Boca Raton Synagogue WEEKLY PARSHIOT VAYAKHEL-PEKUDEI SHABBAT PARAH Stone Chumash Page 516 March 13 • March 20, 2015 • 22 Adar • 29 Adar 5775 This week’s Weekly is generously sponsored by Sam, Anita and Shlomit Heering in honor of Eitan and Kayla’s engagement. RABBI EFREM GOLDBERG Marah D’asrah RABBI PHILIP MOSKOWITZ Associate Rabbi FRIDAY NIGHT DAVID L. WOLGIN, PHD President Plag Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Earliest Candle Lighting Candle Lighting Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat RABBI DAVID SHABTAI, MD Rabbi, Sephardic Minyan RABBI MORDECHAI SMOLARCIK Rabbi, BRS West RABBI JOSH BROIDE Outreach Rabbi RABBI SIMMY SHABTAI Rosh Beis Medrash SHABBAT DAY MONTHLY GALA KIDDUSH RABBI KENNETH BRANDER Rabbi Emeritus 6:00 pm 6:14 pm 7:10 pm 7:15 pm Rabbi’s Class 6:00 pm Shabbat Mincha Ma’ariv/Havdalah 7:00 pm 8:03 pm Non-Gebruckts: Mitzvah, Minhag or Meaningless Rabbi Efrem Goldberg MATTHEW HOCHERMAN Executive Director RABBI GERSHON EISENBERGER Youth Director RABBI ELI ZIANS Teen Director ESTHER LUPIN, LCSW BRS/JFS Social Worker KERRY PURCELL Editor-in-Chief of the Weekly FRIEND Friend us on Facebook Boca Raton Synagogue FOLLOW Follow us on Twitter @RabbiGoldberg @RabbiPhilip @Broide @MatthewJHoch SHARE Check out Jewish Pride Films for our latest videos HAHN JUDAIC CAMPUS • 7900 MONTOYA CIRCLE N. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33433-4912 (561) 394-0394 • FAX (561) 394-0180 • WWW.BRSONLINE.ORG • OFFICE@BRSONLINE.ORG FROM THE RABBI’S DESK “What Happens When We Die?” Cremation in the Jewish community is growing at disturbing rates, with advertisements appearing in Jewish newspapers promoting it as a legitimate post-death option, including in some cases, shockingly, endorsements by rabbis. The prohibitive cost of traditional burial is often given as a reason for this trend, but it undoubtedly is the result of ignorance as well. It is not just the secular and unaffiliated that are uneducated about the Jewish approach to death and dying. Most people don’t learn about death until they encounter it with the loss of a family member or good friend. Questions like what happens at death, where does the soul go, how do we prepare the body, and what is the afterlife like remain mysterious and unknown. Historically the Chevra Kadisha has always been a modest society who does its work without attention, fanfare or even credit. Those that serve on it do so privately and quietly. But that doesn’t mean that the work it does or the why and how it does it should remain a secret. Educating about the Jewish view of death doesn’t only prepare people and bring comfort and solace in a painful time that everyone will inevitably face, but in my experience it also inspires living a more meaningful and rich life. This week, to the great credit of Rabbi Jonathan Kroll, Head of School, senior girls at Weinbaum Yeshiva High School began an eight-session course titled “The Final Journey: How Judaism Dignifies the Passage.” This pioneering project, a brainchild of Rochel Berman, author of “Dignity Beyond Death: The Jewish Preparation for Burial,” is designed to expose students to both the philosophy of what happens at death as well as the practical procedures of the Chevra Kadisha. The course includes a field trip to a funeral home to see the tahara room, tachrichin, and a halachikly appropriate casket. I had the privilege of teaching the introductory class, in which I attempted to put death in the context of life. At the core of every answer to the myriad of questions revolving around death is the following critical statement: We don’t have a soul; we are a soul. A lifetime of caring for our bodies, pampering ourselves, and seeking physical pleasure often leaves us confused and with the mistaken notion that we are a body and we have a soul. Judaism teaches that in fact, it is the opposite. Page 2 Our soul has existed since creation itself and as an extension and expression of the Almighty, it will continue to exist eternally. Our soul is housed in a vessel called the body for what in the span of eternity is a very short period of time: seventy, eighty, or even one hundred and twenty years. Our rabbis don’t refer to what happens at the end of life as death. They call it yetzias ha’neshama, the extraction of the soul from the body because in truth people don’t die, bodies die and people aren’t buried, bodies are buried. How does the soul experience its transition from the body? Is it painful or pleasurable? The answer is it depends on how that soul lived life when it was housed in the body. The righteous person who throughout his or her life always identified themselves as a soul that had a body and while caring about the body truly invested in nourishing and nurturing the soul, experiences its extraction as a moment of bliss and great joy. The righteous see the body as a burden, a source of temptation and distraction that holds back the soul. Of course they recognize that only with the body can the soul express free will and therefore shape and mold it. They therefore don’t pray for death or welcome it. However, when it happens, our greatest leaders are described as experiencing a kiss of death, a moment of bliss, when their soul was liberated from the shackles of the body. Rav Nachman of Breslov wrote (Sichos Ha’Ran #179), “I can’t wait to divest myself of this garment that is my body…” To the righteous, removing the body from the soul is as painless and indeed pleasurable as taking off ones suit and tie at the end of a difficult day. The average person who identified with his or her body throughout life and who invested in nurturing and nourishing the body while neglecting the soul, experiences its extraction very differently. Our tradition teaches that the soul hovers over the body when it is first removed, pained by the startling realization that the body they looked at in the mirror and saw as themselves all those years was only a vessel, a vehicle for the soul. The soul is confused and anxious by the sudden awareness that in fact, we are a soul and only had a body, not the other way around. The primary responsibility of the Chevra Kadisha is to comfort that soul through its journey and transition. The Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 33) tells us that it is forbidden to leave a dying person alone. The least we can do is provide that soul with companionship and love during its difficult time. We have a shomer with that soul all the way until the body is buried at which time the soul can begin to ascend on high. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity If the body is just a temporary vessel, a source of ephemeral pleasure, why do we treat it with such respect, dignity and affection before placing it in the ground? If what matters is the soul, why not discard the body by any means? The soul of the average person which sees itself as inextricably connected to the body endures pain by the separation. After all, they lived together for a lifetime, engaged the world as one, made choices and experienced events, people and places together. Shlomo Ha’Melech taught (Kohelles 12:7) “The dust returns to the earth as it was and the spirit returns to God Who gave it.” The soul finds solace and returns to God only after seeing its body return to the earth with dignity and respect. Everything about the tahara, the burial preparation, is designed to allow the soul to observe us treat its formal body with great respect. We carefully wash the body from head to toe, we clean under the fingernails, in the ears, and we remove all tubes, lines and catheters. We purify the body by immersing it in a mikvah or pouring 9 kabim of water of it. And then we dress the body in shrouds that are both simple and majestic. We don’t talk about extraneous things in the tahara room, we have a candle lit to represent the neshama, and we don’t pass things over the body treating it like an object or piece of furniture. When performing a tahara there is an acute awareness that the neshama of the individual is palpably present in the room, watching, observing and grieving. I have walked away from every tahara I have been privileged to participate in with a greater consciousness of my soul, a greater drive to nourish it, and a renewed mindfulness that in fact, I don’t have a soul; I am a soul that has a body. Imagine the pain of the soul that, rather than witness its body treated with love, affection and dignity, sees it incinerated and cremated into a pile of ash. From our perspective cremation may not seem that different than placing a body in the ground, but from the perspective of the soul in the world of truth, it can be the difference between comfort and grief, consolation or profound pain. I would like to believe that Hashem Has a way of providing comfort for those that choose cremation or a mausoleum rather than traditional burial out of a lack of Jewish education or experience. However, it is our responsibility to educate as widely as possible on the beauty and deep meaning of the authentic Jewish view of death and mourning. I concluded my class by encouraging the students to get involved in the holy work of the Chevra Kadisha. There are few things more satisfying and fulfilling than participating in chesed shel emes, lovingness that cannot be repaid. Contact with death inspires greater meaning in life and provides contact with our souls in a way few other things can. There are so many ways to get involved not only in the tahara room, but serving as shomrim, setting up shiva homes, helping make shiva minyanim, stocking supplies, making meals and more. I am grateful to Rochel Berman and Weinbaum Yeshiva High School for piloting this program and I hope it will be emulated all over, not only for students but adults as well. Good Shabbos, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg BOCA RATON SYNAGOGUE DERECH ERETZ STATEMENT In the spirit of our mission “Valuing Diversity and Celebrating Unity,” we believe that a community is built on the collective engagement of individuals representing differing perspectives, whether religious, political, or social. As Boca Raton Synagogue is an environment where all of its members and visitors need to feel valued and welcomed, members are required to comport themselves in a manner which reflects mutual respect and a sense of inclusiveness. In our Synagogue, we value debate about pressing issues. This is consistent with the American democratic tradition. Our sages saw the value of arguments conducted L”Shem Shamayim,“ for the sake of heaven, believing that great minds who engage in respectful debate will arrive at better solutions. They valued and welcomed alternate views, as do we. “Derech Eretz,” good and proper conduct, and mutually respectful dialogue are core values of the Synagogue community. These create a “safe place” for inspiration and spiritual growth, the central purpose of the Synagogue. It is a violation of Jewish law and ethics to use harsh language (vitriol) to demonize or to marginalize people with whom one may disagree. Uncivil expression reflects negatively on our Synagogue as well as on the individuals who engage in such behavior. Boca Raton Synagogue expects its members to act and to speak with kindness and sensitivity to others. It is only in this fashion that a strong, vibrant, and harmonious community can be created and maintained. Adherence to this policy is a requirement for membership in good standing at the Boca Raton Synagogue. In line with our recently published Derech Eretz Statement, we mention some examples of how we can be more sensitive toward others and create an even better community. • Books and other items placed on the ledge adjacent to the Mechitza block the view of those seated in the women’s section. • Please refrain from placing your Siddurin, Chumashim, Taleisim, etc. there. If you have a Mensch Message you would like us to promote, please email us at Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 3 MAIN MINYAN GALA KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES SHABBAT SCHEDULE FRIDAY NIGHT The Gala Kiddush is now in its second year and we need your help to make sure it continues! In order for the Kiddushim to continue, we need everyone’s support. The Gala Kiddushim for this year are tentatively scheduled as follows: April 18, 2015 May 16, 2015 June 13, 2015 (Graduation Kiddush) Earliest Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 5:55 pm Friday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pm Plag MIncha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 6:00 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:14 pm Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 7:10 pm Candle Lighting 7:10 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 7:15 pm We are very grateful to our Executive Chef Sponsors who contributed $1,000 for the year and our Sous Chef Sponsors who contributed $500 for the year. These sponsorships are what makes the Gala Kiddush possible. SHABBAT DAY Neitz Minyan (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:50 am Hashkama Minyan (Social Hall) 7:30 am Sephardic Minyan (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 9:00 am Ashkenazi Minyan (Rand Sanctuary) 9:00 am Sermon: Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Shtiebel Minyan (Shtiebel Beit Midrash) 9:30 am Teen Minyan (Berdugo Beit Midrash) 9:45 am Youth Tefillah Groups (Jacobs and Rubin Youth & Senior Center) 10:00 am Sof Zman Kriat Shema 10:31 am Early Mincha (Rand Sanctuary) 3:00 pm Rabbi’s Class 6:00 pm Non-Gebruckts: Mitzvah, Minhag or Meaningless Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:55 pm Ashkenazi Mincha (Rand Sanctuary) 7:00 pm Daf Yomi (Berdugo Beit Midrash) between Mincha/Ma’ariv Sh’kiah 7:29 pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah 8:03 pm EXECUTIVE CHEF SOUS CHEF Dr. Albert & Evelyn Begas Joseph Bensmihen Donny & Dr. Freyda Cohen Dr. Hillel & Chayi Cohen Martin & Ileana Flics Leo & Heni Ehrlich Avi & Dr. Laura Greenbaum Yaakov Kronfeld Drs. Jeffrey & Naomi Gross Dr. David & Reena Makover Dr. Kermit & Natalie Halperin Dr. David Markowitz & Dr. Sara Levine Dr. Larry & Debra Halperin Martin & Sara Schandelson Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter Evan & Orly Shapiro Daniel & Caroline Katz Dr. Zorik & Ellen Spektor Philip & Jennifer Landau Michael & Esther Lupin Anonymous Anonymous SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Executive Chef Sponsor $1,000 Sous Chef Sponsor $500 Bar Mitzvah / Aufruf $360 Bat Mitzvah / New Baby / Engagement $250 Birthday / Anniversary $100 Grandchild / Other Occasion $100 SHABBAT LEARNING Sponsorships are announced from the pulpit on Shabbat morning of the Kiddush and listed in the Weekly. If you would like to sponsor on any level in this coming year, please contact Matthew Hocherman at or our Kiddush Club chairs, Donny Cohen and Avi Greenbaum. Tefillah Insights with Rabbi Josh Broide (Rand Sanctuary) 8:30 am Advanced Gemara Chabura 15 minutes after Hashkama Minyan Rabbi Sacks Explanatory with Rabbi Broide (Board Room)10:00 am Junior Congregation (Shechet Beit Midrash - Rooms 205 & 206) 10:00 am Youth Groups (Drop-off begins at 10:00 am) 10:30 am Sephardic Roundtable (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 11:00 am Avos U’Banim (Social Hall) 5:00 pm BRS WEST PARSHAT VAYIKRA SHABBAT HA’CHODESH ROSH CHODESH NISAN (At the Hillel Day School, 21001 95th Ave. • (305) 725-2292 • FRIDAY NIGHT Ashkenazi Shacharit SUNDAY MONDAY 7:10 pm 7:10 pm Rabbi’s Class Shacharit Youth Groups Kiddush follows Davening Mincha (Shabbat) Shabbat Ends/ Maariv 8:45 am 9:00 am 10:30 am SHABBAT DAY Earliest Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 5:55 pm Friday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pm Plag MIncha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Social Hall) 6:00 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:16 pm Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 7:10 pm Candle Lighting 7:14 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 7:15 pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah (Shabbat) 8:07 pm DAILY MINYAN TIMES Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Candle lighting TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 6:15 pm 8:03 pm THURSDAY FRIDAY 6:35 am Rand Sanctuary 7:15 am Senders Library 6:35 am Rand Sanctuary 7:15 am Senders Library 6:35 am Rand Sanctuary 7:15 am Senders Library 6:35 am Rand Sanctuary 7:15 am Senders Library 6:30 am Rand Sanctuary 7:15 am Senders Library 6:30 am Rand Sanctuary 7:15 am Senders Library Ashkenazi Shacharit 7:15 am Rand Sanctuary 7:00 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall Sephardic Shacharit 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 8:00 am Rand Sanctuary 9:00 am Rand Sanctuary 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 3:05 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:10 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:15 pm Social Hall 9:30 pm Senders Library 3:40 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:10 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:15 pm Social Hall 9:30 pm Senders Library 3:05 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:10 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:15 pm Social Hall 9:30 pm Senders Library 3:05 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:10 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:15 pm Social Hall 9:30 pm Senders Library Sephardic Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit 2:00 pm Early Ashkenazi Senders Library Mincha Sephardic Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:10 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash Ashkenazi Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:15 pm Late Ashkenazi Ma’ariv Page 4 Rand Sanctuary 9:30 pm Senders Library Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS MAZAL TOV Rabbi Josh & Simone Broide on their daughter, Eliana, becoming a Bat Mitzvah. AND to her proud siblings, Ayala, Avigayil, AJ, Ahuva and Eytan, AND to Bubby Sylvia Broide and Zaydie & Grandma, Marty & Renee Brown. Daniel & Sara Rosenthal on their son, Akiva, becoming a Bar Mitzvah. AND to his proud sisters, Lana & Abigail. AND to the Goldberg & Rosenthal grandparents and to the Levenson, Averbook, and Rosman families and extended relations. Ido & Gila Stern on the Auf Ruf of her brother, Nachie Brand, and his forthcoming marriage to Samantha Rudnick. AND to the Brand and Rudnick families. Simon & Cheryl Mirsky and Aaron Muckley on the marriage of their daughter, Alyssa, to Jason Estes, son of Dr. David & Hena Estes of Cedarhurst, NY. AND to her proud siblings, Corey, Atara, and Michael. Sam & Anita Heering on the engagement of their son, Eitan, to Kayla Adler, daughter of David & Eve Adler of Atlanta, GA. AND to his sister Shlomit. Marvin & Myrna Hirschhorn on the engagement of their grandson, Sgt. Ron Hirschhorn, of Navei Daniel to Miriam Lozowick of Jerusalem. Dr. Steve Morris on the birth of his granddaughter. Proud parents are Jessica & Eitan Hoffman. Rabbi Avi & Rebecca Hochman on being honored at the Torah Academy Annual Dinner this Thursday night. KIDDUSH Hashkama Minyan Kiddush sponsored by Nachman & Jaime Feig in commemoration of the Yahrzeits of his beloved father, Menachem, great grandmother, Rivka bat Rabbi Zvi, and great grandfather, Yehudah Dov ben Shlomo Zalman. Sephardic Minyan Kiddush sponsored by the Sephardic Minyan Kiddush Fund Sephardic Seudah Shlishiet sponsored by Dr. Ephraim Foonberg in commemoration of the Yahrzeits of his beloved father, Dovid ben Chana and his beloved grandmother, Fruma bat Frieda. Seudah Shlishiet co-sponsored by Rabbi Mordechai & Fortunee Cohen, Marcia Feldman, Hensha Gansbourg, Dr. Marcus & Shirley Mayer, Alan Veingrad and Ida Wax. Guest Speaker: Rabbi Mordechai Siev BRIT INFORMATION MAIN MINYAN GALA KIDDUSH IS SPONSORED BY • • • • Rabbi Josh & Simone Broide in honor of Eliana’s Bat Mitzvah Gila and Ido Stern in honor of their children’s birthdays and her brother Nachie Brand’s upcoming marriage to Samantha Rudnick Dr. Bob & Elise Dolgow in honor of the birth of their granddaughter Our Executive Chef and Sous Chef sponsors listed on page 4 RABBI MORDECHAI SIEV Rabbi Mordechai Siev of Ascent in Tsfat will be speaking at BRS this Shabbat in the Shtiebel Minyan and during Seudah Shlishiet. He will speak about Jewish identity in connection with Ascent’s work with the IDF and creating a home for all Lone Soldiers. For more information about Ascent please call (516) 343-1674 or visit their website at NEW TIME FOR AVOS U'BANIM The exciting new Avos Ubanim father-son learning program will now take place on Shabbat afternoons beginning one hour before mincha in the Social Hall. Come join your friends for great learning, ices and prizes! BRS WEST RABBI SEARCH Rabbi Eli Kohl, one of the candidates for the position of Rabbi of BRS West, will be speaking at BRS West this Thursday, March 19 at 8:00 pm in a class entitled: "Does God Want Me To Struggle When I Perform Mitzvot? The Rambam's Response.” This class is open to the entire community. For the full bios of all three candidates see page 15. CHIZUK (MISCARRIAGE) SUPPORT GROUP Chizuk boca fertility support group is pleased to feature our first guest speaker Mrs. Elisheva Levitt. She will talk about her experience with surrogacy. This will take place at the Boca Raton Synagogue at 10:00 am on March 15 in the boardroom . This event open to anyone who can benefit and is for women only. Please rsvp at WHATSAPP CHESED GROUPS Our community often has chesed opportunities such as driving someone to a doctor or making a meal that requires responsiveness in real time. Additionally, we sometimes have shiva homes that struggle to get a minyan. We have created two WhatsApp groups for individuals to be alerted to chesed opportunities in real time and to volunteer to help. If you would like to be part of the BRS Chesed Group or the BRS Shiva Minyan Group on WhatsApp, please contact the Shul office indicating which group and your WhatsApp cell phone number. Matthew & Tova Hocherman announce the Brit of their son & the Simcha Bat for their daughter on Friday, March 20 after the 7:00 am Minyan at BRS. TWO MINYANIM FRIDAY NIGHT Beginning this Friday night, March, 13, we will have two Minyanim for Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat. The Plag Minyan will take place at 6:00 pm in the Rand Sanctuary and the Zman minyan will take place at 7:15 pm in the Rand Sanctuary. We kindly ask that men do not sit in the Women’s section when we have multiple Minyanim. HAPPY MINYAN Please join the Happy Minyan of BRS for an evening of Shlomo Carlebach teachings, stories and songs on Pesach and the Seder taught by Rabbi Naftali Citron - Rabbi of the Carlebach Shul, nephew of Shlomo Carlebach. This will be held on Monday, March 16, 8:00 pm at the home of Carolynn Jarashow, 22360 Dorado Dr. in Captiva. The evening is dedicated for the Aliya Neshama of Shmuel Tzvi ben Binyamin Jarashow z”l. Please RSVP to SUNRISE MINYAN AT THE BEACH This Friday, March 20 at 7:05 am - Men and women welcome. Watch the sun rise over the ocean as you connect with God through prayer and inspiration. Meet at the Palmetto Park Gazebo for a special inspirational Minyan. Please call the Shul office (561) 394-0394 to confirm your attendance. THE SELLING OF CHAMETZ Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Moskowitz and Rabbi Dr. Shabtai will be available to arrange the selling of chametz at the following times. Unless otherwise noted, Rabbi Goldberg will sell chametz in his office and Rabbi Moskowitz and Rabbi Dr. Shabtai will sell chametz in the main shul office. Sunday through Thursday immediately following Mincha/Maariv for 10 minutes (Social Hall). For a full list of selling times see page 6. Monday, March 16 8:00 – 9:00 pm – Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Wednesday, March 18 10:00 – 11:30 am – Rabbi Philip Moskowitz Sunday, March 22 9:30 - 10:30 pm – Rabbi David Shabtai, MD THE ROSH CHODESH WOMEN’S INSPIRATIONAL LECTURE SERIES Sunday, March 22 at 8:00 pm with Dr. Ahava Oppenheimer. Hosted by Donna Tripp, 22247 Alyssum Way in Thornhill Green. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 5 COUNT DOWN TO PESACH SECOND NIGHT PESACH SEDER AT BRS Need a break from the kitchen? Want to experience a Pesach like you’ve never experienced it before? Leave your 2nd Seder to us! We will provide delicious food, uplifting singing, and beautiful Divrei Torah to enhance your Seder. People of all ages and backgrounds will love the liveliness and spirit of the BRS Seder. Come join Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and the entire Goldberg family for a Seder experience you won’t forget! The cost to attend the Seder is $75 per person for BRS members and BRJE regulars and $90 per person for non-members. The cost for children ages 5 – 15 will be $35 per person. For more information or to sign up, visit www.brsonline. org/Seder. The Seder is based on a first come, first served basis, and will be closed out at 120 participants. PESACH WORKSHOP Rabbi Goldberg’s annual Pesach Workshop will be held on Sunday, March 22, beginning at 10:00 am COMMUNITY KASHERING FOR PESACH Will be held on Sunday, March 22 at 8:00 am – 12:00 noon at the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. PESACH SEDER If you have room at your Seder table for a guest or two, or you are in need of a Seder to attend, contact Linda at or (561) 394-0394 THE SELLING OF CHAMETZ Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Moskowitz and Rabbi Dr. Shabtai will be available to arrange the selling of chametz at the following times. Unless otherwise noted, Rabbi Goldberg will sell chametz in his office and Rabbi Moskowitz and Rabbi Dr. Shabtai will sell chametz in the main shul office. Sunday through Thursday immediately following Mincha/Maariv for 10 minutes (Social Hall) . Monday, March 16 8:00 – 9:00 pm – Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Wednesday, March 18 10:00 – 11:30 am – Rabbi Philip Moskowitz Sunday, March 22 9:30 - 10:30 pm – Rabbi David Shabtai, MD Tuesday, March 24 8:00 – 9:30 pm – Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Thursday, March 26 10:00 – 11:30 am – Rabbi Philip Moskowitz Sunday, March 29 8:00 – 9:00 pm – Rabbi David Shabtai, MD Tuesday, March 31 10:30 – 11:30 am – Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Thursday, April 2 6:00 –7:00 pm - Rabbi Philip Moskowitz Page 6 LIFE CYCLE WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY Marty & Renee Brown Moshe, Cara, Rena, Dovid and Shaya Sweet Julie Koesterich Jerry & Carol Osher Elisheva Levitt Family & Friends here in honor of the Broide Simcha BIRTHDAYS Jeremy Griff Elaine Jacobs Liz Stadlan Orly Shapiro Rebecca Freedman Lauren Hofstatter CONDOLENCES TO • • • • Brenda Arshawsky on the passing of her beloved father, Joseph Smulewicz Dr. Stuart Rubinstein on the passing of his beloved father, Saul Rubinstein Penny Pearlman on the passing of her beloved mother, Helen Meltzer Vivian Lankari on the passing of her beloved son, Aviv Lankari. REFUAH SHLAYMAH For members of BRS Community. For all other Refuah Shlaymah needs, please call Linda at (561) 394-0394 Helen Ijac Moshe Applebaum Alta Haita bat Devorah Moshe Zvi ben Rachel Leah Joan Noven Yosef Chaim ben Faiga Rochel Tova bat Malka Merv Jacobs Ariella Berman Meir ben Sarah Ariella Sarah bat Elisheva Malka Stuart Silverman Beverly Kassirer Yeshaya Moshe ben Nacha Sarah Briendle bat Pessel Nachum Gedalia ben Sara Baila Chana Guta bat Rochel Mordechai ben Malka Ruth Malinowitz Yerachmiel Pincus ben Malka Rivka bat Freyda Yonatan Chaim ben Yehudit Noa Maya Carmel Rabbi Philip Moskowitz Noa Maya bat Devora Rachel Perel bat Chaya Sara Harav Gavriel Pinchas ben Jacquie Padow Devorah Zlata Ya’akova Chava Rus bat Beyla Or Ester bat Dina Rivka Wendy Wasserstrom Zehava bat Chaya Lily Lerman Libi Chana bat Golda Chava YAHRZEITS Norma Pollack in memory of her mother Iris Weiss in memory of her father Joyce Muller in memory of her mother Murray Goldberg in memory of his sister Roger Gladstone in memory of his father Dr. Ephraim Foonberg in memory of his grandmother Dorinne Gerstin in memory of her grandfather Jeffrey Gerstin in memory of his mother Ida Wax in memory of her sister-in-law Alan Veingrad in memory of his father Fortunee Cohen in memory of her mother David Antine in memory of his mother Louis Benjamin in memory of his mother Morris Schnur in memory of his wife Linda Struhl in memory of her mother Linda Katz in memory of her father Gabi Shabtai in memory of his father-in-law Shirley Mayer in memory of her father Nachman Feig in memory of his father Dr. Marty Jacob in memory of his mother Isaac Jacob in memory of his wife Dr. Mark Barnett in memory of his mother Ida Wax in memory of her father-in-law Nachman Feig in memory of his great grandfather Dr. Irving Weigensberg in memory of his brother Isaac Jacob in memory of his brother Hensha Gansbourg in memory of her mother Marcia Feldman in memory of her father-in-law Ken Markman in memory of his brother Dr. Mathew Zaltzman in memory of his father Ralph Goldberg in memory of his mother Judah Weiner in memory of his father Janet Berg in memory of her mother Etta-Linda Pell in memory of her husband Sheryl Strauss in memory of her father Boca RatonDr. Synagogue Jaimy Bensimon in memory of his father Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Mildred Gottlieb, 22 Adar Julius Mollach, 22 Adar Frieda Siegel, 22 Adar Sonia Tick, 22 Adar William B. Gladstone, 22 Adar Fruma Strauss, 23 Adar Herman Levin, 23 Adar Gertrude Gerstin, 23 Adar Feiga Spitzer, 23 Adar Leon Veingrad, 23 Adar Esther Setton, 24 Adar Anne Antine, 24 Adar Rosa Benjamin, 24 Adar Joan Schnur, 24 Adar Joan Schnur, 24 Adar Marvin Mittman, 24 Adar Marvin Mittman, 24 Adar Arieh Zahavi, 24 Adar Menachem Feig, 24 Adar Joan Jacob, 24 Adar Joan Jacob, 24 Adar Phyllis Barnett, 25 Adar Elias Wax, 25 Adar Yehuda Dov Ben Shlomo Zalman HaCohen, 26 Adar Harry Weigensberg, 26 Adar Yeshaya Jacob, 26 Adar Beatrice Stone, 26 Adar David Feldman, 27 Adar Marvin Markman, 27 Adar Rabbi Phillip Zaltzman, 27 Adar Irene Goldberg, 28 Adar Rabbi Ahron Weiner, 28 Adar Carol Marks, 28 Adar Oscar Willenzik, 28 Adar Philip Shapiro, 29 Adar Raphael Bensimon, 29 Adar WEEK AT A GLANCE DAILY • • • • DAF YOMI (Sunday - Friday) with Rabbi Ben Sugerman at 7:00 am in Rooms 211/212. MISHNA BERURA YOMI (Sunday -Thursday) 15 minutes before Mincha NIGHT BEIT MIDRASH (Sunday - Thursday) community learning in the Senders Library at 8:00 pm NIGHTTIME DAF YOMI (Sunday - Thursday) with BRS Rabbinate at 8:40 pm in Rooms 104/105 THE 2014-2015 PILLAR SOCIETY CAMPAIGN PILLAR SOCIETY 2014-2015 EMERALD Daniel & Caroline Katz Paul S. & Lynn H. Pariser PLATINUM Leo & Heni Ehrlich Martin & Ileana Flics Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Lothar & Carlyn Mayer Dr. William & Debbie Rand Michael & Jill Rose Larry & Deborah Silver Harry & Marilyn Wanderer MONDAY • • HEBREW POETRY with Hassia Yehuda will not take place this week MEN’S AFTERNOON KOLLEL 3:00 - 5:00 pm in the Social Hall TUESDAY • • GOLD PARSHA CLASS with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg at 9:30 am in the Social Hall SEFER DANIEL CLASS with Rabbi Philip Moskowitz will not take place this week Daniel & Dr. Liora Adler Dr. Albert & Evelyn Begas Howard & Bonnie Block Dr. Steve & Yael Charlap Donny & Dr. Freyda Cohen Drs. Eli and Orlie Cohen Dr. Hillel & Chayi Cohen Dr. Meyer & Laura Cohen Nachman & Jamie Feig Dr. Mark & Tilda Fisher Dr. Ben & Cara Freedman Michael & Barbara Frenkel Hensha Gansbourg Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg Murray & Basheva Goldberg Glen & Rosa Golish Drs. Charles & Simone Griff Stanley & Ana Haar Dr. Larry & Debra Halperin Dr. Chanoch & Rachel Harow Ben & Hanna Henschel Dr. Moshe & Shari Hirth Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter Dr. Mervin & Elaine Jacobs Dr. David & Sharona Kay Gary & Judi Krasna Yaakov Kronfeld Drs. Joseph & Seema Loskove Stephen & Linda Melcer Bob & Penny Pearlman Dr. Michael & Dana Petrover Dr. Daniel & Rachel Rudensky Mike Senders Dr. Leor & Gabriela Skoczylas Dr. Zorik & Ellen Spektor Teddy & Linda Struhl Dr. Jonathan & Suri Winograd Drs. Allen & Amy Wolnerman Michael & Risa Zimmerman Anonymous Anonymous WEDNESDAY • CUP OF JOE & KNOW with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg will not take place this week IN-DEPTH STUDY OF BOOK OF SAMUEL I with Malka Morris at 9:30 am in the Social Hall MEN’S AFTERNOON KOLLEL 3:00 - 5:00 pm in the Social Hall KABBALAH & SPIRITUALITY: THE INNER WISDOM OF THE 5 BOOKS OF MOSES (BEGINNERS) with Anne Deakter at 7:00 pm in Room 101 KABBALAH & SPIRITUALITY: THE INNER WISDOM OF THE 5 BOOKS OF MOSES (ADVANCED) with Anne Deakter at 8:30 pm in Room 101 • • • • THURSDAY • • AVIGAIL ROCK with Rabbanit Avigail Rock at 9:15 am in the Board Room WEEKLY SHMOOZE at 9:45 pm in the Senders Library BRS AUXILIARIES, ETC. BIKUR CHOLIM On March 22, at 9:00 am, if you would like to help Kasher the Jewish Hospitality Room and Shabbat Suite at the Boca Raton Regional Hospital, please call Stan at (561) 362-7345. PIM - PERSONAL INVOLVEMENT MATTERS SAPPHIRE HOLOCAUST WRITING AND ART COMPETITION Theme: “Never Again Begins with Me: How can we take personal responsibility to help make the world a better place and ensure that the Holocaust never happens again?” This KADISH initiative contest is open to students in grades 6-8 in Boca Raton, Florida. WRITING: may be prose (essay or story), poetry, or a play, 750 words or less. ART original drawings or paintings only - NO SWASTIKAS. Art piece MUST include an artist’s statement, not more than 100 words, describing your piece and inspiration. Submit entries February 25, - March 25. For registration and detailed information, visit www. All entries will be displayed at the Boca Raton Synagogue Annual Yom Hashoah Ceremony on April 16. Please see flyers in the lobby. Dr. Mark & Helen Cohan Rabbi Simcha & Anna Freedman Elaine Trachtenberg Dr. Neal & Bonnie Weinreb Anonymous SILVER Dr. Avraham & Elana Belizon Evan & Orly Shapiro Dr. Josh & Stephanie Stern Dr. Ashi & Chava Weisstuch Anonymous List in formation NEW PILLAR SOCIETY CATEGORY We have added a new $4,000 Pillar Society level this year called Sapphire. This is for BRS Members that at least one spouse is 70 years old or over. The Sapphire Level members will receive all of the same benefits of the Silver Level as well as a Half Page Ad in the Annual Journal. Pillar Society brochures with additional information are available in the lobby. To join the Pillar Society for 2014/2015 please contact Matthew Hocherman at or (561) 394-0394. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 7 ISRAEL UPDATE SOCIAL ACTION ACTIVISM WORKS! Last week, a video game promoting the murder of Israeli soldiers appeared for sale on the Google Play Store and the Amazon Appstore. The Israel Project (TIP) immediately launched a grassroots effort to remove this game. Thanks to activist participation, TIP’s efforts were successful. Both Google and Amazon removed “Gaza Man.” There is now one less tool for Palestinian terrorists to promote hatred, violence, and the murder of Israeli soldiers among Palestinian youth and those who are drawn in by their lies. Stand With Us, in partnership with the BRS Social Action Committee, on Sunday morning, launched a month long Buy Israel Goods (BIG) campaign to counter the nefarious anti-Israel boycott. With Pesach just three weeks away, please remember to look for and purchase Israeli products. We must all be involved in confronting the demonization of Israel. Join us at the next social action committee meeting, 7:30 pm, Wednesday, March 18 in the Boardroom. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS JONATHAN POLLARD Your letters - the only ray of light in Jonathan’s dreary cell. Write to him today: Jonathan Pollard #09185-016, c/o FCI Butner, P.O. Box 1000, Butner, North Carolina, U.S.A 27509-1000. Yehonatan ben Malka - Jonathan Pollard. Jonathan Pollard has been imprisoned in the United States since 1987. While working as an American civilian intelligence analyst, Pollard admitted to passing classified information to Israel. Although even his most ardent supporters agree that he was in the wrong and guilty, the nature and length of his imprisonment is disproportionate and unparalleled. Join a multitude of prominent politicians, officials from the national intelligence world, and the legal world who have called for Pollard’s sentence to be commuted. For more information and to sign a petition, visit WARREN WEINSTEIN The 72-year-old Weinstein, Yisrael Yitzchak ben Hannah Faygel, was a consultant for the US Agency for International Development in Pakistan when terrorists broke into his home in 2011 and dragged him away. Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has since claimed to be holding him. Weinstein made news in a just-released video in which he pleads for President Obama to help. No Jew should ever feel abandoned or forgotten. Please add him to your prayers. ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES (IDF) PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS OF IDF SOLDIERS The Emek Learning Center in Baka has a program that offers support to IDF Soldiers without families in Israel. If your child or grandchild is in the IDF and would like the center to reach out to them, please send Linda their name and contact information and it will be forwarded to the center. If you want to learn more about the center, the website is Linda can be reached at or by calling (561) 394-0394. Please have in mind children and grandchildren of members of our community currently serving in the IDF: Amiel Abir, Asher Kaplan, Adam Barel, Daniella Borenstein, Yosef Brander, Stav Gare, Menachem Kaplan, Shabtai Kaplan, Daniel Louis, Arie Hizkiya, Albert Lupin, Charlie Pollack, Yakov Simcha ben Moshe Yisroel, Yehuda Strauss, Elad Shachar, Liel Reinfeld, Ron Hirschhorn, Yehoshua Strauss, Amichai Berman, Matt Firestone, Dov Lieber, Leo Loeffler Chanan Wolfson, Eitan Yitzchak ben Etel Rochel, Noam Bar Yakov, Yuchiel Shlomo Lowenstern, Amir Tsarfati, Reuben Gladstone, Zoe Gladstone, Dean Tansman, Joshua Weiss, Hannah Katz and Zachary Solomon. If you have children or grandchildren currently serving in the IDF, please let us know their names so we can include them. Please have in mind our missing-in-action Israeli Soldiers. Page 8 Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity BEIS MEDRASH of BRS RABBI SHMUEL RABINOVICI – THIS SHABBAT Rabbi Rabinovici will be giving a Chabura this Friday night at 9:30 pm at the home of Steven & Keri Greenfield, 22218 Alyssum Way in Thornhill Green. Rabbi Rabinovici will also be giving the Chabura after the Hashkama Minyan on Shabbat morning. On Sunday morning at 8:00 am Rabbi Rabinovici will once again be giving a shiur on Sugyot from the Daf Yomi. NEW TIME FOR AVOS U’BANIM The exciting new Avot Ubanim father-son learning program will now take place on Shabbos afternoons beginning one hour before mincha in the Social Hall. Come join your friends for great learning, ices and prizes! For sponsorship opportunities, please speak with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai. SUNDAY NIGHT: HALACHOT OF DAILY LIFE CHABURA Join Rabbi Simmy Shabtai on Sunday nights, 8:00 – 8:45 pm in the Senders Library for group learning on the Halachot of day-to-day life (Tefillah, Brachot, Etc.). TUESDAY NIGHT: 7TH & 8TH GRADE GEMARA CHABURA Come to the Senders Library on Tuesday nights, 8:00 – 8:45 pm and join your 7th and 8th grade friends for guided learning in Masechet Brachot by Rabbi Simmy Shabtai. THURSDAY NIGHT: PARSHA CHABURA Join Rabbi Simmy Shabtai on Thursday nights, 8:45 – 9:30 pm in the Senders Library for roundtable learning and insights on the weekly Parsha. THURSDAY NIGHT: MUSSAR SCHMOOZE & BBQ WINGS Come to the Senders Library after the 9:30 pm Ma’ariv to hear words of Mussar and inspiration from various rabbinic personalities from within our community. Famous BBQ wings from Chef Gersh will be served. This week we will have the privilege to hear from Rabbi Avi Billet WEDNESDAY NIGHT COMMUNITY LEARNING All levels welcome Located in the BRS Social Hall Free of charge. Refreshments provided MEN’S AFTERNOON KOLLEL Mondays Wednesdays 3:00-3:45 Gemara Pesachim (2nd perek) with Rabbi David Shabtai, MD 3:00-4:00 Gemara Pesachim (10th perek) with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg 3:45-4:30 Hilchot Tefilla with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai 4:00-4:40 Hilchot Aveilut with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai 4:30-5:00 Mesilat Yesharim Rabbi Yigal Abramchik 4:40-5:00 Sefer Yona with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai NEW! Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton Participate in our vibrant Wednesday Night Learning Program, taking place between 8:00 and 10:00 pm in the Sephardic Beit Midrash as we are joined by Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton. In addition to Chavruta learning, we will be having the following Chaburas take place: 8:00 – 8:45 pm Shulchan Aruch Chabura By: Rabbi David Shabtai, MD. 8:45 – 9:30 pm Mesillat Yesharim Chabura By: Rabbi Matan Wexler 8:45 – 9:30 pm Chassidus Chabura With our Shtiebel Minyan For more information, please contact the Rosh Beis Medrash, Rabbi Simmy Shabtai, at or 347.439.7031 Young Israel of Deerfield Beach 8:45 – 9:30 pm High Level Bava Metzia Chabura By: Rabbi Shaul Opoczynski Rosh Yeshiva of Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton. Light refreshments will be served. Congregation Torah Ohr For more information about any of the programs taking place as part of the Beis Medrash of BRS or to be set up with a Chavruta, please contact our Rosh Beis Medrash, Rabbi Simmy Shabtai at TEEN PROGRAM BRS YOUTH PROGRAM BRS TEEN MINYAN BBQ RABBI EISENBERGER’S MISHNA CLASS TEEN MINYAN JUNIOR CONGREGATION All teens from teen minyan are invited to our Teen BBQ. The BIGGEST problem will be too many meats to choose from Sunday, March 22, at 7:00 pm Hosted by the Kay Family Located at 7958 Tennyson Ct (Boca Hamlet). Join us every Shabbat at 9:45 am in classrooms 104/105 followed by a delicious Kiddush and schmooze! Join us every week for your chance to win tons of prizes!! Heat tickets, Ipads, and so much more but you gatta be in it to win it!! LOOKING FOR AWESOME SUMMER PROGRAMS? Searching for an incredible and inspirational summer? Search no more! Visit for more information! We are continuing our journey through Shisha Sidrei Mishna as we learn Masechet Sh’vuot. Join us every week for an incredible learning experience. Junior Kiddush each week. 9:30 am - 10:00 am in Room 102. Daven with your friends each and every week with Boca’s new star Rebbe, Rabbi Matan Wexler. Great stories, singing, Parsha, and special treats!!! 5TH GRADE SEUDAH SHLISHEIT This week, March 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Dalia Baum, 7507 Andorra Place in Captiva. Walking group meeting at 6:45 p.m. at BRS lead by Sara Schandelson. Remember pick up is at the conclusion of Shabbat. If you would like to help sponsor or donate to our Teen Kiddush, Teen Seudah Shlishiet, or any other program, or for more information about upcoming events and activities, please contact Rabbi Eli Zians at or at (516) 451-2123. Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom! Hear Better with • 57 Patents of Advanced Technology • World Leader in Noise Reduction • Fully Rechargeable – No Batteries • Amazing Sound Clarity Call Today for a FREE Hearing Evaluation! (561) 404-5656 Polo Club Shoppes 5030 Champion Blvd., #G-12 Boca Raton, FL 33496 30% OFF Imprezo 20 Aids for BRS Members* Also in NYC: (212) 843-4381 Shomer Shabbat * 30% discount off $6398 MSRP on purchase of pair of Imprezo 20 hearing aids. Includes charging station, remote control, 3 year protection plan, travel case and CaptionCall telephone. Page 10 Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA @BRS Friday, March 13th Boca raton Synagogue Join hundreds of synagogues across the continent that will take part in an historic national Jewish event to celebrate what unifies all Jews Shabbat! ..... FRIdAy NIght LIvE At 6:00pM ShABBAt dINNER At 7:00pM For more info,Special please contact Guest Speaker Simone (561) 929-4568 Eliana Broide Adults $25 ~ Children (under 10) $10 please make “Becoming checks payable to a Bat Mitzvah” Boca Raton Synagogue Join us this week at 6:00pm in the Senders Library!! Join more than 200 people from all over Boca Raton on this trip!! Call Josh for more information (561) 702-3864 PAID ADVERTISEMENTS BRS MEMBER SINCE 1993 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Do You Remember When it did not hurt? 561-683-8126 ALLCPA.NET - ALLCPA@AOL.COM • Tax Prep & Planning • Corporate, Partnership, Individual & Trust Returns (All States) • Financial Statements • Business Start-up, Consulting & Incorporation • QuickBooks & Payroll Services • Healthcare Accounting • Outsourced CFO services • Complimentary Initial Consultation Stuart A. Rubin, M.D. Board Certified: Rehab Medicine / Pain Boynton Beach Deerfield Beach • Musculoskeletal Medicine • Epidural and Joint Injections • Balance and Fall Clinic • Stroke and Cancer Recovery • Sports Medicine • EMG-Disability • Acupuncture 561.738.2000 WWW.STUARTRUBINMD.COM Sheri Strauss, GreenSeed Tutoring Services We Plant Academic Success Standardized Test Preparation Application Essays Language Arts Academic Support Melinda S. Ruben, M.Ed. ~ 561.306.1690 DONATE A CAR TO BRS THANK YOU TO Daniel & Ellen Averbook, Joseph & Sarah Blumenthal, Michael & Sharona Loeffer, Yechiel & Margo Rosman, and Joe & Shira Sharp for donating their cars to BRS! PAID ADVERTISEMENTS DBA PAID ADVERTISEMENTS BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY: Innovation and Jewish Inspiration Where Scientific Come Together Detecting cancer with gold is what drives Dr. Dror Fixler, who has developed a nanotech-based method for the early diagnosis of cancer. Dr. Fixler and his team at the Advanced Light Microscopy Laboratory at Bar-Ilan University in Israel have created a non-invasive optical system, which detects cancer of the head, neck, tongue and throat. It has proven itself during its first human tests. The patient simply gargles with a mixture that includes nanoparticles of gold, which paint the cancer cells. The success rate is more than 90% says Fixler, a scientist and rabbi who believes “God exists in the small things.” To learn more about Dr. Fixler’s research, go to or call Ileane Rayman-Kaufman at 561-229-7013 or email Jewish and Zionist values are central to Bar-Ilan’s initiatives in the sciences, law, nanotechnology, engineering, business, the humanities and its Medical School in Safed. PAID ADVERTISEMENTS BRS WEST RABBI SEARCH FINALISTS Please share any questions or feedback by contacting any of the search committee members, whose names are listed below. Jackie Tripp, Chair BRS West Search Committee: Donny Cohen, Lance Cohen, Jennifer Epstein, Sharona Kay, Roger Kurland, Ron Lewittes, Gil Stein and Ashi Weisstuch RABBI ELI KOHL (SHABBAT OF 3/21/2015) Rabbi Kohl is currently the Rabbi of the Mount Kisco Hebrew Congregation. He utilizes his musical abilities to lead High Holiday Services, teach in the local preschool, and he has been invited to perform in other communities. He serves as part of the Pastoral Care team at Northern Westchester Hospital. Previously he served as the Rabbi of the Orthodox community at the University of Maryland. Rabbi Kohl grew up in Brooklyn, NY, he attended Yeshivat Hakotel (now known as Netiv Aryeh) in Jerusalem and continued on to Yeshiva University. He completed his Rabbinic studies at RIETS at YU while simultaneously spending three years studying in the Marcos and Adina Katz Kollel program. He also completed advanced training towards a Certificate from Machon Puah in Reproductive Health and Halacha. While at YU, He worked in the Mechinah program helping students from all backgrounds transition to YU. He also spent time with preschoolers teaching kindergarten in Ramaz and more recently he served on the education staff at Camp Yavneh, teaching a wide variety of classes to children of all ages. Naomi Kohl completed her BA in Psychology at Stern College for Women, holds an LMSW in Social Work from YU's Wurzweiler School. She also completed her coursework towards her MA in Jewish Education from the Azrieli School at YU. She is currently the Alumni Relations Coordinator for SAR Academy and SAR High School in RIverdale, NY. Rabbi Kohl and Naomi have three children Yisrael (7), Shira (5) and Elana (3). RABBI RAEL BLUMENTHAL (MID-WEEK, WEEK OF 3/23/2015) Rabbi Blumenthal currently serves as rabbinic intern at Congregation Keter Torah in Teaneck, NJ and teaches at Yavneh Academy in Paramus, NJ. Previously he served as the director of Teaneck NCSY. Rabbi Blumenthal has spent the past 6 summers as a director of NCSY's TJJ program in Israel, and currently trains advisors in Kiruv and relationship building. Rabbi Blumenthal was born and raised in South Africa and studied for 3 years in Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh where he devloped a close relationship with Rav Mendel Blachman. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science from Yeshiva University. He completed his Rabbinic studies at RIETS while studying in Rav Hershel Schachter's Kollel. Rabbi Blumenthal is married to Aliza who is a New York native. She received her bachelors in Psychology from Yeshiva University and her masters in Social Work at Hunter. She works as a therapist at Jewish Family Service in Passaic/ Clifton. Rabbi Blumenthal and Aliza have two children, Ayelet (3), and Dovi (2 mo). RABBI GIDEON BLACK (SHABBAT OF 3/28/2015) Rabbi Gideon Black is the OU-JLIC Rabbi at NYU, a role he has held since 2011 in which he serves as the rabbi for the Orthodox student community on campus, working as part of the Hillel team at the Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life. Additionally, Rabbi Black directs the OU-JLIC/YU Fellowship program, which places rabbinic students on various campuses as interns. Prior to his time at NYU, Rabbi Black held rabbinic internships at the Riverdale Jewish Center under the tutelage of Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt, and at the Manhattan Jewish Experience. Rabbi Black was born in Glasgow, Scotland and was raised in London, England. Following high school he spent two years at Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush) in Israel. After beginning his undergraduate studies at the London School of Economics, he received his law degree from University College London and his MA in Jewish Philosophy from YU's Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, and was ordained by YURIETS in 2011. Rabbi Black is married to Aliza, who is from Englewood, NJ. In Israel, Aliza studied at Midreshet HaRova after which she majored in Biology at Stern College. She completed her masters in Physician Assistant Studies at Pace University/Lennox Hill Hospital and currently works as a PA. The Blacks have two sons, Judah (3) and Natan (1). MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 25th Annual Journal Dinner Will take place at Congregation B’Nai Israel, 2200 Yamato Road, Boca Raton, FL JOIN US AS WE HONOR Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Ad Blanks are available in the Shul lobby. For more information or to join the Tribute Committee, please contact Matthew Hocherman at TRIBUTE COMMITTEE (In formation) Sal & Leslie Abady Dr. Prosper & Pamela Abitbol Daniel & Dr. Liora Adler** Asia of Boca Raton Dr. Albert & Evelyn Begas** Steven Berkeley & Dr. Rebecca Stern Howard & Bonnie Block** Michael & Mirta Brown NEW BRS Board of Directors NEW BRS Men’s Club BRS Sephardic Minyan BRS Shabbat Morning Haftorah Group BRS Sisterhood Dr. Issy & Riwella Bruk* Butters Construction CEK Caterers Dr. Steve & Yael Charlap** Dr. Mark & Helen Cohan NEW Donny & Dr. Freyda Cohen** Drs. Eli & Orlie Cohen** Dr. Hillel & Chayi Cohen** Dr. Meyer & Laura Cohen** Bob & Michelle Diener Dr. Bob & Elise Dolgow Leo & Heni Ehrlich*** Chaim & Rebecca Elkoby Robert & Ruth Epstein Nachman & Jamie Feig** Drs. Brian & Sharon Ferber Alan & Mona Fisher Dr. Mark & Tilda Fisher** Martin & Ileana Flics*** Dr. Ben & Cara Freedman** Michael & Barbara Frenkel** Hensha Gansbourg** Tony & Judy Gelbart Dr. Russel & Lauren Glaun NEW Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg** Murray & Basheva Goldberg** Glen & Rosa Golish** Dr. Eric & Sarah Gordon Richard & Marlene Gordon Drs. Charles & Simone Griff** Gutterman Warheit Memorial Chapel Stanley & Ana Haar** Dr. Larry & Debra Halperin** Dr. Chanoch & Rachel Harow** Drs. Samuel & Anita Heering Ben & Hanna Henschel** Dr. Moshe & Shari Hirth** Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter** Dr. Mervin & Elaine Jacobs** Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky*** Daniel & Caroline Katz**** Emerald Pillar Society Member**** Lisa Kaufman - Boca Home Care Dr. David & Sharona Kay** Dr. Steven & Marjorie Kellner King David Catering Gary & Judi Krasna** Yaakov Kronfeld** LAN Infotech Philip & Jennifer Landau Levitt-Weinstein Memorial Chapels NEW Howard & Elayne Levkowitz Robert & Linda Levy Drs. Joseph & Seema Loskove** Dr. David & Reena Makover Barry & Russel Mannis NEW Kosher Marketplace Lothar & Carlyn Mayer*** MDVIP Stephen & Linda Melcer** David & Joyce Muller Paul S. & Lynn H. Pariser**** Bob & Penny Pearlman** Joe Persky Dr. Michael & Dana Petrover** Dr. William & Debbie Rand*** RCI Controls NEW Rome Aire Services, Inc. Michael & Jill Rose*** Platinum Pillar Society Member*** Dr. Daniel & Rachel Rudensky** George & Stephanie Saks* Dr. Barry & Dana Schechter Mike Senders** Larry & Deborah Silver*** Dr. Barry & Judy Silverman Dr. Leor & Gabriela Skoczylas** Dr. Zorik & Ellen Spektor** Eric & Loren Stein Teddy & Linda Struhl** Warren & Robin Struhl Elaine Trachtenberg* Dr. Benjamin & Donna Tripp Dr. Jackie & Rachel Tripp Vazquez & Sons Landscaping VIP Caterers Harry & Marilyn Wanderer*** Dr. Neal & Bonnie Weinreb* Dr. Jonathan & Suri Winograd** Dr. Jeff & Fay Wolkowicz Drs. Allen & Amy Wolnerman** Michael & Risa Zimmerman** Anonymous** Anonymous** Anonymous Gold Pillar Society Member** Sapphire Pillar Society Member*
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