The Illinois Council for Exceptional Children Invites you to attend its 2015 Convention November 5-7, 2015 New location: The Marriott Naperville $89 Single and Double Room Rates Reservations must be made by October 22, 2015. Call the hotel at: 1-800-228-9290 or 1-630-505-4900 Identifying yourself with the Illinois Council for Exceptional Children Theme: Special Education: Exceptional Children Need Exceptional Teachers Thursday, November 5, 2015 — Your choice of two strands featuring: 8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m.--Coffee and Rolls Strand 1--Legal Issues, The IEP, and the Common Core 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.--“The Latest Legal Issues Impacting Special Educators” Neal Takiff, and Jenni Hansen, Attorneys at Law 11:30 p.m.-12:45 p.m.--Lunch on Your Own 12:45 p.m.-1:45 p.m.—“Writing Compliant IEPs: PLAAFP’s Aligned to Goals, Monica Furlong, Director of Special Education, District 46; Kimberly Dahlem, Director of Special Services, District 155; and Jennifer Thomas, Director of Special Services, District 26 2:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m.—“What Every General Education Teacher Needs to Know About an IEP” Dawn Colvis, Compliance Coordinator, Perandoe Special Education District 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.--“ELA Common Core Standards: Adapting Instruction and Assessment for Students with Disabilities” Meg Carroll, Professor, St. Xavier University, Chicago Strand 2—Children in Crisis 9:00 a.m.-12 noon.—“Understanding the Profile of a Crisis: Situations that Can Lead to Assault, Property Destruction and The Need for Restraint and Seclusion,” Richard Van Acker, Emeritus Professor, University of Illinois, Chicago 12:00-1:15 lunch on your own 1:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m.—“Code Blue: It’s Time to Resuscitate Our Schools” Angela Lee, Social Worker/Classroom Management Specialist, Joliet 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.—“Moving Away from the Policy and Practice of Zero Tolerance: Designing Pathways to Assist Students from Diverse Backgrounds with Challenging Behaviors” Gerardo Moreno, Associate Professor, Northeastern Illinois University 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Past Presidents’ Advisory Council, Elizabeth Mackie, Immediate Past President 6:15 p.m.7:15 p.m. ICEC Executive Board, Linda McKee, President Friday, November 6, 2015 - 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. - Key Note Speaker Dr. Michael Gerber, Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara “The Teacher Test” Professor Gerber will explain why and how teachers are the only “test” that matters, in identification, RTI, and in this new age of intelligent technology Recently the University established the Michael Gerber Chair in Instructional Innovation and Technology for Exceptional Children. Exhibits all day--exclusive exhibit hours from 8:00 a.m.-8:45 a.m. on Friday Breakout sessions Table Talk lunch on key issues in special education Saturday, November 7, 2015 RAY GRAHAM MEMORIAL LUNCHEON SPEAKER: Dr. James Kauffman, Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia “Special Education and Life Support” Dr. Kauffman will stress the importance of the special educator and the special education system as the life support for students with disabilities Leading Expert in the Field of Emotional/Behavioral Disorders and Author of the seminal textbook on the characteristics of students with emotional/behavioral disorders A tentative schedule of sessions for Friday, November 6 and Saturday, November 7, 2015 include: Friday, November 6, 2015 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.--Exclusive Exhibit Hours 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.--Keynote Session—Dr. Michael Gerber 10:45 a.m.-12 noon Choice of Seven Sessions Preparing Students with Special Needs for When the Bus Stops Coming—Melissa Jasieniecki, Principal/Director of Education, Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. School For Exceptional Children, and Chris Bodzianowski, Community Outreach Coordinator, Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy School for Exceptional Children 10 Strategies Proven to Inspire and Engage Every Student—Christian Moore, Founder of WhyTry, Provo, Utah Managing Challenging Behavior in Students with Autism within the Classroom—Frederica Kennedy, Associate Professor, Chicago State University Mindful Practices for Exceptional Children—Carla Tantillo, Founder of Mindful Practices Expect ExtraOrdinary—Aubrie Westmaas, Self Advocate, and Michele Westmaas, Parent Instructionally Relevant Assessment: Answering the “How” of Teaching Students with Educational Difficulties—Samuel Whitley, School Psychologist, Springfield Public Schools Addressing Critical Literacy Skills Through Direct and Explicit Instruction—Redefining the Special Education Resource Room—Adam Clayton, Katie Owen, Amanda Baran, Elk Grove High School 12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m.--Table Talk Luncheon with the following topics: Job Interviewing, Common Core, Testing and Students with Disabilities (Chaya Rubenstein), Responsible Inclusion, PBIS, Teacher Certification/Licensure, First Year Teachers, Behavior Management, Bullying, Early Intervention, Grant Writing, English Learners, Accommodations, Transition, Hard to Motivate Students, The Latest on Retirement, Autism, Writing with Special Needs Learners (Linda Mikottis), Barriers and Benefits of Technology Use in the Classroom(Katie Hench and Chris Flint), What Every Classroom Teacher Should Know About the IEP (Dawn Colvis), Augmentative Communication (Christina Scholma). 1: 45 p.m.-2:45 p.m. Choice of Seven Sessions Roundtable with Dr. Michael Gerber Yoga: A New Way to Communicate—Dani Altheide, Sheila Hurley, and Jeanne Lewin, Lt. Joseph Kennedy School Pioneers Session—Basic Investing Now That You Have Retired—David Swanson—Wealth Advisor—this is a double session continuing until 4 p.m. Following the program there will be a business meeting with President, Karen Fitzgerald officiating. 10 Strategies Proven to Inspire and Engage Every Student—Christian Moore, Founder of WhyTry, Provo, Utah Autism Story Hour—Christopher Flint, Consultant and Founder of Infiniteach, and Katie Hench, Infiniteach Autism Educator Authentic and Innovative Teacher Evaluation Process to Effectively Implement the Danielson Rubric at the High School Level to Enhance Student Growth—Brenda Martin, Adam Clayton, and Julie Stoker, School District 214 Teach, Model, Prompt, and Reinforce Exceptional Levels of Kindness and Empathy in Students—Raven Stromek and Cheri Sinnott, Illinois Service Resource Center 3:00-4:00 p.m. Choice of Seven Sessions Pioneers Session continued--Basic Investing Now That You Have Retired—David Swanson—Wealth Advisor—this is a double session continuing until 4 p.m. Following the program there will be a business meeting with President, Karen Fitzgerald officiating. A Post Secondary Transition Workbook for Students with Disabilities and 504 Students—Brenda Martin and Kara Fisher, School District 214 Reaching the Reluctant Writer —Linda Mikottis, Educational Consultant Programming and Resources for Teachers of Students who are Deaf and hard of Hearing and/or Visually Impaired in the State of Illinois—Brenda Schmidt, SWCCCASE Program Coordinator for Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Michelle Clyne, Coordinator, Project Reach, Illinois Deaf-Blind Services Utilizing the Five Strategies of the Virtues Project in the Classroom to Enhance Student Achievement— Sharon Mann, Middle School Teacher in Rushville and Virtues Project Facilitator (DOUBLE SESSION THAT CONTINUES UNTIL 5 P.M. Intensive Intervention and Instruction: Where Does It Occur in Service Delivery?—Lynn Stafford, Associate Professor, Rockford University Positive Behavior Interventions for 4 Specific Mental Health Diagnoses—Steve Vaupel, Child Behavior Specialist 4:15 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Choice of Seven Sessions SOLVE: A Mathematical Problem Solving Strategy—Shaqwana Freeman-Green, Assistant Professor, Illinois State University Utilizing the Five Strategies of the Virtues Project in the Classroom to Enhance Student Achievement— Sharon Mann, Middle School Teacher in Rushville and Virtues Project Facilitator (DOUBLE SESSION THAT STARTS AT 3:00 P.M. AND CONTINUES UNTIL 5:00 P.M. A Model High School Resource Program Focusing on Strategies—Kristen Velazquez, Lauren Frick, and Andrea Siwik—Stevenson High School Using Technology To Enable A Varied Classroom—Stacey Elizabeth Puccini, Special Education Teacher Left Brain, Right Brain…What About the Thing That Holds It Together?—Mallory Kowaleski, and Melissa Jones, Eastern Illinois University How Do I Hang Out?—Improving Leisure Skills for Students with Significant Disabilities—Christine Scholma, Special Education Teacher, Elim Christian School ICEC Delegate Assembly--Presiding, Linda McKee, President, ICEC Friday Evening 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Special Student Session Poster Sessions--7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. “Good job!! Using a Video-Feedback Intervention to Increase Teachers’ Use of Praise” Erika Blood Pinter, Allison East, and Nicole Thrush, Northern Illinois University “Comparison of Video Modeling and Video Feedback to Increase Employment-Related Social Skills of Learners with Autism and/or Developmental Disabilities” Toni Van Laarhoven, Danielle Kos, Kim Pehlke, Jesse Johnson, and Ximena Burgin, Northern Illinois University “Building Professional Development for Pre-Service Teachers” Emma Rendek, Connor Andrees, and Rachael Wahrman, Illinois State University “The Effectiveness of Using Video Modeling Booster Sessions to Maintain Vocational Skills Following Summer Break” Toni Van Laarhoven, Daina Hunt, Erika Pinter, Jesse Johnson, and Ximena Burgin, Northern Illinois University “Differences In Perceptions of Bullying: Systematic Review of Research” Agata Trzaska, School Psychologist and Ph.D. Student “Differentiating Instruction: Meeting the Needs of All Students” Greg Conderman and Myoungwhon Jung, Northern Illinois University “Mathematics Instruction for Young Children with Mathematical Disabilities” Myoungwhon Jung and Greg Conderman, Northern Illinois University “Taming Truancy” Bev Johns, MacMurray College Saturday, November 7, 2015 Includes a great choice of sessions including four strands—Behavior, Instructional Strategies, Working with Families, and Transition 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. IDLD Session begins at 8:00 a.m. with a business meeting—Showcase Session “Wedding Planners—Coaching Bridezillas—Come to this fun session with case studies and improve skits of Classroom Collaboration Gone Wrong and Pedagogical Skits to Ensure the Successful Marriage and Harmony” Dr. Vinni Hall and Jennifer Sabourin Presiding at the IDLD Business Meeting--Elizabeth Mackie ISCEC Session begins at 8:00 a.m. with Coffee and Rolls and Juice 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m Choice of Seven Sessions--. IDLD continues—Wedding Planners—Coaching Bridezillas, Dr. Vinni Hall and Jennifer Sabourin Behavior Strand—Cyberbullying: Examining The Transformation of Bullying to Digital Aggression— Mickie Wong-Lo, Assistant Professor, Northeastern Illinois University Transition Strand—Transition of Students in Special Education: Small Town Partnerships with a Community College—Ashley Bansberg, Special Education Teacher, Ottawa High School Strategies That Facilitate Success in Group and Project-Based Work for Students with Exceptional Needs—Denice Love and Shannon Carter, Millikin University Instructional Strategies Strand—Addressing Behavior Improvement As A Way to Improve Reading— Janice Hooker Fortman and Sarah Crawley, JH Fortman And Associates Educational Consultants Working Together with Parents Strand—Using Data to Partner with Families—Lydia Gerzel-Short, Assistant Professor of Education, Rockford University Student Session continues 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Choice of Seven Sessions Behavior Strand—Self-Advocates are Developed Through Self-Advocacy Skill Building—Sharon Slover and Rory Conran, The Menta Group Transition Strand—Connecting Transition to Common Core Standards—Dr. Vinni, Hall, Lauren Gumbel, and Ray Baker Watch Me Teach: Virtual Supervision Lessons from the Field—Dr. Lydia Gerzel-Short, Assistant Professor of Education, Rockford University Instructional Strategies Strand—Science, STEM-WOW—Integrating Special Education and General Education Students—Michael Beranek, Tim Leffler, Monica Johnson, and Scott Collins—Lemont High School Working Together with Parents Strand—Creating Successful Parent Partnerships—Kathy Zurawksi and Julie Waehner, Oak Grove District 68 Co-Teaching Supporting Excellent Teachers for Exceptional Students in Grades K-8—Carol Schultz and Erin Dwyer, Darien District, 61 The Top 10 Ways We Can Stop the Abuse and Neglect of Children with Disabilities—E. Paula Crowley, Professor, Illinois State University Ray Graham Memorial Luncheon--11 a.m.-1:00 p.m.--Dr. James Kauffman, Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia Awards Luncheon “Special Education and Life Support” 1:15 p.m.-2:15 p.m. Choice of Seven Sessions Behavior Strand--ILCCBD—Making the Academic Behavior Connection—Double Session sponsored by the Illinois Council For Children with Behavioral Disorders Working Together with Parents Strand—Educators’ Perception of Active Parental Involvement During the Individualized Education Plan Meeting—Quintella Bounds, Chicago State University Transition Strand—Positive Futures for Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities: Strategies for Engaging Students in Career Exploration, Discovery and Transition to Employment—Sarah Johnston-Rodriguez, Northern Illinois University Instructional Strategies Strand-- Instant Improvement in Writing —Linda Mikottis, Educational Consultant Educational Therapy—New Kid on the Block?—Nan Freund, Educational Therapist and Risa Graff, Educational Therapist Eye on Empowerment: Visual Supports that Foster the Active Participation and Personal Independence of Students with Significant Disabilities—Dr. Jan Writer, Director of Student Placement, Benedictine University Technology Can Simplify Your Data Management—Tara Baron and Julie Waehner, Oak Grove District 68 2:30-3:30 p.m. Choice of Seven Sessions A roundtable with Dr. Jim Kauffman Behavior Strand--ILCCBD—Making the Academic Behavior Connection—Double Session sponsored by the Illinois Council For Children with Behavioral Disorders Working Together with Parents Strand—Criterion-Based Checklist as a Communication Tool with Parents and Students—Heather Liput, Special Education Teacher, Woodstock Transition Strand—Using Technology to Support Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in Employment Settings—Toni Van Laarhoven and Traci Van Laarhoven-Myers, Northern Illinois University Instructional Strand—Providing Dynamic Instruction to the Challenging Student—Janice Gont— Diagnostic Teacher, Kendall County Special Education Cooperative Disappearing Privacy and Choice in a Digital World—Patricia Kubistal and Nancietta Stocking, Retired, Chicago Public Schools Chronic Sorry and Parental Involvement During the Individualized Education Plan Meeting—Quintella Bounds, Chicago State University Saturday, 3:30 p.m.--Special Drawing for Great Prizes for those who stay until then and complete their evaluation forms. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT BEV JOHNS AT ***Professional Development Hours will be provided*** You must sign in and sign out each day in order to receive credits. You will also be required to provide us with your email address so you can participate in a follow up survey. ****Attention All Student CEC Members: If you are willing to give 4 hours of your time to volunteer at the convention, ICEC will award you a scholarship for a free registration. To apply, contact Mary Camp at: Check the website for updates of the over 70 sessions and poster sessions and exhibitors at: A complete description of each program is posted on the website. Register early for the conference and save. Like our Facebook page at: Illinois Council for Exceptional Children Convention Exhibitors thus far: ICEC 2015 FALL CONVENTION PREREGISTRATION FORM ATTENTION: THIS FORM AND PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 22, 2015. Make check payable to: ICEC. Send to: Beth Bobel, P. O. Box 172, Gurnee, IL 60031-0172 PREREGISTRATION PROCEDURE: 1. EACH participant MUST complete a separate preregistration form. Membership may be verified with CEC. 2. 3. 4. Credit Card Payment Accepted ONLINE at for PREREGISTRATION ONLY. We DO NOT ACCEPT Credit Cards, Purchase Orders, or FAX registration for mail-in preregistration or on-site registration. We DO NOT send out USPS confirmations. Please include a SASE or email address for written confirmation. PARTICIPANT INFORMATION: (Please Print.) NAME (Last, First) ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL (FOR CONFIRMATION) __________________________________________________________________ CHECK ONE: ( ) ICEC Member – CEC Membership # ____________________________________ ( ) Non-Member ( ) ISCEC Student Member – Membership # _______________________________ ( ) Student Nonmember THURSDAY ONLY REGISTRATION (NO LUNCH PROVIDED) Please check attending strand: ___STRAND 1 ___STRAND 2 SPECIAL NEEDS Please list any accessibility and/or interpreter needs you may have so our preparations may be adequate. __________________________ Preregistration On-Site Amount Paid ICEC Member $50.00 $100.00 __________ Nonmember $75.00 $150.00 __________ ISCEC Student Member or Retired Member $20.00 $40.00 __________ Student Nonmember FRIDAY ONLY/SATURDAY ONLY REGISTRATION $30.00 $60.00 __________ Preregistration On-Site Amount Paid CHECK ONE: ____ FRIDAY ONLY ____ SATURDAY ONLY ICEC Member $75.00 $150.00 __________ Nonmember $100.00 $200.00 __________ ISCEC Student Member/Retired $35.00 $50.00 __________ Student Nonmember $50.00 $65.00 __________ Preregistration On-Site Amount Paid ICEC Member $125.00 $175.00 __________ Nonmember $175.00 $225.00 __________ ISCEC Student Member/Retired $70.00 $75.00 __________ Student Nonmember $80.00 $95.00 __________ Please check Friday Only Lunch Option: _____Buffet Lunch at Table Talk Session _____Not Attending Table Talk Session Please check Saturday Only Ray Graham Luncheon Entrée Choice: _____Chicken _____Veggie _____ Not Attending Luncheon FRIDAY/SATURDAY COMBINATION PRICE (Includes Friday Lunch Buffet and Saturday Ray Graham Luncheon) Please check Friday Lunch Option: _____ Buffet Lunch at Table Talk Session _____Not Attending Table Talk Session Please check Saturday Ray Graham Luncheon Entrée Choice: _____Chicken _____Veggie _____ Not Attending Luncheon **If you join CEC at the convention, you will receive a $10 incentive from ICEC. The Illinois CCBD subdivision will also provide you with a free CCBD membership “DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS" Donation (Benefits ICEC Student Scholarships) REFUND POLICY: Written refund requests must be received on or before October 22, 2014. Send to Beth Bobel at the address listed above. Please enter amount __________ TOTAL ENCLOSED __________
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