Bethany 9:00am 86 Raceview Street, Raceview QLD 4305 Grace 10:00am 19 Ipswich Street, Riverview QLD 4303 St Johns 8:00am & 9:30am 32 Roderick Street, Ipswich QLD 4305 22nd March, 2015 5th Sunday in Lent Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7 (NLT) Ipswich Lutheran House 32 Roderick Street, Ipswich Qld 4305 Telephone: 07 3202 4035 Facsimile: 07 3281 9762 Email: Internet: A Message From Pastor Ben Some years ago, I attended a Year 12 Retreat at a local Lutheran High School, and the question was asked – do I need to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. And it caused me to stop and pause for a moment. And in that moment, I was reminded what our popular culture tries to tell us, and it is Satan at work telling the world a message that so many foolishly believe and that is: ‘good people go to heaven’. Quickly opening my Bible, fortunately I was able to respond with what Jesus says: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) Today we are at the end of our Epic Story. We have looked at how each of us is ‘Designed for Good’, because in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, you and me, and He said that it was good. Unfortunately though, humankind was ‘Damaged by Evil’ as Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Fortunately, we know that God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the story, and He ‘restored us for better’ by living, dying, and then living again, and in that, Jesus ‘sent us together to heal’ or to serve others with the power of the Holy Spirit. At the end though, it really is just the beginning. Our life on earth is timed. No one will live forever, each one of us one day will die, and on that day, we will stand before God for judgement. And there are two places to go – and these places are forever: Eternity with God forever (Heaven, Paradise - AWESOME!), and Eternity away from God (Hell, bad things, lakes of fire, gnashing of teeth NOT GOOD). Our good works won’t save us. Good people don’t go to heaven. Life with God forever is for those who are forgiven; those who confess that Jesus is Lord; those who repent and believe. I know where I would rather be, I pray you are there too, and in the meantime, let’s tell others, because I would like to see them there, and I know God would too. Let’s work together with Him to ‘Set everything right’. Ben Worship This Week Bethany 9am Grace 10am St Johns 8am 9.30am St Marks 8.30am 9.30am Service without Holy Communion Children’s Ministry Service with Holy Communion Hymns 252 AT, 347 AT, Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone, 481 AT Service without Holy Communion – LHS page 23 Readings Rev 20:11-22:21, Ps 51: 1-12, Heb 5: 5-10, John 12: 20-33 Hymns 208 LH, 54 LH, 851 LHS, 206 LH Contemporary Service with Holy Communion Sunday School Service with Holy Communion Sunday School 2 Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar This Week Mon 23/3 7.00pm Tue 24/3 11.30am Wed 25/3 9am-11am Faith Chest Ministry Parish Office Staff Meeting Open Arms Playgroup (St John’s House – back entrance) Morning Lenten & Midweek Holy Communion Service (Bethany) Evening Lenten Service (Bethany) 9.30am 7.00pm Coming Up Mon 30/3 7.00pm Faith Chest Ministry (Bethany Shed) Tue 31/3 11.30am Parish Office Staff Meeting Wed 1/4 9am – 11am Open Arms Playgroup (St John’s House – back entrance) 9.00am Parish Women’s Guild meeting (St John’s Hall) 7.00pm Parish Ministry Team Meeting (Parish House) Thu 2/4 7.00pm Maundy Thursday Parish Service & GEF 1st Communion (Grace) Fri 3/4 Parish Office Closed (Good Friday) Mon 6/4 Parish Office Closed (Easter Monday Easter Services – with Holy Holy Communion 2nd April Maundy Thursday 3rd April Good Friday 5th April Easter Sunday 7.00pm Grace 9.00am 8.00am Bethany St Johns 6.00am 9.00am 8.00am 9.30am Grace Bethany St Johns St Johns Happenings in our Parish Parish AGM – Today at 2.00pm at Grace Parish Women's Guild – Wednesday 1st April We are meeting on Wednesday 1st April (instead of Thursday for this month only) at 9.00 in St John's hall. Pastor Milton will lead us in a Bible study followed by a "Pastor's Talk". Please join us. All are welcome. 3 Generation Christ Services in 2015 The GC team has been prayerfully considering the direction of GC this year and we have decided to take a break this year and not hold any services in 2015. GC has been a ministry of the Parish for nearly ten years and has been holding evening services and fellowship for members of the Parish and the wider community. GC will continue its ministry and serving within the Parish this year in other ways, and will be giving consideration to re-launching our services in 2016. Thank you to everyone who has supported this ministry and has faithfully assisted us serve our Lord. If you have any feedback about GC, we would love to hear your comments/suggestions. Wedding Wedding Announcement Wayne & Leanne Kreis wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Hannah Kreis to Sam Douglas on Saturday 28th March, 2.00pm at St Johns. May God bless you both as you begin this new chapter in your life. Upcoming Events Parish Children Children & Youth Ministries Friday 27 th March Ignition (Years 4 – 7) Bethany Worship Centre 6.00pm How I see me & How God sees me!!! H2H (11-13 yrs)– St John’s House 6.30pm Ten Commandments - Honour your Parents RAGE (High School) – St John’s Hall 6.30pm Comedy Festival Ladies Night Out – Wednesday 25th March Our first evening for the year will be held at the Plantations Restaurant, Prince Alfred Hotel, 170 Brisbane Road on Wednesday 25 March at 6.30 pm. Everyone welcome. Please RSVP to Adrienne by Tuesday 24 March on 0409 097 092 or LADIES RETREAT DATE CLAIMER. May 16-17, 2015. Pencil in the space. Information and Registration forms out soon. 4 Men’s Shed – Thursday, 26th March 6.30pm (see flyer for details) Young Adults Dinner – Sunday 12th April If you are a young adult aged between 18 and 30 then this dinner is for you! On Sunday 12th April at 6.30pm we invite you to come to St John's Hall for a scrumptious Italian feast. Come dressed smart casual for a special evening of fellowship and food. Cost is $5 each (pay at the door). Please RSVP to Steph Huf - 0450 750 026 or - before April 5th to reserve your place. This dinner will kick start our new young adults small group starting on Wednesday April 15th. More info to come. LYQ Camps CLW Camps – Registrations Open Christian Life Week camps are here again! Pick up your ‘How to Register’ card at the back of the church today. Week 1 – 29th June to 3rd July 2015 Week 2 – 6th July to 10th July 2015 Week 3 – 21st Sept to 25th Sept 2015 Register today From the LCAQD LCAQD Cyclone Appeal Today at the back of the church Appeal Envelopes are available to use as a form of making your donation to the Queensland Cyclone Appeal. Envelopes containing cash may be left at the Parish Office or placed on the offering plate to be forwarded to District Office. Electronic Funds Transfers to LCAQD Disaster & Relief Fund, BSB 704942 Account No 122304. Available from your local Church foyer • Current Bethany School Newsletter • Current LCAQD Newsletter • LCC Community Connect – Issue 18, March 2015 • LYQ CLW Camps – How to Register Cards • LCAQD Disaster Relief Appeal Envelopes Last Week Attendance and Offerings Bethany 15/3 9.00am Grace 15/3 10.00am St John’s 15/3 8.00am 9.30am 101 23 62 - $2238.15 $1420 $1284.00 $1111.00 (Pigs $152.45) 5 Prayer Corner Church Prayer Time A time of prayer is held at Bethany every Sunday at 8.30am. Any and all are welcome to join in with these prayer times. Prayer Points • for all the baptised, that they may daily die to sin and rise to new life with Christ in the power of the Spirit • for those who mourn the death of a loved one • for hospices and those who work with the dying • for those who work with alcoholics and drug addicts, that they may bring them new life • that we may face death in the certain hope of resurrection, and that we may be raised up together with all who have died in the faith of Christ • for those preparing for baptism or confirmation at Easter Care Slip & General Parish Prayer Requests Thank you God for Jesus your Son. Thank you Jesus for interceding for us. for the people in the wake of cyclone Pam. for all the sick and for rain in all the dry areas. the many ill & infirm in our Parish - for comfort and / or healing as God sees fit. • for those suffering from life threatening illness. • please be with all small groups studying and sharing God's Word. • for the families of the men waiting to be executed • • • • General Prayers • Please continue praying for o the pastors, office staff and leaders of the Parish and congregations. o the upcoming meetings of the parish and congregations (refer to the ‘Coming Up’ section at the back of this bulletin). o the church services beforehand and as they take place o specific events as they arise i.e. funerals, weddings, baptisms, synod, studies undertaken across the parish 6 Next Week Rosters Date Title Bible Readings Altar Colour Service Time & Details Bethany 9am Sun 29-Mar-15 Palm Sunday Mark 11: 1-11 Violet Bethany School Kids in Church Bethany year 4A Grace year 3A 9.30am St John's year 3/4A Grace 10am Sun 29-Mar-15 Palm Sunday Psalm 118: 1,2,19-29 Violet Bethany School Kids in Church Bethany year 4A Grace year 3A 9.30am St John's year 3/4A Service Order Bible Readings Reader Support Lay Leader Eunice Welcomers Glenys & Denis Pastor / Denis / Neil / Steve Glenys Steve / Eunice D / Eunice S / Val Prayers Organist / Musicians Trio Children’s Ministry / Children's Activity PP Operator Sound Desk Video Operator Children’s Talk/ Offering Counters PP Designer Warren / Marellen / Thomas Matthew H Lance Morning Tea Modra / Green Cleaning Flowers Mowing St John’s Monthly Roster Phillippians 2: 5-11 Mark 14: 1 - 16:47 Violet 0 Violet Bethany School Kids in Church Bethany year 4A Grace year 3A 9.30am St John's year 3/4A Contemporary 9.30am HC J.Ballschmieter M Oldfield M Fritsch Kathage(f) J O'Donnell, B Steinhardt R Kreis J Stewart Rob M Oldfield J Yarrow Gary Jenny / Gayle Prayer Leader St Johns 9.30am Sun 29-Mar-15 Palm Sunday LHS page 58 HC Ushers HC Assist. St Johns 8am Sun 29-Mar-15 Palm Sunday R Suthers L Holzheimer Amanda C Barnett Paul Jillene Jonathan Harry G Fritsch / Gaylea / Sam A Fritsch D Grieger P Mibus T Dean Kurt H Barron J.Weiss D Riggs, N Schultz H Barron M Smith L Stiller Kreis, Muggeridge Paid Vine Kreis, Muggeridge Gwen John S / John D R Schultz R Schultz Altar linen: G Steinhardt / Brass clean: Borchert, Tabke, Zahnow / Care slips/pencils: B Robke / Activity bags: B Robke / Cards: L Stiller / Funeral clean: S Piotrowski / Ushers: C Hoffmann, (emerg - M Oldfield) / Organist: D Gowell / Caterers: G Borchert, L Riggs, M Smith, G Steinhardt / Wedding usher: C Hoffmann Any changes or corrections with the rosters please contact the congregation’s roster coordinator – Bethany – Ann Little, Grace – Errol Freiberg, St John’s - 8am Claire Barnett, 9.30am Wayne Kreis 7 Want to know more about Jesus? Head to ‘Next Steps’ on our website: Or alternatively, speak to one of our pastors. We would love to hear from you and help you if you want to continue in your faith walk, learning more about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Guests – we trust that you have drawn closer to God in worship today. Our church is blessed by your presence today. Please stay and enjoy a ‘cuppa’ with us after worship and make yourself known to us. We’d love to answer any queries you may have. Help Us To Care - if you know of someone who has fallen ill or who is suffering in any way, please let the Pastoral Care Coordinator or one of the Pastors know by contacting the parish office so that appropriate care and follow up can occur. Thinking Of Joining This Church? – We would love for you to make that commitment with us, as you make a conscious decision to be part of something bigger than simply yourself. If you have been worshipping here regularly and are not yet a member, the pastors would be happy to talk to you about ‘making our Church home - your Church home. Ipswich Lutheran Parish Contact Details: Parish Office 32 Roderick Street, Ipswich, QLD, 4305 Open│Mon - Fri, 9am - 4pm, Phone│07 3202 4035 Fax│07 3281 9762 Email│ Web│ Parish Staff Lead Pastor│Milton Fritsch Associate Pastor│Ben Hentschke Crisis Care Co-ordinator│Betty Taylor Children & Youth Co-ordinator | Leah Bricknell Ministry Support│Karen Cotter & Michelle Yarrow Pastoral Care Support│Vicki Park Professional Standards│Michelle Yarrow Parish Worship Centres & Sunday Worship Times Bethany 86 Raceview Street Raceview 9am Grace 19 Ipswich Street Riverview 10am St Johns 32 Roderick Street Ipswich 8am│9:30am Bulletin notices and inserts deadline: Thursdays 2pm 8
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