The Shofar February 2015 Shevat/Adar 5775 Inside This Month’s Issue… Upcoming Events Fri. February 6, 6:30pm: My Jewish Neighborhood Shabbat/ Tu Bishvat dinners Sat. February 7: Bat Mitzvah of Alexandra Lee, daughter of Shana and Andrew Lee Sun. February 22: Brunch featuring authors Rachel Meltzer and Dina Rose: "Raising Healthy Eaters: From toddlers to teens, from omnivores to vegetarians” Sat. February 28: Bat Mitzvah of Aliza Myers, daughter of Glen and Samantha Myers Sunday March 1: Preschool Purim celebration featuring Mama Doni, 10:30am Our local stained glass artist graces another house of worship with her work (page 2) USH President Lauren Blumenfeld has some thoughts on our budget (page 3) Wednesday, March 4: Purim eve festivities including Megillah readings and Purim shpiels USH Treasurer Myrna Kasser shares information on the status of our finances (page 3) The Rabbi reflects on the violence in France (page 4) UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF HOBOKEN Address: 115 Park Avenue, Hoboken, NJ 07030 Phone: 201-659-4000 Rabbi: 201-653-6696 Fax: 201-659-2614 Preschool: Phone: 201-653-8666 Learning Center: Phone: 201-659-4000 Web Site: www. E-mail: Saturday, March 7: USH Casino Night at Hobobken Elks Club, 7pm April 3 & 4: First and second nights of Passover May 15-17: Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the dedication of our synagogue building Schedule of Services Friday night: 7:00 pm Saturday morning: 9:30 am Monday: 7:30 pm 2 The Shofar SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 February 2015 STAINED GLASS UPDATE By Louise Kurtz It is with no small amount of kvelling that I share with you that our esteemed stained glass artist, Susie Klein, has completed and installed twelve stained glass windows depicting the Twelve Tribes of Israel for Congregation B’nai Torah in Atlanta. The photograph on the front page of this issue is a close-up of the Asher window. On a local note, we have started work on the left side of the Shabbat windows – we are close to having all ten windows on the South side of the sanctuary installed! Our continuing thanks go to Susie Klein and also to the January volunteers: Allen Reuben, Susan Moore, Penny Metsch, Vivian Greene, Louise Kurtz, Barbara Malach Kalman, Tracey Schnabel, Marilyn Freiser, Alex Wolo, Mark Orman, Heather Alberts, Liza Zablocki, and to our newest volunteers: Karen Jurman, Liana Moss, Pamela Grant, and Rhonda Strosberg. Your ad could be here! The Shofar reaches over 800 mailboxes in the Hudson County area... and 100’s more through our website Advertising rates are: Size 1/8 page (business card) 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page $45 $85 $165 $275 Once $135 $255 $495 $825 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months $200 $330 $415 $660 $825 $1,320 $1,375 $2,200 PDF file or B&W camera-ready art required. For inquiries, please email or call 201-659-4000 3 The Shofar SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 USH BUDGETS AND OTHER THOUGHTS by Lauren Blumenfeld, USH President For me the winter is always the time of year that allows me to reboot and to review the goals that I set for myself during the High Holidays. Now as President, I am also looking at how the Synagogue progressed. To do this we need to look at our programs, finances and most of all, our community. As far as the programs I ask myself, are we providing meaningful experiences for all our constituents? Is the young family Hanukkah party where we hosted several hundred children or our recent lecture on Sunday morning with the Editor of the Jewish Week meeting their needs? To me the success of our programs is measured by whether our lives have been made better because we’ve spent this time together. Another measure of our progress is our continued financial stability. Over the last year and a half, I must admit I have learned quite a lot about how our finances function. I thought I would share some of my “Aha!” moments since I have become President. First – dues do not cover the operating expenses! More specifically, to make things run at USH this year, including the Kaplan Preschool and the Learning Center, will cost $2,083,000. The collection of our annual dues is $345,300. So you might ask, where does the money come from and what is it spent on? Finding that out was my second “Aha” moment. The USH revenue comes from three main sources: our dues, our donations, and the revenue from Kaplan Preschool. Dues cover about 19% of the budget, donations 7% and Kaplan Preschool 63%. Third, I learned that our expenses are in three categories: employee related expenses 74%, facilities related expenses 11.8% and programming related expenses 14.3%. Finally, we believe it is part of our mission to educate the future generations. To do this we, as most typical synagogues in the United States do (there is no real difference between what type of synagogue – Conservative, Reform, Orthodox), financially support our Learning Center by 50%. For example: LC Costs Per Student Community Subsidy Parents of LC Student Pays $3000 -$1500 _____ $1500 Having reported all of this, I hope to see you all at Casino Night next month contributing to the health of our community! February 2015 NUMBERS MAKE MY HEAD SPIN… by Myrna Kasser, USH Treasurer Our president, Lauren Blumenfeld, has presented for your reading pleasure this month a brief explanation of what we spend our money on and where we get the money to spend. I now realize that the finances of USH are probably a big black box to most of you. I welcome you as my partners in the long-term project of keeping USH solvent. If you haven’t been a member for the past 25 years, you probably don’t know that things weren’t always as rosy as they now seem to be. In fact, at one time, there was a serious danger that USH would fold, just as so many other synagogues and temples in the US have done. We were fortunate then that members sprang to our aid, mostly by working the weekly games held in North Bergen. Fortunately, we no longer have to support bingo games. Nevertheless, it’s always a challenge to stay ahead of the expenses. For example, in December we paid a total of $123,000 to our employees; we paid PSE&G $2,677; we paid Verizon $350. All in all, in December it cost $181,267 just to keep the building, the schools, and the activities going. Dues only covered $10,000 of that amount! Casino Night is a real help on the plus side, not just to USH, but to the Hoboken Shelter, the Hoboken Emergency Food Pantry, and the Jubilee Center. We are fortunate to be able to contribute to those organizations in our community that do so much for others. 4 The Shofar SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 THOUGHTS ABOUT PARIS, VIOLENCE, HEROISM AND PEACE By Rabbi Rob Scheinberg Reprinted from the Rabbi’s blog post of January 14 Many of us continue to be troubled and inspired by events in Paris this past week: troubled by terrible acts of murder and violence, and inspired by great acts of kindness and self-sacrifice. I wanted to share some of the thoughts that I shared with the community last shabbat, together with some more thoughts as the situation continues to unfold. Paris may be far away from Hoboken, but this is an event that affects many people in our congregational family directly. This week I have spoken with many members of our community who are from Paris, or who have relatives in Paris, including many who have shopped at the Hyper Cacher supermarket and/or participated in the solidarity march on Sunday. The terrible events in Paris this week could very easily have affected someone with close ties to our congregation. The Charlie Hebdo murders were not random. The perpetrators were Muslim extremists who attacked those who were asserting their right to free speech, equalopportunity lampooners who made fun of Christianity and Judaism and every other religion and ideology just as fiercely as they made fun of Islam. And similarly, the kosher supermarket murders were also not random. That same strain of Muslim extremism that cannot countenance anything they see as an attack on their religion is also viciously and murderously anti-Jewish. That anti-Jewish sentiment is not about Israel; it is about Jews. This was one of numerous terrorist attacks against Jews in France this year; it has simply attracted more attention than the other incidents because of its connection to the murder of public figures. We should be alarmed, but not at all surprised, that extremists make connections between Jews and everything they dislike about their society. I am grateful that the French government is making it a special priority this week to step up its protection of Jewish schools and communal institutions, as we pray for their safety and security. At the beginning of the book of Exodus (Parashat Shemot), many Israelite slaves may have been inclined to assume the worst about every Egyptian, to regard each of them as an oppressor. So the Torah gives us the example of Pharaoh's daughter, and Shifra and Puah (according to those commentators who understand המילדות העבריותto mean 'midwives to the Hebrews' rather than 'Hebrew midwives'), to remind us that righteous people can be found in every people, every society and every culture, lest entire nations and peoples and groups be painted with the same brush. Were it not for 24-year-old Lassana February 2015 Bathily, Muslim employee of Hypercacher market who helped more than a dozen hostages hide in the freezer on Friday, the carnage at the market would have been that much worse. He is a modern day analogue to Pharaoh's daughter and Shifra and Puah. (And because the police assumed the worst about him, he spent more than an hour in handcuffs on Friday until it was revealed that he was a life-saving hero.) I have faith that the world, and the Muslim world, have many, many more Lassana Bathilys than murderous jihadists. And it is terribly disheartening to read about random acts of violence against Muslims in France this week. As we pray for comfort for the families of Yohan Cohen (age 22), Yoav Hattab (age 21), Philippe Braham (40s), and François-Michel Saada (age 55), who were buried yesterday in Israel, may we also pray for wisdom and discernment - to be vigilant, while also treating each person as an individual created in God's image. This is one of those weeks when we are face to face with the world’s brokenness - seen in the murders in France, and also against the backdrop of horrific massacres of hundreds of civilians in Nigeria by Boko Haram; dozens murdered in terrorist bombings in Yemen, Pakistan, and Lebanon; ongoing violence in Syria; together with any number of tragedies in the United States and every country. The Talmud teaches that each and every innocent life destroyed is equivalent to the destruction of the entire world (M. Sanhedrin 4:5). Building a world of peace has proven to be extraordinarily difficult in practice though it seems simple in theory. But Jewish tradition recognizes that part of the key to peace is enabling disparate elements to coexist. This is the meaning of the frequent refrain in our prayers: “Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu.’ “May the One who establishes peace in the heavens, grant peace to us.” But what peace exists “in the heavens”? The eminent French Torah commentator Rashi remarks on these words in their original context in the Book of Job (25:2): The sky appears to us as if it were a pool of blue water, and the sun appears to us as if it were a ball of hot fire in the midst of that water. What appear to be opposite substances do not neutralize each other or eliminate each other, but rather they co-exist. Other religions may have visions of peace in which everyone is the same, or in which all blasphemers or enemies are neutralized. But the Jewish vision of peace is different. It’s a vision in which forces that appear to be opposed actually figure out how to live together. This does NOT mean that we should capitulate to the demands of aggressors. But it means that we should not be threatened by difference. It means that we recognize that God’s plan for the world includes diversity within unity, and unity within diversity. And whether we get closer to achieving such a world, or further away from it, is not only up to God: it is up to every world leader, and it is up to every individual. 5 The Shofar SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 February 2015 MISHLOACH MANOT – YUMMY, FRIENDLY, AND A MITZVAH TOO! Each year, our community participates in the tradition of Mishloach Manot—sending gifts of food to friends in honor of the holiday of Purim. The tradition is to send at least two kinds of food to at least two people. We make it fun and easy to send to others in our community. To participate, please fill out the form below and return it to the office with your payment no later than Friday, February 20, 2015. On Sunday, March 1, members of our community will deliver the gift bags to those within Hudson County. Those outside the delivery area can pick up their bags at the synagogue starting February 26, but please call the office first. Each household that receives a gift will receive ONE gift bag with a card from the people who sent the greetings. There are several options for participating in our Mishloach Manot program. You can send to everyone in the community for a flat fee of $125. Alternatively, you can send greetings to individuals (just circle their numbers on the form). The cost would then be $25 for the first name and $1 for each additional name. If you take this option you can add automatic reciprocity and you will automatically send greetings to anyone you missed that sent greetings to you. You will be billed $1 for each additional name, after the fact. We will be sending Mishloach Manot to Israel through the American Zionist Movement ( This year these gift packages will once again go to children in a number of underserved communities in Israel, Lone Soldiers, and the IDF. Please consider a donation of $5 or more to join us in extending this mitzvah beyond our community to our brothers and sisters in Israel –this gesture of support will be much appreciated. ========================================================================================== ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name (please print) Phone Number email Please make checks payable to “United Synagogue Of Hoboken” and return this form to the office with your payment by Friday, February 20, 2015. You can also do this using PayPal on our website . Options: Send to everyone— $125 OR: First greeting— $25 additional greetings @ $1 each ___ If you’re paying by Visa/MC: Additional contribution: ___ Card#: ________________________________ Donation for Mishloach Manot to Israel ___ Type of card: ___________________________ Total enclosed: $____ Exp. Date: ________ Card Security Code: ___ Automatic reciprocity yes__ no___ Signature: ______________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Diane Ackerman Tom and Robin Ahern Wale Ajibade & Karin Karlekar Heather Alberts Michaelson Alexis Jason & Cindy Altberger Daniel Atlas & Jacklyn Aptekar 8. Joshua & Bobbea Avidan 9. Steven & Janet Bailyn 10. Lee & Dawn Ballin 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Eric & Nicole Bankey Siobhan Barry-Bratcher Adam Barth & Becky Katzman Mitchell Baruchin & Heather Gibbons Michael Bastock & Nancy O'Brien-Bastock Kitty Belsky Bateman Bob & Jeanne Becker Steven H. & Deborah S. Becker 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Lisa Beckerman Rachel Behar Anita & Isaiah Belle Dean & Erin Bellissimo Charles Berendt Adam & Lindsay Berkowitz Harold Berlowe Frank & Tina Berman David & Beatriz Bernal Brian Bernstein & Lisa Landerer 6 The Shofar 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. Michael & Allyson Bernstein Adam & Shinny Bickoff Jill Biggs & Jim Crego Ashley Birnbaum Ian & Sasha Blaker Neil Blecher Dr. Frank Blou & Ms. Roslyn Rose Ben & Maria Blum Michael & Lauren Blumenfeld Joan C. Borod Felice Borsellino Elissa Brachfeld Daniel Braun & Lauren Shoolman Eugenio Brauner & Beth Mayerowitz Jessica Brazer Jill Brodsky Michael Brown Joseph & Peggy Brown Damien Bucovsky & Maria Jose Arza Steven & Lauren Calmas Salvatore & Joanna Campione Norman Cantor & Tamar Dror Jim Charatan & Jessica Marinoff Ruth Charnes Dan & Jackie Chaykin Matthew Cheng & Talya Schaeffer Robert & Alexandra Coen Harold & Roz Cohen Joel E. Cohen & Lauren Scheller Len & Jennifer Cohen Martin Cohen & Susan Klein Philip Cohen & Rebecca Kramnick Rachel Cohen Sidney Cohen & Marilyn Lieberman Cohen Arielle Cohen Bob Crespi Simone Crespi Robert L. Croog & Gustavo A. Gomez Adam Crystal & Jessica Feifer Jonathan Davidoff Gabrielle DeFilippis Norma DeRuggiero Elliot Diamond Meg Donaldson-Carson Dimitri & Tatyana Donskoy SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Jason Dulberger Daniel Dunn & Amy Gordon Jill Edelman Brad & Robin Edelstein Robin Edelstein John Egar & Diane Drucker Izi Ellinsky & Sharon WeissEllinsky 81. Eric & Becky Epstein 82. Joseph Epstein & Lynn Danzker 83. Evan Falk 84. Rachel Fenkel 85. Jorge Fernandez & Alice Jurish 86. Troy & Sami Fingold 87. Talya Fischbach 88. Casey & Danielle Fleming 89. Rebecca Forino 90. Laura Forino 91. Mikhail & Sonia Foux 92. Gabriel & Tammi Fox 93. Tammy & Debbie Freeman 94. Joel & Marilyn Freiser 95. Laura Freiser 96. Michael & Joelle Friedland 97. Howard Friedman 98. Barry & Denise Friedson 99. David & Shari Fuller 100. William Funk 101. David & Jessica Gaber 102. David Gallagher & Bonnie Krepliak 103. Adam & Leslie Gartenberg 104. David & Tracy Gavant 105. Douglas & Erica Gavin 106. Jon Gellman & Mimi Lavine 107. Maurice & Elaine Geracht 108. Stan Gerber 109. Alan Gibson & Rachel Pell 110. Alan Gintzler & Ellen Cohen 111. Barry & Estelle Glasgow 112. Mark & Sheera Glass 113. Steven Gleicher & Tara Tripodi 114. Ben Glicksberg 115. Paul Glicksberg & Helene Schwartzbach 116. Rachel Glicksberg 117. Jacob Gluck 118. David & Susan Goldberg 119. Jodi Goldberg 120. Jonathan & Shannon Goldberg 121. Lois Goldman 122. Marcy Goldman February 2015 123. Sloane Goldstein 124. Christian Gonzalez 125. Seth Goodman & Elissa Aaronson 126. Michael & Hannah Gordon 127. Mattthew Gould & Asha Bhandari Gould 128. Jonathan & Elsa Graff 129. Michael & Carrie Granit 130. Amanda Grant 131. Gordon Grasmann 132. Daniel & Kate Greenberg 133. Dorian & Jennifer Greenberg 134. Vivian Greene 135. Shay Grinfeld & Helit Greenfield 136. Gertrude Grossbard 137. Stanley Grossbard & Dawn Zimmer 138. Barry Grossman & Audrey Merwin 139. Rachelle Grossman 140. Nuno Guerreiro-Josue & Shlomit Keren Stein 141. Michael & Staci Gulliford 142. Grace Gurman-Chan & Kenneth Chan 143. Jason & Lauren Gurtman 144. Lawrence Gutterman & Moria Goshen 145. Gordon & Monique Haas 146. Noe & Rebecca Hamra 147. Robert & Julie Harari 148. Kelly Hayes 149. David & Kayo Heafitz 150. Stephen Hefler 151. Andrew Heiden & Rebecca Teichman 152. Leon Hen-Tov & Natalia Shuster 153. Marcia Herman 154. Lisa Hershey 155. Douglas & Suzanne Heyman 156. Hal & Donna Hochhauser 157. Louis Hoffman 158. Michael & Maria Hofman 159. Florence Holtzman 160. Vinny & Soomin Hu 161. Todd Hyman 162. Scott & Lauren Inzelbuch 163. Mary Israel 164. Oded Itzhak & Shiri Rosenblat-Itzhak 7 The Shofar 165. Daniel M. Jacobs & Edith M. Sachs 166. Doron & Inbal Joseph 167. Tanushree & Anuray Kabra 168. Harry Kafka & Harriet Taub 169. Sarah Kafka 170. Pierre Alexandre Kahn & Aurelie Kahn Jochimek 171. George Kalish & Roslyn Herman 172. Jeffrey & Barbara Malach Kalman 173. David Kalmus & Dr. Abbie Jacobs 174. Vikram Kalra & Anjali Kumar 175. Michael Kammer 176. Carol Kaplan 177. Myron Kaplan & Dr. Annette Hollander 178. Matthew & Jill Kaplan 179. Norman & Myrna Kasser 180. Jonathan Katell & Rachel Glasgow Katell 181. Charles & Heather Katz 182. Michael & Jill Katz 183. Richard & Amelia Katz 184. Brian Kempner 185. Tamara Kennon 186. Lee Khan & Stacey Gallagher-Khan 187. Jane Klueger 188. Hope Koturo 189. Benjamin & Marissa Kramer 190. Samuel & Candice Kramer 191. Alessa Kreger 192. Jeff Kreisler & Anne Teutschel 193. Russell & Marni Kriegel 194. Sean & Amy Kron 195. Iris Kufert-Rivo 196. Louise Kurtz 197. Karl & Judy Laden 198. Alin & Karel Lahmy 199. Megan Lake 200. Melissa Landera 201. Amy Langer 202. William & Dana LaPiana 203. Miguel & Linda Laufer 204. Evan Marc Lazerowitz 205. Heidi Learner 206. Ryan & Shari Lederman 207. Laurel Lederman 208. Andrew Lee & Shoshana Goldberg-Lee 209. Darrin & Renata Lee 210. Norman Lee & Lorraine Pak SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. David & Lara Lenchus Allen S. Levine Donald & Felice Levine Mitchell Levine & Catherine Cruz-Levine Ben & Amy Levoy Benjamin & Jodi Levy Philip & Rita Levy Adam & Lisa Levy 219. Joel Lewis & Sandy Flitterman-Lewis 220. Chris Lewitt & Kimberleigh Weiss-Lewitt 221. Lawrence & Tiffany Lin 222. Aline Linden 223. Craig & Michele Linder 224. Carol Losos & Judson Weaver 225. Joshua & Lauryn Lukin 226. Elysa & Robert Lyons 227. Scott Mack 228. Stewart Mader & Amy Sommer 229. David & Melissa Mahl 230. Soren & Shamira Malekar 231. Ben & Rebecca Malinsky 232. Peter Mann & Paula Rocha 233. Manny & Jennifer Mantilla 234. Michael Marcello & Karen Jurman 235. Judy & Don Marcus 236. Ellen Marcus Azzolini & Thomas Azzolini 237. John & Elvira Margetanski 238. Evelyn Margolin 239. Nathan & Nonna Marinoff 240. Nora Martinez Debenedetto 241. Gregory Marx & Debbie Greenberger 242. Joe Mason 243. Richard & Elizabeth Mason 244. Dante Medici 245. Matthew Meistrich 246. Leah Mermelstein 247. Phyllis & Jon Messner 248. Penny Metsch 249. Jamie & Elaine Michaels 250. Zack & Kristin Michaelson 251. Anthony & Meredith Migliazzo 252. Aaron & Kara Miller 253. Adam Miller & Alison Slone 254. Frederick Miller & Bess Morrison 255. Jonathan & Irina Miller February 2015 256. Scott Mirelson & Wendy Kamenshine 257. Murad & Audrey Mithani 258. Kerin Mone 259. Celeste Moore 260. Dennis & Linda Morgan 261. Jeremy & Eriko Morley 262. Philip Morrison 263. Harry & Arlene Moskowitz 264. Drew & Liana Moss 265. Gill Mosseri & Emily McIntosh-Mosseri 266. Glen & Samantha Geracht Myers 267. Chris & Sarah Myers 268. Jason & Caroline Nagi 269. Roman Nassimov & Eugeniya (Jenya) Sadovsky 270. Firoz Nathani & Neetu Pasari 271. Brett & Shoshana Natt 272. Charles Natt & Karen Siegel 273. Sergio Neissen & Risa Becker 274. Mordechai & Karen NemetNejat 275. Zalman Newfield & Jenny Labendz 276. Payam & Tandis Nili 277. Ari & Anna Novosyolok 278. Dr. Vera Nadia Nowakiwskyj 279. Emily Numa 280. Avi & Rochelle Ohring 281. Howard & Donna OlahReiken 282. Marcia Orange 283. Michael & Alexandra Oualid 284. Adriana Pacheco & Cathy Berger 285. Mario Padron & Laurie Goldstein 286. Laurie Palumbo 287. Jonathan & Robyn Pecarsky 288. Antonio & Joanne Perrotta 289. Anne Pettit 290. Maayan Pinhassi & Noa Eliasaf 291. David & Monica Plotka 292. Michael & Jessica Pollack 293. Dylan & Shirael Pollack 294. Rony & Daniela Porat 295. Amy & Kevin Porter 296. David & Amy Posner 297. Kathy Price 298. Bruce & Kathy Prussack 299. Yael Rahamim 8 The Shofar 300. Jonah Rank 301. Maurice & Sarah Recanati 302. Dr. Andrew Reibman & Ms. Elisabeth Oldmixon 303. Blake & Jodi Remer 304. Allen Reuben 305. Mark Risman & Staci Abramsky Risman 306. Dina Rose & Todd Clear 307. Marilyn Rose 308. Jeremy & Amy Rosen 309. Ron Rosenberg 310. Dr. Tuvia Rosenberg 311. Zehava Rosenberg 312. Erica Rosenberger 313. Robert & Myrna Rosenblum 314. Scott & Stacy Rosenblum 315. Frank & Deborah Rosner 316. Gregory Roth & Anna Karpman 317. Jaimee Rothenberg 318. Steve Rubin & Sandy Grossman 319. Stanley & Carol Runyon 320. Patrick Russoniello & Heather Gordon 321. Melissa Sabin 322. Mildred Sacks 323. Ana Sancho-Rumeu 324. Kirk Sanderson & Wendy Rosenthal 325. Melissa Sandler 326. Valdi & Lauren Sapira 327. Michael & Sherri Satz 328. Rabbi Robert Scheinberg & Rabbi Naomi Kalish 329. Ken & Susan Schept 330. Lydia Tamara Schleyer 331. Martin & Tracey Schnabel 332. Corey & Robyn Grodner Schneider 333. Blair Schoeb 334. Michael Schreiber & Kim Huang 335. Elana Schulman 336. Steve Schulman 337. Stanley Segal 338. Alisa Segall 339. Francesca Segalla 340. Erica Seitzman 341. Thomas Sessa & Dayna Helfgott 342. Piyush Sharma & Mayuri Ghosh 343. Ariye Shater & Inna Glyass 344. Michael & Judy Shaw SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. Paul M. Shaytin & Abbe Rivers-Shaytin Barry Shoot & Laurie Letvak Oren & Ginger Shukrun Avi Siegel & Keren Shpigel Laura Siegel & Brian Critz Yvonne Silver Ali Silver Robert Silverbush Ivan Silverman & Miriam S. Kolko Richard & Jane Silverman Wayne & Wendy Silverstein Martin & Beth Skolnick Jeri Slavin & Marty Gottlieb Gary Spector & Elizabeth Szabla Steven Sperber & Phannee Noiplai Martin & Rochelle Spergel Dana Spivak David Spivak & Rebecca Gansburg Janice Springer Jason Stahl & Theresa Gambacorta Jeffrey Stark & Lidia Mongay Matthew & Nicole Stein Rebecca Steinberg Reyna Steinberg Eugene Steinhart & Deborah Lewis Richard I. & Isabella T. Stempler Dr. Sharon Stern Steve Sternberg & Susan Chait Eric & Aliza Sternberg Susan Stoll Robert F. & Pamela Strell Adam & Rhonda Strosberg David Swirnoff & Merry Firschein Harriet Tainsky Larry & Lenette Talpins Craig & Candice Teitelbaum Adam & Rebekah Tessler Todd & Amanda Thiede Sean & Danielle Tietjen Alan & Suelly Tigay Anthony Townsend & Nicole LaRusso February 2015 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. Peter Traberman Dori Tritt & Ariele Myers Elliot Tropp Thomas & Natalie Troubh Dr. Joel Trugman & Razel Solow Billy Truong & Shira Ein-Dor Adam & Sasha Tulgan Ruth Tyroler Evan & Amy Uhlfelder Matthew & Rachel Vamvakis Nicholas & Nicole van Aardt Navik Vikas & Nidhi Sahani Ryan Virag & Alicia GrippiVirag David Vissering & Randi Messing Jeffrey Vock & Wendy Setzer Richard & Ella Vuernick Randy & Rachel Wachtel Mitchell Wallace & Wendy Gaswirth Simon & Melissa Ward Scott Warren & Rachel Meltzer Eytan Weber Corey & Beth Weiner John & Dana Weinshank Adam & Mara Weinstein Barry & Julie Weinstein James & Alicia Weinstein Herman & Joanna Weintraub Jesse & Rachel Weiss Aaron & Rebecca Weitman Jody M. Weitz Julie Weitzner Alan Welner Leo & Sydell Wertheim Chris & Cindy Wiegand Marcus & Mara Wignell Joel & Lauren Winston Nataly & Mark Yackanich Joshua Youdovin Benjamin & Lisa Zablocki Carl Zeichner Joshua & Angela Zeitz Cantor Rebecca Zwiebel 9 The Shofar SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 February 2015 10 The Shofar SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Yom Kippur Appeal Joel and Marilyn Freiser Josh Moskowitz Scott and Jennifer Ostfeld Tom and Robin Ahern Joshua Youdovin Craig Teitelbaum Casino Night Diamond Level Inserra Supermarkets – Shop Rite Casino Night Table Sponsor Matt Meistrich Joel Trugman and Razel Solow Casino Night Poke Sponsor Gutterman Brothers Kaplan Cooperative Preschool Hope Koturo, in memory of Hope’s grandmother, Mazie Greenwald Mitchell Levine and Catherine Cruz Levine in memory of Bevina Eclarin General Fund Lisa Hershey Rob Appel Carolyn Schoenlnast in memory of Belle Shanik Alix Biel Florence Holtzman Lydia Schleyer in honor of Marcia Herman Aline Linden Bunny Friedman, in memory of her nephew, Danny Arak Mary Zamore Daniel Kuperstein in honor of Zoltan Weisz Charlie and Janet Hollander in memory of Elizabeth Hollander and Gertrude Kravetz Joel Trugman and Razel Solow Garret Peterson and Danielle Starrantino in honor of Chloe’s baby naming Marsha Starrantino in honor of Chloe’s baby naming Norman and Myrna Kasser in memory of Belle Taub, February 2015 mother of Harriet Taub Stanley and Carol Runyon Gayle and Leonard Helfgott Daniel Jacobs and Edith Sachs Paul Glicksberg and Helene Schwartzbach in memory of Belle Taub, mother of Harriet Taub Harry Kafka and Harriet Taub, in memory of their parents Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Steve Sperber and Phannee Noiplai Jonathan and Rachel Katell in honor of Rebecca Weintraub’s bat mitzvah Gabriel and Tammi Fox in memory of Belle Taub, mother of Harriet Taub Mike Evers and Dawn Raffel Marc and Linnie Newman Harry Kafka and Harriet Taub Bruce and Kathy Prussack Family Learning Center Samuel and Rose Riemer Private Foundation Building Fund Hugh and Susan Moore in memory of Susan’s father, Abe Camhi Allen Levine Bob and Elysa Lyons Eugenio Brauner and Beth Mayerowitz Keyboard Charlie and Janet Hollander Russell and Marni Kriegel Joel and Marilyn Freiser Bob and Jeanne Becker Yvonne Silver Audrey Merwin Louise Kurtz Hope Koturo Rob Harari Phillip and Claire Meistrich Speaker/Brunch Matt Meistrich 11 The Shofar SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 Sarah Condiotti Chesed Fund Bernard Spanger Alan Welner and Diana London in memory of Rose and Motek Welner THANK YOU FOR SPONSORING KIDDUSH January 3, Joel Trugman and Razel Solow in honor of Lisa, Ben, Joel, Marilyn and Myrna January 10, Soren and Sharmira Malekar in honor of Rabbi Scheinberg and Louise Kurtz January 17, Strosberg family in memory of Fay Riemer Trugman and Rose and Samuel Reimer January 24, Kitty Bateman in memory of parents, Abraham and Rachel Belsky, and Louise Kurtz, in honor of her father, Bernard Kurtz January 31, David Swirnoff and Merry Firschein, and Seth Goodman, Elissa Aaronson, and family. IN THE CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY Welcome to New Members David Altas and Jaclyn Aptekar Michael and Jessica Pollack Congratulations to Alexandra Lee on her bat mitzvah and to her parents, Andrew and Shana, and siblings, Elizabeth and Jared. Daniel Atlas and Jaclyn Aptekar on their marriage. Rabbi Moshe and Shaindel Schapiro on the birth of February 2015 their daughter, Sara. Nora DeBenedetto (Kaplan Preschool teacher) on receiving a community service award from the Hoboken Quality of Life Coalition for her work on the uptown farmers’ market Maria and Ben Blum (Preschool parents) on the birth of their son, Leonard, and to siblings Sasha and Michael Rabbi Annie Lewis (former USH rabbinic intern) and husband Rabbi Yosef Goldman on the birth of their daughter. Sarah Kafka on her engagement to Jonathan Tarshis Neil and to parents Harry Kafka and Harriet Taub, and brother Jacob. Condolences to Ava Schoellnast and her family on the loss of her grandmother, Belle Shanik. David Gavant and his family on the loss of his mother, Janice Gavant. Deborah Lewis and her family on the loss of her father, Mike Lewis. Tom Foligno on the loss of his father and to his wife, Laura, and their daughters Hannah and Sylvie. Yael Rahamin (Learning Center teacher) on the loss of her mother-in-law, Daisi Rahamin. Louis Hoffman (Learning Center teacher) on the loss of his grandfather. Harriet Taub on the loss of her mother, Belle Taub, and to her husband, Harry Kafka, and their children, Jacob and Sarah. The Shofar, the newsletter of the United Synagogue of Hoboken, is published monthly in Hoboken, NJ. United Synagogue of Hoboken, 115 Park Avenue, Hoboken, NJ 07030, 201-659-4000; • President: Lauren Blumenfeld: • Rabbi: Robert Scheinberg: • Preschool Director: Rachelle Grossman: 201-653-8666 or • Learning Center Director: Grace Gurman-Chan: 201-659-4000, x4 or • Shofar Editor: David Swirnoff: Proofreading provided by Jane Klueger, Louise Kurtz, Allen Reuben and Rabbi Scheinberg • USH Office administrator: Laura Forino: 201-659-4000 or Shofar SHEVAT – ADAR 5775 February 2015 Shofar Tu B’Shevat, the 15th of Shevat, celebrated this year on February 4, 2015. Celebrate with your friends and neighbors at a Tu B’Shevat seder. Friday, Feb. 6, 2015, 6:30 pm RSVP to 201-6594000 SHEVAT – ADAR 5775 February 2015 Shofar SHEVAT – ADAR 5775 February 2015 Shofar SHEVAT – ADAR 5775 February 2015 Shofar SHEVAT – ADAR 5775 February 2015 Shofar SHEVAT – ADAR 5775 For more information and registration, call 201-408-1427 or email February 2015 The Shofar SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 February 2015 The Shofar SHEVAT - ADAR 5775 February 2015 The Shofar SHEVAT - ADAR - 5775 February 2015 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEWARK, NJ PERMIT No. 602 115 Park Avenue Hoboken, NJ 07030-3703 Address Service Requested The Shofar is printed on paper made of 30% post-consumer waste Thank God It’s Friday (night) Rest... Reflection... Community Join us as we welcome Shabbat every Friday, 7-8:15 pm, followed by kiddush, where you can meet old friends and make new ones.
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