בס‘‘ד Shaarey Zedek Newsletter Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9 AM - 4 PM; Fri. 9 AM-12:00 PM (818) 763-0560 info@valleyshul.com www.valleyshul.com 12800 Chandler Boulevard Valley Village, California 91607 Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg, Senior Rabbi (818) 763-6269 jrosenberg@valleyshul.com October 15 - October 24, 2014 21 Tishrei - 30 Tishrei 5775 Parshas Bereishis Mazel Tov מזל טוב To David and Jamie Wiesenberg on the birth of a grandson, Tuvia Emanuel to Tehila and Micha Wiesenberg of Henderson, Nevada. Mazel tov to Uncle Elisha and Aunt Efrat Wiesenberg and to Uncle Ari and Aunt Mirie Mahpour. To Shiffy and Hudi Ehrenberg on the birth of a baby girl. Mazel tov to grandparents, Tzvi and Jennifer Niman and Alan and Ettie Ehrenberg who are joining us for Yom Tov. To Elie and Minda Mafouda on the engagement of their daughter, Leyat to Judd Jacubowicz. Mazel tov to Judd’s parents Philip and Rivka Jacubowicz and to the entire Mafouda and Jacubowicz families. Thank You תודה רבה To Mel and Sally Kass for sponsoring kiddush following the 8 AM minyan on Shemini Atzeret in honor of their children Dr. Syd and Bonnie Kass visiting from Minnesota. Mazel tov to their grandsons, Josh Kass for graduating medical school and to Adam Kass for graduating business school. To Dr. Josh and Doris Levy for sponsoring kiddush after the 8 AM minyan on Shemini Atzeret in memory of Dr. Levy’s mother, Malka bas R’ Eliezer, z”l. To Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Altman for sponsoring kiddush after the 6 AM minyan on Simchas Torah in memory of Dr. Altman’s mother, Pesel bas Shalom, z”l. To Gabe and Eva Rosenberg for sponsoring kiddush after the 8:45 AM minyan on Shabbos in gratitude to Hashem for their newest granddaughter, Hadassah and their greatgranddaughter, Esther. Happy Birthday and Mazel Tov to Eva, Liron, Mordechai, Yitzchok and Eliezer. Happy 14th Anniversary to Ephraim and Liron. May they continue to celebrate many more simchas together. Sonia Loffman Simchas Torah Dinner Hosted by Dr. Morris Loffman & Family Reserved guests, please join Shaarey Zedek for an evening of lively hakafos followed by a sit-down Yom Tov dinner buffet on the patio. Schedule KidKafos immediately following mincha Maariv at 7 PM followed immediately by all 7 Hakafos and laining. . Yom Tov meal to begin promptly on the patio at 8:50 PM. Did we say promptly? We mean promptly! Yom Tov Schedule Hoshana Rabbah, Wednesday, October 15th Shacharis 5:45, 6:30 & 8 AM Candlelighting preceded by 6:01 PM Eiruv Tavshilin Mincha 6:05 PM Maariv 6:57 PM Kiddush not before 7:01 PM Shmini Atzeret, Thursday, October 16th Shacharis 8, 8:40 & 8:45 AM Yizkor 9, 9:30 & 10 AM Mincha followed by 6:05 PM Kidkafos Candle Lighting, prep, maariv & hakafos not before 7 PM Simchas Torah, Friday, October 17th Shacharis 6:30 & 8 AM Hakafos 9:15 AM Aliyas multiple minyanim 10:15 AM Kol Ha’Nearim 11 AM Maftir 11:15 AM Mussaf 11:30 AM Shabbos Candle Lighting 5:59 PM Mincha 6:05 PM Shabbos Day, Parshas Breishis, October 18th Mincha 5:50 PM Maariv/End of Shabbos 6:58 PM Sunday-Friday Shacharis Sunday 6:45, 8 & 8:40 AM Shacharis Monday & Thursday 5:49 & 6:45 AM Shacharis Tuesday & Wednesday 5:59 & 6:45 AM Shacharis Friday Rosh Chodesh 5:45 & 6:30 AM Mincha 6 PM New Maariv Minyan (Mon.-Thur.) 8 PM Next Shabbos Rosh Chodesh, October 24th Candle Lighting 5:51 PM Mincha 5:55 PM Sonia Loffman Simchas Torah Dinner Sponsors Thank you to the following for sponsoring this year’s Simchas Torah dinner: Dr. Morris Loffman and Family in memory of Sonia Loffman, z”l; Jacob & Inessa Barnes in memory of Jacob’s parents R’ Shaul ben Zuri Barnes and Rachel bat Yaakov Barnes , z”l; Jeremy & Susan Frend in memory of Jeremy’s father, Asher Menachem ben Reuven, z”l; Michael & Marci Halpern in memory of Michael’s grandmother, Elka bas R’ Meir Shlomo,z”l; Agnes Hofstadter; Mel & Sally Kass in honor of Sally’s birthday; Kenny & Ethne Katz; Frank & Leah Moritz; Sol and Sara Pearlman in memory of Sonia Loffman, z”l; Ben & Debbie Schuraytz; Victor and Irine Schweitzer in honor of a refuah shleima for Rachel bat Hasya. Shabbos Project 2014 - October 24-25 The Shabbos Project is coming to Valley Village the weekend of October 23rd-25th. ♦Over Shabbos, each shul member is encouraged to invite 1 unaffiliated Jew (a neighbor, co-worker or friend) to their home for Shabbos or for a Shabbos meal. Please sign up and be a part of the global movement at www.theshabbosproject.org. ♦Thursday Night October 23rd - 7:30 PM Sugarman Social Hall The Great Challah Bake - Women & Girls 14+, $5 per person for materials and ingredients. To sign up for the event go to https://www.eventbrite.com/directory?q=Great+Challah+Bake&loc=North+Hollywood,+CA and sign up for the Luisa Latham class at Shaarey Zedek. For more info contact Luisa Latham at luisalatham@sbcglobal.net ♦Motzei Shabbos Havdalah service in the works - please invite unaffiliated Jews to join us for a moving musical Havdalah led by Daniel Jankovic and other local musicians! For more info, or if you play an instrument and want to join in, please contact Daniel at daniel@jankovicproductions.com. Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood Luncheon & Boutique We would be honored for you to attend the SZ Sisterhood Luncheon on Sunday, November 16th. The honorees are Aida Forman, Hedy Harris and Helen Perlmutter. The event will include a children’s fashion show with our own little models and a Chanukah Boutique. Please make your reservations by November 4th. For Men Young Adult - Musar/Hashkafa/Parsha Shmooze for young men, 25-30 years old, delivered by Rabbi Avrohom Mendelsohn of Yeshivas Ner Aryeh. Class held every Thursday at 8:30 PM in the Ratner Beis Midrash followed by Maariv. Cholent and refreshments will be served. Sponsorships are available. Morning Kollel Mon-Fri 6-6:45 AM with Shmooze from Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg on Friday at 6:30 AM Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s Gemara Shiur - Mesechta Sanhedrin. Wednesdays at 8:30 PM in the Beis Midrash. Rabbi Gradon’s Weekly Kollel Learning: Wednesdays evenings at 8:30 in the Beis Midrash. Parsha D’var Torah at 9:35; Maariv at 9:45. Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s Gemara Brachos shiur: Thurs. at 8:30 PM in the Beis Midrash. See Yosef Traube for info. Steak and Scotch Dinner The Men’s Club is proud to announce their next Steak and Scotch Dinner. It will be held, Sunday, October 26th at 6:30 PM in the SZ downstairs courtyard. This event has sold out every time so RSVP to Tzvi Forman at hforman@fullerton.edu or David Eskenazi at davidesko@sbcglobal.net. Also, we request that you walk to this event if you plan on drinking. Reservations are a must. Cost $75. Rabbi Maza’s Parsha Shiur on hiatus till Parshas Noach. .Rabbi Lintz’s Halacha Shiur: Shabbos, 10:15 AM downstairs. Rabbi Shlomo Rosenberg’s Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri 6-6:45 AM; Sat. and Sun. 7:15-8:00 AM in the Ratner Chapel. Rabbi Rauch’s intermediate level shiur in Maseches Bava Kama: Monday through Thursday, from 8 - 9:15 PM. For Women Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s Navi Shiur for Women: Mondays at 8:00 PM in the Beis Midrash. Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s weekly Parsha Shiur for women, Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Beis Midrash. Mrs. Grossman’s Chumash class: Thursdays - noon at the Moritz’s home, 12923 Chandler Blvd. Announcements for the newsletter must be given to the office by Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 PM. Items will be listed on a first come, first served basis, based on available space. IDF Campaign Proudly, we would like to inform the community about two young men from our shul who are now serving in the IDF in Gaza. Shimon Packer is serving in Sayeret Golani and Yarom Packer is serving in Duv Duvan. We are raising funds for these two units and the money will be delivered by their father, Yehuda Packer, in the near future. The funds would be used at the discretion of the commanding officers for day to day operations. Checks should be made payable to Shaarey Zedek Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund and on the memo line please indicate “IDF funds campaign.” Help Shaarey Zedek by logging in at: www.smile.amazon.com. The first time you log on, it will request the charity you would like to support. Enter Shaarey Zedek Congregation and then a portion of every amazon purchase made on amazon smile will go to the shul. Shaarey Zedek will automatically stay as your charity of choice every time you sign in. SZ Jewish Book Club Shaarey Zedek Book club is open to men and women. Please join us by reading LOVESONG;Becoming a Jew by Julius Lester. We will meet after the holidays time and place to be announced. For more info, contact Anne Greenfield at annerexpert@gmail.com or (818) 398-0018. Lost and Found Found - Woman’s beaded bracelet; a “gold” bracelet; a boys blue tie; a tallis clip, striped baby blanket, tie found on Bellaire between Magnolia & Chandler; sunglasses; an interlinear Rosh Hashana machzor; woman’s glasses; an earring, one unopened contact, and a watch. Toiveling Mikvah Please advise your children not to play with the lock on the toiveling mikvah door. We have repaired and replaced it several times and the cost is prohibitive. As a reminder, the new code is 5432. CONTACTS (800) 613-1911 (323) 903-7613 valleymishmar.com (818) 584-1987 (818) 623-0300 www.valleyeruv.org (818) 759-7593 (818) 760-4567 Gary Bregman (818) 259-0449; Joey Conzevoy (323) 268-1783 Shul President Jonathan Istrin jistrin@valleyshul.com VP Religion Mark Hurwitz mhurwitz@lsl-la.com Office (818) 763-0560 info@valleyshul.com VP of Education Steve Stone sjstone18@gmail.com VP Membership Herman Muhlstein hmuhlstein@yahoo.com Sisterhood Devorah@allstark.com Hachnasat Orchim Rochelle Shapiro (818) 388-2903 rochelleshapiro@gmail.com Tomchei Shabbos Ruth Dimant (818) 517-4902 Shatnez Testing (707) 494-7096 Welcoming Angeli Holzman (805) 452-3352 Committee Hatzolah Chaverim Valley Mishmar Aleinu Family Help Valley Eruv Teichman Mikvah Shiva Committee catering Chumie Vann - Culinary Creations by Chumie (818) 300-5687 culinarycreationsbychumie@gmail.com Nir Weinblut - La Gondola (310) 247-1239 nir@lagondola.com Moshe Hayempour - New York Glatt Kosher (310) 365-8002 newyorkglattkoshercaterers@yahoo.com Rachel Celnik or David Eskenazi - Platinum Catering (818) 800-2267 platinumcatering1@gmail.com YOUTH PROGRAMS SZ Shabbos Teen Minyan starts at 8:45 am in the Ratner Chapel. SZ Cub Scouts Pack 613 CubScouts Pack 613 is Shaarey Zedek’s Cub Scout Pack, with activities such as skits, hiking, biking, camping, badges, family activities, sports, middos and fun with a “frum” purpose. Contact Cubmaster Brian Leyton for details at (818) 640-4136 or brian.leyton@gmail.com. Shomer Shabbos Boy Scout Troop 613 Troop 613 (ages 11-18) meets the first and third Sunday of each month. Contact Scoutmaster Stan Friedman (818) 985-2623 for more information. Girl Scout Troop 613 is LA's first frum Girl Scout troop featuring hiking, camping and other scouting related activities. We welcome girls in 1st – 12th grades who live in the valley or surrounding areas. Meetings are held twice a month on Sunday afternoons from 4:30-6:00 PM at Emek nursery. Contact: Edie Green at (818) 299-0064 or EdieFTL@yahoo.com Bnei Akiva Snif - See you this fall. Manhigut Fellowship Program begins in November. All 9th graders apply today! Moshava Malibu– Registration opens soon! Boys and girls in Grades 3-10. Session dates: July 13 through August 10, 2015. www.moshavamalibu.org or call (855)Moshava. For more BALA info call: Eyal (310) 220-1459 or Avi (818) 4428608. NCSY DNL Monday Night 7:30p-8:30p Brami’s N. Hwd., 12911 Victory Blvd. Sarah "Fro Fro" (714) 293-7100. LNL STUDIO CITY - Coffee Bean, 12501 Ventura Blvd. Tuesdays 7:30-8:30 pm Derek (949) 677-1313. LNL CALABASAS - Coffee Bean, 23635 Calabasas Rd, Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 pm Yisrael (818) 277-0727. LNL TARZANA - Coffee Bean, 18505 Ventura Blvd, Thursdays 7:30-8:30 pm Yisrael (818) 277-0727. Contact Sarah Leah "Fro Fro" (714) 293-7100 or gormins@ncsy.org for more info on upcoming events. Tehillim Circle Contact Debbie Striks (818)752-9666 or Mona Riss (818)761-5077 to add or delete a name. May our tefilos bring them a refuah shelaimah! Women Leah Chana bas Sarah Leah Tova Rivka bas Esther Rachel Ruchama bas Miriam Yehudis Chaya Malka bas Esther Chaya Bracha bas Shifra Helena Sarah bas Rachel Sarah Bryna bas Gitel Yardena Elisheva bas Chana Kalo bat Sarah Margalit Chaviva bas Shulamit Bracha Henna bas Sarah Rivka Leah bas Penina Bracha bas Chaya Rochel Adina bas Chana Tali bas Nechama Esther Sara bas Elka Golda Raizel bas Riva Chaya Maya bas Batya Chaya bas Leah Tzirel bas Malka Bryna Seema bat Miriam Sara Rayza Bryndil Bracha bas Gila Esther Matah bat Perel Chaya Tori bas Sarah Batya bat Bracha Chernyah bat Rivkah Ruth bat Yulia Pesha bat Henna Rachamim bat Balfour Chaya Revital bat Rachel Shamsi Sarah bat Malek Rus Shoshana bas Chana Tzivia Basya bas Chaya Sarah Gilya Pahya bas Taube Chaya Pesel bas Yita Chana bas Golda Seema Rochel bas Shoshana Chaya Zahava bas Juliette Rivka Noima bas Devorah Sarah Rachel bas Elka Devorah Miriam bas Sarah Leah Chaya Sura bas Sima Batya Penina bas Kayla Chana bas Elka Miriam bas Rivka Rachel bas Leah Chaya bas Malka Osnas bas Chaya Bayla Blima bas Esther Hentcha Yisraela Chana bas Sarah Feiga Gitel Faiga bas Rachel Leah Menucha Rachel bas Mazal Miriam Chana bas Florence Feiga bas Ella Chana bas Rosa Rochel Leah bas Tzippa Chana bas Claire Roiza Devora bas Hindel Leah Hadassa bat Leah Elianna Miriam bat Chava Men Felix ben Anna Uri Shraga ben Serach Nootah ben Eta Yisachar Dov ben Shoshana Roiza Shraga Feivel ben Rachel Malkiel ben Dobi Baila Shelaim Tzvi ben Chaya Gitel Kasriel Hertzig ben Fayga Ari Daniel ben Rut Sarah Yitzchak ben Keshvar Adam ben Miriam Yitchak Peretz ben Tzippa Yaakov ben Inbal Binyamin Chaim ben Feiga Sara Zev Yosef ben Tova Gitel Elimelech ben Basya Hershel ben Sara Melech Shlomo ben Rachel Shlomo Yehonatan ben Miriam Baruch Yisrael haKohen ben Sara Dovid ben Suri Yonah ben Chaya Bayla Refael Noam Meir ben Chana Moshe Ziskin ben Etel Aaron Leib ben Leah Reuven Moshe ben Devorah Yitzchak ben Bracha Tzvi Hirsch ben Mindel Yitzchak ben Tziporah Shmuel ben Leah Yehuda Eliezer ben Roiza Devora Shlomo ben Goltaj Nissim Daniel ben Chana Chayim Yakov ben Iran Yigal ben Sarah Yitel Baruch Reuven ben Sara Yaakov ben Gutel Bunya Bijan ben Helen Shmuel Meir ben Chava Rus Yisrael Shlomo ben Fraida Yishayahu ben Zissel Velvel ben Bella Rivka Aryeh ben Rochel Devorah Yosef Daniel ben Miriam Moshe David ben Sarah Yisroel Yehuda HaKohen ben Ida Yocheved Zev Yosef ben Tova Gittel Barak ben Idit Yehuda Baruch ben Miriam Reuven ben Shoshana
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