HAVURAT YISRAEL WEEKLY NEWS 23 Adar 5775 Shabbat Vayakhel-Pekudei / Parah Shabbat Shalom! Welcome to Shabbat Across America!! 6:42 pm Candle Lighting 6:40 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat Parsha: p. 516, Maftir: p. 838, Haftorah: p. 1216 8:45 am Mishnayot 9:00 am Shacharit 10:05 am Latest time for Shema 11:00 am Drasha 11:45 am Kiddush 5:30 pm Gemara Shiur 6:35 pm Mincha & Seudah Shlisheet 7:43 pm Maariv & Havdalah March 13—14, 2015 Wine Tasting & Sale! Enjoy tasting the best wines and liqueur s Save by buying at a discount for Passover and beyond Support the shul thr ough your pur chases Saturday March 21 at 8:30pm — Free Admission!!!!!! Kiddush is sponsored by Ivonne & Jonathan Weisglass celebrating the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Leah and the birthdays of their kids Leah, Matthew and David. Mazal Tov! Seudah Shlisheet is sponsored by HY members. Join Rabbi Algaze, Rabbi Levy and other guests Elegant Passover Seders at Havurat Fine cuisine (VHQ) Warm Atmosphere Explanations Stories Singing We Welcome noted journalist and author Melanie Philips, who is with us this Shabbat. Congratulations to Judy Rosen on her being honored at the UJA this week! Upcoming Kiddushim Friday April 3rd 8:00 pm & Saturday April 4th 8:30 pm March 21: Renee Feit & David Hirsch March 28: Merkin Family & Paikin Family BUILDING COMMITTEE (donors of $50,000 or more) David & Debbie Sosnowik Louis & Rachel Ordentlich Refael Katz Marc & Karen Rose Mark & Gail Silverman Edward Finfer Jane Stiefel Stu & Judy Rosen Fanny Seinuk Daniel and Carol Yaghoubian SUPPLIES COMMITTEE (donors of $5,000 or more) Jay Waitzman Gabriela Linder Eileen Alter $65— One Seder / $120 Both Seders DESIGN COMMITTEE (donors of $20,000 or more) Arlene Ross Maddy & Bernardo Drucker Ken Lewon Rachelle & David Alkalay Rabbi Joel & Chana Hochman Miriam & Bruce Jacobs FURNISHINGS COMMITTEE (donors of $10,000 or more) Anne Biener Renee & David Hirsch Seymour Kaplan Helen & William Kober Gary & Yael Emmanuel Refuah Shlema to: Yoseph ben Chava (Fred Isaac), Shoshana bat Chana , Micha ben Devorah, Miriam bat Tziporah, Leya bat Mina, Eliyahu ben Chanena, Danit Esther bat Yaira Shoshana, Binyamin ben Ruth, Frida Chanah bat Sarah Leah, Ahava Emunah bat Chava Ehta, Yaakov David Halevi Ben Sarah , Leah Tirtza bat Serel, Yehuda Yehoshua ben Rivka Ita, Havah bat Lilian, Esther Reva bat Devorah Shifra (Eileen Alter), Mordechai ben Itta, Lifsha bat Shulamit (Elona Lazaroff), Roiza bat Yita Feiga (Rosalie Tenzer), Chaya D'vora Disha bat Doba Rivkah (mother of Sara Lefkowitz). SUNDAY March 15 / 24 Adar 7:30 am Amud Yomi 8:00 am Shacharit MONDAY March 16 / 25 Adar 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit 8:00 pm Halakha class with Rabbi Algaze at the Ordentlich home TUESDAY March 17 / 26 Adar 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit Space is Limited! Reservation Deadline: Monday March 30th KIDDUSH IS FOR ALL OF US—BE A SPONSOR!!! Please note that in the absence of Kiddush sponsors we may not have the funds to have Kiddushim. Sponsor a Kiddush for special recognition of your birthday, anniversary, graduation or other celebration or commemoration of a Yahrzheit. Other contributions to the Kiddush Fund are appreciated and will be acknowledged. New Dues for The New Year (first increase since 1981) Family: $425 / Individual: $250 / Associate: $75 Building assessment :$500 (for those who have not yet made a pledge to the Building Fund — We need your help!) Cemetery Privileges: All members in good standing can have the right to a cemetery plot in our section for themselves and any children residing at home, provided that they pay $20 per person and register at the beginning of the year. If you wish to exercise this right, please add these amounts when paying for membership dues at the beginning of each calendar year. WEDNESDAY March 18 / 27 Adar 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit 8:30 pm Rabbi Kraft’s Class THURSDAY March 19 / 28 Adar 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit FRIDAY March 20 / 29 Adar 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit 6:50 pm Candle Lighting 7:00 pm Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat HAVURAT YISRAEL 68-60 AUSTIN STREET, FOREST HILLS, NEW YORK 11375 / TEL: 718-261-5500 / FAX: 718-261-7584 DAVID ALGAZE,RABBI / JACK GOLDHABER, PRESIDENT WEB: WWW.HAVURATYISRAEL.ORG / EMAIL: HYOFFICE18@YAHOO.COM / ERUV: 718-544-6898 or perfect but that his contribution helps the entire community. He performs according to the best of his abilities On community and involvement and the entire community benefits. Each person may do only a part of the task but their cooperation with each By Rabbi David Algaze other and their assisting one another aids in the comple“Every man whose heart inspired him came; and everyone tion of the collective task. No one person is able or obliwhose spirit motivated him brought the portion of Hagated to fulfill all the 613 commandments. Some apply shem for the work of the Tent of the Meeting…The men just to a Cohen or a Levite; some apply only to men and came with the women, everyone whose heart was motiothers to women only. Yet when we speak of the 613 vated brought bracelets, rings…Every wise-hearted womcommandments we refer to the fact that it is the intean spun with her hands…the children of Israel brought a grated performance of the Torah by the different memfree-willed offering to G-d.” (Shemot 35:21, 22, 25, 29) bers of the people. The individual contributions interact The Tabernacle is the creation of the entire people of Is- with each other in a spirit of cooperation and mutual rerael. G-d creates the world but Israel builds the Tabernac- sponsibility that provides each a very different experience le on earth. For this task it was necessary that every son than the individual accomplishment would do. and daughter of Israel participate in this project and they This integration of efforts generates a sense of goodwill did it with great enthusiasm as the Torah records it here. and friendliness among all members. The Talmudic exThe popular participation in this holy project is essential pression, “Kol Israel arevim ze baze” (var.”laze”) may be to the meaning of the Tabernacle itself. In its concluding translated as “All Israelites are mingled with one another” day the Torah writes, “And the Children of Israel had and “All Israelites are responsible to one another.” This done everything that G-d commanded Moses, so did they twofold meaning of this expression is indeed two sides of so” (Shemot 39:32). The Ohr Hachayim (R. Hayim ben the same coin. When a Jew feels that he is not an island, Attar, 1696-1743) has a profound insight on this verse that his destiny is tied with other Jews, he experiences and its lesson is applicable to all the commandments of that his own self does not end with himself but rather it the Torah. He writes that the Torah emphasizes the coopextends into the other Jew as well; he is not wholly sepaeration of all Israel in building the Tabernacle as if they rate; he is part of a mixture of efforts, feelings and achad done all the tasks together. Yet there were different complishments. This in turn makes him feel that he has a crafts and differing abilities. Some brought monetary conresponsibility to the other person as he experiences the tributions, some did the work and yet the Torah lists benefit that he accrues from the other. This also explains them all together as a corporation. That means that alta variant translation of this expression, “All Israel is sweet hough the work may have been done by some individuals towards one another. “ the Torah regards it as if they had been done by all of them. Thus every single person brought all the materials, In our own synagogue we had this profound experience just this week. As we called on our members to come to performed all the work and built the entire Tabernacle. This full integration of all the individual efforts was made the aid of the shul people of varying income levels came to the fore. All contributed with an enthusiasm and a possible by the cooperation and team spirit with which they collaborated. What one could not do alone, the oth- generosity that was overwhelming. From the highest coner was able to help and complement. It is for this reason tributions to the donations by children (one of whom gave up his entire portfolio of $30.79) the assistance givthat the Torah speaks of all the children of Israel doing en to Havurat may be seen as if each person gave the the work. whole backing. This was a beautiful display of the concept The Ohr Hachayim continues his comment by adding that that “All Israel are bound together”—something that was the verse, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Vayikra not new to Havurat and that will continue into the build19:18) can be interpreted as, “Love the part of the other ing of our new synagogue and beyond. You all deserve that is like yourself” because it is through him that you the blessing that Moshe Rabbenu gave the people of Israachieve your wholeness and therefore he is not an el on a similar occasion. May all of you share in this bless“other” but rather a part of you and one of your own ing! parts. Thus, we find consolation in the fact that although G-d commanded us to observe 613 commandments no Follow Rabbi Algaze on J-APP for the latest shiurim, divrei one individual is able to observe all of them in his lifetime. The action of any individual may not be complete NO MAN IS ALONE HAVURAT YISRAEL/CENTER FOR JEWISH LIFE Dedication Opportunities BUIIDING COMMITTEE…(Builders) …………………………For donors of $50,000+ INTERIOR DESIGN COMMITTEE…(Patrons) ……………..For donors of $20,000+ FURNISHING COMMITTEE (Supporters) …………………..For Donors of $10,000+ SUPPLIES COMMITTEE (Contributors) …………………… For Donor of $5,000 + Names will be listed on a special plaque at the entrance of the synagogue THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY—DO NOT MISS IT “They shall make a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.” (Shemot 25:8) At this time and in this place we have the special privilege to participate in the building of our “small sanctuary”(miqdash me’at)—the new building of Havurat Yisrael. Some have opened their hearts already with great generosity to enable us to reach this day and we thank them. Many have wanted to memorialize special people in their lives with a dedication that will last long in our new building. Below is a list of items and areas that are still open for dedication, some as low as $3,000 and higher so that everyone can be a part of the building of the new Havurat. Please note that although the main building is near completion, there are still many things that are needed, such a appliances for the kitchen, furniture for the classrooms and synagogue, ner tamid, bookcases and so on. Please peruse through this list and select something we still need and do not have. The names of all contributors will be inscribed in the walls of the synagogue so that those names that you wish to memorialize will always be there with us. The Rabbis tell us, “When a mitzvah comes your way, do not let it pass by.” Don’t say the building is done and they don’t need my help. We do. The time is now. Wall of Honor will be designed for the main lobby listing all gifts Main Components Center for Jewish Life Name Dedication The Sanctuary Social Hall Library Beit Midrash 1,000,000 Dedicated 150,000 100,000 150,000 The Center for Jewish Life Building Main Entrance Lobby 100,000 Shoah Memorial 50,000 Tree of Life 50,000 Administrative Office 50,000 Rabbi’s Study 50,000 Outdoor Garden/ Sukkah area Dedicated Main Mezuzah 20,000 Inner Mezuzot (each) 3,000 The Sanctuary Aron Kodesh Dedicated Bimah 150,000 Women's Section 100,000 Ner Tamid 50,000 Mechitza 75,000 Torah Reading Table Dedicated Parochet 50,000 Memorial Plaque (2) 36,000 Rabbi's Chair 18,000 Speaker’s Podium 18,000 ********************************** Kitchen 50,000 ********************************** Beit Midrash Bet Hamidrash Aron Kodesh 100,000 Ner Tamid 18,000 Learning Tables--each 2,000 Bookshelves-each 10,000 Sulchan 18,000 ********************************* Children’s area 100,000
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