7319 W. ATLANTIC AVE. DELRAY BEACH, FL 33446 (561) 499-0970 MENACHEM JAROSLAWICZ, RABBI HARRY LAZARUS, PRESIDENT Z’MANIM: PARSHAS YISRO FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 CANDLE LIGHTING...…………..5:48PM followed by Kabalas Shabbos and MAARIV.........5:45PM MINCHA SHABBOS: SHACHARIS…..................…….9:00AM MINCHA ...….….......................5:30PM FOLLOWED BY SHALOSH SEUDOS. MAARIV ………..............….……6:39PM HAVDALAH NOT BEFORE…...6:43PM WEEKDAY MINYANIM: SUNDAY THRU FRIDAY SHACHARIS ….......................7:30AM MINCHA, FOLLOWED BY HALACHA, AND MA’ARIV…………………….5:00PM MINCHA on Friday, Feb. 13th is at 6:00PM. This Monday, February 9th at 7:30PM at the Shul, Rabbi Jaroslawicz will give a Shiur on: Can I drink that wine? Can I eat those fruits? Everything You Need to Know about Shemitah. On Mon., Feb. 16th, the speaker will be: Rebbitzin Judi Steinig. The topic will be: “Grandparenting: The Lasting & Loving Legacy”. She currently works at the Orthodox Union, where she serves as Associate Director of Community Services. Previously, she was Director of Programming at National Council of Young Israel for 16 years. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from Douglass College-Rutgers University and a Master’s in Leadership from Bellevue University. She is an Online Instructor for Bellevue University, teaching Human Services and Civics classes. She also has Certificates in Not-for-Profit Management and Desktop Publishing. She is married to Rabbi Sholom Steinig, Mara D'asra of the Young Israel of Bayside. For ERUV STATUS, Call 561-499-0970 AFTER 2PM ON FRIDAY Kiddush this Shabbos is being sponsored by Sheila Hecker in honor of the DOS Board of Directors and in honor of her son who is leading a delegation to France this week to show support to the Jewish community. He is also organizing security training in Columbus, Ohio with all 17 Jewish organizations to deal with any type of danger to the community there. We regret that we did not mention that last week’s Kiddush was co-sponsored by all of Guita Hyman’s children, Shmuel, Ilene, Mitchel, and Sharon in honor of Guita’s special birthday. Support Our MAJOR Fundraiser BUY and SELL Raffles! To sponsor a kiddush, contact Alan Graubard at 561-6370307, Milt Blau at 561-499-3579, or Stuart Jacoby at 585469-0746. Please make sure that all cell phones are either turned off or put them on vibrate/silent mode during weekday Shul services and classes. PAGE 1 REFUAH SHELAIMAH Judy Mindick (Yehudis bas Devorah) Esther Rosen (Esther bas Mindel) Esther Heller (Esther bas Rivka) Eugene Steinberg (Yisroel HaCohain ben Freida) Jeffrey Kopelman (Edal Mordechai ben Nechi) Rachelle Lazarus (Rochel bas Aiga) Eva Murachver (Chana bas Chaya Etel) Joe Kaufer (Yosef ben Yehudis) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YAHRTZEITS for Feb. 7, 2015 – Feb. 13, 2015 Saturday, February 07, 18 of SHEVAT Brother of DAVID FELDMAN, Ezriel ben Baruch Yosef, Z"L Mother of ELEANOR RUCHLIN, Leah bas Yizchak, A"H Tuesday, February 10, 21 of SHEVAT Mother of ROSE FELDMAN, Yehudit Michle bas Yisrael Moshe, A"H Thursday, February 12, 23 of SHEVAT Father of RABBI MARVIN WALTUCH, Mordechai ben Asher Zelig, Z"L Father-in-law of ESTHER HELLER, Moshe Zev ben Yaakov, Z"L Cousin of RUTH LEVIN, Sophie bas Yosef, A"H MAY THEY ALL MERIT AN ALIYAS NESHAMAH A hearty Yeyasher Kochecha to Roz and Joe Ferman for their efforts in organizing and running the most successful DOS Card Party this past Monday . The event was a huge success. We received many wonderful comments about the way Roz, Joe and their helpers went out of their way to make everyone feel welcome and special. Wonder of wonders no one complained about the food; they loved it. Thank you for making this such a successful fund raiser for the Shul. Yeyasher Kochecha to Harriet Sammuels for organizing the Tuesday morning breakfast on "The Life of Jews in India”. Raphael & Yael Jhirad captivated a full house on the topic. It seems everyone had a good and informative time. Harriet would like to thank all who helped her. Kosher Store SCRIP and Kosher Restaurant SCRIP now Available!!! We now have scrip available for Winn Dixie and Kosher Marketplace and Glick's. Milt Sabin, Rose Feldman and Estelle Krim will be pleased to sell you scrip for these 3 stores. DO NOT GO SHOPPING WITHOUT YOUR SCRIP! Scrip is now also available for Asia and Century Grill kosher restaurants. See Gary Schlanger or Judith Turkewitz for the kosher restaurants. DO NOT GO DINING WITHOUT YOUR SCRIP! PAGE 2 Since DOS has invested so much into the new website we are asking you to please go to the website at www.delrayorthodox.org and sign in. This will also ask for you to assign a password. Once you have done this you will be able to review your personal information, Yahrzeit information and Billing information. It is very important for us to have your input immediately regarding all of this. If you are having a problem, please send an email to either Sandy Geiger at sanford.geiger@live.com or Alan Graubard at alangraubard@comcast.net . FOR ADDITIONS TO “TREE OF LIFE” MEMORIAL PLAQUES, & SEFORIM DONATIONS, CALL MORTY LEVIN AT (561) 637-4662 CARDS AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS, CALL ROZ FERMAN AT (561) 638-5438. SISTERHOOD UPDATE: We would like to thank all of you who help to set up and clear the Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit each Shabbos. Please contact Paula Winter at 561-637-9828 for DOS Sisterhood events. Jewish National Fund cordially invites you to the 2015 Delray Beach Community-Wide Synagogue Breakfast, “Israel Under Fire: Understanding the Evolving Threats”, Sunday, Feb. 8, 2015 at 10AM at Temple Anshei Shalom. $10 Couvert per person, RSVP online at jnf.org/delraybreakfast. Strict Kosher Dietary Laws Observed. ALL REQUESTS TO ADD ANY INFORMATION TO THE BULLETIN SHOULD BE MADE TO SANDY GEIGER AT DELRAYORTHODOX@LIVE.COM, OR YOU CAN CONTACT HIM AT (561) 637-2526 BEFORE 6PM ON WEDNESDAYS. ANY ITEMS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DEADLINE MAY NOT BE INCLUDED. RAFFLE! RAFFLE! RAFFLE! Hurry, hurry, hurry.....early bird deadline for getting your raffle checks in is February 16, so time is nearing. Have you bought a raffle or two? Have you sold a raffle? Please help DOS while having a great chance to win a fabulous prize. Please contact Dorri Goldman, Ralph Nussbaum, Florence Schlanger, or Joe Ferman for more tickets. Israel Bond Breakfast; Honoring Helen Weiss; Sunday March 29 at Anshei Emunah Please save the date and plan to attend to honor Helen Weiss and to support Israel Bonds and DOS. Mazal Tov Helen! We now offer Members and anyone else the opportunity to donate online at our website by going to this address: www.delrayorthodox.org/payment.php We encourage all of you to take advantage of this very convenient opportunity. Fd PAGE 3 Rabbi’s Message The name of this week’s Parasha, “Yisro,” warrants explanation. Who exactly was Yisro? Of course, we all know him as Moshe’s father-in-law. Granted, that position affords him some stature in the history books of K’lal Yisroel. However, what do we really know about him? What was his Yichus? What were his values? In what did he believe? Simply put, Yisro was more than just your run-of-the-mill idol worshipper. He excelled at this task. He was the “Kohain Midian,” a priest, a leader, teaching and encouraging others to worship idols as well. It is only AFTER he saw all the miracles that G-d performed for the B’nei Yisroel in Mitzrayim and in the desert, that he “jumped on the bandwagon” and accepted upon himself “Emunah” in the one G-d of Israel. Let’s acknowledge that Hashem wanted to reward Yisro for accepting G-d, and honored him by naming a Parasha after him in the Torah. Still, of all the Parashas in the Torah, why is it that THIS Parasha -- the one that contains the giving of the “Aseres Hadibros” and is held in such high esteem -- why is it that THIS Parasha was the one chosen by Hashem to carry Yisro’s name? Surely we could have named a slightly less-important Parasha after Yisro, and that would have been a sufficient reward as well! So: There must have been something so much more that Yisro did to earn such a high honor. Yes, there certainly was. The Torah tells us that, when Moshe ran away from Mitzrayim and arrived in the land of Midian, he sat by a well. It was there that he saw, and came to the aid of, the seven daughters of Yisro who were being strong-armed and driven from the well by other shepherds. Upon hearing this from his daughters, Yisro’s reaction was to say: “Then where is he? Why is it that you left the man? ‘Kiren Lo V’ Yochal Lechem.’ Summon him and let him eat bread.” (Shemos 2:20) The Gemara tells us that, in the merit of Yisro’s statement, “Summon him and let him eat bread,” the Children of Israel merited to sit in the “Lishkas Ha’Gozis,” the “Atrium” on the “Har Ha’Bayis” where the Sanhedrin Hagadol gathered in the days when the Bais Hamikdosh stood. (Sanhedrin 104a ) Yisro had so beautifully fulfilled the Mitzvah of “Hachnosas Orchim” with Moshe, a complete stranger. He did not request a letter of recommendation. He did not judge Moshe by his clothing. Indeed, Moshe was a fugitive on the run, and yet Yisro showed him the respect and dignity that he did, offering him room and board. He judged Moshe strictly on Moshe’s actions NOW, which was the kindness that he showed Yisro’s daughters. It was in the merit of Yisro’s not being judgmental towards Moshe that he merited becoming Moshe’s father-in-law. He merited that his daughter and grandchildren became family with human spirituality at its highest level. Thus, the Parasha that documents the Ten Commandments, the underlying foundation of the Jewish belief structure is, indeed, the IDEAL Torah portion to be named after Yisro. The lesson we learn from Yisro is that, when we give Tzedakah and/or fulfill the Mitzvah of Hachnosas Orchim, we should see the person standing before us in the light in which he stands NOW, and not concern ourselves so much with whom he once was and what his past may have been. In the merit of our judging people more favorably, may Hashem reward us with much Yiddishe Nachus from our children and grandchildren, and see them always remaining connected to Torah and spirituality in their highest forms. Have a GREAT Shabbos. PAGE 4
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