Upcoming Beth Torah & Community Events Upcoming Beth Torah & Community Events con’t.... Calendar of Events ONGOING ADULT EDUCATION OFFERINGS: Wisdom on Wednesday: Join us as we study “Pirke Avot” with a modern commentary. Bring a lunch and learn with other Congregation Beth Torah members Wednesdays at noon in the Bride’s Room. Lunch with Rabbi Reice: The next lunch will be Thursday, February 19th from noon1:30 p.m. in the Library. Join Rabbi Reice for some lunch and a discussion on giving and receiving rebuke. Discussions on the Writings of the Torah: Join the community in discussion every Shabbat morning from 9:00-10:15 a.m. in the Library. CAFÉ SHUSHAN SINGERS PRESENT: GOOD LIBATIONS: You Purim, We’ll Drinkim Wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt for the Hawaiian shift contest and put on your flip flops as we tell the tale of Esther, Mordechai, a King and Haman set to the music of the fabulous Beach Boys. Join us on Wednesday, March 4th: 7:00-8:00 p.m. for a (very) dramatic reading of the megillah. Volunteer readers are needed. Contact Laura Intfen in the office to let your inner thespian out. 8:00-8:15 p.m. for hamantaschen and coffee in the ulam 8:15ish for the main event, starring the Café Shushan Singers, under the direction of Emily Tummons, singing the masterly crafted lyrics of Estelle Edelbaum. Saturday, February 14th 9:00 a.m. “Discussion on the Writings of the Torah” 10:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Molly Levinson 5:30 p.m. BTTY Parent’s Night Out CBT GOLF CLASSIC Save the date, Monday, August 17th for the 12th Annual CBT Golf Classic to be held at Brookridge Golf & Fitness. There are many ways to participate — as a golfer, a sponsor, a donor, a volunteer. More information to follow on the CBT website or contact Sharon Altman at saltman@beth-torah.org Tuesday, February 17th RABBINICAL ASSOCIATION IS CREATING A JEWISH INTEGRATION COORDINATOR POSITION to ensure the successful integration of new Jews-by-Choice into their synagogues and into the Jewish community. A detailed job description can be found at kcrabbis.org. Interested candidates for this position should submit resume and cover letter to afprogram@aol.com or 5801 W. 115th Street, Box 113, OPKS 66211. Deadline for submitting resumes is February 28th. This position is made possible by the Flo Harris Foundation of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City. Thursday, February 19th Noon Lunch with Rabbi Reice KVETCHING, KVELLING AND BEYOND: Charting the Future of Beth Torah Whether or not you attended the first workshop, you won’t want to miss this afternoon of interactive, handson work. Sunday, February 15th from noon-5:00 p.m. will be the time to look beyond the “Being the Community We Need” slogan to discover the community that we really are. What are the values and what is the image that we as a congregation want to project? Walk-ins are welcome. BETH TORAH’S OWN JEWISH FILM SERIES You are invited to an exploration of the Jewish experience in America as portrayed in feature films of the past 50+ years. Join us Saturday, February 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the Ulam for a viewing of “The Pawnbroker” followed by a discussion led by Rabbi Shapiro. STAY & PLAY BOARD GAME NIGHT Come for services on Friday, February 20th and then stay to play board games with our community (or just come for the games at 8:00 p.m.) We will be teaching new games you may never have heard of or, bring your favorite and find others to play with. Games appropriate for ages 12 and up. Do a search for “Tabletop Pandemic” and see what these new games are like! Contact Matt Haun mhaun01@gmail.com for more information or check Beth Torah’s Facebook for the Evite. JEWISH BOOK CLUB Join Rabbi Shapiro for a meeting of our Jewish Literature Discussion group. The next group discussion will be on the book Yoshe Kalb by I.J. Singer and will take place on Monday, February 23rd at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Phyllis Goldberg. (Call the Beth Torah office to get Phyllis’ address). Don’t miss a special Erev Shabbat with our ARTIST IN RESIDENCE GUEST, DAN NICHOLS on Friday, February 27th. Join us for community and nosh at 6:00 p.m. and worship at 6:30 p.m. Thank you to Dr. Gary and Amy Shaw for sponsoring this Artist in Residence in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son, Jacob. J SUMMER CAMP The Jewish Community Center offers a variety of camp options for this coming summer. Extended care is also available. Exciting summer activities include swimming, sports, drama, crafts, archery, tennis, field trips and special events. Barney Goodman Camp offers a variety of summer camp fun. Specialty camps include Sports, Theatre, Art, Dance and Triathlon Camp. Youth do not have to be members of the J to attend. J Camp programming infuses Jewish values, the love of Israel and a sense of Jewish heritage in campers. J Camp is accredited by the American Camp Association. Find out more at www.JCampKC.org or call DD Gass at (913) 327-8079. COMMUNITY-WIDE PURIM SEUDAH (a festive meal on Purim day) will take place Thursday, March 5th at 10:00 a.m. at Village Shalom. There will be a Purim-sing-along, an interactive Purim study, continental brunch, assembling Shalach Manot gift bags, a tzedakah blanket-making project and an optional Megillah Reading. No charge to attend the program. Bring a canned good for the JFS Food Pantry. Advance reservations are required. Call (913) 327-4622 or email to afprogram@aol.com no later than March 1st. Visit kcrabbis.org for information. THE NATE ACCREDITED WEINER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL HAS A SPECIAL PRE PURIM PLANNED Wear your costumes on Sunday, March 1st as we start the day with a mixed up family worship at 9:30 a.m. complete with a costume parade and music from our Artist-InResidence, Dan Nichols. Join us to see what else we might have up our celebratory sleeve! EMERGENCY FUND TO HELP SECURITY INFRASTRUCTURE IN FRANCE The Jewish Federation of GKC offered to support the Jewish communities in France in a variety of ways, including opening a France Emergency Fund with some of the dollars raised going toward supporting additional security infrastructure at Jewish institutions in France. While the French community is raising 80% of the necessary funds for this, a partnership between the Jewish Agency for Israel (one of our overseas partners) and the Government of Israel--with assistance from North American sources—is responsible for the other 20%. We ask that you consider an investment toward sustaining Jewish life in France. To donate to the France Emergency Fund, please go to https://jewishkansascity.org/france or call Derek Gale at (913) 3278123. Prayers for loved ones in need of healing are beneficial for those who are ill and those who love them. If you have someone in your family who is currently ill, whose name you would like to appear on our Mi Shebeirach List, please send an email to robryan@beth-torah.org and put in the message line: Mi Shebeirach List, or call the Beth Torah office and let us know. Thank you. NCJW COLLECTS COSTUME JEWELRY Do you have costume jewelry that you no longer wear? Please consider donating it to National Council of Jewish Women for The Mother's Day Project. Jewelry will be used for students to come to the Mother's Day Store in a selected school(s). Donate now to NCJW so that as many students as possible have a piece of jewelry to give to their mother or special someone on Mother's Day. Jewelry can be dropped off at Beth Torah or the NCJW office, 5311 West 75th Street. To volunteer at The Mother’s Day Store or for questions contact Ellen Dalen at (913) 888-8852 or email her at edalen1017@aol.com. FREE CONCERT AT BETH TORAH BY JEWISH ROCK STAR DAN NICHOLS! Be in our sanctuary on Sunday, March 1st at 1:00 p.m. for a rockin’ good time. Dan is widely known throughout the countr y for “making the old new, and the new holy.” This is a culmination of our artist in residence weekend sponsored by Dr. Gary and Amy Shaw in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son, Jacob. Sunday, February 15th 9:30 a.m. Religious School, Pre-K-6 10:00 a.m. Adult Hebrew Noon Interim Workshop #2 Office Closed Wednesday, February 18th Noon Adult Education: Wisdom on Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. TAG Friday, February 20th 6:00 p.m. Nosh 6:30 p.m. Erev Shabbat Worship: Public Conversion of Jim Decker 7:45 p.m. Oneg Shabbat 8:00 p.m. Stay and Play Board Game Night Saturday, February 21st 9:00 a.m. “Discussion on the Writings of the Torah” 10:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Mia Holland Sunday, February 22nd 9:30 a.m. Religious School, K-6 10:00 a.m. Adult Hebrew 10:00 a.m. Intro to Hebrew Program Monday, February 23rd 7:00 p.m. Jewish Literature Discussion Group Tuesday, February 24th Office Closed Wednesday, February 25th Noon Adult Education: Wisdom on Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. TAG Friday, February 27th 6:00 p.m. Nosh 6:30 p.m. Worship with Artist in Residence, Dan Nichols 7:45 p.m. Oneg Shabbat Telephone (913) 498-2212 6100 W. 127th St. Overland Park, KS 66209 Contact us at: info@beth-torah.org www.beth-torah.org Linda Zappulla, President Rabbi Rick Shapiro, D.D., Interim Rabbi Rabbi Rebecca Reice, Associate Rabbi Rabbi Mark Levin, D.H.L., D.D., Founding Rabbi Emily Tummons, Music Director Laura Intfen, Director of Community Connections Todd Janvrin, Director of Finance Aaron Nielsenshultz, Director of Youth, Education, and Engagement Robin O’Bryan, Office Manager Shabbat Songs & Blessings Mi Shebeirach List Shir Chadash (Silver) // Shiru ladonai, kol haaretz, shiru ladonai, shir chadash // Sing unto God all the earth a new song, I will sing unto God a new song Sing unto God and we'll all sing along, all the earth a new song unto God Hashkiveinu ("Mah Tovu") Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu l'shalom, l'shalom V'ha-amideinu, Shomreinu, l'chayim Ufros aleinu sukkat sh'lomecha (2x) Amen We are the community we need! /// Hal'luyah, Hal'luyah, Hal'luyah, Hal'luyah /// Shelter us beneath your wings, O Adonai Guard us from all harmful things, O Adonai Keep us safe throughout the night 'Til we wake with morning's light Teach us God wrong from right, Amen Amen, Amen . . . Mi shebeirach imoteinu m'kor hab'rachah laavoteinu Bless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimah, The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit And let us say, Amen. Weekly Torah Portion—Mishpatim Exodus 21:1-24:18 [Plaut Chumash (red) p. 566-592 or (blue) p. 513-525] II Kings 12:5-16 [Plaut Chumash (red) p. 1647-1648 or (blue) p. 1451-1452] Recent Deaths LAID TO REST THIS PAST WEEK: Raymond D. Davidson (father of Dan Davidson and Cathy Levin) Mi Shebeirach (Friedman) Mi shebeirach avoteinu m'kor hab'rachah l'imoteinu May the Source of strength Who blessed the ones before us Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing And let us say, Amen Tree of Life (Silverman) Shalom, shalom (4x) It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to it And all of its supports are happy (2x) Shalom, shalom (4x) Welcome to Shabbat Services Vaanachnu (Friedman) Vaanachnu n'vareich Yah mei-atah v'ad olam, mei-atah v'ad olam mei-atah v'ad olam, Hal'luyah RECENTLY LAID TO REST: Sylvia “Betty” Stone (aunt of Paula Becker) Evelyn Dribin (mother of Barbara Warady) Donald D. Weinstein (father of Pam Malcy) Phillipe Barham Erev Shabbat worship begins on page 138 in the prayer book. Shabbat morning worship begins on page 184 in the prayer book. FAMily Jam—5:50-6:05 p.m. Children, parents, grandparents and friends, come and usher in Shabbat with songs, musical instruments, dancing and fun! Yohan Cohen Yo’av Hattab Francois-Michel Sa’ada PJ Library—6:10-6:25 p.m. Bring your children and share a PJ Library book Yahrzeits Adonai Li (text from "Adon Olam", music: Benson/Rosoff) Adonai li, v'lo ira (4x) B'yado afkid ruchi, b'eit ishan v'a-ira V'im ruchi g'viyati Into God's hands I commit my spirit. In the time of sleep and awakening, even if my spirit leaves, Shehecheyanu (Pik) God is with me, I will not be afraid. Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam Shehecheyanu v’kiy’manu v’higianu laz’man hazeh. Amen A Prayer for Those Who Tend the Sick (from Talking to God: Personal Prayers for Times of Joy, Sadness, Struggle, and Celebration by Naomi Levy) I don’t get paid much, thanked much, or noticed much. But I am here, and I know how valuable I am. I am the one who stays when everyone else goes home. Clean things no one else will touch. I watch things no one else can bear to see. I bring comfort and companionship. I listen, I hear. I pray to You, God, for strength. When I grow weary, renew my spirit. When my patience grows thin, bless me with stamina. When I feel forgotten and alone, show me that You are near. When others treat me poorly, remind me that I am doing Your work. I thank You, God, for giving me the opportunity to bring light into the lives of the afflicted. Amen. Sid Antin (father of Cherie Fasbinder) Gene Balot (uncle of Barbara Pittel) Josephine Loeb Bloom (aunt of Bill Lowenstein) Ann Eisberg (mother of Judy Hellman and Marcia Rittmaster) Fran Ellenberg (mother of Steve Ellenberg) Paul Flam (father of Nina Shik) Kitty Greenberg (mother of Joan Grant) Thelma Grossman (great-grandmother of Matthew Golden, grandmother of Michael Golden) Leonard Jones (father of Cindy Horowitz) Esther Jayne Kahn (sister of Joyce Hess) Lillian Kartch (mother-in-law of Joyce Kartch) Boruch-Bensio Kheyfets (father of Oleg Kheyfets) Jerry Lapid (grandfather of Randy Wexler) Emanuel Lowenstein (grandfather of Bill Lowenstein) Reuben Moss (father of Merle Olderman) Tony Novak (cousin of Patricia Neyman) Ralph Irving Passman (father of Ellen Monsees) Jane Liberty Vogel Rosenberg (mother of Shirley Stettner) Samuel Sader (grandfather of Randi Friedlander, Neil Sader and Elisa Waldman, and father of Hal Sader) Pearl Schecter (aunt of Phyllis Goldberg) Neta Scheer (sister of Marilyn Schulzinger) Leo Schmidt (father of Mary Ann Goldstein) Lillian Schultz (grandmother of Bill Lefko) Estelle Shames (mother of Cindy Shames) Jerry Shapiro (father of Barry Shapiro) Jerry Shemarya (brother of Stella Parris) Lily Stettin (great-grandmother of David Brache) Mary Trembulak (grandmother of Richard Bellotti) Ethel Weiner (mother of Larry Weiner) Helen Wolff (mother of Robert Wolff) . שֶׁ גְּמָ לַ ֽנִי כָּל טוֹב,בָּרוְּך ַאתָּ ה יְי ָ ֱאֹלהֵ ֽינוּ מֶ ֽלְֶך הָעוֹלָם Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu melech haolam shegemalani kol tov. Praised are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who grants us every good thing. Shabbat Shalom! and a craft or other fun project with Beth Torah member, Elizabeth Lenz. You’ll finish just in time for FAMJam, our family sing-a-long. Free child care is available in Classroom 1 on Erev Shabbat and Shabbat morning. Thank you to our volunteer babysitters: Susan Cohen on Friday night and Nina Gale on Saturday morning. Thank you to Ellen Sommi, Roger Sommi, Tim Intfen, Emma Benson, Carmen Dieker, Joel Krichiver and Randy Deutch for our music on Friday night under the direction of Emily Tummons. Mazel Tov to Fred Holland on the occasion of his conversion. Thank you to Rabbi Mark Levin for reading Torah on Friday night in honor of the anniversary of his bar mitzvah. This week the Shabbat calendar says to “Identify How Jewish Laws Affect My Behavior.” Tonight’s aliyah is offered to anyone who is following the Shabbat calendar. Thank you to the February Hospitality Committee for providing the treats for the Friday night Oneg Shabbat. Mazel tov to Molly Levinson for reading Torah and leading worship on Shabbat morning in honor of her bat mitzvah. Thank you to Rylee Hendrikse for being the Congregational aliyah on Saturday morning in honor of the anniversary of her bat mitzvah. Thank you to Jennifer Levinson for providing the sweets on Shabbat morning following services in honor of the bat mitzvah of her daughter, Molly. February 13/14, 2015 - Shevet 25, 5775
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