For the schedule of Winter davening times, click here. Simcha Kiddush Parashat Ki Tisa Friday, Mar 6 Shushan Purim Shacharit 6:45 am Candles 5:35 pm Mincha 5:40 pm Shabbat, Mar 7 Shacharit 9:00 am Kriat Shma 9:14 am Mincha 5:30 pm Ma'ariv 6:38 pm Havdalah 6:44 pm Parent Child Learning 7:30 pm Clocks Forward 1 hr Sunday, Mar 8 Rabbi's Shiur 7:50 am Shacharit 8:30 am Mincha/Ma'ariv 6:40 pm Monday, Mar 9 Shacharit 6:35 am Ma'ariv 8:30 pm Tuesday, Mar 10 Shacharit 6:45 am Ma'ariv 8:30 pm Wednesday, Mar 11 Shacharit 6:45 am Ma'ariv 8:30 pm Thursday, Mar 12 Shacharit 6:35 am Ma'ariv 8:30 pm Contact Us CONGREGATION ARZEI DAROM 725 Queen Anne Road Teaneck, NJ 07666 Rabbi Aharon Ciment Study: 201-530-0043 President: Yosef Rothstein Shop @ Amazon: Trouble viewing this email? For a print friendly PDF version click here This Shabbat is our Simcha Kiddush celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in the months of January through March. Thank you to all of our participants. Mazel Tov! Shlomo and Sarah Barber Ilan Blaiberg 2/19 2/18 Yael Blaiberg 2/19 Joel and Deborah Blaiberg 3/9 David Blass 2/4 Sheryl Blass 3/19 Miriam Blech 2/8 Simmy Borodach 2/20 Ben Borodach 2/21 Tzipora Ciment 1/13 Akiva Ciment 1/25 Shoshana Ciment 3/14 Itiel Kaplan 1/9 Chantal Polinsky 1/26 Julie Polinsky 3/14 Shabsi Polinsky 3/4 Doug and Nancy Rose 3/2 Charlotte Rose 2/19 Avigayil Rosenbluth 1/8 Yosef Rothstein 2/25 Susan Taubes 2/18 Logan Wagh 2/1 Ariella Weiss 3/26 Yaakov Schmell and Rivka Goldstein on their engagement Upcoming Events March March March March March 6 6 7 7 8 Oneg for Middle School Students Oneg for entire shul Simcha Kiddush Final Parent Child Learning Me'Hodu ad Kush Zumba Dance Party Please see below for a full description of each of these events. Middle School Oneg - Mar 6 All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are invited to Benjamin Tyler's house this Friday night for the last Youth Oneg of the season. Where? 520 Palmer Ave When? Friday March 6 at 8:00 pm Who? Anyone in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. Why? Email your questions to Sisterhood Events Me'Hodu ad Kush Zumba Dance Party Sunday March 8th 7:30PM All Women are invited to a post-Purim Zumba dance party with Ginnine Fried in the Arzei social hall. Come shake loose and rock off some of those hamantashen. Featuring an awesome Purim-inspired soundtrack, women and girls age 12 and older welcome, $5 per person at the door. Please use this opportunity to get rid of some of your Purim clutter. During the Zumba party, we will be collecting leftover mishloach manot on behalf of She'arit HaPlate of Bergen County and "too-beautiful to toss" Purim containers for next year's bake sale. Don't miss this great party, get the lead out and the mess out of your house!! Any questions, please contact Winter Onegs Please join us for our third Oneg of the season which will take place this Friday night, March 6th, at the Borodachs, 322 Vandelinda Avenue at 8 p.m. Everyone - men, women and children (of appropriate age) - are invited to join us for this Oneg. We are looking for sponsors for this season's Onegs. We have two levels of sponsorship: Single Oneg Sponsor - $45 Season Sponsor - $150 Thank you to the Alt, Blech, Borodach, Carman, Eisenman, Levin, Polinsky, Rose, and Anonymous families for your season sponsorship. If you would like to become a sponsor of this terrific mix of Torah and social activity, or if you would like to help organize the Onegs, please contact or speak to David Tyler at Youth Programing At Arzei Darom Upcoming Youth Events March 6th: Middle School Oneg Youth Groups Children are welcome to join our youth groups every shabbat morning from 9:45 until the end of shul. Please see our youth director, Yitzy Frankel if you have any questions. PARENT CHILD LEARNING Parent Child Learning offers a relaxed, fun atmosphere to learn. Children of all ages are encouraged to attend as long as they are able to learn with a parent for a 30-45 minute period. Followed by pizza and raffle prizes. Family learning topics varies from gemara, mishnayot, parsha, navi, and chumash. Help your child(ren) prepare for a Judaic test, review homework, or study hebrew reading with your kindergartners. Opportunities are available for sponsorship. Please email Mommy and Me Times We are also back to our regular every other week Mommy and Me. This year, we are looking for Moms to help out with this event. We provide lots of assistance and guidance - no previous Mommy and Me experience needed! If you are interested in taking a turn, please email Mommy and Me takes place in the left side classroom at 10:30 AM on the following dates. All kids ages 0-3 with a parent are welcome and encouraged to attend. Mar 14, Mar 28 Kiddush Cooperative 2015 We have finished our second cycle of the Kiddush Cooperative and based on feedback from members, it continues to be a nice addition to our kiddush calendar allowing a group of families to sponsor at least seven to eight times a year a hot and delicious kiddush. Thus, we would like to start our third cycle following the yeshiva break. In order to do that we need at least twenty four families to participate at a cost of $200 per family. This is an excellent way to sponsor kiddush at a very reasonable price. While we typically order from our local vendors, we welcome feedback from Kiddush Cooperative members on what types of menus they would like to see. Thank you to the following families who have joined this year's Kiddush Cooperative: Adams, Alt, Barber, Barta, Blass, Blech, Blum, Borodach, Carman, Distenfeld, Einhorn, Eisenman, Levin, Mittan, Polinsky, Rabitz, Rivkin, Rothstein, Rose and Anonymous families for your season sponsorship. If We still welcome families to join the Kiddush Cooperative. The more families we have, the more hot kiddushes we can enjoy throughout the year. It is not too late to join! Please email Holly Weiss at to add your name to the Kiddush Cooperative. Pesach Seder April 3 Home for Pesach? Looking for a meaningful Seder? Please join Rabbi Ciment for the first Seder night (April 3rd) in the shul. Cost will be $45 per person ($25 per child under 10 years)> Email with your name and how many adults and children will be joining. RSVP BY March 23rd If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact Yosef Rothstein at Kiddush Committee News Families interested in sponsoring a kiddush and/or seudat shlishit should contact Holly so that she can reserve the date on the shul calendar. Please also let Holly know if you would like to participate in an upcoming Crock Pot Challenge which generally takes place around Rosh Chodesh. We've been doing these for a year and are always seeking new families to take the challenge. Kiddush clean up is on a rotating basis, based on your last name. While we recognize that everyone in your group may not be available each Shabbat, we ask that you pitch in if you are assigned in that month so that the same people are not doing the clean-up each week. We all like kiddushes and we all make plans for lunch after shul so please be respectful of your fellow congregants by helping out during your assigned month if you are in shul. We also ask that you please watch your children during Kiddush to the extent possible, and to place their finished items in the garbage cans provided. Mar: Goldstein, Grunstein, Horowitz, Katzwer For more information on anything Kiddush related, please contact Holly Weiss at Learning Opportunities We are always looking for opportunities to strengthen our connection to Torah. The more Torah in the shul, the better, so let us know if you have any other suggestions. Rabbi Ciment's new Sunday morning shiur at 7:50 am & weekly shiur on Wednesdays at 7:50 pm before ma'ariv. A number of Hebrew and English seforim are missing from our library. If you have any of them, please return them so that other members will have the ability to use them as well. If you are currently using one of the seforim, and need to continue to use it, please contact Rebecca Segal so that we can keep track of where our seforim are. Thank you. Meals for Community Member As a community, we offer assistance with meals to families with new babies, families sitting shiva, and families who need a little help for various reasons, such as a medical emergency. If you are interested in volunteering to help make meals in the future, please contact Adrianne Mittan at And if you are in need of our assistance, whether it is for good news or less fortunate news, you can contact Adrianne directly, or speak to Rabbi and Rabbanit Ciment, or Yosef Rothstein. Chesed Opportunities Bikur Cholim List If you know of someone who would like to be put on the bikur cholim list, please email the name of the person (English and Hebrew w/ Mother's name), and whether or not they are accepting visitors (if so, please include location) or phone calls (if so, please include phone #) and any other details which the person is interested in sharing with the community. The email address is Bikur Cholim Volunteers Arzei Darom is looking for bikur cholim volunteers to visit the patients at CareOne on Shabbat. For those who have volunteered in the past, the visits are gratefully appreciated. Please volunteer and encourage your children to join you for this great mitzvah. Please e-mail Susan Taubes at, so she can add your name to the rotation list and we can have an organized schedule each Shabbat. Social Hall Rentals & Simchas Having a party? Need space for a simcha? Know someone who is? Arzei Darom's social hall is available for rent at reasonable prices. Please send an email to for further information. In addition, if you are having a simcha, e.g. a bar or bat mitzvah, you can reserve a shabbat by contacting Valerie Levin or Yosef Rothstein, and asking to have your simcha added to the Arzei Darom calendar. Questions when planning your simcha? Speak to Yosef Rothstein, Miles Levin (Gabbai Rishon) or Valerie Levin. Important Safety Notice PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK the doorways or the walkway leading to the doors to the shul with your baby carriage. We understand that if it is raining or snowing you do not want your carriage to get wet, but this is a safety issue. The doorways MUST NOT BE BLOCKED AT ANY TIME. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sefer dedication and Yahrzeit memorial plaques A Sefer Or A Volume Of Shas A wonderful way to commemorate an anniversary, honor a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, a significant birthday, marriage, or birth, or in memory of a loved one, is to dedicate a sefer. In addition to the label that is placed in the volume, an acknowledgement card is mailed out. • • • • • • • • • • Artscroll Hebrew/English Siddurim - $30 Artscroll Hebrew only Siddurim - $18 Stone Chumashim - $45 Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur Machzor - $30 Set of 2 Machzorim - $55 Artscroll Hebrew/English Selichot - $25 Dedicate a volume of Gemara - $36 Dedicate a volume in the Shul Library - various amounts Dedicate a volume in the Moises ben Rafael Sarue Library - $20 each Artscroll Children's Siddur, or other children's book - $20 each If you would like to dedicate a sefer, please contact The form is also available on our web site. Or click this link to be taken to the form: Community Events Shearit Haplate Food Drive - March 5-20 Shearit Haplate Of Bergen County is once again coordinating a communitywide post-Purim collection of leftover mishloach manot food, to be distributed to people in need. Food may be deposited directly inside the PODS located at 1212 Kensington Road in Teaneck from March 5th until Friday March 20th, 2015. Food must be in its original packaging, with kosher certification visible. Please do not leave perishable foods or loose items. For more information about the project, donation opportunities to help defray costs, or additional collection locations, please visit our website at, or contact Josh Klavan, (917) 593-9290, or Yoni Lieber, (201) 362-3845. Ma'ayanot Annual Dinner - Mar 7 The Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner will take place on Saturday night, March 7, 2015 at 8:30 p.m. at Congregation Keter Torah in Teaneck. Please join us in honoring Rena and Menachem Schnaidman with our Keter Shem Tov Award, Chani and David Moss as our Amudei Ma'ayanot Honorees, Sharon and Ari Wieder as Parents of the Year, and Rabbi Donny Besser as Teacher of the Year. For more information or to make a reservation, please call Pam Ennis at 201-8334307, ext. 265. The Wandering Que at Beth Aaron - Mar 8,br> The Men's Club presents The Wandering Que at Beth Aaron from Noon - 9:00 pm (or until the food runs out) on Sunday March 8. 950 Queen Anne Road. Project SARAH Breakfast - Mar 15 SAVE THE DATE: Project SARAH 9th Annual Breakfast Sunday March 15th 2015 9:30-11:30 at Congregation Keter Torah Honorees: Rabbi Shmuel Goldin - Rabbinical Support Award, Rabbi Jonathan Knapp and Yavneh Academy - Aleinu Her Award, Rivka Zauderer, Aliza Schachter and Rachel Wertenteil - Volunteer Recognition Awards Keynote Speaker: Jill Starishevsky - New York City Prosecuter of Child Abuse/Sex Crimes and Author, My Body Belongs To Me. Reservations: JFNNJ Israel Film Festival - Mar 7-22 The Federation's Israel Film Festival begins March 7 and runs through March 22 at venues throughout Bergen County. For more information on the films and to purchase tickets, please visit Good Deeds Day 2015 Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey's Good Deeds Day is March 15. An international day of caring and sharing, Good Deeds Day in northern New Jersey combines a telethon (9 am-1:30 pm) with a food drive to help fill up local food pantries. Both are community-wide. Share in the spirit of the day! Don’t forget to answer the call in the morning and bring your food (no glass, please or perishables) to Federation’s offices, 50 Eisenhower Drive in Paramus, in the afternoon by 1 pm. Remember no good deed goes unnoticed! Yeshivat Noam Annual Dinner - Mar 17 Yeshivat Noam invites the entire community to celebrate with us at the 13th Annual Dinner on Tuesday night, March 17th at Congregation Keter Torah. Join us to pay tribute to our outstanding honorees: Sheva & Dov Adler, Deborah & Eitan Fiorino, Ilissa Green and Rachel Levy. To make your reservation and/or contribution, please register at or call 201-261-1919 x126. Mikvah appointments now available online! Appointments may now be booked online for the Teaneck Mikvah ( You must make an online appointment to use the Mikvah on Friday night or Yom Tov, other times walk-ins are welcomed. If you have a special circumstance, please call Miriam Feman at the Mikvah, 201-837-8220, and she will do her best to accommodate your needs. The Keylim Mikvah is open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Please call the Mikvah, 201-837-8220, with any questions. Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County Tomchei Shabbos is desperately seeking drivers for Wednesday night deliveries. Please contact Chani Schmutter 201-833-2320 or email, if you are able to help out. We have many opportunities for volunteers to help out, with anything from deliveries to administrative assistance. For more information, click here. About this message This message is being sent to you as a service of Congregation Arzei Darom. To add an announcement, please send the information, including the contact person, to: by noon on Wednesday to be included in that week's announcements. Visit to Subscribe or Unsubscribe from the e-mail announcement list. Other ways to stay in touch: Go to and create an account, if you already do not have one. Then just look for a group called Arzei Darom, and submit a request to join. To sign up for the Arzei Darom Yahoo Group - click on the following URL or copy/paste it into the address bar of your browser window: These groups have been created as a means for members to communicate with one another, and send messages, greetings, or other announcements to everyone else.
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