Mazel Tov to Howard and Mindy Podolsky on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Joseph; to Joseph Sebeo and Alisa Shamrow on their forthcoming marriage. Welcome Mr. Joel Mergui, President of the Central Consistoire of France SCHEDULE Saturday, November 8 Kristallnacht Commemoration Morning Services, 8:45 am Sermon: Rabbi Arthur Schneier, “ Lessons of Kristallnacht” Greetings: Rabbi Marc Schneier Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, Park East Synagogue Choir, Maestro Russell Ger Invited guests of the Podolsky Family should proceed to the Charles Brooks Ballroom for their luncheon. Congregational Kiddush in the Goldberg Ballroom sponsored by Howard and Mindy Podolsky. Community Innovation Award – Mr. Yuri Kokush Chumash class: Rabbi Harold Einsidler, 3:45 pm Mincha 4:15 pm, followed by Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Herman Glaswand, in memory of his father. Dvar Torah: Rabbi Benjamin Goldschmidt Shabbat ends 5:30 pm Saturday, November 15 Young Couples Shabbat Service, 10:00 am Private Luncheon, 11:45 am Babysitting provided To join the Steering Committee, and to RSVP, Sunday, November 16 Sisterhood Membership Brunch Guest Speaker: Joseph Berger, Author of “The Pious Ones, the World of Hasidism and their Battles with America”. Free for Sisterhood Members, $20 Non-Members, Men invited, 11:00 am Wednesday, November 19 Lecture Series Dr. Daniel Roses, Synagogue Trustee, Jules Leonard Whitehill Professor of Surgery and Oncology of NYU School of Medicine and Senior Attending Surgeon of the NYU Langone Medical Center, “A Nation of Healers”. Light dinner will be served, RSVP:,7:00 pm 3. Friday, December 5 Dialogue Series with Rabbi Arthur Schneier Dr. Richard Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations, author and eminent authority on American foreign policy and international affairs, Services followed by dinner and lecture, Members $50, Non-Members $60, 6:00 pm SATURDAY MORNING CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROGRAMS Junior Congregation, Second floor, Devora Reichman, 10:30 am Children Services, Ages 2 – 5, Third floor, Toby Einsidler & Staff, 11:00 am Shabbat Game Room with Donny, Second floor, 1:00-3:00 pm. EVENTS Sunday, November 9 Special Gathering for Bereaved Families, sponsored by the Israeli Ministry of Defense, hosted by Rabbi Arthur Schneier. Guest speaker Mr. Amir Sagie, Deputy Consul General of Israel in New York; Mr. Arieh Mualem – Deputy Director General, Ministry of Defense, 2:00 pm Wednesday, November 12 Film Society: The Prime Ministers, based on the best- selling book by Ambassador Yehuda Avner, chief aid to Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres. RSVP:, $25 Members/$30 NonMembers, Light dinner included, 7:00 pm Saturday Evening, December 13, 8:00 pm Park East Synagogue 10th Annual Concert in support of Education in tribute to Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot on his 10th Anniversary at Park East Synagogue Cantor Yaakov Motzen Park East Synagogue Choir, Maestro Yossi Schwartz Daniel Gildar, piano Chairman: Dr. Michael Reich, Co-Chairman: Zoltan Lefkovits, Dr. Daniel Roses, Dr. Miklos Weinberger RABBI ARTHUR SCHNEIER PARK EAST DAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION 2014/2015 EARLY CHILDHOOD Taste of School – Kindergarten ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grades 1 – 5 MIDDLE SCHOOL Grades 6 – 8 Check out our website – Memorial Kaddish is dedicated in memory of our former Executive Director, Joel Baum, beloved husband of Zehava, father of Dr. Aliza Solomon, Daniel Baum, Batsheva Klein, and Aviva Brukner; Martin Meirowitz, beloved husband of Harriet, father of Suzanne (Robert) Nederlander, Clifford (Alexandra) Meirowitz, Spencer (Lauren) Meirowitz, Lewis (Natalie) Meirowitz, grandfather of Richard, William, Ava, Jacob, Jordan, Justin, Isabel, Lucas, Deborah, Harry and Dylan. The following members of the congregation will be observing Yahrzeit this week. Dr. Peter Wilson – mother Dr. Morris Shorofsky – father Dr. Susan Nachamie – mother Mr. Arnold Braunstein – mother Mr. Herman Glaswand – father Mr. Larry Marco – mother Mr. Jean Putzer – father Mr. Roman Knobloch – father Mrs. Wilma Siegel – mother Mrs. Audrey Feuerstein – father Mr. Louis Taic – mother Ms. Susan Wexner – mother Mr. Ronald Wurtzburger – father Mrs. Cheryl Gluck – mother Mrs. Frances Kroshinsky – father Mr. Henry Jacobs – brother Mrs. Myra Mitzner – husband Mrs. Julia Shepps Rubin – mother Dr. Zechariah Rivietz – uncle Parshat Vayera Kristallnacht Commemoration November 8, 2014 15 Cheshvan 5775 PARSHAT VAYERA Breishit 18:1 – 22:4 Hertz Chumash, pp. 63-76 Artscroll, pp. 78-104 Haftorah Melachim Bet 4:1-37 Hertz Chumash, p.76 Artscroll, p. 1134 Avraham and the Etrog The Talmud (Sotah 35b) compares Avraham to an etrog (citron). This comparison is based on the Biblical reference to an etrog as a “pri etz hadar”. Literally this phrase means “fruit of a beautiful tree”. Alternatively, it can be read “fruit of a tree that dwells year-round”. The etrog is remarkable because it does not fall off the tree when ripe. It can dwell on the tree the whole year. It remains consistent. Avraham shares the characteristic of consistency with the etrog. He was able to perform God’s commandments in a consistent manner. Despite the discomfort of his circumcision, he was able to provide hospitality for his guests. ADULT EDUCATION Rabbi Benjamin Goldschmidt Daf Yomi, 25 Minutes before morning services Rabbi Harold Einsidler BOOK OF SAMUEL II, Tuesday, 12:30 pm TORAH TALKS, Fridays, 8:30 am CHUMASH CLASS, Shabbat, one hour before Mincha LEON AND GINA FROMER YOUTH ENRICHMENT CENTER REGISTRATION 2014/2015 Kindergarten – Grade 6 Check out our new website – DAILY SERVICES Sunday - 9:00 am Mornings - 7:45 am followed by breakfast Evenings – 4:35 p.m. Daf Yomi 25 Minutes before Morning Services
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