Kehilath Israel Synagogue vra hhj

Kehilath Israel Synagogue
10501 Conser Street
Overland Park, KS
November 15, 2014
Torah Reading: Bob Gast
Chayei Sarah Genesis 23:1-25:18 pg. 106
Haftarah: Elly Goldstein
I Kings 1:1-31 pg. 1136
Intro. to the Haftarah: Missy Rosenthal
On the Bimah: Ari Lubowicz, VP
Elliott Goldstein, Bd
Senior Gabbai: Trent Daniels
3:40 pm - Rabbi Shron’s class, “Behind the Scenes”
4:25 pm - Mincha/Seudah/Maariv
Seudah is sponsored by Soly Mizrahi & family and
Michael Taraboulos honoring the yahrzeits of Albert
Mizrahi, Michael Mosseri, and Leah Negrin.
vra hhj
22 Cheshvan 5775
Managing StreSS in Our StreSSful WOrld
Adult Ed Class with Dr. Marilyn Metzl
Tuesday, 7 pm at K.I.
nOv. 18: “HOW HabitS SHape Our liveS and
HOW We Can SHape Our HabitS”
dr. Metzl iS a pSyCHOlOgiSt/pSyCHOanalySt in independent praCtiCe treating
adultS, adOleSCentS, CHildren, COupleS and faMilieS. dr. Metzl HOldS
diplOMate StatuS frOM tHe aMeriCan pSyCHOlOgiCal aSSOCiatiOn (apa)
and iS a fellOW Of apa. dr. Metzl, WHO iS On tHe teaCHing faCulty Of
tHe greater KanSaS City-tOpeKa pSyCHOanalytiC inStitute, HaS preSented
natiOnally and internatiOnally On iSSueS SuCH aS Self-eSteeM, depreSSiOn,
Men’S iSSueS, SOCial COMpetenCe, WOMen’S HuMan rigHtS, attentiOn defiCit,
anxiety diSOrderS, and narCiSSiSM. SHe iS alSO On tHe teaCHing faCulty
Of tHe CHineSe - aMeriCan pSyCHOanalytiC allianCe. in additiOn tO Her
prOfeSSiOnal WOrK, dr. Metzl’S intereStS inClude pilateS, SnOW SKiing, and
ballrOOM danCing.
5:40 pm - Havdalah
Shacharit Sunday 9 am Mon. - Fri. 7 am
Mincha/Maariv 4:50 pm
Friday Candle-lighting 4:43 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat 4:50 pm
- NO Talmud Class
- Prayer Works 7 pm
- Adult Ed Class - Dr. Marilyn Metzl 7 pm
“How Habits Shape Our Lives and How We Can Shape
Our Habits”
- Tot Shabbat 10:30 am
- Chai Anniversary Kiddush
Friday, December 19
4:45 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Services
“Thanks. I Needed That.”
followed by a catered Brisket dinner
Adults $15* Children Under 12 Free
*Generously underwritten by the Caviar family
Saturday, December 20
9:00 a.m. Shabbat Services
“Spirituality of Laughter”
Kiddush Luncheon Following
7:00 p.m. “Comedy Club”
Adults Only - $10
Rabbi Robert “Bob” Alper is an author, stand-up comedian, and practicing clergy member. As an
ordained rabbi, Alper served congregations for fourteen years and holds a doctorate from Princeton
Theological Seminary.
He has appeared at the Montreal Comedy Festival, New York’s famed Chautauqua Institution, and at
The Hollywood Improv. The rabbi-comedian has been seen on Good Morning America, Showtime,
the BBC, CNN, and was featured on Extra.
Alper is the author of three books: Thanks. I Needed That., Life Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This:
The Holiness of Little Daily Dramas, an inspirational collection; as well as the cartoon book, A Rabbi
Confesses. He has produced two comedy CDs.
Mi shebeirach avotainu v’imotainu, ma-ayan hab’rachot
borei r’fuot.
Adonai source of healing bring blessings to those we love,
renew their spirit, renew their courage, renew their strength
of body and soul.
Mi shebeirach avotainu v’imotainu, ma-ayan hab’rachot
borei r’fuot.
Adonai compassionate G-d bring comfort to those we love,
Adonai compassionate G-d bring healing from above.
Mi shebeirach avotainu v’imotainu, ma-ayan hab’rachot
borei r’fuot.
AIPAC presents the Seventh Annual
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 • 7:00 p.m.
$25 couvert per person Students $5
Featuring The Honorable Avi Dichter, Former
Member of Knesset and Former Shin Bet Director
ISRAEL UPDATE November 14, 2014
U.S. lawmakers take hard line on prospective Iran deal
The U.S. senators behind a tough sanctions bill against Iran said on Wednesday
they would push for more penalties against Tehran if they are unhappy with
any nuclear deal, signaling a potential battle with the Obama administration
less than two weeks before the deadline for an agreement. New Jersey
Democrat Robert Menendez and Illinois Republican Mark Kirk said a “good
deal” would require strict limits on nuclear-related research, development and
procurement and a robust inspection regime for decades in Iran. It would
“dismantle, not just stall” Iran’s nuclear program, they said. “If a potential deal
does not achieve these goals, we will work with our colleagues in Congress
to act decisively, as we have in the past,” Menendez, chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, and Kirk said in a statement issued on the
first day lawmakers returned from a seven-week election recess. Separately,
President Barack Obama’s administration formally informed Congress on
Wednesday that a state of emergency continues to exist regarding Iran, which
gives the president powers to impose sanctions and regulate trade.
K.I. partners with AIPAC, America’s pro-Israel lobby, in educating our
community on issues affecting the U.S.-Israel relationship. Learn more by
visiting or contacting AIPAC at 202.639.5200.
Rabbi Shron’s Joke of the Week
Moshe goes to see his Rabbi. “Rabbi, last week I missed saying grace after
meals.” “Why,” asked the Rabbi. “Because I forgot to wash my hands
before the meal.” “That’s twice you’ve broken the law but you still haven’t
told me why.” “The food wasn’t kosher.” “You ate non-kosher food?”
asked the Rabbi. “It wasn’t a Jewish restaurant.” “That makes it even
worse,” said the now angry Rabbi. “Couldn’t you have eaten in a kosher
one?” “What, on Yom Kippur?”
Advance RSVP’s preferred by Dec. 1.
Contact Haddassah Mendoza-Elias at
312.253.8983 or, or register
online at
Location: JCC’s White Theatre
K.I. Clergy & Staff
Rabbi Jeffrey Shron, Senior Rabbi
Craig Caplan, President
Elizabeth Peden, Executive Director
Gevura Davis, Director, K.I. Fred Devinki Eitz Chaim Religious School
Rabbi Herbert Mandl, Ph.D., Rabbi Emeritus
Sam Devinki, Honorary President for Life
Kehilath Israel Synagogue strives to be a warm,
welcoming congregation, proud of its traditional
values of learning Torah, engaging in meaningful
and inspirational prayer and practices, and
performing acts of loving kindness.
COMING IN 2015 -- Shabbat Morning Lite
An alternative creative, interactive and stimulating monthly service
in our Chapel at 10:00 am.
Rabbi Jeffrey Shron will be presenting an exciting journey through 4,000
years of Jewish history. The six session course in Jewish history created by
the National Jewish Outreach Program is open to all members of the Jewish community. Rabbi Shron will present an overview of the great events
that have shaped the Jewish people throughout time, the great impact Jews
have had on nearly every country in the world, and the great Jewish heroes
such as Saadia Gaon, Don Isaac Abarbanel, Uriah Levy, etc.
This course will discuss the different segments of Jewish history:
1) Biblical Times
2) From a United Kingdom to Exile and Diaspora
3) The Jewish Epicenter Moves West
4) Jews Enter and React to the Modern Era
5) Holocaust and Renewal.
Learning about our rich heritage will enable participants to develop an appreciation for their
people’s history and inspire them to become increasingly involved in Jewish life.
The course will meet on five consecutive Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. beginning on January
28, 2015. The final session will meet on Tuesday, March 3rd at 7:00 p.m. For more information,
please email Rabbi Shron at: