Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Shemot /Shabbat Mevarchim ,n z xz Abraham Galbut – President January 21st 2017 23 Tevet 5777 P Erev Shabbat Schedule Candle Lighting 5:38 PM Mincha 5:45 PM Shabbat Schedule Hashkama Minyan Main Minyan Teens Minyan Mincha Maariv 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 5:30 PM 6:25 PM Shabbat Ends Family Torah Time 6:33 PM 7:15 PM Sunday January 22th –Friday January 27th Shacharit: 7:00am & 8:00 am Mazal Tov to: Elizabeth & Ben Berman on the birth of a baby girl. Mazal Tov To Grandparents Caroline & Jay Schechter. Special Mazal Tov To Great-grandparents Nina & Jerry Schechter and Becky & Rabbi Aharon Assaraf on the birth of a baby girl. Special Mazal Tov To Grandparents Susan & Stanley Rosenblatt. Monday January 23th – Friday January 27th Additional Shacharit: 8:45 am Sunday January 22th –Thursday January 26th Mincha/Maariv: 5:45 pm Rabbi Bixon Weekday Class Schedule Monday at 9:15 am Women’s Tefilah Class Wednesday at 8:00 pm Advanced Talmud Class HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: David Muhlrad, Barbara Shapiro, Owen Ebner HAPPY ANIVERSARY TO: Bernice and Edward Stauber Debbie and Zvi Gold Guest Speaker Rabbi Elchanon Galbut will speak on Shabbat Morning & Mr. Abraham Galbut will speak at Seudat Shlishit. Kiddush and Seudat Shlishit are Sponsored By The Galbut Family in commemoration of the Yahrtzeit of Capt. Hyman Galbut z”l Beloved father of Abraham & Nancy, Robert & Rita, David & Gita, Russell & Ronalee, & children and grandchildren The Kiddush For The Haskama Minyna Is Sponsored by The Saka Family in commemoration of the Yahrtzeit of their Beloved father Joseph Saka z”l The Weekly Announcements Are Sponsored By Grandma and Papa Rosenblatt in honor of the birth of their beautiful granddaughter, born to their children Becky and Aharon Assaraf Up Coming Scholar in Residence January 27th and 28th Shabbat Parshat Va‘aira Rabbi Tzvi H. Weinreb *Shabbat Morning Drasha Abraham Lincoln and Menachem Mendel of Kotzk: Transforming Psycological Faults into Spiritual Strengths. *Shabbat Afternoon Lecture for Men and Women Halachic and Hashkafic Aspects of Addictive Behaviors *Shalosh Seudot Dvar Torah Moshe Rabbeinu: What do We Really Know About Him? Youth Groups Announcements 9:15 Pre- Groups with Morah Atara 9:45 Regular groups begin with Youth Leader This week-edible burning bush with pretzel sticks, cheese and more…. Holy Moley! Check it out-this shabbos @ groups FAMILY TORAH TIME Moms, Dads and children of all ages: Join us for an amazing family torah time. Motzai Shabbat @ 7:15 pm. Pizza, fries, slurpees and loads of prizes! Bring some learning material or don’t worry at all as we have parsha packets prepared! Parents: to ensure our Teen Minyan begins on time please remind your teen to be there at 9:30 am. We have a wonderful program with Rabbi Ney and Rabbi Weil. The parsha battle is back! The Junior cong. is proud to announce the return of the parsha battle! BOYS vs. GIRLS! Girls come storming back- they win davening and parsha and tied the series. Our “first to 5 win” series in now tied 1-1! Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Shemot /Shabbat Mevarchim The place to be on Shabbat afternoonafternoon groups-Led by Rabbi G. Moms & Dads: Rabbi G. has a Youth group-dvar torah, story, treats and loads of fun! Weekly Teen Shalosh Seudot takes place after Mincha with Rabbi G, Rabbi Ney and Rabbi Weil. This is an amazing opportunity for Teens to schmooze and hear some words of inspiration from our wonderful Rabbi Ney. We are encouraging all Teen minyan members to attend. Beth Israel would like to wish the following boys and girls the happiest of birthdays! Please join us in the social hall as we sing happy birthday and give treats to these wonderful children below! Chana Sara Folk Kayla Wolfson Eden Grosz Lieba Leah Garfinkel Keren Penina Lieber Yael Ney Netanel Yisroel Bixon Shalom Saka David Turetsky Yadon Yehoshua Zisquit DVAR TORAH BY: DR. ARI CIMENT WHY DID AHARON MERIT THE ח ֶֹשן TO REST ON HIS HEART? וְ יֵצֶ ר ָה ָרע, עַ יִ ן ָה ָרע,אוֹמר ֵ ַַר ִבּי ְיהוֹשֻׁ ע יאין ֶאת הָ ָאדָ ם ִמן ִ מוֹצ ִ ,נְאת ַה ְבּ ִריּוֹת ַ וְ ִשׂ :( הָ עוֹ ָלםEthics 2:11) ַה ִקּנְ ָאה וְ הַ ַתּאֲ וָה,אוֹמר ֵ ַר ִבּי ֶאלְעָ זָר ַה ַקּפָּ ר :יאין ֶאת ָה ָא ָדם ִמן הָ עוֹ ָלם ִ מוֹצ ִ ,וְ ַהכָּ בוֹד (Ethics 2:21) There is clear symmetry between these latter two mishnayos. The עַ ִין ( ָה ָרעevil eye) may correspond to ( ִקּנ ְָאהjealousy), יֵצֶ ר הָ ָרעto ַתּאֲ וָ הand נְאת הַ בְּ ִריּוֹת ַ ִשׂto כָּ בוֹד. Most notably, both mishnayot end cryptically (yet similar!): יאין ֶאת ָה ָא ָדם ִמן ִ מוֹצ ִ !!!הָ עוֹ ָלםWhat does that mean!? Most (basically all) commentators interpret it to mean that these evil Abraham Galbut – President January 21st 2017 23 Tevet 5777 traits will “remove man (יאין ִ )מוֹצ ִ from the world (”)מן הָ עוֹ ָלם ִ but it is very unusual. Is there another way to understand this classic statement? Related question #2: In our parsha, we see the loving nature (described above in avos) of Moshe’s brother Aharon. G-d wanted to reassure Moshe that Aharon would not be jealous of him and the pasuk reads: “”וְ ָראֲ � וְ ָֹש ַמח ְבלִ בּוֹ- “and he saw and was happy in his heart”. The Gemara in shabbos 139a states that Aharon’s lack of jealousy merited him with having the ( חֹשֶ ןpriestly breastplate) placed on his heart. Ok, the heart-heart (Aharon was happy in his heart and the חֹשֶ ןwas placed on his heart) connection makes sense, but why was it specifically the ח ֶֹשן. Also, why is Aharon rewarded for not being jealous, wouldn’t that be expected behavior?!?!? Answer: It is not that we are all born angels and then we then succumb to a nascent וְ יֵצֶ ר ָה ָרע וְ ִשׂנ ְַאת,עַ יִן ָה ָרע ה ְבּ ִריּוֹת. ַ Rather, we unfortunately are born with these evil tendencies. יאין ֶאת הָ ָאדָ ם ִמן ָהעוֹלָ ם ִ ִמוֹצMAY not mean that they take us out of this world BUT rather that these traits are יאין ִ (מוֹצthey ִ are FOUND in each and every human), from the very beginning of our essence ()מן הָ עוֹ ָלם. ִ In that sense, it is actually a worthy endeavor indeed that Aharon overcame his yetzer and was not jealous of Moshe. This homiletic interpretation of the mishna likewise explains why the ח ֶֹשןspecifically was placed on his heart. The חֹשֶ ןof course housed the תּוּמים ִ ְאוּרים ו ִ (stones that were used to determine God’s will in a particular situation) which represents the heavenly decree. This representation of an immutable nature rests upon the heart of Aharon to show that despite our inherent innate characteristics, we can potentially influence them positively with our heart. Aharon is thus the paradigmatic individual who gives us hope in overcoming our innate evil characteristics. TAKEAWAY MESSAGE/S: The traits of being jealous and despising other people not only יאין ֶאת הָ ָאדָ ם ִמן ִ ִמוֹצ “ הָ עוֹ ָלםtake us out of this world” but are unfortunately expected innnate characteristics that are יאין ִ מוֹצ/found ִ in us all from our birth/את הָ ָאדָ ם ִמן הָ עוֹ ָלם. ֶ “ � ֲ "וְ ָראוְ ָֹשמַ ח בְ ִלבּוֹSo what was so great about Aharon being happy for Moses; wasnt that expected behavior and why does he merit the חֹשֶ ןresting on his heart? The fact that the great Aharon saw Moses and was happy in his heart makes him the paradigmatic individual who gives us hope in overcoming our innate evil characteristics. The חֹשֶ ןresting on the heart symbolizes that G-d allows His “immutable” nature to rest/rely/mutate on a human heart! AHARON MERITED THE חֹשֶ ןTO REST ON HIS HEART AS HE SYMBOLIZES HOW WE CAN IMPROVE UPON THOSE CHARACTERISTICS THAT UNFORTUNATELY ARE FOUND IN ALL OF US/ יאין ֶאת ָה ָאדָ ם ִמן ִ ִמוֹצ הָ עוֹ ָלם
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