7319 W. ATLANTIC AVE. DELRAY BEACH, FL 33446 (561) 499-0970 MENACHEM JAROSLAWICZ, RABBI HARRY LAZARUS, PRESIDENT Z’MANIM: PARSHAS VAYETZE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2014 CANDLE LIGHTING...…………..5:09PM This Monday, December 1st, we will be having a guest lecturer, details below. Rabbi Jaroslawicz's regular Monday night SHIUR will resume on Monday December 8th. followed by Kabalas Shabbos and MAARIV.........5:15PM MINCHA You are urged to checkout our Website at: SHABBOS: SHACHARIS…..................…….9:00AM MINCHA ...….….......................5:00PM FOLLOWED BY SHALOSH SEUDOS. MAARIV ………..............….……6:01PM HAVDALAH NOT BEFORE…...6:05PM WEEKDAY MINYANIM: SUNDAY THRU FRIDAY SHACHARIS ….......................7:30AM MINCHA, FOLLOWED BY HALACHA, AND MA’ARIV…………………….5:00PM ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, BEGIN SAYING “V’Tain Tal U’Matar Livracha” AT MA’ARIV. ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5TH, MINCHA WILL BE AT 5:15PM. WWW.DELRAYORTHODOX.ORG For ERUV STATUS, Call 561-499-0970 AFTER 2PM ON FRIDAY Kiddush this Shabbos is being sponsored by Sid & Rose-Anne Goldstein. To sponsor a kiddush, contact Alan Graubard at 561-637-0307, Milt Blau at 561-499-3579, or Stuart Jacoby at 585-469-0746. December 1: Guest speaker: See next page. December 8: Rabbi Jaroslawicz will be giving the closing Shiur on Astrology in conjunction with how it applies to Channukah. December 15: Guest Speaker will be Rabbi Benjamin Yasgur, rabbi of Cong. Torah Ohr in Century Village Boca Raton. The topic will be: Jacob's Masquerade and the Concept of Bashert. December 22: Rabbi Jaroslawicz will begin a new Shiur on the History and the meaning of the Kaddish. Don’t forget to buy your Scrip for Glick's and Kosher Marketplace. Please call Rose Feldman at 561-381-4282 or Milt Sabin at 561-865-4848 for your Scrip. This will help our Shul and it will be so convenient for you. Please make sure that all cell phones are either turned off or put them on vibrate/silent mode during weekday Shul services and classes. PAGE 1 REFUAH SHELAIMAH Judy Mindick (Yehudis bas Devorah) Marilyn Finkel (Chana Malka bas Tzivia) Rachelle Lazarus (Rochel bas Aiga) Milt Blau (Mayer Reuven HaLevi ben Feigel) Carol Sorani (Chaya Liba bas Leah) Esther Rosen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YAHRTZEITS for Nov. 29, 2014 – Dec. 5, 2014 Saturday, November 29, 07 of KISLEV Father of ANN KIRSCHNER, Hyman Schneider, Chaim Dov ben Uzeil, Z"L Sunday, November 30, 08 of KISLEV Mother of ELAINE RAPPAPORT, Lillian Ruth Frankel, Rivka Leah bas Zev Volf, A"H Tuesday, December 02, 10 of KISLEV Mother-in-law of SHEILA HECKER, Sarah Gitel bas Efraim, A"H Wednesday, December 03, 11 of KISLEV Husband of RITA LEVINE, Abe Levine, Avraham Mordechai ben Shemuel Halevi, Z"L Mother of RALPH NUSSBAUM, Miriam bas Harav Yisachar, A"H Thursday, December 04, 12 of KISLEV Mother of CELIA SHORE, Rachel bas Avraham, A"H Friday, December 05, 13 of KISLEV Father of ESTHER HELLER, Aharon Arye ben Kaddish Yaakov, Z"L Mother of DORRI GOLDMAN, Sylvia E. Frank, Sara Rivka bas Aryeh Leib, A"H MAY THEY ALL MERIT AN ALIYAS NESHAMAH On December 1st at 7:30PM at the Shul, we will be hearing a lecture from Mrs. Shoshana Jaroslawicz, Esq. The topic will be: "I’ve looked at criminals from both sides now….the evolution of compassion" How do we feel about and treat people who do bad things? How does G-d want us to treat people who commit crimes? What are some Torah sources on this topic? Does it matter how bad the crime is? In other words, what about pure evil? There, but for the grace of G-d, go I. Mrs. Jaroslawicz completed her Undergraduate Degree in Philosophy, and received her Law Degree in 1987. She prosecuted Juvenile Delinquents for NYC from September 1988 to August 1992, including over one year in a specialized Sex Crimes Unit. She is married to the previous Director of Legal Affairs and Chief Executive Officer of the Aleph Institute, whose mission it was to help incarcerated Jews . There will be a general membership meeting this Thursday, December 4, 2014 at 7:30PM at the Shul. PAGE 2 Since DOS has invested so much into the new website we are asking you to please go to the website at www.delrayorthodox.org and sign in. This will also ask for you to assign a password. Once you have done this you will be able to review your personal information, Yahrzeit information and Billing information. It is very important for us to have your input immediately regarding all of this. If you are having a problem, please send an email to either Sandy Geiger at sanford.geiger@live.com or Alan Graubard at alangraubard@comcast.net . FOR ADDITIONS TO “TREE OF LIFE” MEMORIAL PLAQUES, & SEFORIM DONATIONS, CALL MORTY LEVIN AT (561) 637-4662 ALL REQUESTS TO ADD NAMES FOR MESHEBAIRACHS OR REFUAH SHELAIMAHS SHOULD INCLUDE THE INDIVIDUAL’S FIRST AND LAST ENGLISH NAMES, AS WELL AS THEIR AND THEIR MOTHER’S HEBREW NAMES. IF YOUR CURRENT PUSHKA IS MORE THAN HALF FULL, PLEASE PLACE THE CONTENTS IN AN ENVELOPE AND BRING IT TO SHUL. CARDS AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS, CALL ROZ FERMAN AT (561) 638-5438. SISTERHOOD UPDATE: We would like to thank all of you who help to set up and clear the Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit each Shabbos. Our December Sisterhood meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 9th. After the meeting we are in for a treat with another "SPECIAL CRAFTS PROJECT' under the guidance of Rebbetzin Rifka. Delicious refreshments will also be served. Please notify either Marcy or Paula if you are planning to come as we want to be sure we have enough craft supplies for all. There will be a small charge of $8.00 to cover the the cost of the craft materials. SAVE THE DATE!!! On Sunday, December 21st Sisterhood is planning a Chanukah Gala which promises to be both enjoyable and entertaining. We are looking for sponsors for this event. SAVE THE DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 2015 ANNUAL DOS CARD PARTY AT THE CIVIC CENTER BRING YOUR GAMES AND HAVE FUN Please contact Paula Winter at 561-637-9828 for DOS Sisterhood events. The Malava Malka originally scheduled for Saturday night, December 20th has been cancelled. ALL REQUESTS TO ADD ANY INFORMATION TO THE BULLETIN SHOULD BE MADE TO SANDY GEIGER AT DELRAYORTHODOX@LIVE.COM, OR YOU CAN CONTACT HIM AT (561) 637-2526 BEFORE 6PM ON WEDNESDAYS. ANY ITEMS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DEADLINE MAY NOT BE INCLUDED. In Israel the Recon battalion of the Hermon Brigade, called the "Mountain Scouts " protect the border of Syria and the area around Mt. Hermon all winter for the IDF. We want to raise funds for them to help them purchase winter gear such as Face masks,gloves, winter coats and hats. The unit will send us a picture showing us their new gear. Checks should be made out to DOS for The IDF. We now offer Members and anyone else the opportunity to donate online at our website by going to this address: www.delrayorthodox.org/payment.php We encourage all of you to take advantage of this very convenient opportunity. Fd PAGE 3 Rabbi’s Message Parshas Va'Yeitzei. I thought that this merited being my message for the week. A wonderful and poignant eulogy of the murdered rabbis by the non Jewish Italian journalist Guilio Meotti. He is more than a righteous gentile. He is a "MENSCH" in the hIghest meaning of that word. Op-Ed: My Homage to the Rabbis Killed in Jerusalem The four rabbis murdered in Jerusalem were living Torah Scrolls. Published: Saturday, November 22, 2014 6:23 PM Giulio Meotti Their every word and deed revealed an ancient civilization and traditions filtered through the centuries. Their bodies were turned into fountains of blood by the delirium of Islamist murderers who shouted "Allahu Akbar". But to see them alive, shadows swaying, was to realize that those four learned men transmitted the plastic image of scenes from the Old Testament. They each wanted to aspire to be a "talmid khakham", students of rabbis who preceded them, in the tradition of those pious scholars who founded a democratic theocracy and rebelled against the most formidable autocratic monarchy of the time, Egypt. The four Israeli rabbis killed with a machete in the synagogue in Har Nof, Jerusalem, lived with an acute sense of the Jewish tragedy. The destruction of the Temple, the mass pogroms of Chmielnicki and the Holocaust were physically present in their lives. They spoke of "mesirut nefesh", Hebrew for self-sacrifice. "The Lord chooses his children, we have to respect his wishes." This infinite compassion was the greatness of Rabbis Moshe Twersky, Aryeh Kupinsky, Kalman Levine and Avraham Shmuel Goldberg. They had a pale and elusive beauty, intensified by a spiritual contempt for fear. They wore long white beards and blue eyes bursting with curiosity. Twersky was heir to two of the families who have contributed volumes to the glory of Orthodox Judaism. A life of study and prayer. His maternal grandfather, the great Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Jewish philosopher and rabbinic head of Yeshiva University, known simply as "the Rav", pressed Pope Paul VI to reinstate the condemnation of the charge of deicide during the writing of the Vatican encyclical on Judaism Nostra Aetate, which had disappeared from the draft under the pressure of the Arab eastern churches. The other grandfather, Rabbi Isadore Twersky, famous for his works on Maimonides, founded the Center of Jewish studies at Harvard. At first glance, the Israeli world presents, sometimes almost exasperatingly, the character of the most advanced, unscrupulous Western societies. In Har Nof, however, and in the synagogue where the massacre took place, one finds the other Israel, the pious, humble, religious Israel, that can be found in the older ultra-Orthodox densely populated neighborhoods, in parts of Judea and Samaria and large neighborhoods of Jerusalem built after 1967. In the hill of the massacre, Har Nof, literally the Hill of Vistas, lived Former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who died a year ago, the phenomenal rabbi who had won the title of "Ma'or Yisrael", the Light of Israel. The motto here is: "First the Torah, then the State". The attack on the synagogue was a deja vu for Jerusalem, On August 19, 2003, Jerusalem's number 2 bus was filled with worshippers returning from the Western Wall when twenty-three Jewish passengers were killed by a Palestinian suicide bomber. It was called "the bus of holiness." For many of the victims, going to the Kotel was a holiday, a source of immense joy. The four rabbis wanted to "help sixteen million Jews in the world to reach contact with God and the commandments." The watchwords of Twersky were like those of Chabad: wisdom (chochmah), understanding (binah), and knowledge (Daath). Twersky and the others were in the world, but out of the world. You see them everywhere in Jerusalem, they are always in good spirits, they turn to strangers with a smile, if they are Chabad, they immediately offer to fasten the phylacteries, coiling them around the arm with the agility of magicians. PAGE 4 They were the heroes of a world of simplicity, directness and prodigious familiarity with God; that same world that Marc Chagall revealed with his pictorial art. Education and social assistance were the priorities of these four Jews. The biographies of the four vibrated with the paradox of a proportion that dropped entirely in the reality of the human, the radical absence of abstraction, the continuous passage from earth to heaven, a sublimity tinged with humor. The Torah scholars killed by Palestinian terrorists had all left lives of ease and assimilation in the outskirts of the West. Levine was born in Kansas City, he was the son of a lawyer, and in Israel studied in the old hareidi neighborhood of Meah Shearim, which means "one hundred doors", a fortress where Jews live, sleep, work with the Bible and the Talmud under their eyes. Rabbi Kupinsky was from Detroit, where he was well known in the city (his parents had taught at Wayne State University). Kupinsky had moved to Har Nof from his family's home in Kiryat Arba, the "City of Four", adjoining Hevron, the city of the Jewish Patriarchs, where Jewish life is behind a tall metal fence that runs all around the houses, the post office, the school. A place where war is not on television, but enters the low houses of white stone and is on the roads, in the pine forest, in the games for children. "Welcome to the Messiah," says the yellow banner that greets visitors at the entrance of the village-bunker. It was founded with the blessing of Labour, not the Likud. It was born with 18 inhabitants and 11 Bibles. Rabbi Goldberg was a chemical engineer from Liverpool and a consultant for the hareidim, "the righteous", those who live in houses with only basic furniture. Goldberg had arrived in Israel in 1991, while the scuds of Saddam Hussein hit Tel Aviv, Iraq threatened to "burn half of Israel" and the Jews pulled out gas masks from the khaki box they had hidden in a corner of the house to exorcise it. Goldberg had left the idyllic hills of Golders Green, the middle class of Jewish London. When Palestinian terrorists stormed the synagogue in Har Nof, the four rabbis had their eyes turned to the east praying towards the Old City of Jerusalem where once stood the Temple and the Holy Ark of the Covenant. They were killed wearing their phylacteries and prayer shawls, eyes still fixed on the siddur, the book of prayer. About to say a Psalm: "This is the gate of God and the righteous will enter it." They were really the princes of Israel. The day after the massacre at the yeshiva of Bnei Torah on the western hill of Jerusalem, the blood of the martyrs, the kedoshim, was removed to be buried along with their poor remains. But the day after dozens of Jews returned to the synagogue to thank God. So that God can smile down at His people again after that horrific day. I bow before them. Have a great Shabbos. Last Monday evening about 40 DOS members attended an inspiring talk given by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks at The Shul in Surfside. My sincere thanks to Bob Rush for organizing the arrangements to have most of those attending bussed to and from the meeting. And to Rabbi Jaroslawicz for making arrangements with Rabbi Lipsker of The Shul to have a section blocked off and reserved for DOS. There has been many rumors going around that we are getting a Torah from an anonymous source. I am extremely pleased to let you know that we will indeed be getting a Brand New Sefer Torah. Details will be forthcoming. PAGE 5 PAGE 6
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