APPLICATIONFORHOUSINGLEASE The informationrequested below is to perrnitthe ownerto makedecisionsasto the generalsuitabilityof eachapplicant.The informationprovidedby the applicantis being relieduponby the ownerin determiningwhetheror not to enterinto a rentalagreement. to eachinquiry.Any Trueandcompleteanswersmustbe providedin response misrepresentation or omissionof factsis causefor this applicationto berejectedandany rentalagreemententeredinto pursuanttheretowill be cancelledimmediately. APPLICANT'SNAME THE ONLY OTHERNAMESTHAT I HAVE USEDDURINGTHE PAST7 YEARSARE: NAME CO-.APPLICANT APT.# CURRENTADDRESS CIT'F ZW STATE CURRENTLANDLORD LENGTHOF RESIDENCY LANDLORD'S PHONE# YOUR PHONE# SOC:IALSECURITY# CO-APP.SS# DATE OF'BIRTH CO-APP.DOB RESIDENCEHISTORY PLEASEGIVE YOUR RENTINGHISTORYFORTHE LAST FIVE YEARS FORMERADDRESS PREVTOUS LANDLORD LENGTH OF REASONFOR ADDRESS& PHONE# MOVING RESIDENCE HAVE YOU EVER BEEN EVICTED OR ASKED TO MOVE? IF YES PLEASE EXPLAIN: NAMES & PHONENUMBERS OF TWO FRIENDSOR RELATTVESTHAT WE CA}.ICONTACT IF WE ARE UNABLE TO REACH YOU. NAME: NAIT4E: The information on this page is true & complete. PHONE# PHONE# Initial LIS'I ALL PERSONSINCLUDINGYOURSELF.WHO WILL LIVE IN THIS RENTAL UNIT (IF APPROVED) FUI,L NAME RELATIONSHIP BIRTHDAY OCCUPATION LJ 3) 4) euIs,ENT TNCOME EMI'LOYER OCCUPATION PHONE# HOWLONG EARNINGS OTHERSOURCESOF INCOME:WELFARE,SOCIALSECURITY,SSI,PENSIONS LINIiMPI-OYMENT.BABYSITTING.ALIMONY. CHILD SUPPORT.GRANTSOR SCHOLARSHIPS. SOLIRCEOF INCOME NAME OF PERSON PHONE# INCOME AUI'OMOBILE YEAR MAKE & MODEL LICENSENO. STATE HA\/E YOU EVER BEENCONVICTEDOF A FELONY? HA\/E YOU EVER BEENCONVICTEDOF A MISDEMEANOR? LISI' ALL CONVICTIONSBELOW. COLiRTOF CONVICTION OFFENSE The informationon this page is true & complete. DATE OF CONVICTION PENALTY Initial I herebygive ScottishLinks Apartments,it's ownerandor agentsor employeesthe consentandauthorityrequiredto communicatewith anycreditreportingagencyto obtain a consumercreditreportandto communicatewith anyotherpersonsor parties concerningmy historyfor the purposeof verifring the informationon my rental applicationanddeterminingwhethermy historyconformsto the requirements of the residentselectioncriteriafor the property. MY FULL NAME IS: THE ONLY OTHERNAMES THAT I HAVE USED DURING THE PAST 7 YEARS ARE MY DATE OF BIRTH MY SOCIALSECURITY# IS: APPLICANT SIGNATI.IRE DATE ACKOWLEDGEMENTOF ACCURACY AND CONSENTTO VERIFY I herebyveriff that all of the informationprovidedin this applicationis true and complete.I futuregive ownerthe authorityto veriff anyandall informationcontainedin this application,includingobtainingrecordsof all law enforcementagenciesconcerning my history. APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE Stateof Kentucky Countyof Fayette Acknowledged,subscribedandswornto beforeme by This the _day of My commissionexpires Notary public, stateat large Kentuckv RESIDENT SELECTION POLICY \\'e do businessin accordancewith Federal,Kentucky and Local Fair Housing Laws. We recognizethat it is illegal to discriminateagainstany personbecauseof race,color, religion, sex, handicap,family status,national origin, sexualorientationor genderidentity We utilize a thorough screeningprocessto maintainthe quality of our neighborhood,and try to makesure that peopledo not useour rental units for illegal activity or in such a way that will disturbthe neighbors. Pleasereview our applicationcriteria. If you meet the criteria pleaseapply. If you do not meet the criteria, pleasedo not apply as you will forfeit your applicationfee. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATION I ) All adultsto occupy the premisesmust completean applicationform. All applicationforms must be filled out completely.If any line is not filled in, or the omissionexplainedsatisfactorily,it will not be considered. A photo ID for eachadult to occupy the premisesmust be presentedwith application Head of householdmust be at leasteighteen(l 8) yearsof age. SCREENING OF APPLICANTS 2) When an application is completed,we must be authorizedto review the following to insure that our criteria is met: A) Third part-vverification of all income.Grossmonthly income must be at least3 times the requiredmonthly rent, or a qualified guarantorwill be required.We must be able to verif independentlythe amount and stability of your income.(for example,pay stubs,contact with employer,or tax recordsat our option. If self employed,businesslicense,tax recordsand bank recordswill be required.) B) Police arrestrecordsfor every householdmemberover l8 yearsof age for eachstateor community that landlord deemsnecessary.The applicationwill be rejectedif the recordscheck showsa lristory of any of the following: Any drug relatedconviction during the past five yearsunlessdocumentationcan be l) provided from a private or public agencyof completerehabilitationfor at leasttwo years. 2) Any felony conviction during the pastten years. 3) Any periodsof incarcerationtotaling in excessof twelve monthsduring the pastten years or, 4) In excessof one misdemeanorconviction,or any violent crime misdemeanorconviction during the past ten years.Traffic violations are not includedunlessthey involve properly damage or injuries to personsfor which restitutionhasnot beenmade. C) Credit checkson each individual over l8 yearsof age.Authorizationswill be required. The applicationwill be rejectedif the credit reportsrevealany of the following: Bankruptcyfiled within last 7 years. I) 2) One or more bad debtsturned over for collection within last l2 months. A collection amountowed to utilities companieswhich preventsapplicantfrom obtaining 3) tutilityservice:or 4) An outstandingbalanceowed to anotherlandlord. D) Rental History. lf you are relatedby blood or marriageto one of the previous landlordsyou list on the application,or if your rental history doesnot include at leasttwo previous landlordsor home ownership,we will require a qualified co-signeron your rental agreement. It is 1'ourresponsibilityto provide us with the informationto contactyour past landlords.We reservethe right to deny your application if, after making a good faith effort we are unable to contactyour past landlordsto verifr an acceptanceofyour application: I ) A history ofany social nuisanceor physicalhazardfor other residentsat a present/previous residence. 2) A historyof damageand/orpoorhousekeeping habitsat present/previous residence. 3) A historyof failureto payrent in a timely mann".at preient/previous residence. 4) A balanceowedat move-outto a previouslandlord. 5) Allowing unauthorized persons to live in the unit. 6) Furnishingfalseinformationto a presenuprevious landlord. 7) A historyof failing to cooperatewith harassment of landlordor its employeesor agen6. 8) A historyof evictionthat cannotbe explainedto satisfactionof owner. The applicationwill also be rejectedif informationreportedby applicantcannot be verified or if the applicationwas incorrectand/orincomplete.If any falseor missinginformation is found aftera rentalagreement hasbeensignedthe rentalagreemintwill beterminatedandall occupants will be evicted. 3) Acceptance of application.We will acceptthe first qualifiedapplicantwho is willing to sign a leasefor earliestoccupancy thatwe haveavailable.lfthe applicationis accepted eachoccupant will be requiredto signa rentalagreement. Readrentalagre#ent arerequiredto paya non-refirndable applicationfeeof $zs.Ooperoccupant. In additionyou are requiredto give usa holdingfeeof $250.00alongwith your apptrication. If theapplicationis accepted theholdingfeepaidwill beappliedto thesecuritydeic,sitthatis required to be paid with the signingof the lease.Thefailureto signour leaseuft"r'ou.acceptance of your applicationwill alsoresultin forfeitureof theholdingfee. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have read and agreeto all of the terms of the above resident selection poli i cy thil s Day of, Applicant Applicant Applicant
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