This week’s issue of The Park Page is dedicated by Lisa Lerner and family commemorating the Yahrzeit (24 Shevat) of her mother Diane Hecht - Dina bat Aharon u-Bluma a"h. . The Weekly Bulletin of Young Israel of New Hyde Park Parashat Yitro February 6-13, 2015 17-24 Shevat 5775 Issue #429 Parasha Page Numbers Parasha Haftara Artscroll 394, Soncino 288 Artscroll 1154, Soncino 302 Schedule of Services and Classes Ketubot 4 Friday, February 6 / 17 Shevat Shacharit 6:15 am Candle-lighting before 5:00 pm Mincha / Dvar Torah / Maariv 5:00 pm Ketubot 5 Saturday, February 7 / 18 Shevat Parasha Shiur 8:15 am Shacharit 8:45 am Latest time for Shema MA 8:58, GRA 9:34 am Sermon: “Making a Mountain out of a Molehill" 10:30 am Shiur: "To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate?" 4:10 pm Mincha, followed by Seuda Shelishit and Maariv 4:50 pm Shabbat ends 6:05 pm Ketubot 6 Sunday, February 8 / 19 Shevat Shacharit 8:10 am Gemara Shiur (Sota 17a) 8:50 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 5:05 pm Ketubot 7 Monday, February 9 / 20 Shevat Shacharit 6:10 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 5:05 pm Ketubot 8 Tuesday, February 10 / 21 Shevat Shacharit 6:15 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 5:05 pm Jewish History Series – Part 6 of 6 (C. Waxman) 7:30 pm Ketubot 9 Wed., February 11 / 22 Shevat Shacharit 6:15 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 5:05 pm Ketubot 10 Thursday, February 12 / 23 Shevat Shacharit 6:10 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 5:05 pm Ketubot 11 Friday, February 13 / 24 Shevat Shacharit 6:15 am Candle-lighting, before 5:09 pm Mincha / Dvar Torah / Maariv 5:10 pm ▪ Daf Yomi, currently studying Ketubot, meets Monday through Friday at 5:30 a.m., and Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 a.m. ▪ Women wishing to use the Mikvah should contact Nehama Teitelman at 518-222-3874 to schedule an appointment. ▪ The YINHP Schedule of Services and Classes for January thru May is on-line at Drash v'DaSh: A Shabbat Message and Greeting “Daf Yomi: From Tree to Shining Tree” (Street-sign in Bnei Brak, Israel) With the increasing worldwide participation in and recognition of Daf Yomi, the initiative first proposed by Rabbi Meir Shapiro in the summer of 1923 for Jews worldwide to study the same folio of Gemara every day and complete the entire Talmud over 7-1/2 years, the "daily daf" - much like the "portion of the week" - has become a springboard for sermons and homilies, Derashot and Divrei Torah, with lessons about current events, life-cycle occasions, and more generally, our role in contemporary society. With that in mind, we take note of an interesting intersection of the current Daf Yomi schedule and the Hebrew calendar: Daf Yomi began Tractate Ketubot this past Wednesday, which was also Tu Bishvat, the Jewish New Year for the trees, according to the normative position of Beit Hillel in the first mishna in Masekhet Rosh Hashana. Daf Yomi will conclude Tractate Ketubot - 111 days and pages later - on Monday, May 25, the second day of Shavuot, the Jewish Day of Judgment for fruits-of-the-tree, per the second mishna in Masekhet Rosh Hashana. While many observed Tu Bishvat by eating an assortment of fruits - with or without a formal “Seder” - the outdoor weather during the past week was not exactly suggestive of green trees, blossoming flowers, and ripening fruits. According to the official reports from Groundhog Day, which fell just two days before Halakha’s Arbor Day, we are due for another six weeks of winter. As YINHP alumnus Roy Barth mentioned to me in a conversation earlier this week, “Tu Bishvat is all about the potential.” Projecting that thought onto Shavuot, the “Rosh Hashana” for fruit-of-the-tree is similarly “all about the potential”. Whereas on Simchat Torah, we rejoice upon the completion of the Torah, on Shavuot we celebrate Kabbalat Hatorah (the topic of our Parasha), not only the receipt of the Torah, but undertaking to realize our potential to study, to master, and to observe. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Lawrence Teitelman YOUNG ISRAEL OF NEW HYDE PARK National Council of Young Israel 264-15 77th Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 ∙ Tel: 718-343-0496 ∙ Fax: 718-343-6509 ∙ ∙ Announcements The Inbox - Yasher koach to David Rouhani for his leining this Shabbat. Kiddush this week is sponsored by Lisa Lerner and family, commemorating the yahrzeit of her mother Diane Hecht - Dina bat Aharon u-Bluma a"h. Mazal tov to the Daf Yomi - at YINHP and worldwide - on the completion of Masekhet Yevamot, following four months of study. Those wishing to register to learn Mishnayot in memory of Mr. Martin Glick - Mordechai ben Yisrael Moshe z"l, please contact Larry Barth. Your selection should be completed by the Sheloshim, 11 Adar Monday, March 2. Food Certificates for A&A Gourmet, Fairway, Pathmark, Stop & Shop, and Waldbaum’s, and Chesed Dollars for many Jewish businesses, can be purchased from Art Feldman 516-227-0707, Paige Finkelstein 718-343-4821, Rena Gombo 718-343-3855, and Ilene Horowitz 718470-9474. Proceeds finance capital improvement projects at the shul. The Clothing Gemach is looking for volunteers to work Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm or Monday through Thursday in the evenings. For more information, please contact Mark Krieger at 917-703-4694 or visit Rina Schachter gave birth to her third son at LIJ on Shabbat Parashat Shemot, and her husband Rabbi Shay Schachter, Assistant Rabbi at “The White Shul” in Far Rockaway, davened at YINHP and gave the Dvar Torah at our Seuda Shelishit that Shabbat. "Love Thy Neighbor, Save Thy Neighbor" Campaign Office Hours this week are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 10-2. The Park Page Puzzle “Sinai Says” This week’s Puzzle: Find all Torah-portions in which "Sinai" is mentioned. Solution to last week’s Puzzle: Tamar/temarim (meaning date, as in the fruit, or the tree on which it grows) can be found in Ex. 15:27, Lev. 23:40, Num. 33:9, and Deut. 34:3. Yasher koach to Joe Bettelheim, Susan Isler, Karen Klein, Rita Lenefsky, Kal Talansky, and the Teitelman children for their solutions. Writing a Sefer Torah in Memory of Rabbi Meir Bilitzky zt”l We are seeking a kidney donation to save David, a resident of New Hyde Park, with end-stage kidney failure. For more information, please see the flyers at the shul or contact Rabbi Boruch Wolf, 516-360-0299. Return of the Mega-Myriads $100,000 Raffle Tickets for $100,000 raffle and other prizes $100 - 1, $180 - 2, $250 - 3, $375 – 5. $500 - 7, $1000 - 15; Proceeds to support our community development efforts To purchase tickets, submit forms to office or Marc Horowitz Participation forms available at the shul and on our website at Upcoming Dates & Events Nach Yomi Study for February 6-13, per Rabbi Abramowitz’s Nach Yomi Companion. For more info, visit Psalms 50: Meet Asaf Psalms 51: "Wracked" with a W. Psalms 52: What Happened to Doeg? Psalms 53: The Second Temple Psalms 54: Let's Talk About Ziff Psalms 55: All About Achitofel Psalms 56: What Happens in Gath Stays in Gath Tuesday, February 10 – Final Jewish History class (7:30 pm) Sunday, February 22 - Tri-Community Blood Drive Saturday, February 28 - Next Simcha Kiddush Please send simcha details and sponsorships ($18) to the office. You may also opt for the new all-inclusive payment of $200 that lists you as a sponsor for all simcha kiddushes during 2015. Wednesday, March 4 - Taanit Esther / Erev Purim Thursday, March 5 - Purim & Communal Seuda Wednesday, March 18 - Entries due for $100,000 Raffle
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