January 17, 2015 Parshat Va’era 26 Tevet, 5775 Blessing the Upcoming Month of Shevat (Rosh Chodesh is Wednesday) Please note that our services use the Artscroll Sabbath & Festival Siddur (prayer book) Torah & Haftorah readings may be found in either the Hertz or the Artscroll edition Chumash. Hertz Artscroll Continuing Education Parshat Va’era: Exodus 6:2‐9:35 p.232 p.318 Rabbi Bier’s morning class meets daily in Haftorah: Ezekiel 28:25‐29:21 p.244 p.1149 the library after breakfast. Eunice Dr. Drasha by Rabbi Yossi Pollak Talmud Cafe Mondays, 1pm Forest Park Drasha by David Feder (Frieder Mem. at Ruth’s House Kiddush is sponsored by the shul in honor of the Pollak’s visit. Talmud Shiur) Next Class Jan. 19 Shabbat Shabang (see below) 3:00pm Eunice Dr. Talmud Class by Ira Pollack 3:20pm with Rabbi Davis Mondays 8:00pm Forest Park Shabbat Class by Yehuda Edry 3:50pm Monday Night Talmud Chabura Next class: Jan. 19 Mincha/Seudah Shlishis sponsored by Rosalie & Ken Abrahams Tractate observing the yahrzeit of Rosalie’s father, Moses Saffer. Eunice Dr. D’var Torah by Rabbi Yossi Pollak 4:20pm Sanhedrin with R. Bier Forest Park D’var Torah by Michael Rosen Tuesdays 7:00pm Shabbat Concludes/Havdalah 5:28pm Studies in the Weekly Parsha No class this week Scrapbooking with Tova! 6:30 - 8pm, CBT library. with Rabbi Davis Next class: Jan.27 Relax with friends and let your creative juices flow! History, Halacha Wednesdays 7:30pm Beruchim Ha’abim & Hashkafa with Next class: Jan. 21 Warm welcome to Rabbi Yossi, Brooke, Nava & Avital Pollak. Rabbi Moshe Bier We look forward to learning with Rabbi Pollak and getting to know the entire family. THIS SHABBAT – January 16 &17 Welcome Guest Scholar Rabbi Yossi Pollak Singing Cows & Other Revelations about Tefillah Rabbi Pollak has served communities in Westport, D.C., and N.Y.C. Lower East Side Come ready to learn, feast, sing, and make a l’chayim or two! Schedule of Events Friday, Jan. 16, 5:30pm Dinner/Lecture “The Singing Cows‐The Lost Source of Kabbalat Shabbat?” Shabbat, Jan. 17, 9:00am Morning Services led by Rabbi Pollak Drasha (Sermon) by Rabbi Pollak at approx. 10:45am “The Shabbat Symphony: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on the Amidah” Afternoon Services, Refreshments, and Class at 4:20pm “Tackling Tefillah: What are we Davening for Anyway?” Shabbat Sha‐What? Shabbat Shabang! Shabbat Afternoon, 3‐4pm Free & Open to all! Meet in the JCC Playscape. Appropriate for children pre‐K thru early elementary. Shabbat Shabang Recipe:1‐part parsha, 1‐part snack, 1‐part Go Nuts! Enjoy! Shabbat, Jan. 24 Guest Speaker Mr. Justus Uwayesu Orphaned at age 3 by the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Justus survived on his own in a Kigali garbage dump. He scavenged food scraps from garbage trucks, twice nearly losing his life, until age 10. It was then that he approached a visiting aid worker and announced “I want to go to school.” Justus is now a freshman at Harvard, an activist for children of poverty, and a hero in his own right. He was featured in October on the front page of the NY Times. Monday, January 26 6:30-8:00pm Youth Lounge with Noa & Ofek Light dinner, games & activities. Meet in the shul’s Youth Wing. Thank you Yehuda Edry for all your efforts to make each and every Youth Lounge a special occasion. Shabbat, Feb. 7 – Parshat Yitro & Next Women’s Torah Service Women of all ages are warmly invited to participate in this special service for women. Aliyot large and small available. Give a d’var Torah, or contribute in other ways. Please contact Miriam Pollack or Vivian Newman. The Chessed Box! Seeking Local Housing * A Bay Path University grad student who attends B'nai Torah events and Shabbat services, is inquiring about housing options in the E. Longmeadow / Longmeadow area. If anyone is seeking to rent an apartment or room or knows of any one looking for a renter, please contact the office. Thank you for your consideration. * A young man from Israel is seeking housing in the area. Please speak with Rabbi Davis ASAP if you can help. Members of the Month Sought for March/April Responsibilities are generally light, but very important, and involve serving as a Chessed Committee liaison to recently bereaved individuals. In Our Family Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary Sandra Tieman, Jeremy Pava, Freda Hatch, Ronda Jackowitz, Bart Nierenberg, Lee Orenstein, Bruce Robinovitz. Is your anniversary this week? Mazel Tov! Please let the office know so we may share it with our community. Refu’ah Shleimah – Speedy Recovery Nachum ben Devorah, Gertrude Weiner, Shifra bas Rachel, Hy Neigher, Bill Goldman (Moshe velvet ben Bessie) We observe the following Yahrzeits Rabbi Solomon Halpern, Sadie Gold, Linda Bensusan, Annie Futterman, Rhoda Neckes, Harry Neigher, Rabbi Jacob Fromer, Anna Pava, George Rosenfield, Merrill Morton Ziskin, Rebecca Kaplan, Lillian Lerman, Leon Rivchin, Daniel Bass, Harry Bloomberg, Shirley Cohen, Fay Engelson, Charlotte Jacobs, Toba Faiga Krich, Harry Wayne. Services for the Week of January 18, 2015 Shacharit ‐ Morning Services Minchah & Maariv ‐ Afternoon & Evening Services Sunday 8:00am Sunday‐Thursday 4:30pm Monday, Thursday 6:50am Friday 4:40pm Wednesday (Rosh Chodesh) 6:45am Friday Night Candle Lighting (01/23) 4:35pm Tuesday, Friday 7:00am All weekday services are held at 2 Eunice Dr., Longmeadow Congregation B’nai Torah Two Eunice Drive Longmeadow, Massachusetts 01106 / Forest Park Shabbos Minyan 124 Sumner Ave. Springfield Telephone: 413-567-0036 Email: office@bnaitorahma.org Web: http://www.bnaitorahma.org Office hours Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm Rabbi Max Davis Rabbi Yaakov Wolff Youth Director: Yehuda Edry Office Admin.: Lisa Nascembeni & Annie Rivera Officers: Ken Abrahams, Ed Greenbaum, Ken Gorenstein, Beverly Hirschhorn, Bruce Robinovitz, Joel Creeger Ritual Chair: Bart Nierenberg
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