Refu’ah Sheleimah Please contact the office if someone on this list has Baruch Hashem recovered. Only those with a serious health condition should remain on the list. Meir Pesach ben Nechama Father of Noam Bunder Rivkah bas Nissel Mother of Renee Haas Rachel Chaya bas Alexandra Freyda Daughter of Alyson & Gabe Lembeck Baruch ben Morvarid Mr. Barokh Khalili Rifka bas Gittel Mother of Elaine Brasch Rochel bas Baska Mother of Allan Regenbaum Shlomo Baruch HaKohen ben Tziporah Mushka Rivka bas Gittel Shulamit bas Peril Mother of Dara Grant Chana Tikva bas Miriam Friend of Esther Taratoot Zussel Moshe HaLevi ben Rella Brother of Saul Sloman Aviyah Chaya bas Gila Niece of Amanda Bunder Yosef Wolf ben Toba Ella Friend of Kim Urbach Eliyahu ben Hoda Chaim Daniel Leib ben Yehudit Avigal Miriam Ita bas Shayna Esther Esther bas Yelena Avraham ben Sheindel Alan Taussig Sara bas Ita Leah Mother of Leah Pollock Aharon Yehuda ben Natan Father of Michael Chen Chaim ben Devorah Ettel Friend of Jason and Leanne Kaplan Avraham Mordechai ben Aryeh Leib Melvin Lebowitz Eliyahu ben Hoda Friend of Allan & Robyn Regenbaum Chaim Daniel ben Yehudit Avigayil Friend of Allan & Robyn Regenbaum Margalit bas Sarah Margalit Abramson Leib Zelick Ben Leah Friend of Kim Urbach Mehri Gittle bas Sarah Chaina Sister of Diane Barron Hani bas Sima Friend of Ephraim and Shira Johnson Yahrtzeits October 26—2 Cheshvan Mr. Arthur Posner Aharon ben Eliyahu Brother of Arlene Doloboff October 31—7 Cheshvan Mrs. Tzipporah Shiff Tzipporah bas Yitzchak Mother of Zohar Shiff Good Shabbos! Shabbos Parshas Noach Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 5775 October 24-25, 2014 Torah Reading | Page 30 Rosh Chodesh Maftir | Page 890 Rosh Chodesh Haftorah | Page 1208 Please Note: The Shul office kindly requests that any information for the Shabbos flyer should be submitted no later than Wednesday of that week. This includes events, sponsorships, and names for the Refu’ah Sheleimah list. Thank you! Jews of Dunwoody, GA join with over 1,471 cities across the world celebrating this Shabbos of unity! THANK YOU To Robyn Regenbaum for coordinating this special event on behalf of the Atlanta Community! CONGREGATION ARIEL Rabbi Binyomin Friedman, Rabbi Harve Linder, President - Debbie Kalwerisky, Executive Director Rabbi Mordy Birnbaum, Youth Director 5237 Tilly Mill Rd ▪ Dunwoody, GA 30338 770-390-9071 ▪ ▪ SHABBOS SERVICE TIMES WEEKDAY SERVICE TIMES Oct 24 - Erev Shabbos (Friday) Sunday Candle Lighting Mincha Oct 25 - Shabbos Sephardi Minyan (Dome) Main Services (Sanctuary) Learners’ Minyan (Dome) Youth Services (Grades 2-8) Kiddush (Social Hall) Mincha (Sanctuary) Havdalah/Shabbos Ends 6:34pm 6:35pm 8:00am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 11:45am 6:10pm 7:30pm Shacharis (Dome) 8:00 am Learner’s Minyan (Sanctuary) 8:00 am Women’s Tehillim (Friedmans) 8:45 am Monday—Friday Shacharis 6:45 am Sunday–Thursday Mincha/Maariv 6:35pm CLASS SCHEDULE: SHABBOS & WEEKDAYS Shabbos Daf Yomi (RAH) Parsha Study (RMF) Ladies’ Inspiration (RMF) Weekly Parsha (RYZ) Book of Kings (RBF) Sunday 7:00am 7:15am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 6:40pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Ladies’ Class (RYZ) 8:15pm Hebrew School Kollel Freestyle Torah Study Book of Shmuel (RYZ) 4:45pm 7:15pm 7:30pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Talmud (RYZ) Thursday 6:45pm In-Depth Halacha (RBF) 13 Beliefs of Judaism (RBF) 8:00pm 9:00pm Daf Yomi (RAH) After Maariv Sun-Thurs Mon-Fri Mishnah (RBF) Talmud (RBF) 6:15am 7:30am ARIEL GENERAL FUND Terry and Jan Tenenbaum in honor of Yizkor for family members Kevin and Sheila Cranman in appreciation of the Pearlman’s Sukkot hospitality Kevin and Sheila Cranman in appreciation of the Danneman’s Sukkot hospitality Richard and Susan Krohn in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Richard's mother, Leah Krohn Beth and Aaron Valenta in honor of Yizkor for Ilene Hellman, Leon Hellman, Benjamin Valenta Beth and Aaron Valenta in memory of Allison Thomas's father, Robert Thomas Charlotte and Elliot Rich in honor of a Refuah Shlema for Diane Barron's sister Charlotte and Elliot Rich in honor of a Refuah Shlema for Margalit Abramson Charlotte and Elliot Rich in honor of Rabbi Mordechai Danneman's birthday Charlotte and Elliot Rich in honor of Rabbi Mordechai and Ilana Danneman's anniversary Charlotte and Elliot Rich in honor of Yizkor for Charlotte and Elliot's parents Alan and Iris Taussig in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Walter Taussig Jonathan and Ilene Miller in honor of Jonathan's aliyah Rabbi Pinchus Landis in honor of his aliyah Alan and Tzila Pass in honor of Alan's aliyah David and Sandra Friedman in honor of David’s aliyah ARIEL CHESSED FUND 7:00am 8:15am 11:30am 12:10pm 5:10pm Daf Yomi (RAH) Mishnayos w/T. Tenenbaum Learners Minyan (RAH) Kollel Freestyle Torah Study Hebrew School Hebrew (RYZ) Book of Mishlei (RYZ) Hebrew Crash Course (RDF) WITH MUCH APPRECIATION TO OUR GENEROUS DONORS! Ron and Melissa Goodman in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Melissa’s father, Edward L. Morse Chana & Gershon Rudnick in honor of Cong. Ariel for all the years of hospitality and friendship Rae Bellman in appreciation of Karen Adler's acts of kindness DUNWOODY MIKVAH FUND *** Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored by Yaakov and Julia Sirota in honor of the birth of their daughter Ester *** Yaakov and Julia Sirota would like to thank all those who made donations, provided meals, sent cards, and provided so much support following the birth of their daughter Ester. “We are so fortunate to be part of such a wonderful and caring community”. Jennifer Pearlman in honor of Morah Dena, Carla Hotz and the DMS Board Charlotte and Elliot Rich in honor of Neal and Sydne Cooper's Yom tov hospitality Charlotte and Elliot Rich in honor of Rabbi Binyomin and Dena Friedman's Yom tov hospitality RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Melody Euchman in honor of Rabbi Binyomin and Dena Friedman Jonny and Bev Bolnick in honor of Rabbi Binyomin Friedman Michael Shapiro in memory of Emilia Shapiro ARIEL YOUTH FUND Robyn and Allan Regenbaum in honor of Rabbi Mordy Birnbaum, Shaun Regenbaum and Nitai Shiff Adam Cohen and family in appreciation of Jeff, Esther and Aaron Taratoot's hospitality Adam Cohen and family in appreciation of Rabbi Mordechai and Leah Pollock's hospitality ARIEL L’CHAIM FUND Michael Shapiro in memory of Isaac Shapiro Women’s Shabbos Morning Burst of Inspiration Thank you to this week’s generous sponsors, Junko and Stephen Horvath, in honor of their daughters’ Yael’s 22nd and Adina’s 18th birthdays. SIMCHAS IN OUR SHUL Happy Birthday! Zac Rosengarten, Louis Taratoot, Melanie Frank, Kris Salutsky Happy Anniversary! Paul and Margalit Abramson Eliyahu and Veronica Bari Thank You to this week’s Shabbos Greeters: Mitch and Linda Adler WOMEN’S CLASS THIS SHABBOS There will be a women’s Seudah Shlishit this week at the home of Rebbetzin Dena Friedman at 5:45 PM. Guest speaker will be Rabbi Aron Goldman. UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENT! In conjunction with our Casino Night in January, we will be publishing a Resource Guide and Ad Book. This is your change to wish Mazel tov to our honorees, Bunnie and Louis Taratoot, advertise your business or share greetings to the community. Pricing as low as $18. Contact Gila Decker or Cory Shaw to place an ad. JF&CS FOOD COLLECTION BIN IS BACK The collection bin is now back in the foyer of the shul building. Please continue the valuable and much appreciated chesed of placing donations of non-perishable kosher foods, toiletries and cleaning products in the bin. Thank you to Karen Adler for coordinating this effort. (Items can also be dropped off at the shul office and we can place them in the bin for you). MIKVAH REFRESHER COURSE Sunday evening November 9th. Class will be taught by Morah Dena Friedman and Special Guest! Time and location TBA. No charge to attend. Please RSVP to MUSSAR VA’AD FOR WOMEN A new Mussar study group is now forming, Develop practical methods of discovering and nurturing your inner potential. How to be a more caring, patient, thoughtful person—and more. This 20 session series will meet weekly on Monday evenings under the guidance of Rabbi Michoel Friedman. Call-in option may be available. More details to follow... CHILL ZONE—2015 SEASON 1st Time Kickoff Event: November 1—8:00pm
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