From your president: Responding to Racism… Sarah posed this question to the pastors at “Living Lutheran/Ask a Pastor”: In a sharply divided society, how can we learn to love each other regardless of political stances, and work together as Christians toward common good?” The answers she received, I felt, could also provide ways in which we could look to bring an end to racism, seemingly so prominent in our society still. Why, so many decades after the Civil Rights Movement, are we, even as Christians, still struggling with racial segregation? Pastor Monica wrote: “Dear Sarah, what an important question for our life together as the body of Christ. Sometimes I wonder if people of faith are more concerned about feeling ‘right’ than we are about following in the footsteps of Jesus to love our neighbor.” Pastor Ron wrote, “Dear Sarah, your question reminds me of St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 4:1-6. Two words in these passages jump out for me, ‘humility’ and ‘unity.’ It seems to me that a key to harmony is acknowledging the unity we have in Jesus Christ. This isn’t something that we can manufacture on our own; it is already a present reality. Secondly, when we approach each other in a spirit of humility, I believe the walls and barriers which appear to separate us can come down.” Pastor Neddy replies, “We are all children of God,” and to her question, “How can we learn to love?” he tells her, “Our God is a loving Creator. God gives life to all that exists. If our God is so, such should be our measuring cup — to love our neighbor as we love God, and ourselves. This task is hard to achieve when we live secluded lives, and worship in segregated churches. We need to do our best to expose ourselves to the other.” It’s easy to ignore something if it isn’t part of your life, or your little corner of the world. But that doesn’t mean that it does not exist. As the Bold Women that I know you are, educate yourselves, stretch yourselves as Jesus was stretched out in agony on the cross for the sake of holding together opposing people. It is well known that if you want to get something done, give it to the women. And if you think that it can’t be done, give it to some bold women. Racism exists everywhere, and it surely was not God’s intention for us to live with it. Following are some actions Presiding Bishop Eaton suggests that each of us can take: † Listen to, and learn from, people of color and communities of color. † Muster the courage to have and stay in difficult conversations about race. † Respect and uplift the dignity and humanity of every person. † Serve all people, following the example of Jesus. † Strive for justice and peace in all the earth. May all others see the Light of Christ reflected in us. Board Briefs... The I-K Synodical Board met March 7 at Resurrection in Indianapolis at 9:30 AM. Attendance: Pres. Lois Noel, Treas. Pat Hamby, Pr. Doris Sparks, Jo Flynn, and Sandy Koehler, Nancy Walker. Devotions by Pres. Eph. 4:1-13, and Grace & Peace, Devotions for Lent 2015. Approval of agenda, minutes; President’s report: Conf of Pr esidents 2/22/2015. Spiritual Gathering planned by Region 6 presidents for June 2016.; attended Nov. Kathy Coleman Synod Council mtg; working with NE Cluster for Spring Gathering. Contacted board members for encouragement and direction by phone Secretary and email due to weather. Treasurer’s Report - Priority was budget; Presented current and proposed (see page 5); approved., will send to CWO, work on 2016; CU support: 40 units;16 submit 2 or more/year; acknowledgment vital; treasurer training@ convention? Promotion of Micro Convention planning– Linda Doerge, absent, snow advisory: Planned topics: Intergenerational Relationships; Human Trafficking/update on Social Statement; International “Christianity Today in India”; CASA [Court Appointed Special Advocates]; getting Women of the ELCA:CWO Rep. Gwendolyn King. (possibly Anti-Racism; table favors by Linda. Cluster Facilitator Jo Flynn had emailed SG Bible Study, Faith in Action; A Study of James; Gathering dates needed. CUs to be notified of proposal to decrease number of board members from nine to seven to be voted on at the 2015 convention. Bible Study for Gatherings to lead into convention theme; revitalizing Indy and EC priority; Social Media– Pr.Doris, demo of IK Women’s website; posting conv. forms as available, what we can do via website to inform women; will post material useful to board members. (Dorothy) FB traffic crucial; tutored posting/commenting; Nominating committee appointed; all must approach, encourage. Adjournment at 3 PM; Closing prayer; next meeting, May 16, 2015; location TBA; Subsequent meetings, Aug. 6onsite. Meetings are open, unless otherwise specified. President Lois Noel 3633 S. 825 W. Kimmell, IN 46760 260-403-1395 Vice Pres/Convention Chair Linda Doerge 4545 Prince Albert Way Lexington, KY 40515 859-619-3341 South Central (8) Board Partner Secretary Kathy Coleman 68755 US Hwy 31 Lakeville, IN 46536 574-784-3538 North Central (2) Board Partner Treasurer (2/1/14—1/31/15)) Pat Hamby 410 Crosby Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46227 317-889-9218; c-317-508-9015 Lafayette (4) Partner Board Members JoAnne Flynn 1253 Anderson City Rd. Lawrenceburg, KY 40342 H-502-839-8418 ; c-502-517-5176 Cluster Facilitator East Kentucky (10) Board Partner Linda Hickman 26738 Roseland Rd. Elkhart, IN 46514 574-264-6838 Data Recorder Northeast (3) Board Partner Sandy Koehler 122 W 2nd Street Hanover, IN 47243 H- 812-866-8923; c-812-701-4873 Discipleship Chair Southeast (7) Board Partner Rev. Doris Sparks 1810 Oak Street Linton, IN 47441 C-812-699-9372 Social Media Developer Evansville (8) Board Partner 2 T he KI Nswoman newsl et t er i s a publication of the Indiana-Kentucky Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). This publication facilitates communications of the I-K Women of the ELCA by sharing ideas and programs of individuals, as well as our Clusters, Congregational Units and (SWO) Board. The KINswoman is published quarterly by the IK Synodical Women’s Organization of Women of the ELCA, Lois Noel, President, and online at Send all articles, photos, questions, or subscription requests to the editor (see below). Permission to p h ot oc o py this publication for distribution is given for all ELCA members and Women of the ELCA. All others must cite attribution of publication. Deaconess Nancy Walter 1057 Poppyfield Place Schererville, IN 46375 219-322-8999; c-219-718-4804 Justice Chair Northwest (1)Board Partner Non-Board, Non-elected Dorothy Nevils 575 Johnson St Gary, IN 46402 219-201-0080 Communication ( Darlene Bockelman 1502 S 800 E Columbia City, IN 46725 260-248-8274 TDTR (Today’s Dream, Tomorrow’s Reality Antiracism Network) Learning Opportunities at Convention 2015 For the past two years, I have been speaking to and surveying all ages of Women of the ELCA. I have especially been interested in younger women and what would entice them to come to our convention. A recurring theme is this: What can we do as Women of the ELCA to help others? Linda Deorge, VP Convention Planner The women have indicated an interest in everything from going out and actively working with individuals or groups within the community to what their groups can get together to work on during their weekly or monthly gatherings. With this in mind, the following workshops will be offered at our 2015 Biennial Convention: 3. Intergenerational Relationships: Too often younger women underestimate the wisdom and experience of older women, and the older generation dismisses the wisdom and talents of younger adults. This workshop explores the differences in understanding of the two, and reveals ways to work together to fulfill the mission of the ELCA. Leader: Rev. Vicki Garber, Senior Pastor of Gloria Dei in Crestview Hills, KY, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Augustana College in 1973 with a degree in Biology and Sociology; Magna Cum Laude from Illinois College of Optometry with an O.D. in 1977; Trinity Lutheran Seminary in 1994, MDiv., moving from optometrist to pastor in 1994. 4. From Stonischken to Gedhus: Follow a little girl and her family and their experiences during and after World War II. See how her experiences as a child relate to her experiences today, including human trafficking, torture. and beheadings in the Middle East. This workshop you willHope not soon forget. Leader: Gerda Braunheim The author of From Stonischken to Gedhus: A Child's View of World War II (available at http:// tells a most interesting story about how she and her brother escaped from East Prussia to Denmark, then to Berlin, and then to the U.S.A. You will be enlightened, but even more, astounded at how little and how much has changed, especially for women. 1. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates): Through the power of volunteer advocacy, CASA, works to ensure that all victims of child abuse and neglect are given a chance to thrive in a safe, permanent home. CASA's trained and supervised volunteers provide an independent voice for children, one child at a time, by speaking for their best interests in the family court system. Operating in both Kentucky and Indiana, CASA’s needs include volunteer advocates as well as donations of toys and comfort blankets. Leader: Melynda J amison, Executive Director , Lexington, Ky. A 2004 graduate of the University of Kentucky, and the Martin School in 2006, Melynda has served as a Hall Director for U of K and Executive Director of another CASA program. In her free time Melynda enjoys activities with her husband, running, traveling, hiking, and new cultures! 2. Human Trafficking: This wor kshop will help you understand what human trafficking—the third largest criminal industry in the world after drugs and arms trafficking—is, what is being done to stop it, and how you and your church can participate in those efforts. Leader: IN. A graduate of Purdu gram. Retired after 30 years with the US Probation and Pretrial Services office, she created a multi-faceted internship focused on diversity and social justice. Get your plans together now so you don’t miss a minute. You won’t have this opportunity again. You don’t want to miss it! We’re expecting at least one carload from each congregation! Start making arrangements, coordinating cars, hotels, and drivers! Do you know how much fun it is to do a “Girls’ Getaway”? To have a “Thought I Was Too Old for a Slumber Party” party??? Then, have an “Intergenerational Sleepover,” complete with “PJ’s on the Runway” after hours (to quote Flo)...unless you’re scared! Have the most fun you’ve had in years! Can I get a “WOO HOO!”?? 3 From your Treasurer My dear Sisters in Christ: My first year as your I-K SWO Treasurer has flown by much faster than I thought it would when I replaced Bonnie Kroening as your Treasurer. However, it appears that I need to provide my contact info again so Bonnie won’t need to continue to forward your offerings to me: Pat Hamby, 410 Crosby Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46227. Feel free to contact me at 317-508-9015 or jimhamby14 All Officers’ contact info appears in each issue of the KINswoman, published four times a year and mailed to every IK congregation, and by e-mail to all women for Pat Hamby whom we have an e-mail address. Apparently not all unit treasurers have been receivTreasurer ing it. (Check with your office to make sure it is being given to your leader, and inquire about your unit's contact person.) I hope now that at least the treasurers of the 40 contributing units are receiving the newsletter, enjoying—and sharing— its articles, reports, and info on upcoming events, like Cluster Gatherings and 2015 Convention. Please keep it handy also for the officers/board contact info, and encourage others to read it. Remember, too, that you can access the KINswoman, event info, registration forms for convention, etc., on our website ( This has been a very busy first year for me as I have never been a treasurer before. I have been learning by doing (while also caring for my sister before her passing, and now continuing to deal with her estate issues). Budgeting my time for all required activities is not always easy, so I ask each of you for your continued patience. I will strive to have better communication with you, and I ask your help in return. Examples of forms A and B are on page 45 at , and you can download them at When you fill out the forms, please be sure to include Church and City, Congregation ID# (the church secretary will know it), Region/Synod (6/C), Cluster (i.e. EVANS, LAF, etc.), your name, postal address, phone number, and e-mail, if you have one. (If you don’t have an e-mail address, arrange with the church office to use the church’s email address.) Together we can make our respective treasurer’s jobs easier. NOTE: Financial information and the 2015-2016 budget appear on page 5. Thank you for your gifts. May God’s Grace be yours. Pat Hamby Call to Convention Kathy Coleman From 2 Corinthians: 10:15b: “Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly expand (NIV).” The 2015 Biennial Convention of the Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women’s Organization of the Women of the ELCA, “FAITH IN ACTION,” will take place August 7-8, 2015, at Cincinnati Airport Marriott Hotel in Hebron, KY. Registration forms and information can be found in this issue, as well as online at our website ( Units will be contacted by email and postal mail. Please contact your board partner or any synodical board member for more information. Contact information can be found in this or any issue of the KINswoman. PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION: ARTICLE VII: SECTION 6. Item 1: There shall be 9 members of the board elected by the convention of the synodical women’s organization for a term of two years. Prior to the 2013 IK Women’s Synodical Convention, the Executive Board moved, and received approval from the CWO, to make the following change: There shall be 7 (seven) members of the board elected by the convention of the synodical women’s organization for a term of two years. If approved, this would reduce the board members from nine to seven, for a total of eleven (11). 4 2015-2016 I-K Women of the ELCA Budget (COLUMN E) The figures below include Column B: Budget accepted for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, Column C: Actual 2013-2014, Column D: Actual 2014-2015, Column E: 2015-2016 Budget Approved 3-7-15 Column A Column B Balance on hand Feb l Budgeted INCOME Regular Offering 9500.00 Cluster Offering 3000.00 Designated gifts (non-cluster) 200.00 Mission Projects 1000.00 *Spiritual Gathering from MIF 300.00 Training events 100.00 Miscellaneous (includes bd reimburse) 400.00 *Convention 5525.00 (N/A) Column C 6701.75 Column D 8259.83 Column E 8945.10 2182.32 241.00 2827.00 0 0 814.64 11034.11 7181.18 2760.96 0 1334.76 0 0 354.00 0 9500.00 3000.00 0 1000.00 0 100.00 400.00 (N/A) Total Income for each year 14500.00 Available working income, each year 26044.17 32745.92 11630.00 19890.73 14200.00 DISBURSEMENTS Mission: Community/Stewardship Regular Offerings to CWO Cluster Offerings to CWO Spiritual Gathering from MIF Mission: Growth/Discipleship KINwoman I-K Synod Assembly* Triennial Gathering Promoter* Leadership Development/Training Mission: Action/Justice *Anti-racism Team, etc. *Designated Cluster Offerings Mission Projects Governance Insurance Mileage Lodging/Meals Admin. Exp. (postage, supplies, etc.) Miscellaneous Convention 6550.00 4750.00 1500.00 300.00 2925.00 1600.00 575.00 350.00 400.00 2750.00 250.00 1500.00 1000.00 2275.00 100.00 1380.00 265.00 130.00 400.00 (N/A) 5715.71 4552.56 1163.16 0 2234.14 1801.48 339.00 93.66 0 3569.85 0 827.85 2742.00 3884.15 48.10 2740.63 563.33 216.36 316.00 9081.97 4971.10 3590.61 1380.49 0 1858.64 1654.16 204.48 0 0 2668.23 0 1333.47 1334.76 1678.57 33.50 509.60 128.45 52.46 454.56 500.00 6550.00 4750.00 1500.00 0 2925.00 1950.00 575.00 0 400.00 2750.00 250.00 1500.00 1000.00 2275.00 100.00 1380.00 265.00 130.00 400.00 (N/A) 14500.00 24486.09 11176.54 14200.00 Available Ending Balance 8259.83 8714.19 Mission Investment Fund Balance 1269.42 1274.50 Total Disbursements 5 Indiana-Kentucky Women of the ELCA Biennial Convention Faith in Action August 7-8, 2015 Marriot Cincinnati Airport Hotel, 2395 Progress Dr., Hebron,KY REGISTRATION FORM Registration Deadline July 31, 2015 Please Print or Type Name (one form per person) ____________________________________________ Cluster __________ ___ Zip________ Telephone ________________________ E-mail address _________________ Congregation Number _ ______________________________ ____ Zip____________ Check one: ____Voting Member/Delegate ____ Convention Representative (with voice) Registration Categories: (choose 1) ____ ____ Board Visitor ______ Cluster Coordinator ($50 waived; not a delegate) _____ $145.00 Full registration (includes full convention participation, workshops, two lunches, and Friday night banquet) _____ $120.00 Early Bird Registration. This price is good until June 30, 2015. It includes the same as full registration) _____ $85.00 All activities, workshops, lunch and banquet dinner _____ $60.00 All Day Saturday (includes all activities, workshops, and lunch) _____ $85.00 Friday Banquet and All Day Saturday (includes Friday evening, banquet, worship, all Saturday activities, workshops, and lunch) _____ $35.00 Friday Banquet and Worship only _Total Amount Enclosed Room Reservations: Rate is $97 for Friday night. This rate is available if reservation is made before or on Friday, July 17, 2015. Reservations can be made by calling the Mar riott Cincinnati Airport at 859586-0166, and telling them you are part of the Indiana-Kentucky Women of the ELCA. For hotel information go to Marriott Hotels and Resorts does offer a Rewards Program with great basic features, like earning and redeeming points for free nights, or miles for free flights; no blackout dates; and priority check-in. For more information go to I have SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS: Please state special dietary needs. (Special needs regarding rooms must be handled with the hotel when you make your room reservation.)__________________________ ________________ ________ Emergency Contact Information: Name:_____________________________________________________Relationship _______________ Cell_________________________ Alternate Phone__________________________ Mailing Info: Send your registration form and check, payable to I-K Women of the ELCA Convention, to registrar: Bonnie Kroening, 10543 Dove Chase Circle, Louisville, KY 40299 6 Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women’s Organization Fair Share Program The Fair Share Program was adopted at the 1989 Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women’s Organization’s (SWO) Convention in order that all Congregational Units (CU) may be able to receive financial support to send their delegates to every Synodical Women’s Organization Convention. The program’s directive reads as follows: Every CU is encouraged to contribute to this program as a way to support one another. Each CU will have the following options at the time of contribution. Contribute to the program and not receive monies in return. Contribute to the program and receive a share of the money in return. Not contribute, but request a share of the money for convention expenses. Each Congregational Unit must send a full time voting member to the convention to receive funds. Units will be notified of the amount of their share at the convention once all of the voting members have registered. The amount of the share is dependent upon the funding received from all of the participating Units, the number of voting members requesting the funds, and their attendance as full time participants at the convention. (The total received will be divided equally among the number requesting funds, not to exceed actual expenses incurred.) Checks made out to Units receiving funding will be available at the close of the synodical convention. For the purpose of the program, the following Giving Schedule has been suggested: (An active participant is a woman who participates in one of the regular meetings, general meetings, circles, groups, etc., in your congregational unit.) 05-15 Active participants – $10 16-25 Active participants – $25 26-50 Active participants – $50 Over 50 active participants – $75 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… FAIR SHARE PROGRAM FORM All contributions and/or applications must be received by the Synodical Treasurer by June 1, 2015 for the 2015 Synodical Women’s Organization Convention at the Cincinnati Airport Marriott, Hebron KY. Congregational Number _________ Cluster/Conference _________________ Name of Congregational Unit ______________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________State _______ Zip _______________ Please check the appropriate space: ____ We wish to contribute to the Fair Share program and NOT receive money in return. ____ We wish to contribute and ALSO receive money in return to assist with expenses. ____ We cannot contribute, but would like to receive a share of the money contributed. Signed ____________________________________________________, CU Treasurer Address _______________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________ State _______ Zip _________ Mail contributions and this form by June 1, 2015, to the treasurer: Pat Hamby, 410 Crosby Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46227 7 Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women’s Organization 2015 Young Women’s Scholarship The Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women’s Organization provides scholarships for young women 17 to 30 to attend our biennial convention. One scholar ship is available per cluster/confer ence, and a woman is permitted to receive the scholarship only once. These nominations must be received by June 1, 2015. The scholarship covers registration and housing with other young women scholarship recipients. Women will be notified by June 15, 2015 if they will be provided with this scholarship. Please Print: Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone (___) _________ Email _________________________________________________________ Name of Congregation nominating the young woman ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________ City ____________________ State ____ Zip _______________ Cluster/Conference _________________________________ Year of birth: ___________________ Please give a brief biography of applicant and reason for request. Use back, if necessary. ________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form by June 1, 2015 to Lois Noel, President 3633 S. 825 W. Kimmell, IN 46760 8 Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women’s Organization 2015 Nomination Form Check below the position for which the person is being suggested for consideration. Each position, except for Triennial voting member, is for a two-year term. ___ President ___ Vice-President ___Secretary ___Treasurer ___Board Member ___Triennial Voting Member for 2017 (formerly called Delegate; Voting Members MUST be nominated by their units). Have you been a Triennial Voting Member/_Delegate before? _______ Name________________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________ State_______ Zip Code___________ Phone (______)______________; evening/alternate/cell phone number (______)________________ Email (print clearly in lowercase) __________________________________________________________ Name of Congregation__________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________________ State______ Zip Code___________ Cluster/Conference_______________________________________________ Age Range: ___34 or younger ___35-49 ___50-64 ___65 or older Ethnic/Racial Heritage: ____Native American ____African American ____Asian ____Hispanic ____Caucasian ____Other (specify)______________________________________ Primary language (if other than English) _____________________________________________________ Has this person agreed to have her name considered for nomination? ________ In your own words, explain why you recommend this woman for the above position. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Form submitted by: Name_____________________________________________ Position____________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ Ci ty________________________________________________ State_______ Zip Code_______________ Phone_____________________ Email ______________________________________________________ Congregation _________________________________ Cluster/Conference_________________ Please see back 9 Experience: (Beginning with most recent, list significant experience in the last ten years.) 1. Congregational Unit Women’s Organization _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Cluster/Synodical or Churchwide Women’s Organization________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Congregation ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Conference/Synod/Churchwide ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Community Organizations/volunteering _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Other (please specify) ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Occupational History_____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit a photo of the candidate along with this form to the nomination committee chair, by June 30, 2015: Kathy Coleman, 68755 U.S. Hwy 31, Lakeville, IN 46536. 10 Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women's Organization APPLICATION FORM for the René Siria Memorial Fund Scholarship You qualify if you are... an active participant of an IN-KY Women of the ELCA unit; female age 30 plus encouraged by a woman in your unit, a council member, or Pastor to apply willing to make a written report to the Vice-President of the I-K Synodical Women's Board regarding what you learned, how you will use the information, etc. This scholarship at minimum will cover the full registration fee for the convention. Name _______________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ____________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ City State Zip __________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________ ______________ E-mail ____________________________________ Encouraged by _________________________________________________________________ In your own words, tell about your involvement in Christian activities with accent on women's issues. Also explain why you want to attend the IN-KY Women of the ELCA convention. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form by June 1, 2015, to Lois Noel, 3633 S. W. Kimmel, IN 46760 Form: RSMF rev. 9/16/11 11 PRSRT STD U. S. Postage PAID I-K Synodical Women’s Organization Dorothy Nevils, Editor 575 Johnson Street Gary, IN 46402 Fort Wayne, IN Permit No. 1972 Convention Materials: Please route to women’s leader. DATED MATERIAL For immediate delivery Faith in Action: A Study of James 2:14-18 Are you connected? Faith and action are not two separate things. They go hand in hand, two sides of the same coin. Faith is expressed in action made “incarnate,” to use the theological term. Action is always is based in faith. However, either without the other is incomplete. As Women of the ELCA, it is important to maintain our connection, to keep in touch. Every unit in IN/KY should be a part of our network, linked to every other unit in your cluster and in the synod. We have in place a means of sharing information, concerns, questions, ideas… a way of connecting. Your contact person is your link. Does your unit have one (or two) women who can receive and distribute communication to your leader(s)? If not, do that now. Also, update your Active Unit Survey and Change of Officers form, with email addresses, to make it easier to stay connected. Get them at, or at Spring Gathering. We are sisters in Christ, a community that includes your unit, cluster, synod, and churchwide organization. Together we change the world! We are God’s, created, called, and empowered! South Central—Christ—Louisville April 11 - E Kentucky – Hope—Frankfort, KY Evansville- -Redeemer —Jasper, IN. April 18 - Northeast —Grace - Columbia City April 25 - North Central – Augustana—Elkhart Northwest- St. Paul—Michigan City 12
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