7319 W. ATLANTIC AVE. DELRAY BEACH, FL 33446 (561) 499-0970 MENACHEM JAROSLAWICZ, RABBI HARRY LAZARUS, PRESIDENT Z’MANIM: PARSHAS VA’ERA FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 2015 CANDLE LIGHTING...…………..5:32PM followed by Kabalas Shabbos and MAARIV.........5:30PM MINCHA SHABBOS: Shabbos Mevarchim for Chodesh Shevat SHACHARIS…..................…….9:00AM MINCHA ...….….......................5:15PM FOLLOWED BY SHALOSH SEUDOS. MAARIV ………..............….……6:25PM HAVDALAH NOT BEFORE…...6:29PM WEEKDAY MINYANIM: SUNDAY THRU FRIDAY SHACHARIS ….......................7:30AM MINCHA, FOLLOWED BY HALACHA, AND MA’ARIV…………………….5:00PM MINCHA on Friday, Jan. 23rd is at 5:30PM. Rosh Chodesh Shevat is on Wednesday, January 21, 2015. th This Monday, January 12 at 7:30PM at the Shul, Rabbi Jaroslawicz will give a Shuir on: “Taking a Second Wife”, Understanding the status of the “Agunah” [the chained woman] and that of the “Agun” [the chained man]. Men who refuse to give their wife a “GET” and/or women who refuse to accept a “GET” from their husband. What marriage options are available to either of them? How bad is this problem, what is being done about it, and is it working? On January 26th at 7:30PM at the Shul, Rabbi Daniel Cohen, senior Rabbi at Congregation Agudath Shalom in Stamford, Conn., will speak on: What will they say about you when you’re gone? For ERUV STATUS, Call 561-499-0970 AFTER 2PM ON FRIDAY Kiddush this Shabbos is being co-sponsored by Mendy and Sheila Weissman in honor of their grandchildren and by Judy and Bob Turkewitz to commemorate the memory and Yahrzeits of Judy’s parents Sonia (40 years),A’H, and Chaim Fleischer (49 years), Z"L. To sponsor a kiddush, contact Alan Graubard at 561-637-0307, Milt Blau at 561-499-3579, or Stuart Jacoby at 585-469-0746. Rabbi Daniel Cohen possesses a unique blend of authenticity, wisdom and spiritual insight for contemporary society. Rabbi Cohen is the editor of "Mining for Gold: Essays Exploring the Relevancy of Torah in the Modern World" and author of the forthcoming book, "What will they say about you when you’re gone? Seven Principles for Reverse Engineering your Life!” Please make sure that all cell phones are either turned off or put them on vibrate/silent mode during weekday Shul services and classes. PAGE 1 REFUAH SHELAIMAH Judy Mindick (Yehudis bas Devorah) Esther Rosen (Esther bas Mindel) Esther Heller (Esther bas Rivka) Eugene Steinberg (Yisroel HaCohain ben Freida) Jeffrey Kopelman (Edal Mordechai ben Nechi) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YAHRTZEITS for Jan. 17, 2015 – Jan. 23, 2015 Saturday, January 17, 26 of TEVET Grandmother of SOLOMON ROSEN, Sarah Devorah Rabstein, Sara Dvora bas Moshe Itzhak HaLevi, A"H Sunday, January 18, 27 of TEVET Mother-in-law of SARA BIEBER, Esther Malcah bas Yitzchok Yaacov, A"H Sister of MIRIAM GREENBERG, Golda, Golda bas HaRav Yitzchok Mordechai, A"H Monday, January 19, 28 of TEVET Wife of MEL FOX, Simi bas Moshe, A"H Wednesday, January 21, 01 of SHEVAT Father of MARK COHEN, Leo Cohen, Eliezer Lipman ben Mayer Micha'el HaCohain, Z"L Thursday, January 22, 02 of SHEVAT Brother of ARLENE MEISNER, Jeffrey Berger, Yom-Tov Zeev ben Yaakov, Z"L Friday, January 23, 03 of SHEVAT Father of HENNY BICK, Aaron Rosenberg, Aharon ben Moshe Gershon, Z"L Sister of MORTY LEVIN, Chana Freydel bas Menachem Mendel Halevi, A"H Father of RITA LEVINE, Sam Katz, Shemuel ben Label, Z"L MAY THEY ALL MERIT AN ALIYAS NESHAMAH MOVIE NIGHT for DOS!!! The Synagogue is sponsoring a MOVIE NIGHT at the Movies of Delray. The date is this Thursday January 22 and viewing will begin at 7:00 PM. This is an exclusive pre-release viewing. It is called "A Journey into the Holocaust" and is an exploration into the Holocaust and why genocides continue to happen. It has been touted at the Jewish Film Festival and is worth seeing. An open discussion of the film will be conducted by Rabbi Jaroslawicz following the showing. Seating is limited. Paid reservations will be a guarantee for entrance. $10.00 is the donation amount; $8.00 for Seniors. Proceeds will be for DOS. Fliers in Shul and at the DOS web site. We are pleased to let you know that due to the efforts of Judy Turkewitz, DOS NOW HAS SCRIP AVAILABLE FOR WINN DIXIE! Milt Sabin, Rose Feldman and Estelle Krim will be pleased to sell you Winn Dixie scrip as well as Kosher Marketplace and Glick’s. Scrip is available in $100 denominations from Kosher Marketplace and $50 for Glicks and Winn Dixie. DOS NOW HAS SCRIP FOR ASIA AND CENTURY GRILL! See Judy Turkewitz for Century Grill and Gary Schlanger for Asia. DO NOT GO SHOPPING WITHOUT YOUR SCRIP! PAGE 2 Since DOS has invested so much into the new website we are asking you to please go to the website at www.delrayorthodox.org and sign in. This will also ask for you to assign a password. Once you have done this you will be able to review your personal information, Yahrzeit information and Billing information. It is very important for us to have your input immediately regarding all of this. If you are having a problem, please send an email to either Sandy Geiger at sanford.geiger@live.com or Alan Graubard at alangraubard@comcast.net . FOR ADDITIONS TO “TREE OF LIFE” MEMORIAL PLAQUES, & SEFORIM DONATIONS, CALL MORTY LEVIN AT (561) 637-4662 Thank you for the care, kindness and comfort you extended to me, during the Shiva and Shloshim mourning periods, for my dear brother. I appreciate the numerous memorial cards you sent in his name and also your personal visits. Community support was very important to me during these sorrowful times. Toda Raba, Mona Schoenfeld CARDS AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS, CALL ROZ FERMAN AT (561) 638-5438. SISTERHOOD UPDATE: We would like to thank all of you who help to set up and clear the Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit each Shabbos. The Annual DOS Card Party will be held on February 2 at the South County Civic Center. Please send your check for $26.00 per person to Rochelle Rush to confirm your seating. Seating is limited so get your checks in on time. Please call Rochelle at 201-310-2096, or Rita Levine at 561-498-8803, or Roz Ferman at 561-638-5438 with any questions. Sisterhood's meeting on February 3rd will be a book discussion led by Marcia Mermelstein. The book to be discussed is: "The Guide To The Perplexed " by Dara Horn. The library is holding a number of copies for us. In addition to our book discussion we are happy to announce the return engagement of "Helen's Hat Sale". Be sure not to miss out on this fabulous sale. Please contact Paula Winter at 561-637-9828 for DOS Sisterhood events. ALL REQUESTS TO ADD ANY INFORMATION TO THE BULLETIN SHOULD BE MADE TO SANDY GEIGER AT DELRAYORTHODOX@LIVE.COM, OR YOU CAN CONTACT HIM AT (561) 637-2526 BEFORE 6PM ON WEDNESDAYS. ANY ITEMS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DEADLINE MAY NOT BE INCLUDED. RAFFLE! RAFFLE! RAFFLE! Has everyone received their raffle ticket mailing? Does anyone need more raffle tickets? Our early bird deadline is February 16. Please contact Dorri Goldman, Ralph Nussbaum, Florence Schlanger, or Joe Ferman for more tickets. The drawing will take place at a breakfast at DOS on Sunday, March 15th. May we again remind our members to let us know when there are Mazal Tovs for anniversaries, engagements, weddings, becoming grandparents,etc. We also need to know about adding or deleting people from our Refuah Shlaimah list. We now offer Members and anyone else the opportunity to donate online at our website by going to this address: www.delrayorthodox.org/payment.php We encourage all of you to take advantage of this very convenient opportunity. Fd PAGE 3 Rabbi’s Message How would you differentiate between a “gift” and an “inheritance”? They would seem to be similar in so many ways, and yet we can all sense that there is a difference. I was thinking that one difference might possibly be that an inheritance implies something that has been in the family for a long period of time, perhaps even from much earlier generations. Whereas a gift is more likely to have just been purchased. In most circumstances, an individual has a strong emotional bond with an inheritance. It carries with it memories of loved ones, history and stories. It is packed with sentiment and emotion. Many an argument, lawsuit and even war were brought about by an inheritance, much more so than any financially-equivalent gift. There is a sense of rightful ownership that accompanies an inheritance (almost an “entitlement”!), unlike the simple and newfound gratitude that is triggered by a gift. In this week’s Parshas Va’eira, we find G-d speaking to Moshe and instructing him on what to say to the Children of Israel: “I shall take you to me for a people and shall be a G-d to you; and you shall know that I am Hashem your G-d, Who takes you out from under the burdens of Egypt. I shall bring you to the land about which I have raised My hand to give it to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I shall give it to you as ‘A HERITAGE’ [MORASHA] -- I am Hashem.” The Ba’al Ha’Turim on this Pasuk comments that the word “MORASHA,” meaning “A HERITAGE,” is found only twice in the entire Torah. Once here, when referring to Eretz Yisroel, and once in Parshas Ha’azinu, where the pasuk referring to the Torah says, “Torah Tzivah Lanu Moshe, Morasha Kehilas Yaakov” [The Torah that Moshe commanded us is the ‘heritage’ of the Congregation of Jacob]. The sefer HaK’sav V’Hakabala writes that, just like the Torah was given on Mt. Sinai not just for that generation, but obviously for all future generations to follow as well, so, too, the Holy Land of Israel was not given by G-d to the Jewish people exiting Egypt “just for them.” The Land of Israel is a “MORASHA,” an inheritance for the Jewish people for all eternity. Like with any inheritance, the recipient needs to remain in good standing with the grantor in order to secure their share of the inheritance. Otherwise, everyone else will lay claim to your portion and make every attempt to turn court officials, family, friends, and even world opinion against you and your rightful entitlement to your “MORASHA.” The unity march in France this week can easily give the impression that world opinion is finally changing in favor and in support of the Jew. DO NOT BE FOOLED FOR EVEN ONE SECOND THAT THIS IS TRUE! One need only look at the front row of the solidarity march and see Mahmoud “Abu Mazen” Abbas marching against terrorism to realize that all this is nothing more than one big public relations joke. For the most part, the majority of the world still recognizes the “Old Testament” as legitimate and as the basis for so many of our current social laws and values. I cannot understand how those same people can ignore the sentences that clearly ascribe, time and time again throughout the text, and attest to the “Land of Israel” being the true inheritance of the Jewish people. The Torah is also our “MORASHA,” our inheritance. If we put a little extra effort into showing G-d that we treat our unique inheritance, the Torah, with love and devotion -- that we cling to it, cherish it, use it as our guide and revere it as the true “love of our lives” -- maybe, then, G-d will grant us clear title and access to our second “MORASHA,” the Land of Israel, unchallenged, and allow us to express our love to Him from within the walls of the third Bais Hamikdash in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh in the immediate future. . . . Amen Have a Great Shabbos. PAGE 4
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