Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Ki Tissa ,n zxz Abraham Galbut – President February 27th 2016 18 Adar 5776 P Erev Shabbat Schedule Candle Lighting Mincha 6:03 PM 6:10 PM Shabbat Schedule Hashkama Minyan 7:30 AM Main Minyan 9:00 AM Teen Minyan 9:30 AM *Afternoon Youth Groups 5:05 PM* Rabbi Bixon’s Class 5:05 PM Mincha: 5:55 PM Guest Speaker at Seudat Shlishit Rabbi Nisson Friedman Maariv 6:50 PM Shabbat Ends 6:56 PM Sun. Feb. 28th – Fri. March 4th Shacharit: 7:00 & 8:00 AM Mincha: Monday – Thursday 6:10 PM Weekday Class Schedule Tues, Wed, Thurs. 6:20 AM Masechet Avodah Zarah Shiur Tuesday at 9:15 am Women’s Parsha Class Wednesday at 8:00 PM Advanced Talmud Class HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Nancy Galbut, Harold Litwin, Ari Schuster, Joanne Tepler, Avigayil Silverstone, Robin Jacobs, Ozer Simon, Cherna Moskowitz, Elizabeth Berman, Leon Beylus, Eric Galbut, Laurie Miller HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO: Deborah and Judd Zisquit Mishloach Manot 2016 STOP BDS and Help Support Beth Israel Congregation $260 to sign up for the whole list See our website for details. Mazal Tov To -Rachel and Jonathan Gdanski On the birth of a baby boy. Mazal Tov to grandparents Susan and Stanley Rosenblatt Rabbi Bixon will be speaking on Thursday March 3rd at 12:00 pm -Pepita and Simon Bronner on the birth of a great grandson 3200 Southeast Financial Center 200 South Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33131 Weekly Announcements is Sponsored By Youth Groups Announcements Pre-Groups begin @ 9:15 Regular Groups begin @ 9:45 Adina, Pepita and Simon Bronner in honor of the birth of their grandson and great grandson born to Yuriy and Danielle Litvinov. Mazal Tov to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Litvinov. Mazal Tov to great grandmother Mazal Goldberg Hashkama Minyan Kiddush is sponsored in honor of Harold Litwin’s birthday by his children Efrem, Dov, Chanee, Avi and Sharona, and his grandchildren BJ, Ayelet, Daniella, Leora, Dave, Zevi, Eli, Rivka, Chaya, Penina, Rutie, Goldie, Yosefa, Yehuda, and Bat Sheva . Seudat Shlishit is Sponsored in loving memory of Beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother Leah Rajsfeld a”h 15th Adar By her daughter, Ani Leiser Grandchildren, Leah and Zvi Klein and Great Grandchildren Alix, Sam and Jonah Klein Guest Speaker at Seudat Shlishit Rabbi Nisson Friedman Rosh Mechina of Mechina South Florida Afternoon groups 45 minutes before mincha Teen minyan is on for this week, we are asking all Teens to please come on time so our minyan can start on time! Mark your calendars! 3/23 EPIC PURIM PARTY #PartyInISRAEL Beth Israel Social Hall Details to follow! ATTENTION ALL TEENS Special Teen Meeting THIS Sunday 2/28 @ 6:30 pm to plan for our PURIM PARTY and Carnival. Stay Tuned for more details! Thank you to Becky and Joe Leuchter for adding to our ever growing Jewish Library. May the Neshama of their grandfather, זאב וולף בן פינחס הכהן ז"ל Herman Shooster have an aliya. Birthday Club for the months of ADAR will be March 12! Are you kids signed up for the birthday club? Ask Rabbi G. to be sure! Will be an Adar Birthday club to remember! Special next week - BIKUR CHOLIM VISIT TO MT SINAI HOSPITAL. Won't you join us? Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Ki Tissa DVAR TORAH BY: DR. ARI CIMENT IS וּדבָ שׁ ְ אֶ ֶרץ זָ בַ ת חָ לָבA BLESSING, A CURSE, NEITHER, OR BOTH!?!?!? וְ ִאם בָּ טַ לְ ָתּ..., הֱ וֵ י ְממַ עֵ ט בְּ עֵ סֶ ק,ַרבִּ י מֵ ִאיר אוֹמֵ ר וְ ִאם עָ מַ לְ ָתּ. יֶשׁ לְ בְ ֵטלִ ים הַ ְרבֵּ ה כְ נֶגְ ָדּ,ִמן הַ תּו ָֹרה : יֶשׁ ל ֹו ָשׂכָ ר הַ ְרבֵּ ה לִ ֶתּן ָל, בַ תּו ָֹרה Rabbi Meir would say: … If you neglect the Torah, there will be many more causes for neglect before you; if you toil much in Torah, there is much rewArd to give to you. (AVOS 4:10) Question: If we neglect the Torah, we end up punished with having many more causes for neglect before you- what does this mean? I would’ve expected perhaps a harsher punishment I.e.: Heaven forbid, illness or pain etc) and so what is meant here? The answer to this question is derived from 2 more questions... QUESTIONS: In Parshas Bo, G-d affirms (in a very positive/uplifiting tone) to Bnei Yisroel that we will go to וּדבָ שׁ ְ אֶ ֶרץ זָ בַ ת חָ לָב/ a land flowing with milk and honey. In our Parsha, in the immediate aftermath of the sin of the עֵ גֶל, G-d is very upset and scolds B’Y that He won’t personally accompany them but they will go to a וּדבָ שׁ ְ אֶ ֶרץ זָ בַ ת חָ לָב.. This positive sounding description of Israel seems very out of place here when Hashem is steaming at B’Y! That’s like a parent scolding his child, “I am so mad at you and I am going to have the babysitter take you to the super duper amazing beautiful playground”. To strengthen this question, B’Y actually confirms that going to אֶ ֶרץ זָ בַ ת וּדבָ שׁ ְ חָ לָבis seemingly bad in the very next pasuk- הַ ָדּבָ ר הָ ָרע הַ זֶּ ה- אֶ ת,( וַ יִּ ְשׁמַ ע הָ עָ םAnd when the people heard these evil tidings)... Second related question: When we bless G-d before we eat grain, we say “ "המו ִֹציא לֶחֶ םאַרץ ֶ ָ ִמן הsince לֶחֶ םis the human finished product, why do we bless G-d this way- the לֶחֶ םdidnt really come from the ground, we put the ingredients together and formed the ?!?!?לֶחֶ ם ANSWER/ANALYSIS: When Adam neglected the only Torah of his time (not to eat of the Apple tree!), mankind was punished with having to work for his bread“ תֹּאכַ ל לֶחֶ ם, ( ”בְּ זֵ עַ ת אַ פֶּ יIn the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread). As B’Y were to enter Israel initially escorted by G-d, they were initially assured in parshas BO to be going into an וּדבָ שׁ ְ אֶ ֶרץ זָ בַ ת חָ לָב. Abraham Galbut – President February 27th 2016 18 Adar 5776 Understanding that milk and honey are not actually natural byproducts of land (milk coming from cows and honey from bees!), Bnei Yisroel still didn’t flinch at all because they figured that as long as G-d is escorting them, that will be His problem! In fact, thay may have reckoned that the curse of Adam was to be overturned as they entered Israel ( no longer would תֹּאכַ ל לֶחֶ ם, בְּ זֵ עַ ת אַ פֶּ י apply!!!).. But, B’Y sinned by the חֵ ְטא הַ עֵ גֶל, and this miraculous blessing of וּדבָ שׁ ְ אֶ ֶרץ זָ בַ ת חָ לָב now actually becomes Bnei Yisroel’s burden if G-d is not going to miraculously provide for this reality!!! Now B’Y will need to fulfill G-d’s promise of וּדבָ שׁ ְ אֶ ֶרץ זָ בַ ת חָ לָב and therefore ensure enough grazing fields and workers to milk the cows/goats while simultaneously employing bee-keepers who can pollinate the crops etc!! (note Kesuvos 110a that says that the milk here is from goats and honey is from dates and not bees but please allow for some poetic justice here) When Adam violated the Torah of his time and when B’Y neglected the Torah as they were receiving it, they were each respectively spared illness/death and punished with merely having to work to attain the means. When we say המו ִֹציא לֶחֶ ם אַרץ ֶ ָמן ה, ִ we are constantly acknowledging the fact that it is only G-d’s mercy that enabled us to work for our food! He could’ve wiped us off the face of the earth when we did the חֵ ְטא הַ עֵ גֶלbut instead punished us by making us have to invest time/energy to prepare for our sustenance. The וּדבָ שׁ ְ אֶ ֶרץ זָ בַ ת חָ לָבpost the חֵ ְטא הַ עֵ גֶלwas a ָדּבָ ר הָ ָרעjust like , בְּ זֵ עַ ת אַ פֶּ י תֹּאכַ ל לֶחֶ םwas a ָדּבָ ר הָ ָרעfor mankind because now we are burdened with so much wasted time and energy used for mere sustenance. יֶשׁ לְ בְ ֵטלִ ים,ִאם בָּ טַ לְ ָתּ ִמן הַ תּו ָֹרה הַ ְרבֵּ ה כְ נֶגְ ָדּcan also mean that if we neglect the Torah, G-d mercifully will withhold illness/death but will find ways to make us use our time and energy towards endeavours that we didn’t need to invest in prior! TAKEAWAY MESSAGE/S: When G-d promised us a land flowing with milk and honey, it was initially a miraculous blessing; this was a blessing that perhaps could have reversed the curse of Adam. When we sinned at the חֵ ְטא הַ עֵ ֶגל, however, that very miraculous blessing of וּדבָ שׁ ְ אֶ ֶרץ זָ בַ ת חָ לָב became our own time/effort-consuming responsibility. When we neglect our spirituality, G-d punishes us not by removing our blessings but by making the path to the blessings more arduous (time and effort consuming!). Almost every time we eat, we acknowledge that G-d mercifully allowed us the ability to work for our food and create our sustenance with His help (as opposed to wiping us out by the חֵ ְטא הַ עֵ גֶל and/or )!!!חֵ ְטא הַ עֵ ץby saying המו ִֹציא לֶחֶ ם ִמן אַרץ ֶ ָה... אֶ ֶרץ זָבַ ת חָ לָב ְוּדבָ שׁWAS A BLESSING WHICH BECAME A RESPONSIBILITY AND A REMINDER OF HOW BLESSINGS CAN BECOME RESPONSIBILITIES IF WE NEGLECT SPIRITUALITY- ְ יֶשׁ ל,ִאם בָּ טַ לְ ָתּ ִמן הַ תּו ָֹרה !! בְ ֵטלִ ים הַ ְרבֵּ ה כְ נֶגְ ָדּ COMMUNITY NEWS Bikur Cholim Miami Beach If you know anyone that could use help please refer them to Bikur Cholim. See how you can get involved in Bikur Cholim or donate. Check out the website Greater Miami Jewish Federation SUPER SUNDAY Sun. March 13th 2016 9 am- 6 pm 4200 Biscayne Blvd. Activities for all ages Be a part of this annual effort to do good deeds for other. Help raise money for the annual GMJF/LIJA Campaign supporting Jewish needs in Miami, in Israel and World wide. Register at Or call 786-866-8435 Project Witness Mon. Feb. 29th Doors open at 7:30 pm Program starts at 8:00 pm Presenting an original riveting Full-length holocaust documentary. Once Upon a Family Jewish Learning Center 411 West 41st St. Guest speaker Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro
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