Shabbat Shalom ouka ,ca January 31, 2015 11 Shevat, 5775 Beth David B’nai Israel Beth Am Synagogue Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Mazal Tov to our Hatan, Andrei Gropper, and our Kallah, Jessica Rosenbaum! B’Shallach – Shabbat Shira vrha ,ca - jkac The Haftarah for Shabbat “Shirah”. Parashat “BeShallach” is dedicated by Michael Rubin in honour of Avram Selick, Karen Bernstein, Brenda Geffen, Karen Reinblatt, Frances Kraft & Rosalie Selick celebrating their completion of the first Beth David Haftarah trope class and in recognition of their beautiful chanting of this Haftarah,February, 2012 Parashah P. 399 Haftarah P. 426 Service Times Friday ................................... 5:15 PM Friday Candle Lighting........... 5:07 PM Shabbat Mincha ................... 5:00 PM Shabbat ends ....................... 6:12 PM Sunday -Thursday.................. 5:15 PM Mornings: Shabbat................................ 9:00 AM Sunday..................................8:30 AM Monday-Friday...........7:00 & 8:00 AM Junior Congregation:Chapel..10:00 AM Teen Kiddush Club: School...10:30 AM The Haftarah for Shabbat “Shirah”. Parashat “BeShallach” is dedicated by Cliff Williams & Dr. Sally Krigstin in honour of Thelma and the late Myer Krigstin On the occasion of the B’not Mitzvah Celebration of their grandchildren, Issy & Becca On this Shabbat, 7 February, 2009, 13 Shevat, 5769 Members are asked to refrain from wearing fragrances in the synagogue PLEASE TURN OFF ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES WHILE IN THE SYNAGOGUE 55 Yeomans Road, Toronto, Ontario, M3H 3J7 | Phone: 416.633.5500 Fax: 416.633.1740 | Upcoming Events THIS WEEK’S SPONSORS Club Chaverut Enhanced Kiddush Sponsor Anna & Alex Gropper Seudah Shlishyt Naomi & Abe Gertler Enhanced Breakfast Sponsors Nancy Pruskin Randi & Ron Amber Breakfast Sponsors Lightman Family Clare Ozier and Stephen & Suzanne Karr Freda Brodbaker Nancy Pruskin Harvey & Noreen Kasman Sunday, February 22, 2015 1:30 PM The Ganz Social Hall THE COLUMBUS CONCERT BAND “Back by popular demand, this forty piece band will play new selections from the classics and Broadway musicals.” RSVP to Annette Ross at 416-635-8910 by February 16, 2015 brotherhood BETH DAVID B’NAI ISRAEL BETH AM BROTHERHOOD IN ASSOCIATION WITH BETH DAVID CELEBRATES ISRAEL Proudly Presents ANNUAL WORLD WIDE WRAP With Special Guest Speaker Dr. Aaron Nussbaum Speaking on History of Tefillin in Israel and Diaspora Join us for breakfast on SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1, 2015 AT 9:00 AM in the board room following morning services There is no charge for this event. Please pre - register online at Thank you to this week’s sponsors! What a beautiful way to commemorate a Yahrzeit, Birthday, Anniversary or any other special occasion in your family’s life! Sisterhood “Cancer is a Word Not a Sentence” BDBIBA Sisterhood invites you to join us on February 17 and March 17. Tuesday February 10th 2015 Willing to teach knitting, crocheting, needlepoint & embroidery skills. Jennifer Alami Biomedical Research Consultant Sisterhood Members Free Guests Welcome $5.00 shinshinim programs for adults UPCOMING MOVIE NIGHTS: Sunday, February 22nd at 7:30 PM We invite you to watch— “The Schwartz Dynasty” — a drama about a relationship between a religious guy and a secular girl. Weekly Media Class on Wednesdays Join us as we watch Israeli TV shows and practice our Hebrew. All Hebrew levels are welcome. February 4th at 7:00 PM **Note time change* February 11th at 7:00 PM Register online for all programs MORE EVENTS Sunday, Feb. 8th at 7:30 PM: Join Gal for a musical program. The theme will be Idan Raichel’s project as a mirror to the Ethiopian society in Israel. “Call for Megillat Esther Readers”: Yes! It is that time of year to ensure you will be among the record-breaking cadre of chanters who will read from Megillat Esther this Purim at Beth David. Whether you’ve read before or never had the pleasure, be in touch directly with Michael Rubin to guarantee your verses before there are none left! We’re looking to surpass our record of 55 from last year!!! Simchat Purim Aleinu! Contact Noreen Kasman - 905-881-2164 or Donations of worsted weight yarn or funds always welcome. Philip Abramson Sidney Appleby Evelyn Bargman Harry Binstock Sadie Brener Laibish Brodbaker Rachel Bronstein Goldie Brooks Nissim Dadoun Lily Doren Clara Elharrar Sylvia Feder Charles Fishbayn Israel Fisher Sara Galet Shalom Pinchas Gelman Susan Goetz Gordon Goldberg Ralph Goldsman Ester Goodis Mel Grober Avra Grossman Bella Gushansky Emery Hartman Benjamin Horenfeldt Joseph Jutkowicz Dinah Kahane Alton Kahn Bernard Karr Erving Kleiman Louis Ladowsky Rosalie Langer Anne Larventz Ernest Leighton Martin Lewis Ralph Lightman Louis Noble Yahrzeits commemorated this week: Sisterhood Hall - 8:00 p.m. Special Guest Speaker : Dr. Craft group - next meetings 8:00 PM Rabbi Albert Pappenheim Yetta Peranson Daniel Prenick Ida Rabinovitch Molly Riskin Louis Rochkin Fanny Roff Louis Rosner Ida Rotin Elizabeth Samson Ben Schneider Sadie Sherman Lena Shiman Leo Shoot Bella Shulman Barry Singer Jack Siskind Jacob & Sarah Sky Shirley Star Irving Starr Lily Statman Solomon Statman Ted Swimmer Molly Tator Alex Taub Esther Telem Dorothy Teplinsky Ephraim Turner Molly Weinstein Murray Wellman Phyllis Widawski Moe Wineberg Myrtle Jeanette Winner Clara Zeidman Gordon Zysman Adult Education youth/families Our Women’s Study Group Led by Rabbi Philip Scheim and Ritual Director Michael Rubin Topic for 5775: “Genesis: The Beginning of Desire” Books A year-long course are available (based on the writings of for purchase in Avivah Zornberg) exploring the roles and the office for traditions of women in the Book of Genesis. $20 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Upcoming ClassesTuesdays, February 3rd & 17th, March 3rd, 17th & 31st Admission free Open to all Yiddish Literature - Group Reading Yiddish Literature in the original MONDAYS: Boardroom, 10-11 AM Open to all Upcoming Date: January 31st Teen Kiddush Club - January 31st Grades 6-12 in the Montessori Jewish Day School 10:30AM Discussion and activities led by Simmi Toby Register online at Join us for a Dinner Lecture with DR. SHAWNA DOLANSKY, Scroll and Spade: Where the Bible and Archeology Do-and Do Not- Intersect Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 6:00 PM Contact the Synagogue office or register online at www. bethdavid .com Dr. Shawna Dolansky is adjunct Research Professor, College of the Humanities & Religion Program, Carleton University, author of 2 books and scholarly articles as well as a contributor to The Women’s Torah Commentary, Encyclopedia Judaica, The Huffington Post. Advanced registration is required. Cost for dinner $36. SHABBAT SIDRA LUNCHEON Saturday February 7th : FINDING OUR WAY in TRADITIONAL PRAYER Following morning services. With Our Clergy, Rabbi Scheim, Cantor Loomer and Ritual Director Michael Rubin guiding our exploration and understanding in a 4-part series, Thursdays at 7:30 PM February 5: Language of the Siddur: Avoiding Everyday Errors February 12:Prayer and Song: Understanding the Modes of Tefillah February 19:PRAYER IN PRACTICE Sharon Swartz will lead a discussion of Yitro and the accompanying Haftarah. Advanced registration for luncheon required: $10.00 by Tuesday February 3rd. Learn how to pray and deepen your spiritual experience through prayer! Register online at Register online at or call BDBIBA at 416-633-5500 or e-mail T his week’s Torah reading: B’Shallach jkac habbat Shirah, the Sabbath of Song, takes its the Sea,S name from the Shirat HaYam, the Song of the focus of today’s Torah reading of Beshalah. The Song recounts the miraculous parting of the Red Sea enabling the Israelites to flee the pursuing Egyptian chariots, and the ensuing drowning of the Egyptian forces. The chanting of the verses of the Song from the Torah deviates from standard Torah trope, following a unique and stirring melody. The Talmud records three distinct opinions as to how the verses are to be recited, reflective of the varying traditions of chanting the Shirah that would have been found in different communities. Rabbi Akiva suggests that the congregation would respond “I will Parashah P. 399 Haftarah p. 426 sing unto the Lord” after each verse was chanted by the Torah reader. Rabbi Eliezer states that the reader would chant the entire Song, after which the congregation repeats it in its entirety. Rabbi Nehemiah suggests that the Shirah was read responsively, with Torah reader and congregation reading alternating verses. What is clear is that, whatever the particular tradition that was followed in a given community, the reading of the Song of the Sea on Shabbat Shirah was an occasion of considerable importance, as is the case to this very day. In some communities, there was a custom of feeding birds on Shabbat Shirah, since birds are natural sources of song in the world. Rabbi Philip S. Scheim Send Mishloah Manot to the people you care about at Beth David A fun new way to celebrate Purim together! Support the Shul by sending & receiving a beautiful gift basket to members Select as many members as you would like. Each family receives a single gift basket with Purim greetings from everyone that selected them, delivered to their home. You will receive a letter & email this week with your own login & password to use our online system - an easy, secure way to select recipients and pay. Paper order forms have ben mailed. Use these if you prefer to order the traditional way! $12 for the first member selected, $7 for each additional Can’t decide? Donations in any amount are welcome too! Forgot someone? Choose the “reciprocity” option when ordering to automatically send greetings to anyone that selected you - $9 per member added by reciprocity. Dear Members, When calling the office for your various Synagogue activities and needs, please note the extensions listed below for our office staff. This will help make your office experience more efficient. Cari Kozierok Bahar (ext. 22), Robyn Zajac-Cooper (ext. 35), Jeev Logan (ext. 27), Helene Jacobs (ext.28), Faye Major (ext. 0), Simmi Toby (ext. 24),Thanuja Perera (ext. 25) Philip S. Scheim - Rabbi | Marshall Loomer - Cantor | Michael Rubin - Ritual Director Cari Kozierok Bahar - Executive Director David Bienstock - President Andy Pascoe - Vice President, Finance and Administration Madeleine Sarick -Vice President, Programming and Ritual Steven Risenman - Vice President, House and Property Karen Bernstein - Secretary Jerry Paskowitz - Treasurer Ettie Schimmer - Past President Steven Risenman - Brotherhood President Lisa Levine - Sisterhood President Chairman of the Board - Barry Levine
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