Learn More - Young Israel Aish Las Vegas

Rabbi Yitzchak Wyne
9590 W Sahara Avenue ~ Las Vegas, NV 89117 ~ 702-360-8909 ~ www.yiaishlv.org ~ www.therabbishow.com
Davening Times: Shacharis: Mon - Fri 6:30 am ~ Sat 8:50 am ~ Sun. & Federal Holidays 8:00 am
Fri 2/6 Light Candles 4:54 pm, Mincha/Maariv 4:55 pm, Sat 2/7 Mincha 4:45 pm
Shabbos Ends 5:54 pm ~ Sunday - Thursday, 2/8-12 Mincha/Maariv 5:00 pm
Schedule of Services & Classes this Shabbos
8:50 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
11:30 am
Torah Service
Youth Programs Begin
Rabbi Wyne’s Torah Inspiration
Mussaf Service in Main Sanctuary, or
Adult Learning in Educational Sanctuary
Noon-ish Community Kiddush
4:00 pm Women’s Class w/Rabbi Wyne
4:15 pm Men’s class w/R. Anderson “Survey of the Talmud’
4:45 pm Mincha/ Seuda Shlishis/Maariv
Shirley & David Goodman
In memory of David’s father
Morris Goodman,
and David’s brother
Jerome “Mickey” Goodman
And by
Maria & Adam Peniazek
In memory of
Ari Gruner, o.b.m.
Seuda Shlishis this Shabbos is generously co-sponsored by
Birthday Cake is provided by
Simon S. & Mazal Abraham
The Ben-Shimon Family
In loving memory of Simon’s sister,
Tamara bat Shalom Yitzchak Z”L
And by
Mordechai & Adina Abraham
In honor of
Simon’s Birthday
And in memory of Mordechai & Simon’s beloved father,
Shalom Yitzchak ben David Z”TL
Following Maariv we end Shabbos with a community Havdalah.
Thank you Helene Wyne & Adrienne Zetoony
for preparing Seuda Shlishis this week!
in celebration of
Eli’s and Ayala’s Birthdays
A small space for HUGE KUDOS to event chairperson
Marianna Engel on a wildly well-attended, magnificently
meaningful, and fabulously fun Women’s Tu B’Shevat Seder
at our Shul on Feb. 3. Marianna, you & your tremendous
Team of Volunteer helpers have our heartfelt appreciation!
YI Aish LV Newsletter is sponsored by Personal Injury, Probate, and Criminal Defense Law Office of Michael D Pariente, Esq
3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy Suite 615 Las Vegas, NV 89169 (702)966-5310 www.parientelaw.com michael@parientelaw.com
Page 2
18 Shevat, 5775
Parsha: Yisro
February 7, 2015
Yisro brings Moshe's wife and two sons to join him in the desert. Yisro proclaims his belief in Hashem and identifies His manifest
justice as the primary motive for his belief and conversion. Yisro observes Moshe's daily schedule as chief administrator, judge,
and teacher. He advises his son-in-law to delegate some responsibilities to a hierarchy of worthy judges and administrators. This
would allow Moshe to focus his attention on those issues that demand his specific attention. It is the 1st day of Sivan, and B’nai
Yisroel has been in the desert for 43 days. Moshe is told by Hashem to explain to the nation that they are a "kingdom of Priests."
Moshe tells the nation of G-d's expectations and they respond, "All that Hashem will command we will do." Moshe is further
instructed to tell the people to prepare themselves by immersing themselves and their clothing in a Mikveh, and to remain apart
from their spouses for 3 days. The 3rd day brought lightning, thunder, the sounding of a Shofar, and Mt. Sinai engulfed in clouds,
smoke, and fire. Moshe led the nation to assemble at the foot of a trembling Mt. Sinai. Hashem summoned Moshe to ascend the
mountain and instructed him to re-emphasize the prohibition against anyone else ascending the mountain. Moshe descends and
discharges G-d's wishes. With Moshe standing among the people at the foot of the mountain, Hashem began to speak the Ten
Commandments to the entire People. The Pasuk factually states that the B’nai Yisroel collectively heard G-d speak. It is among
the most fundamentally important statements in the entire Torah.
Excerpt from Rabbi Tendler at Torah.org
If you lead a busy lifestyle and feel as if you are
always running on ice, let us helpYOU fulfill the
mitzvah of giving mishloach manos this Purim
with the adorable YI Aish Mishloach Manos
Gift Bag! Each bag costs only $18.00,
and all proceeds benefit our Shul!
Your bags will be available at the Shul a
few days before Purim. All you do is the fun
part. . . deliver them to appreciative friends &
neighbors! Order online at yiaishlv.org
or at the Shul Office by Feb. 22.
Free Continuing Adult
Education at YI Aish LV
Shabbos /Saturday
8:15 am Pre-Shacharis Class
4:00 pm Women learn—Rabbi Wyne
4:15 pm “Survey of the Talmud”
for MEN w/Rabbi Anderson
2015 MM bags are lovingly created by
Tracy Banner & Beth Sroka
9:00 am Weekly Parsha
10:15 am The Kashrus Class w/Rabbi
Mishloach Manos / Purim 5775 Co-Chairs
Apologies to YI Aish Members Fran & Dror
Moshkovsky, whose birthdays, Fran’s on
Feb. 1, and Dror’s on Feb. 4, were mistakenly
omitted from last week’s Shul Newsletter. We
greatly appreciate the Moshkovsky’s understanding of our continuing efforts to recover
some occasions data previously ‘lost’ in a tech
‘crash.’ Happy Belated Birthday, Fran & Dror!
After 2 glorious months
in Israel with family and friends,
we are delighted that our good
friend Esther Dagani finally
remembered where ‘home’ is!
Welcome Home, Esther!
7:00 pm Talmud for Men
Tuesdays w/Rabbi Wyne
7:00 pm Laws of Shabbos
7:30 pm Tools for Extraordinary
7:00 pm The 12 Minor Prophets w/
Rabbi Laxmeter CLASS
Insights from
Noach WeinbergZT’L
Joy gives you the power,
motivation and confidence
to achieve things that
otherwise seem too
difficult to attempt.
Better than a granola bar joy is pure energy.
Member Occasions
2/6- 2/12
Carol Newman
Simon S Abraham
Marvin Schnee
18 - 24 Shevat
William Berger,
uncle of Stuart Berliner
Shevat 18
Labe ben Avraham,
father of Jonah
Shevat 19
Isidore Reiser,
grandfather of
Helene Wyne
Shevat 19
Morris Goodman,
father of David Goodman Shevat 22
Edward Charles
Victorson, father of
Fred Victorson
Gerry Phillips, father of
Kim Phillips
Shevat 22
Shevat 23
Refael Maimon, father of
Esther Dagani
Shevat 24
Tamara bat Shalom
Yitzchak, sister of
Simon S. Abraham
Shevat 24
Young Israel Aish Las Vegas Board of Trustees 5775 (2014-15)
YI Aish LV Newsletter is sponsored by Personal Injury, Probate, and Criminal Defense Law Office of Michael D Pariente, Esq
3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy Suite 615 Las Vegas, NV 89169 (702)966-5310 www.parientelaw.com michael@parientelaw.com