Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum Sherry Fleming Richard Rohan Rosh Beit Midrash Administrative Director President www.shaaretefilla.org 972-661-0127 administrator@shaaretefilla.org Ki Tisa| 16 Adar 5775 | MARCH 7, 2015 SHABBAT TIMES SHABBAT SHIURIM Candle Lighting 6:10 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv 6:15 PM Hashkama Minyan 8:00 AM Main Minyan 9:00 AM Mincha/Maariv 5:55 PM Shabbat Ends 7:11 PM PRAYER STUDY GROUP HASHKAMA SHIUR Returning 3/21 @ 8:00 AM 9:50 AM Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum TALMUD MASECHET SUKKAH Seudah Shlishit Shabbat Speakers: Kabbalat Shabbat D’var Torah Seudah Shlishit Izzy Tapoohi (CEO-Israel Bonds) Naomi Schrager/Carmel Troen Rabbi Howard Wolk To Shaare Tefilla Chili Cook-off: March 22, 2015 Children’s Chocolate Seder: March 29, 2015 2nd Annual Man Seder: March 29, 2015 Save the dates!! Shaare Invite...From the Troen Family! The Troen family would like to invite the community to Carmel's Bat Mitzvah this Shabbat. Carmel and her parents will be speaking at shul at the end of services followed by Kiddush sponsored by the Troen family. To all the wonderful volunteers who helped bake, assemble, and deliver the beautiful Mishloach Manot baskets. We could not have done it without your help! A very special thank you to Dina Ravitsky for her incredible design and creativity for the Mishloach Manot project. Dina designed all of the graphics in the baskets. To Tali Rosenberg and Audra Ohayon for managing the Purim Project! This was their first year and the ladies did a fantastic job! KIDDUSH O R N E R Kiddie Kiddush is sponsored by the Tobin family in honor of Aviva’s birthday. Kiddush is sponsored by Hadassah & Judah Troen in honor of Carmel’s Bat Mitzvah. Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Rabbi Howard Wolk in memory of the first yahrzeit of his mother, Gisela Wolk, ob”m. Hashkama Kiddush is sponsored by the Malina Family in honor of Carmel Troen’s Bat Mitzvah. Yayin L’Kiddush U’leHavdalah (Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah) is sponsored by Pam & Jeff Fine, Liz & Robert Liener, Jaynie Schultz & Ron Romaner and Karen & Mike Zucker. Sunday Morning Brunch is sponsored by Simma & Shelley Weiss. Please refer to our weekly E-Blasts for the Kiddush sponsorship sign-up link. DAILY TEFILLA SHABBAT YOUTH PROGRAMMING Structured programming runs from 10:00 until the end of Tefilla Shacharit (Sun) 8:00 AM Shacharit (Mon-Fri) 6:40 AM Mincha/Maariv (Sun-Thur) 7:10 PM Earliest Tallit/Tefillin 7:01 AM Nitzanim & Chaverim (Jr. & Sr. Nursery) Margot’s House Recite Shema by 10:40 AM Kindergarten (Kindergarten) Margot’s House Early Drop Off - 3mos. to 2nd Grade is from 9:00 - 10:00 AM Teenoki (3mos. to 2 yrs.) - Classroom K’ Ton Ton (2 yrs. by Sept 1st) Margot’s House 1st & 2nd grades - Margot’s House LearningFest 2015 Sunday, March 8 @ 9 AM – 5 PM, Ann and Nate Levine Academy, located at 18011 Hillcrest Road. PESACH IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER LearningFest 2015 begins March 6 and March 7 featuring scholars-in-residence at six area synagogues and temples as well as a dynamic day of learning on Sunday, March 8 at Levine Academy. This year’s event will feature more than 65 presenters, from esteemed rabbis in and outside of our Dallas community to acclaimed university scholars and renowned professionals. Admission for LearningFest is $18 or free with a student ID. For more information about the featured scholars-in-residence and LearningFest event, visit www.LearningFest.org. ONGOING WEEKDAY CLASSES MISHNA BERURA (Rabbi Michael Friedman). Group text study of Jewish Law. Sunday Mornings, 7:00 AM LUZATTO: 138 PORTALS OF WISDOM (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Sunday mornings, 9:00 AM * SEFER HA’CHINUCH (Miranda Winer) Women’s group study of the 613 Mitzvot. Tuesdays, 8:00 PM. Contact mirandawiner@gmail.com. TALMUD YOMA (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). In-depth Talmud study. Tuesdays, 8:30 PM * PORTALS INTO PRAYER: EXPLORING TEFILLA (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Wednesdays, 8:30 PM * WEEKLY STUDY OF THE PARASHA (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Thursday, 8:10 AM. Schultz Rosenberg Campus * EXPLORING THE WORLD OF TEHILLIM (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Fridays, 7:45 AM, at home of Carole & Joram Wolanow (7310 Currin) * Chaverim Kulanu YAHRZEITS Sunday Morti Tenenhaus Monday Tuesday Friday Friday Eric Safern Marsha Barron Jeff Fine Richard Fine (Grandfather, Avraham Yechiel Ben Yehuda, ob"m) (Mother, Mildred Safern, ob"m) (Father, Ned Umansky, ob"m) (Father, Seymour Fine, ob"m) (Father, Seymour Fine, ob"m) REFUAH SHELEIMA Please include the following individuals in your Tefilla as we wish them a speedy recovery: Meir ben Rachel Leah (Father of Reena Greenberg) Rachel bat Batya (Mother of Reena Greenberg) Paulina Salopek (Mother of Vivian Steinborn) David Mordechai ben Sarah Rivka (Husband of Vivian Steinborn) Chaim Mikhail ben Sarah (Father of Inna Malina) Merel bat Chana (Mother of Suzanne Chafetz) Shaul ben Sarah (Father of Ari Reubin) Mincha bat Miriam (Mother of Janice Schwarz) Raizel bat Chaya Kayla (Mother of Miriam Tannenbaum) Rochel Emunah bat Rivkah Devorah Bryna (Anonymous) Dov ben Mirel (Father of Marni Denn) Shoshana bat Merel (Suzanne Chafetz) * If a relative of yours is hospitalized, or if you know of someone in similar straits, please let our office know. Because of HIPAA laws, family and friends are our only source of information. If you feel it appropriate to publicize, we would be happy to include his or her name on the above list. DEDICATIONS In Memory of: Dr. Michael Jacob Hirsch, ob"m CONDOLENCES We regret to inform you of the passing of Dr. Michael Jacob Hirsch, ob" m, beloved father of Bernie (Michal) Hirsch and grandfather of Leah & Ilana Hirsch. Funeral services were held Sunday, March 1, in New Orleans. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rosie Bernstein Dorit Bracha Dia Epstein Philip Miller Bob Milstein Sheila Rosenberg Jonah Safern Ahron Schick Rabbi Jeffrey Schrager Aviva Tobin KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIPS If you have an upcoming life-cycle event, think about sponsoring a Kiddush! Refer to our weekly E-Blasts for the “Kiddush Sponsorship” link or contact the office for available dates. Main Kiddush Hashkama Kiddush Seudah Shlishit Jr. Congregation Kiddie Kiddush Sunday AM Beit Midrash $360 $ 72 $100 $ 36 $ 36 $ 36 By: Ruthy & Steven Rosenberg Tracey & Shane Stein In Memory of: Ned Umansky, ob”m By: Marsha Barron In Honor of: The wedding of Allison Appell & David Cohen. By: Linda & Steven Blasnik In Honor of: Shelly & Rochel Leah Rosenberg & Family By: Helen Fogel If you have an upcoming life-cycle event, please consider sponsoring a Kiddush! Refer to our weekly EBlasts for the “Kiddush Sponsorship” link or contact the office for available dates. If you would like to help out, and have FUN … grab an apron and become a volunteer! Contact the office to sign up! In Honor of: Aviva & Oscar Rosenberg & Family By: Helen Fogel Rabbi Howard Wolk will be available for Sale of Chametz on the following days/times. In acting as agent for the transaction, he requests a house key from each person. Sale of Chametz Sunday, March 22 – 8:45 AM – 945 A.M. Tuesday, March 24 – 8:00 PM – 8:30 PM Sunday, March 29 – 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM, 8:00 PM – 8:30 PM Monday, March 30 – 8:00 PM – 8:30 PM Rabbi Wolk is also offering two classes in advance of Passover: Wednesday, March 18 – 8:00 PM – “Kashrut for Passover.” Readying the home Practical questions/answers What to do if one is going away for all or part of the holiday Eruv Tavshillin for the Last Days of the holiday Wednesday, March 25 – 8:00 PM – “Insights Into the Haggadah” Insights into the Seder readings Divrei Torah to share at your Seder Please bring a Haggadah with you. Every year, Yavneh's Students Against Terrorism hosts a 3-on-3 charity basketball tournament to support an organization in Israel. This year, the 13th Annual Points for Peace Tournament will be held on Sunday, March 29, 2015 to once again demonstrate solidarity with Israel. This year we hope to raise $50,000 for The Koby Mandell Foundation whose goal is to create a Jewish response to the impact of terror and tragedy. The Koby Mandell Foundation does not receive any government assistance or foreign aid and is only operated exclusively from private donations. After the war in Israel this past summer, $50,000 will allow the Koby Mandell Foundation to help more of those in need and help fund their summer program,Camp Koby. Registration for the tournament is $30 per team. In addition, each team must raise a minimum of $200 in sponsorships. Sign your team up today at www.studentsagainstterrorism.org. If you have any questions or would like to donate or volunteer please email us at p4p@studentsagainstterrorism.com.
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