Rabbi: Aryeh Scheinberg Assistant Rabbi: Avraham Scheinberg President: Jodi Starr Executive Director: Gina Zinser-Meishar Gabba’im: Ronen Bass, Howard Feinberg, Dr. Joseph Furman, Dr. Morris Spector Congregation Rodfei Sholom tel. 210.493.3557 fax 210.492.0629 e-mail: rodfeisa@gmail.com www.rodfeisholom.com Accounting: rodfeisa.acct@gmail.com 11 Shevat -- January 31 Dr. Harry Eastman, for his mother, Frieda Eastman Mrs. Hanna Pankowsky, for her mother, Sophie Davidson Congregation Rodfei Sholom 11 Shevat 5775 - Saturday, January 31, 2015 SHABBAT SHIRAH Parsha : Beshalach, pages 366 to 393 Haftarah : pages 1152 to 1154 12 Shevat--February 1 Mrs. Mazal Moszkowicz, for her mother, Thereze Perez Maya Dr. Aaron Goldberg, for his grandfather, Mordechai Solodkin 14 Shevat--February 3 Mr. Harvey Brake, for his father, Stanley Brake Ms. Goldie Heller, for her brother-in-law, Stanley Brake Mr. Ira Goodfriend, for his mother, Dorothy Goodfriend Notice: The Annual Board Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 22, at 10:30 a.m. Candle Lighting Times Friday, January 30 - 5:52 p.m. Havdalah, January 31 - 6:53 p.m. Friday, February 6 - 5:58 p.m. 15 Shevat--February 4 Mrs. Judy Scheinberg, for her grandmother, Hedwig Weil Dr. Sydney Shain, for his father, Louis Shain Dr. Jordanna Pazin, for her grandfather, Louis Shain Mr. Efraim Abramoff, for his father, Joshua Abramoff 17 Shevat--February 6 Mr. Elias Sarfati, for his father, Sanson Sarfati Mr. Aaron Sarfati, for his grandfather, Sanson Sarfati Mrs. Sharon Kluger, for her grandfather, Sanson Sarfati Mrs. Evi Goldstein, for her father, Shlomo Goldstein Mrs. Zee Fisher, for her mother, Zipporah Katz Mrs. Megan Kluger, for her grandmother, Zipporah Katz Mrs. Justine Alloway, for her grandmother, Zipporah Katz Next Shabbat, February 7: There will be a “Get to know the service” Minyan, after the Torah Reading (not before 10:30 a.m.) Kosher Update: We express condolences to Urth Juice Bar is no longer under the kosher supervision of the Vaad. Jack Vexler and family, on the loss of his father Harold Vexler MAZALTOV ON YOUR WEDDINGANNIVERSARY! Martha & Eugene Finkelstein February 2 Lowell Michelson and family, on the loss of his mother Louise Michelson “May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life” REGULAR WEEKLY SERVICE TIMES Weekday Morning .............................................................. Weekday Mincha / Ma’ariv ................................................. Weekday 2nd Ma’ariv (Mon - Thu) .................................... Weekday (Mon - Thu) Talmud (Open Learning).................. Kabbalat Shabbat ............................................................... Shabbat Morning Services ................................................... Shabbat Mincha .................................................................. Shabbat Ma’ariv ................................................................ Sunday Morning................................................................... 6:15 a.m. 5:45 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Women’s Tehillim Group On Shabbat - 4:15 p.m. at Rodfei Sholom SHA B BA ONS OR S SHAB BATT KIDDUSH SP SPONS ONSO Stand-up Kiddush is sponsored by Congregation Rodfei Sholom Shalosh Seudah is being sponsored by Rabbi Aryeh & Judy Scheinberg in loving memory of her grandmother Hedwig Weil on her yahrzeit Next Shabbat, Stand-up Kiddush is reserved Celebrate Tu B’Shevat with a birthday party for the trees! Wedn dneesday ay,, F Feebruar aryy 4 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Rodfei Sholom Arts & Crafts - Shalom Sesame DVD And, of course, a birthday cake! $2 ppeer cchi hi hilld - RSVP by Monday, February 2, rodfeisa@gmail.com L’Chayim Club Luncheon Wednesday, February 18 ~ 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Special presentation by Eleanor & Pablo Siegal “A Lawful Experience” No charge for seniors Y $5 for others RSVP by Thursday, Feb. 12, to rodfeisa@gmail.com or 210.493.3557 SISTERHOOD UPCOMING EVENTS Tikun Olam This Sunday - February 1 ~ 10:00 am – 12:00 Noon We are so proud to announce that 152 Rodfei members and friends are participating in doing wonderful mitzvot for the San Antonio community. Participants are working at the SA Food Bank, The Graffiti Project, Golden Estates, Ronald McDonald House and Walker Ranch Park. This surpasses the previous four years. Tu B’Shevat - Tuesday, February 3, 7:30 pm Spring is coming! Time to take out your gardening gloves! Join the Rodfei Sholom Sisterhood at our annual Tu BShevat Program. Joyce Felter from the Bexar County Master Gardeners Society will present a program on landscaping and designing your garden. At the home of Rivi Ashlag (14119 Moss Farm, 78231) For questions, please contact Jennifer Cohen at rodfeisisterhood@gmail.com See you there. Sunda y, F ebrua ry 15 Sunday, Februa ebruary 2:00 p.m. The Ma gi tre { Magi gikk T Thhea eatre 420 South Alamo Group seats at a reduced rate are limited... Adults @ $5 { Children (2-17) @ $4.35 R VSP by M onday eb. 2 ttoo Monday onday,, F Feb. rodf eisa@gmail. co m or rodfeisa@gmail. eisa@gmail.co com 210 . 93.3557 210.493.3557 4
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