Flemington Jewish Community Center 5 Sergeantsville Road Flemington, New Jersey 08822 (908) 782-6410 Fax: (908) 806-7736 office@flemingtonjcc.org www.flemingtonjcc.org February 2015/12 Shevat – 9 Adar 5775 FJCC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Spiritual Leader Rabbi Evan Jaffe rabbi@flemingtonjcc.org Executive Board: President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President Elected Trustees: Jenn Fine Richard Frank Zel Gerstein Judy Gold Steven Greenstein Alan Hylton Marvin Jacobson Stuart Kippelman Melissa Kleiman Marta Klepner Bruce Moskovitz Jonathan Nemeth Sharon Rednor Sandy Siegel Jonathan Weitz Jeff Doshna Mitch Clarin Neal Wolff Mindy Friedman Laurence Shatkin James Fox Michael Wolf Lifetime Trustees: Bill Blaher Jack Forman Dan Gross Ed Mehrlust Howard Nifoussi Phil Stern Larry Wissner Michael Wolf Ruth Wolf Sisterhood President: Reena Gold Kamins Nursery School President: Deborah Farber Bulletin Editor: Flo Newrock RABBI’S MESSAGE Over the last twenty-seven years, barring a snow storm or other extreme weather conditions, the FJCC has never failed to make minyan for Friday night services. There were years, in fact, when attendance was quite robust, and certainly for special events we’ve drawn a good crowd. Then there have been years when for long periods fewer than 20 people showed up, but getting a minyan — I never worry. Lately we have a group of young families who have been showing up consistently and have breathed new life into the service. While I feel that the services could be a bit livelier, we at the FJCC could say with pride that a minyan was not a problem. Until January 9th that is. Eight people came to service that night. The weather was cold, but the roads were clear. More disturbing to me was the fact that the terrible slaughter had just taken place in France, that Jews had been killed both at the newspaper offices and in the kosher market. In years past, when we have been visited by tragedy or the start of a war, our members came to shul. There was a sense that in the immediate aftermath of tragedy or in difficult times the community needed to come together, to be together to perform familiar and comforting rituals. I remember members coming to services at the start of the Gulf War, after 9/11, when Israel went to war in Lebanon, and during the campaign in Gaza. True, attendance would drop off within a few weeks, but the shul served as a place of refuge in difficult times. Sadly, I guess that is no longer the case. And there is more: on January 9th, for the first time since World War II, the Grand Synagogue in Paris was shut down by the French police. Imagine: the Jews of Paris wanting to practice their Judaism were not allowed to make minyan in their synagogue, while we in Flemington, who can practice our Judaism freely and with no sense of fear, no overt anti-Semitism, find it difficult to muster the effort to drive a few miles to make a minyan. I hope we will not have the problem of a minyanless Friday night again. The fact is, the following Friday night we were fine. But now when the Jews in Europe are facing such difficult times, when being Jewish is a dangerous thing, we in Flemington ought to count our blessings and make every effort to practice our Judaism more consistently. We have the privilege of having our shul open on Friday night. Let it not sit empty. BULLETIN INDEX AROUND THE SYNAGOGUE ................................................... 2 BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES ......................................... 12 DONATIONS .............................................................................. 10 PARSHIYOT SUMMARIES ..................................................... 11 2 ABOUT THE HOLIDAY TU B'SHVAT On Wednesday, February 4th, we will celebrate the holiday of "Chamishah Asar B'Shvat," the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Shvat. It is also referred to as Tu B'Shvat from the two Hebrew letters, tet and vav, which are numerically equivalent to fifteen. This date marks the first day of spring in Israel and is mentioned in the Talmud as Rosh Hashanah L'llanot, the New Year for Trees. Traditionally, it is a day that is observed by eating fruits which have been grown in Israel. With the restoration of the Jewish homeland, the day has taken on additional significance as Arbor Day, a day when trees are planted in the State of Israel. Trees have always had a spiritual significance for our people. They represent goodness and nobility. The Psalms compare the righteous person to a tree planted near a stream, bearing fruit in due season. In Israel it was customary to plant a tree when a child was born: a cedar for a boy and a cypress for a girl. The children cared for their own trees as they grew up and when it was time for them to marry, branches from their trees were used to support the wedding canopy. It is therefore appropriate to observe Tu B'Shvat this year, and every year, by partaking of products grown in Israel and by helping to rehabilitate the land by planting trees in Israel through the Jewish National Fund at 1-800-542-8733. While on the subject of trees, a member of the congregation had a wonderful suggestion for all families whose children have not yet made Bar or Bat Mitzvahs. Instead of distributing the usual "favors" to all your child's friends at the end of the reception, why not plant trees in Israel in their honor and give them the certificates? Instead of loading these kids with junk that serves no purpose, save to gather dust in the closet or take up space in a landfill, why not fill the Land of Israel with trees our people there so desperately need? You've budgeted the money anyway; why not spend it in a meaningful way? Why not spend it in a way that will remind your child and his or her friends that the Bar or Bat Mitzvah they are so intently celebrating is a religious ceremony and if one is to be a Jewish adult in the true sense of the words he or she is obliged to support our community here and in Israel. Before you go out and buy those favors for your child's reception, do Israel a favor and order trees. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AROUND THE SYNAGOGUE YAD SQUAD We wish a yasha co’ach to those who read Torah and Haftara in January: Torah: Ben Doshna, Noah Doshna, Olivia Kleiman, and Nathan Treinish Haftara: Eliot Friedman, Dan Gross, and Laurence Shatkin ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REFUAH SHLEMAH TO: Bill Blaher Pablo Fraenkel Marsha Gerstein Howard Goldin Lori Findley Michael Wolf 3 Congregation –Wide Havdalah Program With Israeli Dancing Saturday, February 21st 5:00 PM—7:00 PM 5:00—Mincha & Seudah Shlishit 6:30—Ma’ariv & Havdalah Followed by Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundae 7:30 Israeli Dancing & Refreshments Join well-known dance instructor, Elyse Litt, for an Israeli Dance workshop. Elyse has been teaching Israeli dance for over 20 years and calls her class "Exercise with Ruach!" She is an exciting teacher who enjoys “connecting people to the music, land, language, and spirit of Israel.” This is a perfect Saturday night event no matter how old you are. Children, parents and grandparents, youth group and teens, all members of the congregation and members of the community are invited. Feel free to bring friends and relatives. RSVP by February 11th There is no charge for this event. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly. Name: _______________________________ ___________# Adults ___________#Students I can help Shop I can help set up I can help clean up 4 PURIM PROJECT: MISHLOACH MANOT -- ORDER FORM Name: ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Phone: ________________ Email: ________________ RECIPROCITY: (must participate to reciprocate!!!) ____Yes, I want to reciprocate to any family that sends to me/us. ($3.00 each/additional name)* Maximum cost for reciprocations is $180* 2014 PURIM SPECIAL!!! Check here to send a Purim gift bag to All Synagogue Friends for $180.00. There are no additional charges with the Purim Special. ___ Yes, I/we want to participate in the Purim Special. ORDER SAMPLE # Of Pkgs. Minimum 3 packages 3 Cost per Unit Minimum to participate Amount EXAMPLE $18.00 $18.00 # of additional orders $3.00/ea. 5 x $3.00 Subtotal $18 + $15+ $6. Totals $39.00 Include your check payable to FJCC and return to: PURIM PROJECT Flemington Jewish Community Center 5 Sergeantsville Rd Flemington, NJ 08822 DEADLINE…February 20, 2015…DON’T DELAY www.flemintonjcc.org Names on reserve side MY ORDER 5 HEBREW SCHOOL NEWS Mark Your Calendar February 6th – Vav Class Service 7:30 February 7th - Jr. Congregation 9:30 for Gimel – Bar/Bat Mitzvah 10:30 for Gan, Alef, and Bet th February 8 – No Hebrew School – Sunday after Jr. Congregation February 15th & 16th – No School President’s Weekend February 20th - Tot Shabbat 6:30 Hebrew School Happenings Each year the students bring in tzedakah that is used to purchase winter clothes for United Way for children in the community. This year the Hebrew School was able to purchase ten winter coats, five sets of scarves/hats/mittens, five packages of socks, and five pair of winter boots. For the next months we will collect food for the Flemington Food Pantry. Jr. Congregation was well attended in January. It is always nice to see so many children on the bima at the end of services. During the next few months the children will focus on Friday night services, with each class leading services in February, March, and April. There will be a Hebrew School Family Shabbat on April 24th. This year’s Havdalah program is scheduled for February 21st, and there will be a fun Israeli dance activity after the Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundae snack. Mark your calendar for a dinner on Wednesday, March 4 th, before the Megillah Reading. Karen Walsh ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BIKUR CHOLIM While there is still so much snow on the ground, it is very hard to think about spring, but our Jewish calendar tells us that the spring holidays are right around the corner. It is always hard to be away from family, but even more so during holidays. The joy of Purim and the family connections associated with Pesach make it harder to be sick and in the hospital. The mitzvah of bikur cholim strives to reduce that feeling of loss and disconnection during these otherwise joyous times. If you want to participate in this very meaningful way to share with the Jewish community, please join us on the Bikur Cholim Committee. Here is all it involves, only 4-5 times per year: 3 Step Process: 1. Call the FJCC Friday after 10:30 AM to get the names and room numbers of the Jewish patients in Hunterdon Medical Center. Bring one Shabbat reading flier for each Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 Nomi Forman Pam Nemeth John Fellin Nancy Rumore 2. 3. person, which you should have received by mail at your home. Stop by Flemington Floral to pick up a flower and FJCC card, one per patient. The flowers cost approximately $1.00 each. Please note, a flower can be purchased almost anywhere. Just write a best wishes card from the FJCC and include Rabbi Jaffe’s name and the synagogue telephone number. Stop by the hospital and deliver the flower and well wishes some time before Shabbat. Please bring the trifold Shabbat readings with the flower and card. Note: If you cannot make your scheduled time, please arrange for an alternate. If you are unable to do so, contact Sharon Brooks, and she will cover for you. If you are out of fliers, please contact Sharon Brooks for more. March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 Marv Gelblat Evie Stern Marta Klepner Sharon Brooks 6 Purim Happenings Adar 5775 - March 2015 School-Wide Purim Celebration & Megillah Reading Wednesday, March 4th Dinner at 6:00, Megillah Reading at 6:45 Billy Ray Sheet and the Hebrew High School invite you and your children to the amusing “Kid-Friendly” Megillah Reading with music and theatrical interpretation. Wear a costume. Are You Up For The Mishloach Manot Food Drive Challenge Rabbi Jaffe is offering The Purim Food Drive Challenge again this year. Bring a non-perishable food item to the Megillah Reading and Rabbi will match our collection. You must bring items to the Bima so we can count them! We will be doing the paper bag exchange this year but students can participate in the Megillah Reading Match instead. Purim Dinner ~ March 4th, at 6:00 PM Hoagies and Salads (Turkey, Corned Beef/Pastrami, or Grilled Vegetable) Before February 22nd After February 22nd $10 for Adults $15 for Adults $7 for Students (under 4, free) $12 for Students (under 4, free) Name: ___________________________________ Before February 22nd After February 22nd ___________#Adults @ $10.00 ___________#Adults @ $15.00 ___________#Students @ $7.00 ___________#Students @ $12.00 I can help Shop I can help set up in the am I can help clean up 7 8 Gift Shop Our Gift Shop will be having a fantastic makeover in the coming months. All the Hanukkah items will be put away and we’ll be getting ready for Purim and Passover. There will also be new items coming from Israel. Our shop supports Israel with products made there. Currently we have scarves, perfumes, soaps, Dead Sea face creams, mezuzot, and kippot. We have beautiful jewelry for that special woman. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and the famous butterfly necklace by Judit Lieser are available. This necklace, which turns from a butterfly to the Star of David, enabled the Jewish people to hide their identities during the Spanish Inquisition. We have traditional gifts including Kiddush cups, Shabbat candlesticks, new tzedakah boxes, Flo Newrock’s challah plate, tallit for men and women, mezuzot, and new kippot from Israel. There are bagel platters and matching placemats, which make great hostess gifts. Cara London also has her watercolors for sale, and you’ll also find Ilene Beckerman's new book, The Smartest Woman I Know. Ilene was kind to donate these books, voted a must read by the Jewish Council. Also for sale are the Schneidermans’ CD and the FJCC Sisterhood cookbook as well as copies of Pablo Fraenkel’s book, Who Will Carry My Bags?, his journey to freedom. His book is an inspiration to all. Many thanks to Kim Muller for her dedication in January and every month. We can always use others to help, so come put your talents to work. We love to hear from you about what you would like to see in the shop. We will do our best to help you. Don’t forget we have gift certificates and you also get a free gift with your purchase. We always appreciate your patronage. Your Gift Case Committee: Lois Gross Gayle Neibart 9 RUMMAGE SALE NEWS It is almost Rummage Sale time again!! The Rummage Sale is scheduled for Sunday, March 22nd, from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, and Monday, March 23rd, 2015, from 9:00 AM - Noon. Your help is needed! It is a tremendous amount of work for one week, but it brings in too much money for this profitable fundraiser not to continue. Here’s how it works: Bring your used, but not abused, clothing, books, toys, and household goods in sellable condition to the synagogue from Tuesday, March 17th, 2015, at 6:00 PM, to Friday, March 20th, no later than 3:00 PM. Bring the items directly into the social hall. Tables will be set up to designate placement of the different items. Wherever possible, please distribute your donations to the appropriate areas. Please note that SHOES are NO longer accepted. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED: CAR SEATS CRIBS STROLLERS TELEVISIONS SPORTING/EXERCISE COMPANY LOGO ITEMS COMPUTER EQUIPMENT PERSONALIZED ITEMS SHOES These items cannot be included in the Rummage Sale because they often don’t sell, and it is difficult to dispose of the unsold items after the Rummage sale. It costs the synagogue money to dispose of these items. PLEASE REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING WHEN GATHERING ITEMS: The items must be sellable. Broken appliances and toys with missing pieces take up valuable space and add to the problem of disposal after the sale. Please volunteer time to organize rummage throughout the week. Any time you can spare will be gratefully accepted and appreciated. Help is needed during the actual Rummage Sale to assist individuals buying items and straightening items. Monday, March 23rd, is Bag Day from 9:00 AM to Noon. Volunteers are needed to sit and collect money after the shoppers make their selection. Please call, text or email Debbie if you can help on Sunday and/or can bag the unsold items after the sale on Monday afternoon. Tax deduction vouchers for the items donated will be available in the social hall. Once again your help is requested. If everyone puts in a little time, the job does not become an overwhelming burden to the committee members. If you have any questions, please feel free to call, text or email: Debbie Hylton DONATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER FRIDAY, March 20th. PLEASE ~ DO NOT BRING DONATIONS ON SUNDAY DURING THE SALE. ******************************************************************** 10 Jewish LIFE (Learning Is For Everyone) Upcoming Special Events include: Join Jewish LIFE on Wednesday, February 4, at Noon for the return engagement of author Iris Krasnow, discussing her new book, Sex After…Women Share How Intimacy Changes as Life Changes. Program and luncheon hosted by the Birnbaum JCC, Bridgewater. (Fee: $18 in advance or $22 day of event). This program is co-sponsored by the Temple Beth-El, Hillsborough Sisterhood, the Temple Sholom Sisterhood, and the Brandeis National Committee, Somerset Chapter. Jewish LIFE will be showing the film, Little White Lie, Wednesday, February 11, at 7:00 PM at the Birnbaum JCC, Bridgewater. The film will be followed by a discussion with Lacey Schwartz, the subject of the film. (Fee: $5/person.) This program is sponsored by Wendy and Stephen Offen. Congregation Or Chadash will host the Irma Horowitz Film Series featuring Falafel & Films on Friday, February 20, at 6:30 PM. Films shown will be Jeptah’s Daughter, Cornerstone, and Mika. (Fee: $12/person in advance or $15 day of event. Contact Or Chadash to register.) th The Liberation of Auschwitz: 70 Anniversary, An Event to Commemorate Those Who Perished and to Honor Survivors will be hosted at the Birnbaum JCC, Bridgewater on Wednesday, February 25, at 7:30 PM. Guest speaker, Tova Friedman, LCSW. This program is sponsored by Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon & Warren Counties. (Fee: $10/adult and free to students.) For more information, please contact JFS at 908-725-7799. Coming up in March… Rebecca Alexander, author of Not Fade Away, a Memoir of Senses Lost & Found, on Wednesday, March 11, at Noon. This memoir details how Rebecca is slowly losing her sight and hearing and yet continues to live life to the fullest. Program and Luncheon hosted by the Birnbaum JCC, Bridgewater. (Fee: $18/person in advance or $22/person day of event.) Temple Sholom, Bridgewater will host Originals by an Original: the Artistic World of Mordechai Rosenstein on Thursday, March 12, at 7:00 PM. Artist reception and presentation followed by “Paint with the Artist.” (Free to the community.) The Temple Beth-El, Hillsborough Film Series will be showing The Wonders on Saturday, March 14, at 7:00 PM. (To register contact Temple Beth-El or e-mail bakerec@comcast.net.) Glenn Kurtz will discuss the film, Three Minutes in Poland, Discovering a Lost World in a 1938 Family Film, on Thursday, March 19, 7:00 PM. Hosted by the Birnbaum JCC, Bridgewater. (Fee: $8/person in advance or $10/person day of event. The 3rd Annual Night to Celebrate Israel will be held on Thursday, March 27, 6:30 PM, at Raritan Valley Country Club in Bridgewater. Distinguished guest speaker Israel Ambassador Ido Aharoni, Consul General of Israel. The event will honor Rabbi Ron Isaacs and Aviv Alter, a Rutgers Hillel Student. (Fee: $18/Student and $50/Adult.) To register for programs unless otherwise noted, please contact the Shimon and Sara Birnbaum JCC at 908-725-6994 x201 or register on line at www.ssbjcc.org. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DONATIONS Todah rabah to all those who made donations to: BUILDING FUND Marsha & Zel Gerstein: In memory of Agnes Reves, beloved mother of Marta Klepner For a mazel tov to Lois and Dan Gross on the birth of their new granddaughter, Leah Saposnik In memory of Manny Shalowitz, beloved uncle of Sharon Gertzman In memory of Alan Auerbach, beloved husband of Deborah For the yahrzeit of Marsha’s beloved father, Rubin Simon KIDDUSH FUND RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Linda & Jerrold Atlas in honor of Rabbi Jaffe’s dedication to the FJCC congregation and community Jack Kogan in honor of the baby naming of his great granddaughter, Betty Ruth Forman Helene Posner in honor and appreciation of Rabbi Jaffe for officiating at her husband’s funeral Cathie & Art Wetstein in appreciation of Rabbi Jaffe GENERAL FUND Sid Benjamin for the yahrzeit of his beloved father, Sid Nursery School in honor of the baby naming of Elle Adah & Alan Radzin in memory of Alan Auerbach, beloved husband of Deborah Sue & Rick Rothstein in memory of Alan Auerbach, beloved husband of Deborah Dena & Greg Scibilia for a mazel tov to Nomi and Jack Forman on the naming of their granddaughter, Betty Ruth Forman Jane & Eric Wasserman in honor of their grandson’s Bar Mitzvah Malka Goodman: For a mazel tov to Nomi and Jack Forman on the naming of their granddaughter, Betty Ruth Forman For a mazel tov to Lois and Dan Gross on the birth of their new granddaughter, Leah Saposnik NIKOLE KALAFER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Kramer Portraits in honor of Steve Kalafer and Family MILLION PENNY FUND (Ruth Wolf, Eleanor Berkowitz, and Eileen Schwalb, the Penny Ladies) Ruth Wolf in honor of Edith Milman 11 PARSHIYOT SUMMARIES FOR FEBRUARY Courtesy of Torah from Dixie, Inc. at TFDIXIE.COM Parshat Yitro – February 7, 2015 Parshat Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23) begins with Moses' father-in-law, Yitro, arriving at the Jewish people's camp in the desert, where he is greeted warmly by a large entourage. Yitro was inspired to join them when he heard about the wonders and miracles which Hashem performed for the Jewish people during the exodus from Egypt. Upon witnessing Moses serving as the people's sole judge from dawn until dusk, Yitro declares that this system will never work. He therefore suggests that subordinate judges be appointed to adjudicate the lower cases. Moses agrees to this plan. The Jewish people arrive at Mt. Sinai and prepare to receive the Torah. Moses ascends the mountain and Hashem tells him to convey to the people that they will be to Him a treasure from amongst the nations. After three days of preparation, the appointed moment of revelation finally arrives, and amidst thunder, lightning, and the sound of the shofar, Hashem descends upon the mountain and proclaims the Ten Commandments. Moses then ascends the mountain to receive the remainder of the Torah from Hashem, both the written and oral segments, and the portion concludes with several mitzvot dealing with the construction of the altar in the Temple. Parshat Mishpatim – February 14, 2015 Following on the heels of the Ten Commandments, Parshat Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18) deals primarily with civil law. The juxtaposition of the ritual with the mundane provides an enlightening insight into Judaism. From the Torah's perspective, there is no distinction between the ceremonial and the worldly activities of life. Both should be infused with holiness and both must be kept completely and diligently. Included amongst the civil laws discussed in the Torah portion are the laws relating to the Jewish servant and his freedom; penalties for causing bodily injury to another person and for damaging his property, laws regarding watchmen and borrowers, the mitzvah to show sensitivity to the poor and to offer them free loans; and laws relating to the honest dispensation of justice. After mentioning the mitzvot of Shabbat and Shemittah (the seventh year when the land in Israel must be left to rest), the portion continues with a brief discussion of the three pilgrimage festivals - Pesach, Sukkot, and Shavuot - and Hashem's renewed promise to bring the Jewish people to the land of Israel. The Torah then returns to the revelation at Mt. Sinai. The Jewish people declare their commitment to do whatever Hashem commands, and the portion concludes with Moses' ascending the mountain, where he will remain for forty days and forty nights to receive the rest of the Torah. Parshat Terumah – February 21, 2015 Parshat Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19) begins a series of four out of five portions which discuss in detail the construction of the Mishkan, the traveling Tabernacle which would serve as a "resting place" for Hashem's presence amongst the Jewish people. This entire portion recounts Hashem's description to Moses of how to construct the Mishkan, beginning with a listing of the various precious materials to be collected from the Jewish people for this monumental project. Hashem describes the magnificent golden and wooden Ark which would house the tablets of the Ten Commandments, complete with its dazzling cover depicting two Cherubim (angels with the faces of children) facing each other. Next, Hashem provides Moses with the blueprints of the shulchan (holy table) upon which the lechem hapanim (show-bread) would be placed each week. Following the depiction of the pure golden menorah (candelabra) which was to be hammered out of one large piece of gold, Hashem describes the structure of the Mishkan itself, detailing the splendidly woven and embroidered covers, curtains and partitions, and the sturdy outer walls. The Torah portion concludes with the instructions for the copper altar and the large outer courtyard. Parshat Tetzaveh – February 28, 2015 Following the detailed commandments in the last portion concerning the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), Parshat Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10) begins with the daily mitzvah given to Aaron and his sons to kindle the menorah (candelabra) in the Mishkan with pure olive oil. Hashem describes to Moses the special garments which are to be worn by the Kohanim (priests) during their service, woven and crafted from materials donated by the people. The Torah portion then shifts its attention to Hashem's commandments regarding the melu'im, or inauguration ritual for the newly constructed Mishkan, to be performed completely by Moses for seven days. The melu'im included Moses' adorning and anointing the Kohanim, and his bringing korbanot (offerings). On the eighth day, Aaron and his sons would assume their offices as the Kohanim. After then describing the korban tamid, the offering to be brought in the Mishkan every day of the year in the morning and afternoon, the portion concludes with the command to build the last of the Mishkan's structures, the golden altar upon which the ketoret (incense) would be offered every morning and afternoon. All of these commands are carried out in the concluding portion of Exodus, Parshat Pekudei. Every year on the Shabbat before Purim, we read a special maftir (additional Torah reading) recalling the nation of Amalek's evil attempt to annihilate the Jewish people soon after the exodus from Egypt. The rabbis chose to connect Parshat Zachor (the title of this additional reading) to the holiday of Purim because Haman, the man who attempted to annihilate the Jewish people in the Purim story, was a descendant of Amalek. Following Parshat Shekalim two weeks prior to this reading, Parshat Zachor is the second in a series of four special Shabbat readings leading up to Purim and Passover. 12 FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2 6 7 10 11 13 14 15 - Jan Kutscher Adam Wolf Bradley Fox David Short Kenneth Skowronek Carole Jacobson Austin Jennis Joan Schneiderman Harry Zackowitz Fallon Saposnik Eugene Esterkin Jonathan Fox Paul Hubert Malka Goodman Benjamin Doshna 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 - Jennifer Goldstein Marc Liebowitz Mitchell Gross Flo Newrock Diane Naar Dorit Radzin Abigail Reid-Green Heather Scott Pam Ezra Rachel Feinberg Seymour Mondshein Gabrielle Horwitz Dorian Batt Jonathan Daniel Dan Horwitz 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 - Judy Horwitz Neil Poppel Philip Reid-Green Samantha Wilk Marilyn Dvoor Michael Wolf Sara Kippelman Max Gropper Eric Wasserman Michael Frank Douglas Gross Cathie Wetstein Jason Gertzman FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES 1 12 - Eleene Gallagher & Daniel Weinstock - Pam & Elly Ezra 15 - Debbie & Marty McInerney FEBRUARY YAHRZEIT OBSERVANCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Jack Hochbaum Florence Kagan Samuel Potter Betty Hurwitz Sarah Jacobson Milton Kravitz Meyer Rosenberg Maxine Blau David Schwartz Arthur Rogow Norma Benimoff Manny Liebowitz Morris Pesachowitz Janice Luelling Sye Weinstein Robert L. Bernstein Frances Coburn Sidney Elstein Jeanne Glickman Bertha Hain Sadie Zucker Abraham Hendrick Louis Lederman Ida Linsenbaum Helen Ostroff Markus Werner Luba Frieman Joseph Hilzer Irving Kirschenbaum Louis Levin Bernice Simmons 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 - Toby Strober Shirley Welt Beverly Kogan Shlomo Kohane Irving Rosen Murray Benimoff Alan Blankstein Martin Pavelich Sarah Pesachowitz Samuel Blumenthal Gisele Entenberg Sam Hammer George Jacobson Molly Kay Amelie Lowenstein David Poppel Joseph Shemesh Fannie Hayfer Sally Eisinger Stein Nathan Blaher Rosalin Zackowitz Ida Costell Harry Levine Judith Pavelick Beatrice Schurr Alan Stolpen Thomas Sudzin Yetta Atlas Andrew Goldstein Murray Grill Ida Wolf 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - Stephen Zucker Herbert Milecofsky Abram Mortchai Salzberg Harold Smith Sarah Lieberman Mimi Rosenbleeth Edith (Judy) Wissner Louis Friedman Libbie Gutkin Yelena Koretskaya Eva Levin Lewis Ostroff David Platkin Jacob Rosenbleeth Hilda Daniels Lea Karp Sally Swain Anna Frank Arthur P. Klavans Sam Klepner Harold Lipson Terry Mondshein Herbert Pearlman Eliot Roth John Haniman Louis Levine Samuel Moskowitz Leonard J. Feldberg Leo Sacks Celia Seigelman Yahrzeit candles are lit the night before the yahrzeit is observed. PLEASE NOTE: If your birthday, anniversary, or yahrzeit information is missing or incorrect, please bring or mail your information to the FJCC office, or email it to Flo Newrock so it can be included in future bulletins. 13 CONTRIBUTIONS Tzedakah is always “in season.” If you have an event coming up such as an anniversary, a birthday, a yahrzeit, etc., it’s a mitzvah to contribute to your favorite fund. Gift Shop Hebrew School Nursery School Prayer Books & Pentateuchs Shmuel F. Frand Memorial Holocaust Education Fund Sunshine Cards Tutoring: Reading, Writing, Study Skills Adah Radzin, MA ABD aradzin@comcast.net 908-788-1083 Reading Specialist Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant Discount for Synagogue Members 5% of Proceeds will be donated to FJCC You can send your check to the FJCC with a note telling us where you would like the money used, or call one of the following people. Do a mitzvah – send a donation. Lois Gross Gayle Neibart Karen Walsh Jane Wasserman FJCC Office Sharon Brooks 806-7444 638-9496 782-6410 782-2794 782-6410 735-4780 Marsha Gerstein Carolyn Goldman 782-5955 806-8520 Art Lessons- Weekly instruction by renowned professional artist Paul Jennis. All ages. Painting and or drawing. $45.00 per hour session. For further information contact Paul at pjennis@comcast.net./ 908 788-3788. 14 15 PREFERRED PRESENTATIONS LLC Melissa Gropper Resume Specialist 908-202-0322 – tel. 908-450-1257 – fax melissa@preferredpresentations.com (email) Are you interview-ready? 16 17 18 UPCOMING EVENTS February 4 February 8 February 21 February 28 March 4 March 5 March 8 March 13 March 14 March 22 & 23 April 3 April 4 – 11 April 14 April 16 April 18 Tu B’Shevat Program - Professor McGinity: Intermarriage Havdalah & Israeli Dancing Film Series – “Laughing in Darkness” Fast of Esther Purim Purim Carnival Shabbat Across America Progressive Dinner Rummage Sale Erev Passover Passover Yom HaShoah Program – Prof. Valerie Thaler Yom Hashoah Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Rednor April 19 April 23 May 3 May 7 May 16 May 17 May 23 May 24 & 25 May 29 May 30 June 6 June 20 June 27 July 5 July 26 Program – Professor Valerie Thaler Yom Ha’Atzmaut Program – Roz Chast Lag B’Omer Bar Mitzvah of Asa Liebowitz Yom Yerushalayim Erev Shavuot Shavuot Staff Appreciation Service Bat Mitzvah of Amira Kleiman Bar Mitzvah of Nate Nemeth Bar Mitzvah of Liam Franklin Bat Mitzvah of Jacqueline Kestenbaum Fast of Tammuz Tisha B’Av ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ONEG/KIDDUSH/BAGEL NOSH SPONSORSHIP ONEG Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 Sponsor Vav Class KIDDUSH Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Sponsor Jr. Congregation Doshna Family If you would like to sponsor ongei Shabbat or kiddushim at the FJCC, please call 782-6410 or email Lori at the FJCC office (office@flemingtonjcc.org). Last minute sponsors may not necessarily appear in the above calendar. “WE NEED YOU!” We need congregational participation for sponsorship! Do you have a Yahrzeit coming up or a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversary, birthday, or any occasion to sponsor an ONEG/KIDDUSH? It doesn’t have to be a fancy feast or expensive. Be creative, prepare the food in the FJCC kitchen, pick up kosher food at ShopRite, or simply send in a check and the shopping will be done for you. Please call Lori in our office 782-6410 or email office@flemingtonjcc.org and let her know what date you will sponsor. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lori. “Thank you for your continued support!” 19 February 2015 12 Shevat 5775 - 9 Adar 5775 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Friday 6 TU B'SHEVAT Services 9:00 12 Shevat 8 Thursday §6:06PM 5 13 Shevat 9 14 Shevat 10 16 Shevat 12 18 Shevat ¡¡5:14PM 14 §6:18PM Mishpatim Shabbat Shekalim Services 7:30 Services 9:15 19 Shevat 20 Shevat 16 21 Shevat 17 22 Shevat 18 23 Shevat 19 24 Shevat 20 ROSH HODESH I Services 9:00 26 Shevat 22 Services 9:15 Jr. Congregation Kiddush: Jr. Congregation 17 Shevat 13 Services 9:00 Speaker: Prof. McGinity 10:00 15 §6:10PM Yitro Services 7:30 Vav Class Service Oneg: Vav Class 15 Shevat 11 Saturday ¡¡5:05PM 7 27 Shevat 23 28 Shevat 24 29 Shevat 25 30 Shevat 26 §6:26PM ROSH HODESH II Terumah Tot Shabbat 6:30 Services 7:30 Services 9:15 Havdalah Program & Israeli Dancing 5:00 1 Adar 2 Adar 27 Services 9:00 25 Shevat ¡¡5:22PM 21 ¡¡5:30PM 28 Services 7:30 §6:34PM Tetzaveh Shabbat Zakhor Services 9:15 Film Series: Sholem Aleichem, Laughing in the Darkness 7:00 3 Adar 4 Adar 5 Adar 6 Adar 7 Adar [¡¡Candle Lighting, §Observance End for Flemington, NJ] 8 Adar 9 Adar
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