next class: Dec. 24 Isaak Shteyntsayg (Yitzchak ben Eliezer) 3:55pm Rabbi Moshe Bier Forest Park D’var Torah by Dan Garfield Eunice Dr. Divrei Torah by Arie Shteyntsayg & HHNE student David Yashgur Shabbat Concludes/Havdalah 5:01pm Please recite Havdalah before lighting Chanukah candles. Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to Alan Goodman and family on the engagement of daughter Ilisa Goodman to Boaz Zilallonga. Mazal Tov to last night's raffle winners! Thank you to all who supported the event and especially to our dedicated core of volunteers and sponsors. Complete list TBA. Beruchim HaBa’im – Welcome Guests Welcome Rabbi Gary Lavit, Chaplain Emeritus of Hebrew Health Care, Hartford. Welcome Heritage Academy Drama Club, faculty, and fans. Got guests? Let us know in the office so we can welcome them to CBT! Thank you to all who helped make this past week’s Chanukah Raffle such a success, including volunteers, sponsors, and participants. Special thanks to Rose Mary Swart, Alan Goodman, Betty Szlajen, Lisa Nascembeni, and Joel Creeger. Please see separate flier with full list of volunteers and sponsoring organizations. We deeply appreciate your support! THIS SUNDAY Dec. 21, 9am – 5th Day of Chanukah Katz Family Chanukah Breakfast Featuring Guest Entertainer Mark Binder Delicious...Free...Fun...Appropriate for all ages! With gratitude to Leon & Ina Herman for your generosity and initiative. Mark Binder writes and tells stories for a living. He is the author who knows how to tell the right story for readers and listeners of any age. He has an eclectic collection of styles and interests, ranging from modern takes on traditional stories to bedtime favorites and even some autobiographical tall tales. Kids with Candles Mon. 12/22 Students of all ages ‐ Light Chanukah candles and enjoy refreshments with Yehuda Edry at our local Jewish sr. homes. Jewish Life Care 3:45pm Ruth’s House 4:15pm Adults welcome too!Thank you Yehuda Edry and Gerry Canter for facilitating this outstanding program. Shabbat, 1/17 Shabbaton with Rabbi Yossi Pollak Rabbi Yossi Pollak is Director of Synagogue and School Outreach in the Northeast United States for Koren Publishers. Yossi graduated from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School in 2005 and served in pulpits in DC, the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and Westport, CT, as well as teaching at day schools in Brooklyn, NY, Bridgeport, CT, and East Brunswick, NJ. He is most passionate about inspiring tefillah! Yossi lives in White Plains, NY with his wife Brooke and daughters Nava and Avital. Shabbat, 1/24 Guest Speaker Mr. Justus Uwayesu Orphaned at age 3 by the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Justus survived on his own in a Kigali garbage dump. He scavenged food scraps from garbage trucks, twice nearly losing his life, until age 10. It was then that he approached a visiting aid worker and announced “I want to go to school.” Justus is now a freshman at Harvard, an activist for children of poverty, and a hero in his own right. He was featured in October on the front page of the NY Times. In Our Family Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary Samra Gotlib, Faye Orenstein, Joseph Asher. Drs. Barry & Paula Izenstein, 40 yrs. Arthur & Kitty Levi, 67 yrs. Refu’ah Shleimah – Speedy Recovery Nachum ben Devorah, Gertrude Weiner, Shifra bas Rachel, Rose Mary Swart, Hy Neigher, Janna bat Beracha v’Yitzchak. We observe the following Yahrzeits Otto Damb, Fannie Davis, William Kaiser, Anne Filler, Rose Shapiro, Mabel Sheinheit, Dr. Walter Tauber, Frank Bloomberg, Morris Gerstein, Minnie Petluck, Harry L. Rosen, Sam Scalin, Dora Cohen, Harry David Davis, Mildred Grodsky, Ida Heit, Bella Miller, Samuel Chester, Ethel Gilbert, Morris Kimball, Charles Resnick. Services for the Week of December 21, 2014 Shacharit ‐ Morning Services Minchah & Maariv ‐ Afternoon & Evening Services Sunday 8:00am Sunday 4:05pm Monday, Tuesday (Rosh Chodesh) 6:45am Friday 4:10pm Wednesday 6:45am Friday Shabbat Candle Lighting (12/26) 4:06pm Thursday 8:00am Friday 7:00am All weekday services are held at 2 Eunice Dr., Longmeadow Congregation B’nai Torah Two Eunice Drive Longmeadow, Massachusetts 01106 / Forest Park Shabbos Minyan 124 Sumner Ave. Springfield Telephone: 413-567-0036 Email: Web: Office hours Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm Rabbi Max Davis Rabbi Yaakov Wolff Youth Director: Yehuda Edry Office Administrators: Lisa Nascembeni & Annie Rivera Officers: Ken Abrahams, Ed Greenbaum, Ken Gorenstein, Beverly Hirschhorn, Bruce Robinovitz, Joel Creeger Ritual Chair: Bart Nierenberg
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