Dear Temple Adath Yeshurun Family: I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this to provide you with an update on OUR search for Temple Adath Yeshurun's next rabbi. CHARLES S. SHERMAN RABBI ESA KANTER JAFFE BAALAT TEFILA HAROLD LERNER CANTOR EMERITUS SHANNON SMALL DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION BARBARA S. SIMON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CHERYL LIVSHIN ALICIA C. GROSS DIRECTORS ROTHSCHILD EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER HOWARD M. WEINSTEIN, M.D. PRESIDENT The results from the Congregational Survey that were distributed to you in January, 2015 were carefully reviewed by the Search Committee and relied upon in preparing the application that was filed with the Joint Placement Commission. The Search Committee received five applications in response to its posting for the position of Senior Rabbi. The process utilized by the Search Committee to screen each of the five applications was consistent with the procedures recommended by the Joint Placement Commission. Each of the five candidates was interviewed via Skype for approximately 60-90 minutes. In some instances, the Search Committee conducted two Skype interviews with the candidates. The interview questions were developed by the entire Search Committee which relied on the discussion points from the focus groups that were conducted last spring and the results from the Congregational Survey. The Search Committee's discussion with each candidate covered numerous topics including, but not limited to, membership, daily minyanim, Shabbat and Holiday services, adult education, Religious School, burial of interfaith families in Temple Adath's cemetery, participation of a non-Jewish spouse/parent in temple life, use of music and instrumentation, use of technology to reach the homebound, same-sex marriage, and many other important topics. At the conclusion of each interview, the candidates were given an opportunity to ask the Search Committee questions that were important to them. At the conclusion of each interview, the Search Committee assessed whether the candidate possessed the qualities that were identified by those of you who participated in the Focus Groups and responded to the Congregational Survey. The Search Committee did not make any decisions as to whether a candidate would be invited to spend time at Temple Adath Yeshurun until after all five candidates were interviewed and assessed. The Search Committee believes that its initial interview and screening process was thorough and consistent with the input that you have provided. That being said, the Search Committee has identified two candidates that it believes possess the qualities and characteristics that you have identified as important. Rabbi Shalom Kantor will be with us Tuesday and Wednesday, April 14- April 15, 2015. A copy of Rabbi Kantor's resume is enclosed for your review. Rabbi Paul Drazen will be with us Thursday-Sunday, April 16-April 19, 2015. A copy of Rabbi Drazen's resume is enclosed for your review. The itineraries that have been prepared for Rabbis Kantor and Drazen are extensive and provide each rabbi with an opportunity to pray with us, teach us, engage with our Religious School, and to meet with members of our professional staff. Each candidate will also have the opportunity to meet with leadership of the greater Central New York Jewish Community. Enclosed with this letter you will find a list of dates and times for YOUR participation in the selection process of OUR next rabbi. The Search Committee cannot emphasize the importance of your participation. The decision as to who will be elected to serve as Temple Adath's next rabbi belongs to ALL OF US. You will note that while Rabbi Drazen will spend Shabbat in our community, Rabbi Kantor will visit with us mid-week. Although every effort was made to have Rabbi Kantor spend Shabbat with us as well, his schedule and Temple Adath's schedule did not permit for an extended visit. Nevertheless, the Search Committee is confident that ample opportunity has been provided to you and to Rabbi Kantor to get to know one another. You are encouraged to attend and participate in as many activities as possible. A brief survey will be made available to you at each event that the Search Committee would like you to complete. Without your written input, the Search Committee will not be able to adequately and fairly make a recommendation to the Board of Directors. Electronic Surveys will be made available to you as well. We ask that you not complete any survey on Shabbat. Please note that the Search Committee's extension of an invitation to Rabbis Kantor and Drazen does not mean that either candidate will be elected to serve as Temple Adath's next rabbi. That decision belongs to all of us. The Search Committee requests that all surveys (both electronic and paper) be completed and returned no later than 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 19, 2015. You will receive multiple reminders as we get closer to April 14th. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. Shalom, Chaim Jaffe, Chair, Search Committee ITINERARIES FOR RABBIS KANTOR AND DRAZEN Tuesday April 14, 2015 – Rabbi Shalom Kantor 5:30 p.m. – Minyan Wednesday April 15, 2015 – Rabbi Shalom Kantor 7:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Minyan Program with religious school students and parents Minyan Congregational dinner*** Ma’ariv Congregational adult study class Dessert reception for congregation*** Thursday April 16, 2015 – Rabbi Paul Drazen 5:30 p.m. - Minyan Friday April 17, 2015 – Rabbi Paul Drazen 7:30 a.m. - Minyan 7:00 p.m. - Late Friday Evening Service with Congregational dessert reception to follow*** (no 5:30 service that evening) Saturday April 18, 2015 (Hazak Shabbat)– Rabbi Paul Drazen 9:15 a.m. - Shabbat Services to be conducted by Rabbi Drazen 11:45 a.m. - Congregational Lunch to follow Shabbat Services*** 7:45 p.m. - Mincha, Ma'ariv and Havdallah Sunday April 19, 2015 – Rabbi Paul Drazen 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - Breakfast prior to Adult Chavurah movie presentation Program for religious school and parents ***PLEASE CONTACT THE TEMPLE OFFICE at or 445-0002 TO RSVP SO THAT APPROPRIATE ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE. RABBI SHALOM KANTOR 607-427-1486 2531 NE 199th St. Miami, FL 33180 Professional Experience B’NAI MITZVAH DIRECTOR, Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus, Miami, Florida 2014-present Vision Designed new and unified vision for B’nai Mitzvah Program serving more than 40 students, incorporating hands on and conversation based Experiential Jewish education. Organization Provided personalized B’nai Mitzvah planning resources to all students and families based on specific individual needs. Created relationship and community-based experiences allowing tracking of progress on liturgical skills, Jewish literacy development, and identity/community attachment. Teaching Brought fun and engaging Jewish identity and community building activities into experience. Explored Social Justice mitzvot with students through hands-on experiences and reflective debriefing sessions including: food collection and distribution, elderly care, meal service and social interaction for those in need. Mentored individual students through deep personal conversations aimed at making journey more meaningful. Communication Coached families providing personalized and meaningful resources. Convened synagogue team of rabbis, tutors, and other staff members. DIRECTOR OF JEWISH LIFE, Lehrman Community Day School, Miami Beach, FL 2014-present Education Brought Jewish ethics to life for 4th grade using graphic novel; made Torah and ethics relevant. Used role plays, multimedia, and small group discussions to teach Parashat Ha Shavua for grades K-3. Wrote weekly Torah discussion guides for families, inspiring students to bring what they learned to Shabbat table. Jewish Celebration Created moments of intergenerational and student teacher connection at school-wide gatherings on Shabbat and special occasions for students, parents, and faculty through music and facilitated spontaneous blessings. Designed holiday celebrations and education for whole school using interactive conversation-based experiences. CAMPUS RABBI, Hillel at Binghamton University 2007-2013 Vision Developed, articulated and promoted strategic vision for Jewish life and education on campus in partnership with Executive Director, student leaders and lay leaders. Shabbat and Holiday Community Encouraged students’ creativity for celebration and observance of all major Jewish holidays. Transformed High Holiday services by empowering and training students to successfully lead each service. Grew attendance at Hillel’s Shabbat services from “barely a minyan” to average of 60 students per week. Brought singing and text study into Shabbat afternoon with new seudah slisheet and Havdalah program. Infused technology and multi-media into Purim and Hanukkah celebrations making holidays accessible to students from all backgrounds. Coached students in planning yearly Holocaust remembrance event with Survivors and 3rd generation students as well as a 24-hour vigil which recruited volunteers from all of campus faith and ethnic communities. Pastoral Care Counseled students, parents and alumni, regardless of involvement in Hillel, including personal, religious, spiritual and Jewish legal issues. Presided over life-cycle events from birth to death with focus on creating ongoing meaningful connections to Jewish tradition, including hospital, nursing home and hospice visits for wider Jewish community. Built strong relationship with campus counseling center to provide for needs of students with mental health issues and assisting in crisis intervention. Teaching Torah Taught Torah in fun, non-traditional and experiential modalities; fraternity men’s bonding, “Torah on Tap”, and senior wine tasting. Facilitated system for students to feel empowered and comfortable giving divrei Torah based on individual and group study sessions. Inspired future Jewish leaders; explored their journey and taught how to be leader. Created men’s group for college students to learn about responsibilities as Jewish men. Outreach Engaged more than 200 new students in one year through peer-networking internship. Increased Hillel’s virtual presence through Facebook, weekly emails, and more. Developed partnership between Conservative college students and local congregation. Represented University Jewish community through numerous appearances on TV news and local newspaper. Leadership Development Advised and trained more than 70 student leaders in volunteer work for Hillel. Brought meaningful and entertaining Torah into student leadership programs Created unique and interesting local and national Tzedek service opportunities. Israel Engagement Guided students to create first student-led pro-Israel group on campus, “Bearcats for Israel.” Led Taglit: Birthright Israel experiences; recruitment, orientation, and follow through with 70% post trip retention rate. Created yearly campus-wide Yom Haatzmaut celebration, 1500 attendants and 100 student volunteers. Administration and Planning Initiated and designed marketing plan to students. Managed budget, ordering, and service of Shabbat meals for more than 200 students weekly. Worked with the executive director to report all of Hillel’s activities to Board of Directors. Fundraising Efforts Initiated relationship-based campaign to fundraise from students’ home rabbis and congregations. Raised more than $25,000 annually for Yom Haatzmaut from campus and corporate sponsorships. Rabbi Shalom Kantor, 2 Education UNIVERSITY OF JUDAISM, ZIEGLER SCHOOL OF RABBINIC STUDIES, Bel Air, CA M.A. in Rabbinic Studies, 2003, Rabbinic Ordination, 2007 SHECHITAH CERTIFICATION, Jerusalem, Israel, June 2005 Private certification in shechitah (ritual slaughtering). Taught and explained shechitah to all ages in many places. PARDES INSTITUTE OF JEWISH STUDIES, Jerusalem, Israel Full time student, 2000 –2001, Pardes Olam Fellowship, 2004 –2005 Combined advanced Judaic text studies with community service & leadership training. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Salem, OR B.A. in History, Minor in Religion, 1999. THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY, Jerusalem, Israel, Junior Year abroad, 1997 –1998. Professional Development and Certification THE GREATER MIAMI BOARD OF LICENSE FOR THE STATE OF FLORIDA, Miami, FL Licensed teacher for Judaic and Talmudic Studies, May 2014 AYEKA: CENTER FOR SOULFUL EDUCATION, Efrat, Israel and online. Facilitator Training program Soulful Jewish Education, January 2014-June 2014 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR THE JEWISH FUTURE, New York, NY, Certificate Program in Experiential Jewish Education, June 2012-June 2013 LEADERSHIP AND PROFESSIONAL INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (LAPID) INITIATIVE, September 2010-December 2011 Selective Hillel International professional development opportunity; developed student leadership for social justice and community service enrichment. Other Experience ADJUNCT FACULTY, Judaic Studies Department, Binghamton University Taught “Social Justice Through the Lens of Judaism”, Spring 2012. LIMMUD MIAMI, Miami, FL Teen-Track Co-Chair, October2013 – February 2015 Designed day of Jewish learning for teens including engaging teen leaders in the planning process. CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF JEWISH EDUCATION, Miami, FL Educator, Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning, Fall 2013 – present CAMP ALONIM AT THE BRANDEIS BARDIN INSTITUTE Director of Outdoor Education and Camping, Summers, 1996, 2003 CAMP RAMAH IN CALIFORNIA Director of Outdoor Education and Camping, Summer 2002 KING DAVID HOTEL, Jerusalem, Israel Sommelier and Bartender, 1999- 2000 Rabbi Shalom Kantor, 3 Rabbi Paul Drazen 104-20 Queens Blvd.,#19V ~ Forest Hills, NY 11375 - 347.537.2850 PROFILE Rabbi and teacher, dedicated to creating an informed, educated, empowered spiritual community in an egalitarian, progressive synagogue. Thoughtful and inspiring educator, skilled in guiding learners to a deeper understanding of liturgy through text analysis. Highly effective organizational leader focused on collaborative teamwork, efficient operations, and innovative programming. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, New York, NY Special Assistant to the CEO (2011-2015) Chief Program Development Officer (2008-2011) Director Congregational Services (2005-2008) Initial Regional Director for Mid-Continent Region (2001-2005) Key Roles & Accomplishments: Consultant to Synagogues: Provided programmatic, membership development and governance support to congregations across North America, fostering stronger and more cohesive spiritual communities. Leadership Mentoring: Served as resource to Kehilla Relationship Managers (KRM) team, advising senior consultants in matters related to complex synagogue issues. National and Institutional Analysis: [results] Designed, implemented and analyzed surveys measuring patterns and trends within Conservative Judaism. Designed tools to analyze culture, operations, and leadership needs of individual synagogues in North America. Public Policy and Interfaith Relations: Represented USCJ on national and international policy organization initiatives, including Faiths United and Heneinu. Staffed internal Public Policy committee. Safety/Security Issues: Directed safety and security awareness programs and wrote Safety/Security handbook. Coordinated disaster relief, including Hurricane Sandy recovery. Biennial Conventions: Played key role in planning, coordinating, and on-site management of international conventions. Directed and managed Solomon Schechter Awards Program. Teaching: Directed and taught in Imun Program: Synagogue Skills for Adults and served as Sulam Program faculty for five years. Publication Editing: Edited and coordinated Torah Sparks. Beth El Synagogue (600 households), Omaha, NE Rabbi (1982-2002) Created instructional materials on services and life-cycle events to help foster an informed and knowledgeable membership. Developed and implemented innovative youth education programming that increased retention of post-bar mitzvah students. Worked collaboratively with Jewish and non-Jewish community institutions to maximize sharing of resources. Played a key role in designing an award winning building that was noted for accessibility and intelligent space utilization. Rabbi Paul Drazen page 2 Beth El Synagogue (1300 households), Minneapolis, MN Assistant Rabbi (1979-1982) Involved in all aspects of congregational life, with a key focus on coordinating synagogue skills programs and supervising youth programming. PUBLICATIONS Chapter “The Dietary Laws” in The Observant Life, The Wisdom of Conservative Judaism for Contemporary Jews, The Rabbinical Assembly, 2012. Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, Kashrut in the Synagogue. A guide for maintaining kashrut in synagogue kitchens, 2001. The H.E.L.P. [Home Education Library Program] materials produced have been used internationally, 1982-2002. [Selections available here] EDUCATION Jewish Theological Seminary D.D. hc, 2005 Rabbinic Ordination, 1979 M.A., 1976 B.A., 1974 Columbia University B.A., Philosophy, 1974
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