2015 Spring WELCA Newsletter

Vivian Westgard
“Love cannot be a black-orwhite lifestyle. Love does not
permit us to make easy decisions. Love calls us to a constant balance of life lived in the
gray of self-love and other-love, measured always by
the fullness of our love for God and the ridiculous
abundance of God's love for us. We must ask everyday how we will dance in the space between loving
our neighbor and loving ourselves. Both you and
your neighbor, created by God in love and for love,
deserve all of your best.”
I read these words on “Daily Grace,” which can be
found on the Women of the ELCA website, or can be
downloaded on your smartphone.
I just returned from Chicago, where I attended a
meeting of the Conference of Presidents, when I read
these words. Our theme in Chicago was “The Dance
is On.” Over sixty presidents from the U.S. and Caribbean met for three days, and the dance was truly on.
We listened, shared, laughed, ate, and some even
danced. Hopefully I will be able to share with you, in
the coming months, some of the things I learned.
Remember our three resolutions passed at our last
convention in Brookings:
1. Support SD Lutheran Campus Ministries.
2. Begin the necessary work to bring a woman to SD
from Cameroon or Nicaragua in 2017, and then to
support that effort financially.
3. Continue to give to our “Dina Johnson Scholarship” Endowment at Augustana College.
In the summer 2014 issue of our Synodical Newsletter, you can find the complete resolutions.
Spring 2015
Notice in the March 2015 issue of Gather magazine
(page 29), that our youth will be “Diapering Detroit,”
at their Youth Gathering, July 15-19. Let's show our
support. There are ideas in the article.
Please consider coming to Faith Lutheran Church in
Rapid City (Bear Butte Conference), June 25-27,
2015, for our 28th Annual Synodical Convention of
the Women of the ELCA. ( On Thursday evening,
June 25 we will have a pre-convention event – Chuck
Wagon Dinner and a Music Show at Fort Hayes, followed by Lighting Ceremony at Mt Rushmore.) You
will listen, share, laugh, eat, and maybe even dance.
Hope to see you there.
Spring Gatherings
Prairie Coteau (I)
Saturday, April 18, 2015. Grace Lutheran, Sisseton.
Medary (II)
Saturday, April 18, 2015. Leganger Lutheran, Toronto.
Crossroads (III)
Saturday, April 25, 2015. First Lutheran, Sioux
Southeastern (IV)
Saturday, April 18, 2015. St. Paul Lutheran, Elk
Northern Plains (V)
Saturday, April 18, 2015. Good Shepherd Lutheran,
Aberdeen. 9:30 am registration.
Prairie Rivers (VI)
Saturday, April 18, 2015 Zion Lutheran, Bridgewater. 8:45 AM Registration 9:30 Meeting
Bear Butte (VII)
Saturday, April 18, 2015. Custer Lutheran Fellowship, Custer. 8:30 am registration.
V O L U M E X X XI I I l
Page 2
for the day… with five kids, choosing a restaurant
alone was always a huge challenge!
Personally, I think camp is a foretaste of heaven.
Nancy Rieke
I’d like to encourage any and all who would like to
experience this little taste of heaven to consider time at
We’ve almost made it through ancamp this summer. For kids, this is an opportunity to
other winter, haven’t we? Despite
spend a week just being a kid: swimming, singing,
the great weather, I think all of us
worshipping, and getting to know other Lutherans
long for spring’s bright blue water
from all over the state. Bible Camping is perfect for
and warm, gentle breezes. I know my husband Tedd grandparents: there’s no cooking, no entertaining, just
and I do for especially one reason: camping! We
loving those kiddos! And for parents, it may be the
can’t wait to pull the “Little Guy” into the driveway, best vacation week in your family’s memory too!
load it up, and drive away from laundry, the phone
There are 135 ELCA affiliated camps all over the
and the computers here at home!
country with a very good share of them within a day’s
Many of our most cherished memories have been
driving distance. They cater to every interest, from
made camping and the funny thing is, many of them
boundary waters canoeing to mission trips to motorcywere not in a tent or camper but in a cabin at a Bible
cle camp, and almost anything in between. There are
Camp. As a Minnesota kid, Tedd had the opportunity even day camps and special retreats for special interest
to go to Green Lake Lutheran Camp. I, being from
groups of all ages. For South Dakota camps, you can
South Dakota, went to our own South Dakota camps. check it out at www.losd.org; for all others go to
Confirmation camp was mandatory, which meant
everyone went. In my case, this meant I not only had
to go, but could go as the church paid for the bulk of
the fees. This was a fact my widowed mom much
Marilyn Abraham
appreciated as she tried to raise my little brother and
me alone. Mom valued the financial help, but even
more, the opportunity for us, as she herself cherished
As I write, my husband and I are stayher weeks at NeSoDak as a kid.
ing in a motel in Oklahoma waiting for
The mandatory summer camp requirement had long
a winter ice storm to abate. We are
given way by the time our kids approached confirma- pulling our RV home from a stay in the South cut
tion age, so they didn’t all go. I’ve always felt badly short by the death of my brother-in-law. We hope to
for them as remember the bonds I forged with the
make it home for the funeral, but this delay makes us
kids in my church family over paddling, Bible study, anxious. I am reminded that our lives are not in our
dishes, swimming and campfire. We became more
control no matter what we wish for or plan. Death is a
than acquaintances. Our class was family, as only
certainty, and for the rest we must trust in the Lord.
those who share a common life in the Lord can be.
A reminder for conference secretaries: If you are
Even though they missed camping with peers from
electing officers at your spring gatherings, please retheir church, we made sure they got to go to camp.
member to send me the information requested on the
As a single mom, my boys and I enjoyed a wonderful forms you have received for your new officers. You
week at Outlaw and our very first blended family va- can edit the old form and asterisk those new ones so I
cation was there. To this day, when the kids talk
know what changes have been made. Keep in mind
about favorite family vacations, the week at Outlaw
that if you send a pdf file, I cannot make updates in it
Ranch in the Black Hills is the one they remember
as I can if you send it in Word. Please don’t hesitate
most fondly. The friends they made, the counselors, to call or email me if you have questions.
the horses, the games and the fishing all trump any
Unit secretaries: Please send the information reother family trip we made. Tedd and I experienced
quested by your conference secretary as soon as you
the love of God in community and became an intielect your local officers. Accurate and complete data
mate part of it, just like we remembered as kids plus
makes possible the Churchwide Synodical database of
we didn’t need to defend where we were eating,
unit presidents (Active Unit Assessment) that I am rewhere we were staying, or what we were going to do quired to report.
For anyone wanting a list of unit presidents in your
conference or others, just send me a request and I
will email it as a Word document.
Thanks to all of you who contribute to this task. It is
very much appreciated! I hope to see you in June!
Marilyn Abraham
Kathy Thompson
In spring time, when the air is calm and pleasant,
it is an injury against nature not to go out,
and see her riches, and partake in her
rejoicing with heaven and earth
John Wilton
Greetings sisters in Christ;
It is now spring, we see changes in nature all around
us each day as flowering trees start leafing out and
fragrance in the air fills and awakens our senses to
this time of the year. Soon it will also be time for our
Synodical Convention is Rapid City. All the information and registration form can be found else
where in this newsletter.
Thursday activities: We will have registration at
the Faith Lutheran Church from 2 to 4 pm. Their address is 17 Indiana Street. A map can be found elsewhere in the newsletter. Thursday evening at 5 p.m.
a bus from Fort Hayes will be at the hotel to take all
those who have signed up for the bus to Fort Hayes
for a chuck wagon supper, with music show and then
we will be taken to Mount Rushmore for the evening
lighting ceremony. The registration form has the
information on the Fort Hayes bus and meal fee of
$54.25. Which is to be sent to the Synodical Treasurer by May 25. The fee includes meal , show and
all taxes, bus from hotel and return back to hotel after all activities are concluded that evening.
Registration for the convention is $40, except for
Conference officers – it will be only $20 for them.
(Please find the Registration form in this newsletter
and please share with others in your unit.) The SWO
poster is also included in the newsletter, so please
post this at your church – it would be great to have a
good attendance to share in the worship, great speakers and interesting awareness sessions.
Delegates must register by June 6th, also non-delegates
are asked to pre-register, so we know how many meals
to plan for. However, we will still accept registration
at the door for non-delegates only. Each church can
have 1(one) delegate, but there is no limit on nondelegates that can attend. Registration will be from 2-4
p.m on Thursday afternoon at Faith Lutheran Church
and again at 7:30 a.m. on Friday.
Lodging- will be at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel
and Conference Center, 2111 North La Crosse St.,
take exit 59 off I-90. The room rate is $113.74 per
night, rooms have been blocked so all attendees for the
convention can stay in the same hotel. The reservation
number is 605-343-8550, and ask to reserve under the
SD Synod Women of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church. They will be held at this room rate until May
25, 2015. They do not have complimentary breakfasts,
but there is a Minerva's Restaurant in the complex.
Silent Auction – proceeds will be split between Campus Ministry, Missionary 2017, and Dina Johnson
Scholarship Endowment Fund. Basket items were a
favorite last year, also wall hangings, needlework, or
whatever you do as a craft. All are welcome.
Book Store – Kathy Villa of Prairie Pages Book Store
in Pierre will have a book display at the convention.
Please plan to visit the book display and other items
she has brought to the convention.
Love offering – WAVI (Women Against Violence,
Inc.) in Rapid City, some of the items they are in great
need for are: NEW underwear (esp. Sizes medium and
large) socks, bras, slippers for women and children,
deodorant, diapers and wipes (sizes 4,5,6), toilet paper, laundry soap and dryer sheets, clorox wipes, Target or Walmart gift cards.
Offerings – the SWO convention offering (50% to
churchwide, 50% to Synodical): Friday evening offering to Pine Ridge Retreat Center. Silent Auction 1/3
to each: Campus Ministry, Missionary 2017, and Dina
Johnson Scholarship.
Leadership workshops – will be Saturday morning
starting at 10 a.m
THANK YOU to Alpha Behrens, Myla Kneeland,
and Tressa Schmidt for doing the review audit of the
Synodical Treasurer's book for the past fiscal year.
Kathy Thompson, Synodical Treasurer
Janice Anderson
Summer Bible Study written
by Emma Crossen
At the 2014 SD Synodical Convention held in
Brookings, SD, Emma Crossen co-led a workshop
about planned giving. Emma asked participants “why
there are not more women including Women of the
ELCA in their estate plans?” Emma encouraged all
women to find ways to talk about estate and planned
A question often asked to Emma, “How do we
get more women involved in the WELCA?” Many
women answered receiving a personal invitation from
another women to attend the Bible study and events
got them involved.
Three Summer Sessions, June, July/August
In the summer of 2015, Emma Crossen,
women of the ELCA’s former stewardship director, is
writing a three-session study on giving.
No Catchy Slogans
Session 1 : Give in Secret
Session 2 : Be like the Widow
Session 3 : God loves a Cheerful Giver
More information will be coming in the Gather Magazine or go to gathermagazine.org
Dee Sanderson
Joshua 22: 5 “But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the
Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in
obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast
to him and to serve him with all your heart and with
all your soul.”
Dear Sisters in Christ,
I have been working on your annual reports of Missions Accomplished for 2014 it is apparent that you
have been following this command to serve him with
all your heart and all your soul. And your hands and
your treasures. And your prayers. A HUGE thank
you for all that you do for others.
The complete report will be published in the Synodical Convention program and also in the next newsletter. But for now, raise your hand, pat yourself on the
back. Praise the Lord as we continue to serve. Thank
you, thank you, thank you.
Arlene Bich
……..an increase in Convention
attendance! (A letter to my
WELCA Sisters)
I have to admit it! I’ve only been to one, yes, ONE
State Synodical Convention of the SD Women of the
ELCA. (I was blessed to attend the Triennial in SpoSisters in Christ.
kane, WA also). I’m so glad this year’s date for our
State Convention is that last week in June…the 26th
Looks like spring might be here to stay thankfully just and 27th. Yeah! This year it works for me.! Yes,
a few reminders:
there have been conflicts over the past 7 years, the
Spring Gatherings will be held in April so check your number of years I’ve been involved with WELCA at
bulletins for information.
my church, First Lutheran in Sioux Falls. I LOVE
Also the Synodical is in Rapid City June 26 - 27. hope what WELCA stands for, and I BELIEVE in
to see you all in the next months. Mary
WELCA’S Missions and Service and I know you do
also. If we want to GROW in our knowledge of
WELCA, then we should all promote the fact that the
Annual Convention is another “stepping-stone” to
learning more about WELCA. Serving locally or at
the Conference level is good and we learn a lot, but
now it’s time for the NEXT step: State Convention……. A time for Review, Renewal and Recognition of all that WELCA is and does! There’s so
much to learn! And we can do this together!
Now the Challenge: Last year’s attendance was
around 111. This was for the STATE Convention!
Surely we can do better than that for attendance when
there are many Conference Gatherings that can equal
that in attendance. I also remember that when I attended the Triennial, there were about 35 who attended from SD and I think around that many who
attended the Triennial last summer in NC. If we can
have that many attending Triennial’s out-of-state, we
should be able to reach 150 attending a State Convention. That’s my CHALLENGE: 150 for Rapid City.
Can we do it? I think we can.
A Suggestion: The Spring Conference Gatherings are
scheduled for April. Consider giving some financial
support for attending Convention. How about a
drawing at each Conference Gathering for 2 or 3 free
registration fees to be paid by the Conference, or
maybe one-night in a motel paid for 2 people. Some
Units already pay for their delegate, but this would be
for someone else to attend. OR….local units could
even decide to have a drawing, or if not a drawing,
just pay for at least part of another person’s cost to
attend or maybe 2 more. It’s always more fun for 2
or 4 to go together. If EVERY ELCA church in SD
could send at least 2 people to convention, I think we
could reach 150.
Local WELCA Units, Crossroad Conference planners, think about it, and maybe an incentive to help
with expenses will encourage attendance. Let’s load
up a car In June, and head for the hills, the BLACK
Racial Justice Advocates
Margie Neugebauer
In the book, “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell, the author describes the tipping point as “that
moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior
crosses a threshold, tips and spreads like wildfire”. I
assume that you have heard of the incident at the Rush
hockey game in Rapid City where a group of Native
American children and their supervisors left the game
early due to alleged harassment. I hope that this incident is the ‘tipping point’ for racial awareness and justice in South Dakota.
Many positive and peaceful events have happened
since that incident in January.
1. Native Americans and others have led rallies in
Rapid City numerous times.
2. The Barbara Schneider Foundation was invited to
Rapid City to lead a community conversation on
“Shared Values and Creating Alliances and Actions that Unite our Community and Empower
All.” I was one of about 85 whites and Natives
who participated in this event. Another conversation in the same format is scheduled for March 28.
3. The Rapid City Human Rights Commission has
beefed up their enforceability and has also produced Public Service Announcements for TV.
4. Sioux Falls city has recently hired a Community
Relations/Human Rights Coordinator.
5. The Peace and Justice Center of SD,
www.sdpeaceandjustice.org. has made it a priority
to focus on racial justice. A first step was to develop the Pledge to Stand Up Against Racism.
Anyone can download this and sign it. You may
contact the Peace and Justice Center to give them
your name to be published with the Pledge in the
Rapid City and Sioux Falls newspapers.
6. The Episcopal Church denomination has begun
community conversations in Chamberlain with the
Lower Brule, Crow Creek, and Chamberlain communities.
7. I have been asked by the Peace and Justice Center
to lead a workshop on White Privilege in Sioux
Falls in April.
8. I will be leading two awareness sessions at the
WELCA Synodical Gathering in Rapid City in
Things are happening. The tipping point has enlarged.
Please get on the bandwagon and join in. There are
many conversations that need to happen across our
state. If you don’t know how to get involved, contact
me or Margene Thompson and/or attend one of the
awareness sessions at the Synodical Gathering.
Keynote Speaker
Pastor Larry Peterson - "My faith experience in the
Lakota culture" Ordained pastor in the ELCA.
Served on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Now
volunteering at Outlaw Ranch.
Churchwide Representative
Pastor Gwendolyn King serves on the Executive
Board of the Women of the ELCA. She served as
chaplain of the U.S. Air Force Reserves, retiring with
the rank of colonel, and currently serves as supply
pastor in the ELCA Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod
and the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.
Opening Worship
Presiding - Herb Cleveland, Interim Pastor at Faith
Lutheran Church, Rapid City.
Preaching - Dave Zellmer, Bishop of the South Dakota Synod of the ELCA.
Pastor Phil Lewison - “Holy Humor is Serious Business” Phil is very serious about humor and its health
benefits. Three years ago he started a “3-H
Club” (Humor, Health, Hangout) at Custer Lutheran
Fellowship. He will speak about the value of humor
and sharing humor.
Bible Study
Pastor Becky Piper-Becky serves with her husband,
Pastor David Piper, as co-pastors at Calvary Lutheran
Church in Rapid City. Becky's personal mission
statement: To travel through life with Christ in my
heart and faith in her actions.
Awareness Session
Tess Franzen - “Human Trafficking 101”
Founder and past Chair of South Dakota's West River
Human Trafficking Task Force. Works to raise
awareness, provide information, and fight human
trafficking in South Dakota.
Awareness Session
Deanna Darr - “A Tale of Two Trips” Former journalist and current small groups coordinator at South
Canyon Lutheran Church in Rapid City. She and
other members of South Canyon will share mission
trip experience in Bogota, Columbia, and Nicaragua,
where the only thing they built was relationships.
Awareness Session
Hollie Strand - “Recognizing and Responding to
Child Sexual Abuse” Currently works full time as
Education Specialist/Forensic Interviewer for the
Child Advocacy Center of the Black Hills, serving
local, state, federal, and tribal jurisdictions.
Awareness Session
Kayte Halstead - “Acupuncture 4 Women’s Health” -Acupuncture and Oriental medicine work by restoring
balance and harmony to your whole system, thus promoting the body’s ability to heal itself.
Awareness Session
Margie Neugebauer - TDTR (Today's Dream, Tomorrow's Reality) -Peace with Justice
This session will review Bible passages related to justice, explore the difference between justice and mercy,
and the difference between empathy and sympathy.
Thursday, June 25 Pre-convention activities
2-4:00 PM Registration at Faith Lutheran Church
5:00 Bus leaves from our hotel for Fort Hayes, Chuck
Wagon Dinner and Music Show, then to Mount Rushmore Lighting Ceremony.
Friday, June 26 (tentative schedule)
8:00 AM Registration at church entrance......coffee
9:00 Welcome: Opening Worship with Holy Communion Bishop Zellmer preaching
10:15 Coffee with questions for our Bishop
10:45 Churchwide Representative Pastor Gwen King
11:15 Business Meeting
11:45 Lunch for Non Delegates
12:15 Lunch for Delegates
12:45 Hymn Sing
1:00 Announcements – Thank you from WAVI
1:30-2:15 Awareness Session
2:15 Coffee
3:00-3:45 Awareness Session
4:00 “Holy Humor” Pastor Phil
4:45 -5:15 Line Dancing (Raising Up Healthy Women
and Girls) Arlene Herber
6:00 Banquet/Keynote Speaker, Pastor Larry Peterson
Saturday, June 27
8:30 Opening Hymn Sing
8:45 Bible Study, Pastor Becky Piper
9:30 Coffee
10:00 Leadership Workshop – DVD showing for non
officers or there are other options for activities.
11:00 Sharing and Questions for Leadership
On our way rejoicing!
A. Best Western Ramkota Hotel
2111 No. LaCrosse St.
Take Exit 59 off I-90
Rooms have been blocked so all
Attendees can be housed together.
B. Faith Lutheran Church
17 Indiana St.
All Convention activities,
June 26-27
C. Fort Hayes…..Thurs. attendees
Will be taken by bus from our
Hotel to Fort Hayes for supper,
Western show & then to Mt.
Rushmore for the evening lighting
Ceremony and then back to the
Hotel. You have to pre-register
For this.
JUNE 25-27
Riley Bus Tours will take you by Bus to Rapid City
for The Synodical Church Womens convention.
7 AM June 25, leave Milbank Visitor Center
7:30 AM Coffee Cup, Summit
Rest of the route will be determined by the most passengers.
Cost includes: 2 nights at Best Western
2 to a room $114 per person, per night
3 to a room $76 per person, per night
4 to a room $57 per person, per night
Bus & Thurs. evening event $156 plus your room rate
Bus will shuttle to Faith Lutheran and also Thurs.
This is based on 25 people, if more go, you will get a
small Refund on the bus fare.
This is non-refundable, unless someone takes your
Money due May 25 w/room mates names .
Send checks to Alpha Behrns, Box 33 Peever, SD
Ph: 605-932-3510
(You will need to pay your own $ 40 registration.)
Page 10
Linda Jensen
Many thanks to all of the WELCA units and members
who have supported the ministry of LSS through donations and prayers for those we serve! Please prayerfully keep LSS in mind as you discuss your benevolence giving for this year. Please stop by our booth at
the Synodical Convention in Rapid City in June!
Here are some updates about LSS services:
Volume XXXIIIl
Volunteer and Wish List Opportunities
Quilts are always needed for our young people in Foster Care, residential centers, and independent living
LSS has a number of great events
coming up!
There’s the Sioux Falls Taste of Culture event to
raise funds for the Center for New Americans, two
area dinner Benefits, and the 5th Annual LSS Golf
Tournament in Watertown. If you are interested
in attending, recruiting participants, helping to find
LSS to Offer New Intensive Independent
auction items, or helping the day of an event (set
Living Program in Rapid City
up, registration, etc.), please let us know----we always love having WELCA volunteers!
Recently LSS was awarded a contract to start a
April 12
Sioux Falls/SE Benefit at Our Savnew program for Intensive Independent Living
ior’s Lutheran Church in SF
for youth ages 18 and up who are transitioning
April 18
Aberdeen Benefit at the Dakota Events
out of residential treatment programs or who have
Center (new location!)
significant mental health and independent living
April 18
Sioux Falls Taste of Cultures at the Disskill needs. The program will be called “New
Alternatives” and will be moving into the current
August 3
Watertown Golf Tournament at Cattail
Stepping Stones apartment building in Rapid
City. Sheila Johnson, currently the director of
Stepping Stones, has been selected as the program
director for New Alternatives. The current Step- Liesl Hovel, Interim Northeast Regional Director 605ping Stones program will continue to operate but 262-5301 or Liesl.Hovel@LssSD.org
Jessica Lillebo, Western Regional Director 605-791will relocate to apartments in the community.
6769 or 800-260-1439 or Jessica.Lillebo@LssSD.org
Kinship Locator Services Now in
Linda Jensen, Southeast Development Officer 605-444
-7536 or 1-800-568-2401ext. 7536 or
Aberdeen & Mitchell
LSS was recently awarded a new contract to offer Linda.Jensen@LssSD.org
Kinship Locator Services. The Kinship Locator
“God sees me & cares for me!”
staff will work with Child Protection Services in
Genesis 16:13
Aberdeen and Mitchell to help identify and locate
relatives who are possible resources of support or
placement for youth entering the foster care system. Kinship locator staff will utilize a number of
methods to find relatives, including state records
systems and online search tools, as well as calling
and visiting relatives.
This work helps CPS staff identify relatives who
are willing to be in the child’s life and those who
are willing to complete a kinship home study for
possible placement. Some of these relatives will
ultimately be referred by CPS to LSS for the
(already in place) Kinship program for kinship
home studies. The kinship locators will be overseen by Amy Witt, Kinship Coordinator. Amy
also oversees our current kinship home study services.
June 26-27
Faith Lutheran Church
Rapid City, SD
Check out the fun pre-convention activities on
Thursday evening!!
Jeanne Johnson
I am so excited to report that
LAMP is gearing up for another
amazing summer of VBS-teaching,
Christian sports camps, and Bible
studies. Even more exciting is the
fact that several teams have felt called to go back and
visit “their” communities at additional times during
the year.
Right before Christmas, a team from Winnipeg visited Sachigo Lake in Ontario. What was supposed to be a two-day trip ended up being seven days,
as the weather turned bad and the small commercial
plane wasn’t able to land at the airstrip. Not being
prepared for a seven-day visit challenged the team of
three, but they returned with some great life lessons:
1. You can make all the plans in the world, but God
can change them – and that’s okay. We are so used to
cramming our time for God into our busy schedules
that we limit our time with Him. Up North, people
seem to live like they have all the time in the world,
so God-time is not rushed; it’s enjoyed, soaked in,
filled. It’s a beautiful thing.
2. Sometimes we think we need to over prepare for a
certain task. Preparation is a good thing, but we
should never forget what we are truly preparing for:
to live with God and to watch for moments He provides to share our faith and God’s Word with others.
Our walk with Jesus is also redeemed by Jesus. If we
realize this, we won’t be so worried about how well
we perform. God knows what He is doing. When we
see that we are a part of His plan, it is a beautiful
3. Sometimes, we have decided for God how He is to
use us. We need to remember that He sees all things
and knows all things. He may take us out of our comfort zones and plop us smack dab in the middle of
nowhere. Then, when He says, “Trust me!,” we can
really understand the fullness of that word “trust,”
and what faith in God truly means. What a beautiful
We say, “God is with us all the time: He never
leaves us or forsakes us. He always provides for us.”
Why not let God take you out of your comfort zone?
You will understand these truths so much better!
To become involved in the ministry of LAMP, visit
our new website at www.lampministry.org
God bless you as you learn your own new life lessons
every day!
page 11
St. Dysmas
Pastor Bob Chell
Last week, preaching at the prison I told the
men something about Pastors that none of them were
aware of: we would all rather preside at a funeral than
a wedding. Not because we take pleasure in anyone’s
death, that’s for sure. We would rather people be
happy than sad, and living than dead, of course.
We would rather preside at funerals than weddings for one reason: at weddings everyone is impatient for us to finish so the party can begin. At funerals people yearn for the comfort we have to give.
They listen carefully for a word of hope, a word that
will calm their anxiety, quell their fear, still the turbulent waves of grief and confusion. A word which will
make sense of the senselessness they find themselves
It has been said that the best thing the church
has to offer is hope, and I there is much truth in that.
The support of Women of the ELCA enables me to
speak a word of hope and encouragement to men at
the lowest ebb of their lives. To assure them of God’s
love and care in the face of what often feels like
I want to tell you something of which you
may unaware. It is this: Pastors of prison congregations, camp directors and campus pastors LOVE the
Women of the ELCA! Your faithful and generous
support sustains ministries reaching out to the left
out, the young, the searching, those often missing
from our congregations. I want to thank you for your
prayers and support for St. Dysmas and for your keen
eye for all those places, people and ministry where
your support is cherished and appreciated.
Yarn is needed.
The men in Mike Durfee State Prison, in Springfield
and the South Dakota State Penitentiary in Sioux
Falls knit caps and mittens for those in need throughout the year. We are currently running low on yarn
and appreciate your donations. It can be left at East
Side Lutheran in Sioux Falls or you may contact Pastor Bob Chell at (605) 338-1735a or via email at
Page 12
Volume XXXIIIl
Kurt Osbourne & Jim Schade
The Benefits of gifting unneeded life insurance
Did you know you can name a ministry or charitable organization as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy
and benefit from a tax deduction?
A life insurance gift is an excellent way to support the ministry of a favorite organization at a significant level
at a fraction of the cost of other gifting strategies.
Options for gifts of life insurance
Gift of an existing policy
Income tax deduction
Annual gifts to cover premiums
Annual income tax deductions
Life Insurance beneficiary designation
Estate tax deduction
Gift of a new policy
Income tax deduction
Please contact us at Lutheran Planned Giving of SD if you’d like more information about gift and estate
planning. Please consider signing up for our weekly e-newsletter at www.lpgsd.org
Jim Schade, jschade@sdsynod.org 605 940-7524 or Kurt Osborne, kosborne@sdsynod.org 605 940-7524
Mary Mortenson
PCA Welcomes Its Newest Congregation
Dina Johnson Scholarship Awarded
Samantha Rost, a Psychology major, from Sioux Falls
has been awarded our Dina Johnson Scholarship. She
writes this thank you:
Dear South DakotaWomen of the ELCA,
By Julie Thomas – Administrative Assistant Attending a private liberal arts college was an important consideration for my family and me. If not for the
After nearly a year of hard work and planning, the
scholarship and financial aid I received, it would have
Church of Another Chance is ready for its first serbeen difficult for me to attend Augustana.
vice in Nashville, Tennessee. Pastor Scott Jamieson
feels humbled and excited about starting this new
Thank you for your generous support of my education.
church but after finishing divinity school at Vander- I am currently a junior and grew up in Sioux Falls,
bilt University and being recently ordained, he is rar- South Dakota. I am pursuing a major in Psychology so
ing to go. He indicates they have a number of ofI can pursue a career in Occupational Therapy. I am
fenders (residents) who are helping to plan the seralso minoring in Special Education and Sign Language
vice and readying themselves for worship roles and
Studies. At this point, my career goals include becomwill have six outside volunteers to attend the first ser- ing an Occupational Therapist and working in a school
vice. He would ask for your ongoing prayers as they setting with children who have disabilities. I am also a
take this next significant step in bringing the hope of teacher at a dance studio and teach a dance class to
God to people who are so often marginalized and
children who have Down Sydrome. I hope to someday
have a class that is open to children with various disabilities and help them learn the art of dance.
Please keep PCA Director, Mary Mortenson, in mind
for speaking opportunities – WELCA programs, mis- Thank you!
sion events or pulpit supply. An easy and fun way to Samantha Rost
contribute to PCA is to allow her and her husband,
Jack, to do pulpit supply, and give the honorarium to
PCA. Contact Mary at 605-321-0509 or
Volume XXXIIIl
Page 13
Mara Stillson
Benefits all of the camps of Lutherans Outdoors in
South Dakota.
Sunday, August 30th at Joy Ranch
RED HAT LADIES DAY - Thursday, Aug 27
QUILT VIEWING - Thursday, Aug 27 & Friday,
Aug 28
Remember, you can make a Thrivent Financial Action Team - Apply for $250 for quilt-making supplies.
for info - contact Karen@losd.org or Karen at 605940-2755
And...remember to come to camp this summer. Spaces
are still available, register today by calling 800-8881464 or online at www.losd.org.
Page 14
We are on the Web
Women of the ELCA, South Dakota Synod is now
found on facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and we even
have a blog! Be sure to LIKE the facebook page, and
FOLLOW the Pinterest page.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/
Pinterest page: http://pinterest.com/womenelcasd/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WomenELCASoDak
Volume XXXIIIl
Prairie Coteau: Edna Anderson, 10643 445th Ave.,
Veblen, SD 57270, PH:605-738-2562
Medary: Elaine Rietz, 2024 Morningside Dr., Brookings, SD 57006 PH:692-8373
E-mail: dredrietz@hotmail.com
Crossroads: Marlys Lueth, 25935 459th Ave. Humboldt, SD 57035 PH: 363-3285
E-mail: dmlueth@SVTV.com
Southeastern: Glenda Ofstehage, 2921 Pettersen Rd. ,
Vermillion SD 57069 PH:605-624-9717
Do you have time to help with the Women of the ELCA South
Dakota Synod blog, facebook, Twitter or Pinterest pages? If so, E-mail: ofsteglen@gmail.com
Blog: http://womenoftheelcasd.wordpress.com/
contact Erika Lehmann at elehmann@santel.net or send a message though any of the pages.
Newsletter subscriptions that are
expired or will be after this issue.
Thelma Dittman
Aldine Mayer
Wendy Morgan
Jane Peterson
Judy Stearns
Wanda Hernes
Janice Moore
Dileen Ninke
Janet Sorum
Gretchen Tweet
ANYONE can receive a copy of this newsletter by
e-mail at no charge. Please send your name and email address to Lmbirk@itctel.com. This will be
in PDF format so that you can open it if you have
PDF, which I will instruct you in downloading a
free copy when I send the newsletter out.
You can also find this newsletter on the internet
http://www.sdsynod.org// At the top of the page,
position your curser on ‘Congregations & organizations’, then click on WELCA on the drop down
menu. When this page comes up, click on the SD
Synod WELCA newsletter.
Northern Plains: Kathy Heffernan, 35338 153rd St.,
Wecota, SD 57438 PH: 324-3638
E-mail: Heffernan@venturecomm.net
Prairie Rivers: Lois Storm, 39885 273rd St, Corsica,
SD 57329 PH:605-928-3035 cell: 933-1243
Carolyn Goldhammer, 27014 399th Ave, Corsica, SD
57328 PH:999-3506
Bear Butte: Diane Lee Bryan, 1014 S. 35th St., Spearfish, SD 57783 PH:605-717-0505 cell: 701 870-2020
E-mail: blueroosterchick@hotmail.com
7831 Hickory Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55432
Please remember, all addresses MUST be your
mailing address, some of you have 2 addresses, a
physical address (street or 911) but I have to have
your mailing address to insure that your newsletter is delivered.
Volume XXXIIIl
2015 Synod Officers
PRESIDENT: Vivian Westgard, 1340 22nd St. NE, Watertown,
SD 57201 PH:605-882-5733 E-mail:vivigard@gmail.com
2 nd year, 2nd term
(Bear Butte Adviso r)
VICE-PRESIDENT: Nancy Rieke, 501 S. Lois Lane, Dr., Colman, SD 57017, PH:321-3100 E-mail: nancy_rieke@yahoo.com
1st term, 1st year (Prairie Rivers advisor)
SECRETARY: Marilyn Abraham, 30825 475th Ave., Alcester,
SD 57011 PH: 605-934-2534, E-mail: rlmeabraham
@alliancecom.net 2nd year, 1st term (Southeast advisor)
TREASURER: Kathy Thompson, 404 3rd St. Wilmot, SD
57279-2223, E:mail: kdthompson8289@gmail.com PH:9384592 1st year, 1st term (Prairie Coteau advisor)
MISSION ACTION-(Stewardship): Dee Sanderson, 2305 Sanderson Dr., Aberdeen, SD 57401 PH:605-228-2567 E-mail;
deesand@aol.com 2nd year, 2nd term (Northern Plains Adv.)
MISSION GROWTH-(Justice) : Janice Anderson, 409 Kringer
Ave., Baltic, SD 57003 E-mail: pjand@alliancecom.net PH:
605-529-5387 2nd year, 1st term (Crossroads Advisor)
MISSION COMMUNITY-(Discipleship): Mary Hildebrandt,
PO Box 86, Ramona, SD 57054 PH:605-482-8516 E-mail:
derraldmary@alliancecom.net 2nd yr, 2nd tm (Medary Advisor)
MEMBER AT LARGE: Connie Bickett, 22032 444th Ave.,
Oldham, SD 57051 Email: conniebickett@alliancecom.net
PH:482-8639 or cell 270-9967 1st year, 1st term, (Medary adv.)
MEMBER AT LARGE: Arlene Bich, 2908 S. Orchard Ave.,
Sioux Falls 57103 E-mail:habich@sio.midco.net PH:275-6891
or cell 491-0635, 1st year, 1st term (Crossroads advisor)
LITERACY CHAIRPERSON: Sally Hillner, 505 Minnesota
Dr., Brookings, SD 57006
PH:605-692-5590 E-mail:sallyh@brookings.net
Justice Advocates:
Margene Thompson: 39141 240th St., Letcher SD 57359
E-mail:amthompson@santel.net PH:605-248-2444
Margie Neugebauer, 24651 White Tail Ridge Rd., Hermosa, SD
57735 PH:303-590-4403 E-mail:dneugebauer@mt-rushmore.net
NEWSLETTER: Lucille Birkholtz
PH & FAX:605-6253765 E-mail:LMBirk@itctel.com 42341 193rd St, Willow
Lake, SD 57278
FACEBOOK GURU; Erika Lehmann, PH: 605-338-4737
Dates to Remember
April: Spring Gatherings
April 22: Earth Day
June 26-27, 2015; Synodical WELCA 28th Annual
Convention at Faith Lutheran in Rapid City.
August 30, 2015, Lutherans Outdoors Quilt Auction at
Joy Ranch
July 13-16, 2017 Tenth Triennial, Minneapolis, MN,
This SD Synodical Newsletter is published to inform
Women of the ELCA of the SD Synodical happenings,
activities and opportunities with the Synod.The newsletter is published four times a year: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.
Please share this newsletter with your congregational
unit officers:
Vice President___________
Mission Growth_______ Mission Action__________
Mission Community_________
Anyone can subscribe to this newsletter for $5 per
year. You will receive four issues. Due dates for
article are Feb. 1, April 1, August 1, November 1.
Mailing Address:____________________________
City, State & Zip_____________________________
Make your check payable to SD Women of the
ELCA and mail it with the above information to:
Kathy Thompson, 404 3rd St., Wilmot, SD 57279
Send Address changes to Lucille Birkholtz,
42341 193rd St., Willow Lake, SD 57278
PH: & Fax: 605-625-3765
E-mail: LMBirk@itctel.com
South Dakota Synodical
Lucille Birkholtz, Editor
42341 193rd St.
Willow Lake, SD 57278
Cathy Brechtelsbauer
Feed Our Children
It’s mid-morning on a school day, and Sophie is
trying to pay attention to her teacher. But all she can
think about is food. Her parents both work, but they
don’t earn enough to pay for housing, utilities, transportation, and enough food to feed their family.
School meals, summer lunch, WIC, the Child and
Adult Care Food Program - programs that help meet
nutritional needs of children through the school day
and summer, and after school, and in child care settings - are up for re-authorization in Congress this
year. You know little children will not be contacting
Congress in support of these meals. They need us.
Of course, the biggest child nutrition program is
SNAP, which was authorized in the farm bill, but
whose funding is threatened this year by potential
budget cutting. Thus, we fervently ask that support
for any child nutrition program not come at a cost to
other programs that help meet children needs. SNAP
needs our protection too.
Our letters to Congress will be important. Please
write a note at your Spring Gatherings and/or in your
circle meetings. We can be part of helping children
learn and grow up healthy and strong.
At the state level, thanks to all who shared their gift
of influence, something each one of us has, by speaking up for those who lack life’s basics. We don’t always win, but we are called, not to have success, but
to be faithful. Thus, we keep speaking up for the marginalized, and we pray and trust that God’s Kingdom
If you would like to be a Bread for the World member, check www.breadorg or call 1-800-82BREAD.
Thanks, Cathy Brechtelsbauer, volunteer, SD
Coordinator for Bread for the World
605-335-6222, ryebread@breadrising.org,