BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) Term-End Examination June, 20o,6 L IF ES C IE N C E L S E -1 : C E L LB IOL OGY Time : 2 hours Note : Maximum Marks 50 Answer the questionsas directed under SectionsA, B and C. Draw neot and labelleddiagramswhereuer necessqrv. SECTION A Answer all questions. Al. Fill in the bfanks: (i) The cell organellethat replenishesthe oxygen in the atmosphericair is _ (ii) 7x5:5 . The cytoskeletalsystem of a eukaryotic cell is made ' of mesh of fibres, such as and microfilamentsthat criss-crossthrough cytoplasm. LSE-1 P.T.O. (ii1 tn meiosis ttie "chromosorriesare duplicated during (iv) The pumping and channelling of molecules across plasma membrane is carried out by transmembrane (v) Increased concentration of Ca2* in the smooth activitY. musclesstimulates A2. Choose the correct answer in the following from the 7x3 options given for each : (i) A molecule of ATP i. ,t*.t,rrutty O-,fu, a (a) RNA nucleotide (ii) LSE-1 (b) DNA nucleotide (c) amino acid (d) fatty acid Which one of the following substances moves regularly from nucleusto the cytoplasm? (a) Glycogen (b) DNA (c) RNA (d) Cholesterol (iiil Lignin is a component of the 9e99ndqrycell walls of (a) Epidermis (b) Sclerenchyma (c) Parenchyma (d) Collenchyma A3. Choose the correct answer from the alternativesgiven in 7x2 .parentheses, (i) The enzymes which catalyse the same chemical reaction but have distinct chemical properties are called (isoenzymes,/holoenzymes). (ii) The LSE-1 enzlme (helicase,/topoisomerase) disrupts hydrogen bonds between base pairs and thereby createssingle strandedregions. P.T.O. SECTK)N B Attempt any tour questions.Each question carries tiue morks. Bl. Compare the advantages of scanning and transmission electronmicroscopesover light microscope. 82. Describedifferent stagesin the evolution of eukaryotes. 5 83. Explain the formation of the following tissues in animal development : 84. (i) Epithelium (ii) Nerve ganglion zj+z| Schematically outline the relationship between the catabolic and anabolic pathways. (No description is required) 5 85. Explain genetic control of enzyme activity in bacteria as proposedby Jacoband Monod. 86. Describe Ihe events that occur before a cell can enter mitosis. 87. Describe the operation of proton pump in oxidative phosphorylation. LSE-1 5 SECTION C Attempt any two questions.Each question carries ten marks. Cl. (i) (ii) List the categoriesof enzymesoperatingin a cell. Why is it necessarythat the enzymeactivity must be regulated? (iii) List variousmodes of their regulationand explain any one in detail. C2. (1) (ii) Ca. (i) (ii) C4. (i) (ii) LSE-1 3+2+5 With the help of a suitable diagram describe the structureof nucleus. Give an illustrated account of the various levels of organisationfrom DNA to chromosomein a cell. 5+5 List the varioustypes of tissuespresent in plants and animals. Describethe conductingtissuesof plants. 5+5 List the different criteria for the separation of macromolecules from a mixed population. Describeone techniqueeach basedon any two of the above criteria. 4+6 f{ilT Frkris(fr.\F *fr.) Fdtil qfrqr E{, 2006 Efrqt{sm S{.W.d.-r, qtRrqlqffi WFt : Z qoi ie : qfewdq aiq so sJrq6, g. s;fu T f &q 4q ft*fli # .irzsn ry-+ + rar dr?q t qoi ajtqwt dl, ++a"qfr 4qifu erk, Ewg t qFT '5' FeiArp,f # ra-r d&q I trl. R-s r{n-il si 7x5-5 {ffi dfqq : 1iy qEqrstrq 3'g -t $rE{tqr 61 g-dqffio-G qrcn sTl{tcFt-rlrFEldr B (ii) gffi fiRTql or +1Rr+r-Eiffird iir iiwil + qrcr sT c+r tlor t, +S fu derT qq .q{i st q) +iRffirqq if q-s-E€t - +1 qrga-qT{ (fns*tq) i LSE-1 P.T.O. + d{lq Iurqi 4i f{Sfd (iii) sTdWUT + Ettrrfr-trt I * qn qq-{ qi quil?FT (iv) ergsft q;1al.s{i ffi t anrrrea adTt I qr-{ffi (v) ffi ldFo-al qffi n d cu2** qE 'Tq qiquT trqr gtR-dd-frt I q t s-+s q R 'q f+wii tt t vS stt q'z. FrqFdfud gftq : (i) {rqqT 41 EE t nrP eP1ffi qqn Etdr \ ^ € / (er) nNnqk$eEs (e) oNnqk3iulEs (q) tfi-i) 3qR (q) qqT 3tRT (iD Frqfufur fr t +tr*t qs q(r{ ffid sq it iirs fr t qlRHrF if qTdr{tdTt ? (q) ]-dT{ds{ (q) DNA (q) RNA (q) dfr+rd LSE-1 7x3 (iii) fdF--fi ffi Et-fr t ? kfrTs dRrsr f,{fr'di +1 qr* (er) eriltrqr fqFrsffiql (q) E+ds (sit+rtqrl (q) T{ns 1f5*rs) fql +Mils (Efil-qr{qr) 6o. qlrvcchrqr *iltrl.-i<q Iq iEcEelTq q T16lStrf gf{q (i) : 7x2 sq qfl-{ii 6}, E} qs E1 {r$qF6 3TFThqrql sd{"r qnt t q{g s{+ {T{nqfrsTr-ld qsd: er-e'rElt t, s-dAt fqrqdqflFq/eH(siqqlI (ii) !trrEqftffi.sziqhrTrslqi-s)+q dd * +q E{g)qr drii d riq ql tdTt ffi q*-d Wi tl qq qTAt I LSE-1 P.T.O. .'$Irrt'Et ri rar s?&qt vdo sqq t ifq ffi alr v-e-di .:ra d l 6I gd-{r q' wi;TT fr'vt-rET,H-TqTT{ En. qt5m qislgiq * erq {dr{g I s {A -€Tqqli"Hdr EIz. g + f{srq fr ARr* effi$Tpiimr qutq +1ke t Er3.ntrr{i + qRqdq fr Fmfufuo s-dq;i .FI dfil {TflF( (i) ET4. : 5 z|+zl qRPfrfffiq : (ii) iitrsT {fu-sT sTtrqqlnPTr sqqfi 1ffi *, d-q $ qrEq q) q* slsiT-3ilU]-q sq ii Evti{q t fquiq ql Billrt+Fcll q-frt) 5 ETs. vtqrrynfr +sq aqr ql=il-g enr xwrtro q$Eq-frqT + srqdRrsfd?iruT 6y sfr*tur qifqq | 5 Er6. dRr+T* urq{'T fr y}tT q{t t $ Bqt CFIr-FII qz-{T(ilfr t, q"t4 +ifqq | ET7. effi*rq] FffiR-d-srq fi nH.-rqq t q,d qG or qufq dfqq LSE-1 5 5 | 10 $TFTII Frd d rFTi + rd{ d&q t y*a r'e{ # w ai6 d r TTI. (i) dRmr + ,rtd{sd s{i qrd tsrq+ q,"f}ffi dr q-d-i-{ dfqq I (ii) tff sdr Bilzrvqcn t A q-qEq fuqr qr fr.qrq qrFq E)-+r ? (iii) qi+ fflqa +1 BRq Ffirql 4i {m E-{Fq der B-{frt ffi qs s1 ft'fiR t eTG} q1fuq'r s+2+S (i) !$ sEffi erri€ +i Wrqdr t *qs qT Sc+n qr Eutr qifqq I (ii) dRrfi + ,ttd{ oNet t* U,qr om * frhsr €Tc-dT wii or {fur quiqqikq I s+S (i) qld neTrlTFrfr it qrq qri qrA FrhrTx*'n t sdqii +i {qi E-{r{q I (ii) rT4. (i) sdqitw quh +ifrq r 5+5 ffi frfrd Tdqst q1 qqtr fr t yaqryil 4) yrt +Ti + Efrrd 3iTrTR Frr-FtTt; Kfr +il + ffi q-{r{q I .q& enqRt t ffi qi srTqrtq{ sil-ErRd !s-gs d-rfrs qr quh +ifqq | 4+6 LSE-1 11 5,000 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) Term-End Examination June. 2006 LIFE SCIENCE LSE-2 : ECOLOGY Time : 2 hours Note : Maximum Mqrks : 50 sections qre compulsory. Supplement your onsuerswith neat ond labelleddiaqrqms.whereuer necessary. All SECTION A Note: AII questionso/ fhis section are compulsory. Al. State whether the given statementsare true or t'olse' )"6:3 (i) Aerosols are distributed uniformly throughout the atmosphere. (iD Movement of water in plants from roots to leavesis known as transpiration. (iii) Ecosystemsare self-sustainingbecausethey are well insulatedfrom outsideinfluences. LSE-2 P.T.O. terrestrial ecosystems, the temperature changesin aquatic ecosystemsare not very sharp. (iv) Unlike (v) A biotic communi$ is an assemblageof interacting (vi) tt*t:::ession takes much longer than secondary successionbecauseit involvesdevelopmentof the soil. A2. Give the technical term for each of the following : 7x2:2 integration between ecological (i) The zone of communities. (ii) Functional role of a species in the communit5r including all its activitiesand relationships. A3. Fill in the blanks !x4=2 (i) The density of population decreaseswith increasein and emigration. (iil The physico-chemically active fraction of soil is (iii) Within the ecosystem, energy is transferred from organism to organism in the form of energy. (iv) Water helps animals maintain their normal internal LSE.2 A4. Define the following : (i) Carrying capacity (it) Biomagnification 1x3:3 (iii) Keystone species LSE.2 P.T.O. SECTIONB Nofe: 0 AttemPt anY four questions' (ii) All questionscarry equal marks' Bl. Discussthe role of solar energyin water cycle' minimize 82. Describe any five adaptationsof xerophytesthat 7x5=5 the loss of water through transpiration' in forest 83. What is social forestry ? Discuss its role 7+4:5 conservation. 84. Define the term biota and describethe biota of estuaries' 7+4=5 to the 85. Discuss any five adaptations in primates that led 7x5:5 evolution of first human species' the 86. What is meant by demographictransition ? Compare birth and death rates, before, during and after demographic 2+3:5 transition. 87. Describefive causesof degradationof ecosystems' LSE-2 1x5=5 SECTION C Note z (i) Attempt ony two questions. (ii) AII questionscarry equal marks. Cf . (il (ii) Describethe various componentsof an ecosystem' Differentiate between a natural and an artificial 6+4:70 ecosystem. C2. Describethe causesand consequencesof water pollution' 5+5:70 C3. With the help of a labelled diagram, describethe carbon 5+5=70 cycle. C4. Describethe various stagesof successionin a pond' LSE-2 70 qar.w.{.-z f€rr rrirtn (fi.qq rfr.) Fdid qfiqr W, 200,6 frq f{flq - z, qrfrfurftr+l !tr.q{T.$. Hrtzt: z qnt qle: etf?tqaqeis : 5o s*fr qn qffi d r qai qrwm d slq qa lqifud sztg d;trcrt,irr) rar 6l yf dfuq t qm t5' q f u : W s r n + s Es?w q f f i d r !r"6:s r5r. qf,r{qfs Frrrfrfuf,qen Fd t qr rera: (i) tffid qgrisd ii sqn sq t ffin tlt t r (ii) qld ii q-$ t qffii irs qcT q1 'rfr 6) EIEW 6-det r (iii) qrRiil e-vaqvfl-e dt t +itfu n qrdfr srtii t 3Tr+TrF{d €A t I LSE-2 P.T.O. (iv) Tmtq qfti=it t Frf,, sdq qrkiji if 6pqq6, $"f. ognwrrrrfr EleI (v) qizFFI.T qTqq q{gR EFqRTff, qqny9l s.l rimw{+-drt I (vi) trfr{s 3i-{-mq+1 gr+ g qsfo* erW +l {gd 3ifrffi vrrq drrf,r t q+f+ gsi f<r sr fq-srqErdrtr I qrz. FTqftTfud+ ftq qs-qs qrR{rks rtaEfufuq : 7x2=2 (i) qRRqfu+H$qdr+ +q 61 qqrq-tr{+r 1 (ii) qTqlq + *frilr, ffi rffitr + Hrft f*qr+er.if Tqr vq"il +1 *rn+mamG gq sq+1q'rqtils TfusTI 68. Rfr {enil qi $ dfqq : qqtr sl FriE Es+1 _ (i) ffi s*tnFr fr gk t qrq qecr t I (ii) Tq q,r *tm*-rflqF{s HFmq si{r _ }*+=z creil fidr r\ € l (iiil qrRiir fr, qs sfrq t (iv) w, *if {gt qtq fr g.qi 6T +1 3{qil qrqfq qffi orrq foi fr Fdr+drq,rort I LSE-2 tn4. FTqftfun q1 qfuTqitdfuq (i) €{ I x3=3 qm (ii) Sq{ilqdq (iiil furq LSE-2 FiRilF P.T.O. , srFrEr qh: 0 fut qrr r++ + yacr?rbqI (ii) v"Ji?yfl-+ + sffi sqTi d t Err. qeT-qfrt d{ s-qf +i Tfu+lql fr}qq +1fqqr , .,s Er2. qbEFrA* fsd' ti qiq 3rf1o+ qr qqfr qfrFEq f$ilS q,ql*d" * rnr ve #'oq t +q 6rfr Et_fi e I rx5_5 Ers. sHrk-s Erffi CF$66e t ? qq {ic{ur t re-m Th*l 6r fr+fi q1fuqr 1+4=S (r;hqTd" Er4. vrE +1 qfuTrqr ldfuq dqr wtr-rqgcT+ *q-e|d sr EUtq+iFq I j+4=S EIs. qqid fr ti f6f, d-q si-{t-d+ 6r Gdqr qitrq fi sqq qr+q ffi + kfirq- t qn"r Ei I tx5=5 q+siM Er6. €frqq i, wr sTfiTHq t : qaqiffi {iffiquTt wA, $s}. d{T, Herrsq+ qrE q1 wq qq Uq <ti dr gc+r *Tqq r 2+3:5 Er. qrR?ifiI pfr+..tor+ qiq sEUils,r quh +1Fqq r 7xS=S LS,E-2 10 $Trqrr t | 0 e ' . / fuT Ef f{d' + srr r?fugI (ii) wrl ywl + sr6 sqrq { 1 rTl. (i) qrkir * fqnr* q*$f qr quta +1Fqqr (ii) TSRffi qq Ftrq qrRf,jtif erfl qdr$q| 6+4=70 \2. wT r{qrr + frFrr orruit derr qRurFit+,r q"ia +iFq r 5+5:10 rTs. !$ qrqiEd silts qi Fdr+drt or+a rm qr quh dtqq r 5+5:70 rI4. GFS ildFr + frdr di qrd sr{fiqq 41 tqFrd sffi{qpit 6r quiT+ifqq 1 1o LSE-2 l1 4,000 I I BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) Term-End Examination June, 2006 LIFE SCIENCE LSE-3 : GENETICS Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50 Note: (i) Section A : Answer all the questions. (il ' (iii) SectionB : Answer any four questions.Limit your answer to 200 words each. Section C : Answerany two questions.Limit your answer to 350 words each. SECTION A Al. Fill in the blanks: 7x2=2 kinds of gametes. (ii) LSE-3 A test cross distinguishes between dominant and helerorygousindividuals. P.T.O. A2. Choose the correct answer among those given in 1'x2=2 parenthesis: (i) gene a when Pleiotropy occurs (reversible,/muttiple) effectson phenotype. has (ir) (Amniocentesis/Autoradiography)is the technique used for prenatal detection of chromosomal abnormalitiesof the foetus. A3. What would bi the phenotypic sex oI Melandrium plants having following chromosomalcompositions? !x4=2 (i) 2A + XX (ii) 4A + XXXY (iii) 2A + XXY (M 3A + XXX A4. Match the items given in Column I with those in 1 Ll4=2 ColumnII : ColumnII ColumnI (a) ABCD ,. EFG (1) Duplication v A DFG (b) Bar eye in Drosophila (2) Down Syndrome (c) (3) Intrachromosomal Chromosomewith Translocation identical arms (p and d (d) Trisomy 21 LSE-3 (4) Isochromosome 2 A5. Write T for true and F for false statements: - 7x2:2 (i) The mitochondrial DNA of yeast is equal in size to that of human beings. (ii) Bottle-neck,eiiect on gene frequenciesoccurs when the population is drasticallyreduced in size in one generation. LSE-3 P.T.O. SECTION B Bf . (a) (b) B.2. (a) Compare the sex determination mechanism in humans with that in the birds. 2I Discussany two Xlinked traits in humans. 2' What are histones and how do they aid in DNA packaging? (b) Draw labelled diagrams of the major morphological types of chromosomes. 83. (a) Name four categoriesof chemicalmutagensand give the mechanismof mutagenesisby any one of these. 2+ Briefly explain the regulationof trp Operon. 2i Discussthe result of non-disjunctionof homologous chromosomesduring meiosis. 2i Mention the important modesof cancertreatment and write one limitation of each. 2i Differentiate between the cell mediated and antibody mediated immunity. 2+ Two allelesC and c have their frequenciesas 0'7 and 0'3. What are the frequencies of the possible genotypesthat these allelescould form ? 2+ (b) 84. (a) (b) 85. (a) (b) LSE-3 4 86. (a) (b) LSE-3 Explain the processof cataboliterepression. 2i What will be the outcomeof completeand incomplete penetranceoI a gene ? 2t P.T.O. sEcTtoNc Cl. Give a brief account of structureof B-DNA and compare it with that of Z-DNA. 10 C2. Discusswith examples,any two ways by which plants can be improved using genetic engineeringtechniques. 10 C3. Differentiate between identicaland fraternal twins. Explain how twin studies are helpful in understanding the inheritance of traits in humans. 10 C4. Describelhe role of autopolyploidyand allopolyploidyin the evolution of plants. 70 LSE-3 fr{H ptrctr (fr.qF *fr.) .:i: Fdiil qfiqt E{, 2006 Efrqfr{H qEqH.S.-3:slrgdffi W4 : 2 qaz qfeffiq ai6 : so ie: qn 6 : pcinry"i t ra-r i I y{+ # rrc d&q t xdo (ii) qn s : ffi rfl{ *} 2oo wT",'irao slfqd <<l t (iil qn r : W E} Yfl+ * rrc d/"q t ,dq ffi{ fr} sso flrq7ao aTfqd1d t (i) Hrq ir trr. Rn rqri] m $ +1Rq: (i) AaBbcc qt{Tsq qrfl 7x2=2 fiq _ grrs str{ * s+art r (ii) qftnrd{q-rurqqrfr qEdf + qtq Atq sidr t r LSE-3 7 *5'R * dqr fq$rgnr$ P.T.O. 3;6qgtrq : 7x2=2 +r2. *}ss fr fq'rq {rdt fr t S qqdt q{ ffi tr{ + (qrd-{tr/qgr#4) (i) i{qluTsrsrT +) Tgrqrtrdr*,.ott t sl qRqciqr (ii) (W fsn qfiqTuyeFffi fudur)-ryC RrWil Ht kII d'rt + teq qd fr {qqr s{qsrqrqdpii qq$ tr<r+fqtut r * di qt 63. ffi"wq r}til fr FrqFsFcTqqfrffi L*4=2 sat eqTqrcqfur wr di I (i) 2A + XX (ii) 4^A+ XXXY (iii) 2A + XXY (iv) 3A + XXX iF4. +idq r iltT qfqq n ii Rq trq qqt 6l q{sn fuflq dfqq : |*+:z qidq t draq n EFG 16; ABCD ,. (1) furTT ffiFG (€) gls)nqail i qg ir (21srs{ {qqTur (q) i +rqn Tqpit (3) $iil {rrqtrq v (p trlT q) dfiTl $|-{d (q) qfirFrqrdrzr LSE-3 (4) rrqSurw irs. vfi sffi fdFgq : * Feg q dqT rlc'rd oq{ * frg rr 1*2:2 (i) EIfrI beast)deITqmq t qf&qiltrq-e el'\q'q' qsAqm*tr (ii) qs 6r q6 q qqie 4,,rqr{q 3{F.6 E|-aqlq qi qt rrerqtq x*rn ttm t t d-{ qTtdrcdr LSE-3 P.T.O. $TFTET ETl. (s) qT{+ dqr qfuql fr fuq fui{q ffiftp1 41 T{FRgu+ +1Fwq r z| (ol qr*it d fu€t*i xsao'q ffii qi fq}qiT *1Fq r z! (ql lwtq wr t der DNATAEqfr i fuq sfrn va-qsd ? (€) I"r{i * xgq 3ilsrR-s}rsit + i}ifud frr il{T5q I EI3. (q) qrsr+ft-+ silRrdq;it t qn r,il + qrq frfuq dqTv+ift ffi qs +1sflFsdsfi ffi+r + Fw if futuq r 3 2 z! (€) rrp3iltf4 + kffi{ + fqqqt Sfu if qsqr +1Fqq r z| EI4. 16y e+fgl fuils{ + Ehr vqtild g"rqi qffi$T + qRqrqqfrk+eil dfqq i + z! (sl *qr * sq-qnt xgs aftdf qr sd.q 6iFqq nq rd+ +1 qs-q* qrfi S frfuq r z| Ers. (*l qlRi-*rqs?RqoenqfuGfrqt:Nq qfr{qn+ fr-E siar eTs mRq I z) (ql fr trfiefrc dqT s1 sr-{ffi o.zsilr r " v*l ErA vr$TrFdd tq frqftwif t q+ m snr{fflf wr t}'fr Z LSE-3 10 "frffisq} z| ' EI6. (o) effiq{q qr{ qhqr +} srrgrsq r z| fu) F *{ +1 Wi nqTeqf a-mt sl FtT.qfrqTrT E T T? z| LSE-3 11 P.T.O. qFT TT In. B-DNAd t +qTw €tq q quh dfsq aqt gs*l 10 z-DNAd tcqqT t .rtw< gmr *1Fuq t $qaruil+1 wr+cr t ffi- A d0qifm qd dfqq fur* anr sn5tRffisfirqiffi il*ffit + {*qrd t qld d sed sTfrtT\ilr {ffiilr t I 10 qrrsq dqr qrqfq qqd t qE dfqq I qrq?if t +1 Eiyn'rfr d qqgt + fdq qrg sdurq;T ffi IT4. F*q rmnsrftfr t, qrcqr+1|qer Eqgfif,r qvr q€ggFrrdr m qttitI p*+rvd qr TfrsT{fr t, quiafrFqqr LSE-3 12 10 70 4,000 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Term-End Examination June, 2006 LIFE SCIENCE LSE-5 : PHYSIOLOGY Maximum Marks: 50 Time : 2 hours Note : Use separateanswer sheetst'or Part I and Part II. Be brief ond precise in your onsuers.Draw neat and labelled diagrams,whereuer necessary. PART I (Animal Physiology) Note : SECTION A Attempt all questions. A1. Select the correct word {rom the alternativesprovided in the parentheses: |xZ:l (i) The volume of blood qected from the heart per unit time is called (cardiacoutput/stroke volume). (ii) The principal source of estrogen and progesterone during the later half of pregnancyis (follicle/placenta). LSE-s 1 P.T.O. A2. Fill in the blanks, . Lln:, (i) The leaping of action potential between the nodes of Ranvier is known as _ conduction. (iD Chylomicrons are collected by intestinal villi. in the (iii) Splitting of arginine into urea and ornithine is catalysedby the enzyme (iv) Myoglobin is found in vertebrates. muscles of A3. Match the items given in Column A with those given in Column B. |x+=z Columh A Column B (i) Gastrin (a) Fats (ii) Trypsin (b) Polysaccharides (iii) Lipase (c) Proteins (M (d) Gastrointestinal hormone LSE-5 Amylase SECTION B Note : Attempt all questions. 81. Describethe mechanismof musclecontractionas proposed by Huxley and Hanson. OR Describethe transmissionof information from one neuron to another neuron at sYnaPSe. 82. Write short notes on any two of the following t tllt:U (i) Excitation of mammalian heart (ii) Non-shiveringthermogenesis (iiil Digestion and absorption of lipids (iv) Role of ecdysone and juvenile hormone in moulting of insects 83. Explain how glomerular filtrate is produced and why it has 4+7:5 a low protein concentration. OR (i) Explain the tracheal mode of respiration in insects' (ii) How does countercurrentflow of blood and water in the gills of fish help in better oxygen absorption ? ZL LSE-5 2i P.T.O. 84. Give a schematicdiagram of the steps of spermatogenesis in mammals. State the origin and functions of male reproductivehormones. z)+z!=s OR How do marine animals maintain the osmotic balance in their body ? Explain with the help of suitableexamples. 3+2=5 LSE-5 4 PART II (Plant Physiology) SECTION A Note: Attempt aII questions. Al . In the following statementschoose the correct alternatives given in parentheses, |x2:1 (i) The element present in the enzyme nitrogenaseand nitrate reductaseis (Mo,/Cu). (ir) Phloem sap is rich in (sugars/nucleicacid) word , A2. Fill in the blank spaceswith the appropriate ' (i) '!x2=1 2"- PEP carboxylasehas higher affinity for CO, than carboxvlase. (iil The movement of water through lMng cells is called _ pathway. A3. Choosethe correctanswerfrom the following t (i) |x2:1 Cytokinins (a) delay senescence (b) promote fruit ripening (c) LSE-5 promote abscission P.T.O. (ii) Nif genes are required (a) for functional nitrogenase (b) for the formation of nodulesin roots (c) for the maintenanceof N, fixation A4. State whether the following statementsare true or false , *t=t (i) The key element that performs osmotic function in plants is potassium. (ii) Ca2* is a part of chlorophyll. A5. Define photoperiodism. LSE-5 6 SECTION B Note : Attempt aII questions. 81. What is a heterocyst? What is its role in N, fixation ? How does it help in the functioningof nitrogenaseenzyme? 4 82. What are the criteria of essentialitvof mineral elements? 4 OR DiscussPressureFlow Model of Mtinch for the mechanism of phloem transport. 83. Distinguishbetween ' . (i) C3 and C4 plants (ii) PS I and PS II 84. Write short notes on any furo of the following : (i) Vernalization (ii) Haploid plants 2x2=4 2x2:4 (iii) Osmoticstress 85. Discuss the role of plant hormones in agriculture and horticulture. LSE-5 fflilT Flkrtr 1fr.qurfr.) F*ta rfiqr YF, 2006 Efrqi{flq q{.g{r.{.-5 : vrffi**n atferadq ;;io : 5o wttt : z qo) qmt wr ttn u t fdqerarr-emrr rar-gfir+ren qrq+ s-rt d?rq dw Vw w aqqlrr+?eq t E?+Etfu r qai 3trcwFtA 4d s@ qq qb : . . 4qifud rTlts il{/Fg / r{FTI (srfur vrffi**n) Elug f5' th : rrc# v{-+}*^ wt d&q I rrr. s1wstfr Rq 'rq funeiit t sfr Yr<gtrq : )x2=1 (il aqq ii t qfr wr$ qqq ii qrcr Fr+'Arm * BTI-.ld;T +1 +Et t feqfi tFtclFf{ qq6a) | (ii) rrqtq{Er+ 3-d{Td + qkrqwt-d{ aqr fr€{q 6T qsr-{d-d +-drt 1gr*lemu; t LSE-5 9 P.T.O. +,iz. Rfi r{Trildr {ffi q1fuq: (t |x+:z tTfur q-d *, qtq ffiqr frryq sr sstril 66f,Hr t -qRFT I (ii) sTir f*n$ + S-fi qrfdrrnWffr 6r {ff,dq _* anrc)_ar t r (iii) snffi*q- *l, $vr dprrsfffi*{ fr Aqraq sT s&rT (iv) qqHk{ qqrqrqrcnt r s1 tRrqi fr ins. REtr A fr Et T$ ilFif si RFT B i fr T$ tr : f,'a=z WECIA KPT B (i) iRq (3T)Eqr( (ii) l^ctrgq (sl lfffih|{Es (iii) erEtq (q) qlfts (iv) (E) qd-rir Eiifr LSE.5 t 10 EIUg EI qle: Fer?r{ii * s.n d&q I EIr. ffiA nqrt'sq rmrrwrtrf, iefr iisqa ffifrT q.l : 5 sTqqt .t wfr iiFsl eidfq{ rruful qt qs dfisl dlRr-sr +lRTsr fr guai + SlE"ror quh dfqq | 5 Er2.ffifua fr t AA E?'qrSRrqr ffiRf frfuq : zlxz=s (i) wfr aqq q'r stf,{ (ii) i{.*s*qi wI-BilK;T (iii) tdkdi sr slq=rqi 3r-qriqur (iv) qtd + Fltr-d{ fr \r+sTgdqnqr q}+ro tfritq +i tp6 Ers. d+Fdt ftFfq fu-q}rfin q+art .il. g*t qao qiqursq Ri Et-drt, vqflr{q | 4+t:S eTsren (i) 4H fr w{FTq1 qrils FfeT6r q"iq aifqq r -q!2 (ii) q-dm + ffif fr rm dqTwT t qfrqT{lt{16. t Fsq x-+nteor $ffi-f,{ srq{iqurEt-drt ? z) LSE-5 11 P.T.O. EI4. Rfrdf fr wfctiik€ + wil q) q+ qtqiT silts fr wt{q | ;R q+q dqfn * .q,rq gq s{h srd qf,r{q I 4'i:u sTcrqt qTfr qrrft BTqtrTfr{ if qnsror {iEcq f*rs x+n q{rq {sA t ? sqgfr s{Eruit +1 vdr{rf,r t {{{r{q | 3+2:5 LSE-5 12 $tFt tI (qrqqqlffiF*rrn) EIUE iF qlz : Frr?y'eii # ra-r d&q I H'1. Fiqfufuo o+it ii qJw$f+ S-d{fqq rq fq-qrii it tFfrfqs=vgfrq' Lrt'=t (i), q-d{rfl irq-nffi Si qlq^>nsdq ii $urolcr) 61qffiqd ttar t r (ii) qdiqq qt {s (vrftrzq+ff* erq) n ry ehr d r a , +,i2. FrqfufuRit frm rqFii d gqg-mYrq t qlrq : lxz:1 v (t PEP*t"ifffis +1 co" t qFdEiqf,r- HiEilitFlqlyTH3ITtlfr'61iil€, (ii) Ffrq dRrsret ii t qo fi rfd s] q.f q-ofrt r i5'3. F+qfrfud fr t EEi3-f,{gfrq : }x2:1 (i) (etl qlofdr 4l q-( 4-rdt t (q) qeii+ q-si+1cqrqrtfr t tql fuf,rH sT ErdqTrrft E. LSE-5 13 P.T.O. (ii) frfi q]=if+1 ailry*FdrE)-frt (et) xhqeq* qrf*}fuiq + fdq F) Tii fr tfqdf 6 ffin + rdq qtftdlqtq} ro-rorq+ Feg (vl argf,w+ iF4. Tdrsqfr ftqftrbd oqql it t +t+qTrf, srqqr "rmd d' |xz:t (i) dd fr qmr qg€ rcr \tm*fr Eld gr ot) qPRTqq t I (ii) ca2*Rilfrfue s'r qFrEtdrt I Es. {ffiar LSE.5 s1 qfu{rtrd+iFq I 14 t €ult q th : FeiAy'{+ # rar d&q t En. tltfu€ wr t 7 4-{^+qq+ffi-dwT if geq1Hr + ffid Ttrst t z qo f6s r6n qn-nffis frqdrsd ? 4 Er2. qF{q dtif qfrorffidT +i sdH wr t ? q STCTET mq-{EqR-{dr+1 ffifu fise si wi +1fqqI EB. . ' + ldq gq + qH xrrd fr f4K ;fifqq : (i) c, * c4qlq (iD psrsiltpsn 84. f+cftfud fr t ffi' 2x2=4 sl q{ SRnqfcqFrqf lefuq : 2x2=4 (i) Es<i${q (ii) srJfrd qt$ (iii) qtrwufr ilflq ErE. ffr nq qr'Hrfi if qrfl Efm+ 6i [fudr 41 qqf mFqq| 4 LSE-5 15 4,000 a a BACHELOR OF SCTENCE (B.Sc.) Term-End Examination June, ?OOG L IF ES C IE N C E LSE-6 : DEVELOPMENTAL B|OLOGY Time : 2 hours Note : MaximumMarks: 50 Answer Part I and part II in separateanswercopies. Answer the questionsqs per instructions in esch section. Draw necessary. labelled diagrams, whereuer PART I PI.^ANTS SECTION A Note : Answer all questions. Fill in the blanks. Al. A true fruit developsfrom the 42. The age of a tree can be determined by studying its 7 LSE-6 P.T.O. A3- An outgrowth near the micropyle that guides Pollen tube entry into ovule is called A4. In Mangifera indico several embryos originate from cells. A5. In angiospermsthe female gametophyteis representedby LSE-6 SECTION B Note : Answer anY fout questions- 81. List various anther wall layers and describethe function(s) 1+4=5 performedby each of these. 82. Describe any two adaptations in bisexual flowers for Z|+Z)=S preventingself-pollination. ? Discussthe role of plant hormones 83. What is organogenesis 1+4:5 in this process. 84. Write short notes on any two oI the following : (il Quality of wood (ii) GeotroPism 2jx2:5 (iii) Somaticembryogenesis 85. Make labelleddiagramsof any tuo of the following : Z|"Z=S (il Median longitudinal section of mature embryo of Triticum. (ii) L.S. of shoot apex showingtunica and corpus' (iiil T.S. of modifiedroot of sweetpotato' 86. Describevariousseed appendages'How do these help in 2t+Z|=S elfectivedispersalof seed ? LSE-6 P.T.O. PART IT AMMAIS SECTION A Note : Answerall questions. 41. Fill in the blanks: |"a:s (i) The type of growth in which different parts of the body grow at different rates is known as growth. (ii) In birds, the type of blastula produced is known as (iii) The regular replacementof RBCs in our body is an example of -._-.--regeneration. (iv) hormone is responsibleior the retention of larval charactersin insectsand ecdysonepromotes the process. (v) The movement of cells influenced by the physical surface,over which they pass is termed as _ (vi) Determination of limb type and species specificity reside in the germ layer called LSE-6 4 A2. Diflerentiate between any two of the following : (i) Morula and Blastula (iil Invaginationand Evagination (iiil Spermatogenesisand Spermiogenesis LSE-6 7x2:2 P.T.O. SECTION B Note : Answer any four questions. Bl. Write short notes on any two of the following : (a) Secondaryinduction (b) Neurulationin Chick (c) Neoteny 2|x2=s 82. Explain any two embolic types of morphogenetic movementsduring gastrulationand draw their diagrammatic representations. s 83. Explain the origin and migration of primordial germ cells (PGC) in frog with suitablediagrams. s 84. List any five similaritiesin the metamorphic-process of amphibiansand insects. s 85. Discussthe role of Iree radicalsin the processof aging. s 86. Briefly describe any tutoof the following : (i) Tumour suppressorgenes (ii) Implantation of the human embryo (iii) Regenerationin Hydra LSE-6 -2lr2:S 2"- f{drq FRriF(fr.tF rfr.) Fdiil q.frqr E;t, 2ooo *a** !Fr.qF.S.-6: qMq snq-f{an Wtzt : z qo) th : , qf?lqdq ei6 : S0 tz'r l eft' qT a I sw eTwrwn t* ,pwret C d I wil w B?rrdir so-s# Rq ri.;rtr t eg,mrd I q-fl silatrqyqtfi, 4rqifudrt ts dl?g.t. . TTTI IIr{q Elug i6' qle : seifryfl+ # srr d&q l q1Iffi *?fqqr R6 wlrqT .6'1w . qwk-*qd_iffid'El-drd qi2. qs qlq +1 eTrqqr qar sqt sTs"rr6t etnqr"qr VqAr t f LSE-6 I I 1 P.T.O. mqissT{+ qf,trs g+ -{q-f t qi iF3. rrwrrfr + ffis fr q+{rd fteRrnwn t I i54. d??'Avi?6r fr - +)RffiFiit .ri+ qgr ss* eiat r if,'s. qr{d-frFm fr, Eq+\Fq d qfrTFftrdttT i I LSE-6 EIUg ET #e: m' dTrr?-d)+ rrrr dfuq I En. frfird q{-{qtvrFTRqkii 4i q-mE-qr{q,nqr qa :rd-* 7+4:S t s-fld(fl *1 erer dfqq | Er2. f{ft{'tf gfr fr R-q{rrTUrffi 3r-C5f,nor qul+drfqq I + fuq ffi A zl-+z|:s Er3. :jirrhsTqt wr 3TFtrHt z Eq {fuqTii qrfl ffi-n i.+4:S +i TFffirqi fta-fiT qifsq I Er4. Frqfufua fr t 6-6 E)qr r{Rrq ffiTnf frfuq : z)"2:s (i) . ore +1 {q-q-dT (ii) 5trd{Eqdq (iii) qtfu-{ Wt(rqq Ei+ qqifuTE.r q+rgq: 2}*z:s (i) Frft*q + qRq-firyr +1wa erg{4 651 Ers. trqfufua fr t ffi (ii) dq-* 6""ica)sftqfrsq (corpus)R€ftrTiE q?d +1srgM 6ra (iii) rTsrifi 6.l-e q-s 41 %{q{q *t emREfto (modified) Er6. frfrrd xqn * Etq wi't or qutqdfqq r i f*q T{d t qqTqiqtq q-+1uhg q-dqs t ? LSE-6 z)*z|=s P.T.O. $TTITII w€ Eluil t5' qle : p:st?ywT # rar d&q- I inl. Rs rqri) dr {ffi +1fqq: |"a=s (t gk + sq 16rrd fqFri t6 + fqFrd,tT'iiq sTeil^-3i?Fr qk E{ t gk E}-frt, _ +-dAt I (iil qRFiifr, q{i qrd wruWrf+tc*l * y+n +) q-dt t I (iii) dqtt yrfr{ ii dRT m dRmteif BBCs)sr qff,{qr{ t}t caqr ffid FrFE$ffi oaonrt I (iv) qiTq ilTs gtr{ +tit fr mqi-eeTur {q+ + fe< na* *-drt aqTq€Eqta t (v) .ftfus vil6 sm yqTfuddRffi €Ttr{ q} ssi sil6 + sqr Etdrt, o-A.rcrt I (vi) qR sFT nqr ffi fqRrydrql ftqt{rr, +n A nFFnq+q qrd q f{Fo E}t t I LSE-6 10 q,l2.Frqfufudfr t ffi Eiii qre{ ifnr oorw 7x2:2 (i) q)6qr dqr .*lqdr (ii) eid-*d-{nqr qF+f,{ (iii) E-fr-siq den{frrgwfi a I LSE-6 11 P.T.O. ETOi'EI th: ffitanreii#rrc@r el qr {Rnqffi En. Frqtutudfr t ffi fotuq : z|"2:s xur tmt rrar,+s, ts) w q ilrN-srrF|-i (r) ffirot (fretrfr, EI2. iveTq-qq+ <hH {{Tnffiq + ffi A {ffi d'fuflt fqq)frsl sFfi +1 qrcil qifqq nqr rq* sTfr*q HRrqqt ffir{q | 5 Ers. frffi fr 3TrRq+q-dRmreil (pccs)* s+r+ de{r 6T sqgm enttii 41 sdFldTt qr€zrT g fiRqr EI4. Brrqqii 1qEgiFffi;iil dqT Effi qi' qlqiil{uT sh.qr q dr {m q{r{q I s Ers. srrilrcil-fi+1qFmqr t gm {-d-+}dr Tfr-srfi fraq-{T dfqq I s fud fiq Er6. frE{Ffrn q t ffi E}o,rdfrq q E"ir dfqq : 2},2=s (i) srdqFftsr* fr-{ (ii) qmq W q,r iriaifqq (iii) Erqr i g{€qrqq LSE-6 12 4,000 ; BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) Term-End Examination June, 2006 L IF ES C IE N C E LSE-7 : TAXONOMY AND EVOLUTION Maximum Marks: 50 Time: 2 hours Note : This question pqper consisfsof three SectionsA, B and C. Answer the questionsas directed under each section. Draw neot and lobelled diagrams whereuer necessarv. SECTIONA , Note : Answerall the questions. Al. Fill in the blanks: 7x2=2 (i) All vertebrate embryos first develop a type of kidney. (iil Mutations resulting from the addition or deletion of mutations. base pairs are called LSE-7 P.T.O. 42. Write True for correct and Folse for incorrect statemenrs: 7x2:2 (i) Darwin and Wallacewere the co-authorsof the book "Origin of Species". (ii) Various geographicalregions have their own typical flora and fauna. A3. Choose the correct alternative from the options given in parentheses: 7x2:2 . (i) Speciation which refers to speciation in populations separated by space is called (Sympatric speciation,/Allopatricspeciation). (ii) The keys based on the phylogenetic relationship betweenvarioustaxa are (Naturalkeys,/Artificialkeys). A4. Which tuso of the following pairs are correctly matched ? 7x21, (i) Selection coefficient measureof selection pressure (ir) Normalising selection maintainsg"r,"ii. homeostasis (iii) Adaptive value selection acting in a heterogenous environment A5. Define the following : (i) Fossit (ii) Gene pool LSE-7 7x2:2 2 SECTION B Note : Answer any four quesfions.Limit your answer to 750 wordst'or each question. 81. "Systematicbotany is an unending synthesis."Elaborate this statement in terms of "Anatomv in relation to Taxonomy". B,2. Define homologousorgansand give any two examplesfrom chordates. 7+4:5 [l3. What do you understandby genetic recombination? 5 [l4. Briefly comment on the possiblehominid phylogeny. 5 [l5. Explain co-evolutionof prey - predatorsrelationship. 5 86. How do DNA hybridisation studies help in determining closenessor distantnessof two species? LSE-7 P.T.O. SECTION C Note : ' Answer any two questions. Limit your answersto 300 words t'or each question. Cl. Write in detail the significanceof Darwin's contributionwith respectto organicevolution. 10 C2. What are the different pre-mating isolating mechanisms? 2+8=70 Discussany one of them giving examples. C3. l'Tool-making and languageskills have played a significant 10 role in human evolution."Discuss. LSE-7 ffldn Ffliro (fr.qs fr.) H,TT sfref{dn rg.qg.$.-z ' qm nqt frqTg qf?+aaqei6 : 50 w{zt : z qo} th : ts wrw + dlaefn6, s.rfr rr d' / tAd qn t Re 7q trtrrD'* eU-sR Yrd' # rar deq- r qai $67 'fi stFftzFFd w@ q lqifud fu* qaqqr I . ' llrq if,' Ae- peifrwnq5wrafigr int. Rfr {qrii qi {ffi dfqq : (i) qlfr q.M r\ {ut fr {rdqqq 7x2:2 FfiR 6T Tffi St(rT € | (iil ts Sd + +qq 3T{n ffi-s{ t Ai qrd s.qRsfr{oamt t t s-flnsdq LSE-7 P.T.O. az. qdr{qfs FrqfrfuH6eH s-dt qr ryara : 7x2:2 (i) qfr{ dqr qrfrs "3}ftffi 3rfs rfr{frf," Trrs gwstvofrq*tr (ii) EFrd -+,ilfffi Q* + s{q}qqi Tnqfr-qa qd qrFrqrdAA t I qsqi i5'3. qiwif q fqq rnqfffieqi fr t vfi fffifl gfq : tx2=2 ss Enfr r{qqr ql ffi rgFr ERTy'r{ -qEfrg$ rrqtr4t 6r qrfr sqffi{ gqr d-dr t, t lqqqqrtrs ffi (ii) frFrd ff sqp67fr{q1Frs qrfr 3-trqq) t + fiq qrfffifiq q'q*n qt 3Trqri{f, SR.fimrnrfit fxrynm$fwfi/Ftrq$f,eeiilr i5'4.Frqfrfudfr t qtqt d'ql-evfr fdrq .Tqt ? t,z:z (i) +tur gurs (ii) yqrqrqsrfr qrur (iii) sTgi[ff{ qtr q{q qrq ul qRqrqt silTiRrs qrrcSfrr+i d +qrq1qq1,$, .,,. qqfTrur +tur 1ffi ..::. fr 614octnt 6s. fr=rfufirc +1 qRqrqrfdfuq : (i) *qRq- (ii) fir 5e LSE-7 7x2:2 ! $TTITET ie : ffi qrr yr4i + B-il d&q t yd+- wt w dil{ r5o yrd aa dTs\fud v?q I En. "1isffiq fiwfr !$ orid ffiqrT imqrt t" g€ +er+d "qffi * qr*+l fr *frr-a*t" t {qq g ss q1trq I s Er2. qr{qld i}i'il 41 qRqMldfuq nqr +Tdz}fr t {4+ dd A B-ffi{q {fuq r 1+4=5 Ers. 3Tr$tRrs wr erai t z trtrT t e+rq s Er4. $trq tlR+nrsqTfrgf,qr €*q t M 5 EIs. RrfiR- q{qqfi str*r dfqq r t fdfuq | qEkflq 6r sEts{uT Er6. qi {ffis (qrftrq}l41 f{*.fiT sTqfl war -' t FrqfwTfr DNA {s{q sTq+ii t f*-q rr6FR s{rftrrFffi-ff d Z s LSE-7 P.T.O. gult rT th : ffi El vg?, A sil{ d&q' t sA$ wt w vd{ soo v-qi oa A sTFa rfuq' I rn. qms r+*.rq s F+{ q srtrq s qrrKlq 6T q6F{ 10 f{Rr{tffirgqr qrdq ffiferqf wr-wr t z arz. RFrdr+.n +1Td-{iq-qi 2+8=10 Eqnt ffi qs fr srcrnr tfi Tqf qifqq | rrs. "s+sR-FTsiur derre{TqT 6t{lqii } qFaq+ f{srs if q-dquf +rqq tflr t t" fr|qq +ifsq | rc LSE-7 3,000 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) Term-End Examination June, 2006 LIFE SCIENCE LSE-9 : ANIMAL DIVERS|TY-I Time : 3 hours Note : Maximum Marks : 75 This questionpaper comprisesthree sectionsA, B snd C. Answer the questionsas directed under each section. SECTION A Note : - Answer all questions. 41. Choose the correct alternative from -those given in parentheses. Ix3:3 (i) Viruses are (cellular/acellular). (ii) In prokaryotes,Mitochondria are (presentlabsent). (iii) Flagellated cells of canal system of sponges are (pinacocytes/choanocytes). LSE.9 P.T.O. 7x5=5 A2. Fill in the blanks | (i) The Cell Theory was formulated by (ii) Trypanosoma gambiensecauses disease' (iii) Class Calcarea is characterizedby the presence of ' spiculesmade uP of (M Excretion in Phylum Platyhelminthesis by cells. (v) The two fused segmentsin millipedes are known as A3. Name the following : (i) Feeding on large mass of food' (ii) Responseto stimuli by complex adaptive activity' 7x4:4 (iii) Class of Phylum Annelida which includesLeech' (iv) The general category of 'chemicals secreted by endocrine glands. (T) or - statementsare true A4. State whether the following )"A:S fatse(F): (i) Gastrea was the hypothetical metazoan proposed by Haeckel. (ii) Five Kingdom classification was proposed by Whittaker. (iii) Crystallinesryleof bivalvessecretesdigestiveenzymes' LSE-9 (iv) ClassArachnidaare regardedas living fossils. (v) Tube feet are Echinodermata. the locomotory organs ol (vi) Lung flukes are found in India. LSE-9 P.T.O. SECTION B Note : Answer ony six questions. 81. Give the Five Kingdom classificationand assign the following to their respectivekingdoms : Yeast, Sponge, Moss, Blue green algae, Tapeworm, Mushroom,Frog. 82. Name any five parasitic protozoans, and the diseases causedby them. 83. Draw a labelleddiagram of the male reproductivesystemof Cockroach. 84. List any five differences in the life-history stages of Anophelineand Culicinemosquitoes. 85. Give any three advantagesand any two disadvantagesof social organizationin insects. 86. Give one reason why asexual reproduction is. more prevalent in lower animal phyla. Write any four ways how asexual reproduction is advantageous to the animals. 1+4:5 87. Give the classificationof Phylum Platyhelmintheswith one representativeof each Class. Explain very briefly the type of nervoussystemin Platyhelminthes. 88. What is coelom ? Give an account of the two types of coelom. LSE-9 SECTION C Note : - Attempt any three quesfions. Cl. List the three theories about the origin and evolution of 3+7:70 Metazoa.Describebriefly any two of these. C2. Discussthe three common types of coral reefs. How are patch reefs different from the others ? 9+1=70 C3. Give a detailedaccountof the adaptiveradiation pertaining 10 to respiration in Arthropoda. C4. Discussmetamerismin non-chordates. 70 C5. Name the two kinds of molluscsthat produce pearls. Describewith the help of diagramshow a pearlis produced. 10 LSE-9 t{drr Fntrs1fr.qu*fr.) F*ta qfrqTr E{, 2006 Eftqt{f,H ga.qq.t-g , srfrrfrfrqcr-r qfwdq eis : 7s €4zl : S qoJ qlz: f,s {e{ w t ah svs 6, s dqrr d I sA6 ozs f Ge 4q ftfrn # rrilsr ryd- # rar d&q I Enrg t5. qle : FeiAe.{fr"# ra-r d&q I ih'I. +}etst fr Rq rrq f{*T{i fr n q-fr R-+-cq gtrq : lxs:3 (i) frqg tq)ffiqzel-+)ffiq) E)frt I (ii) rynqffi fr qTz)EiRqT(sqR{dzsi-{qRrdl E}A 6 l (iii) siqi + qrcr iir 61 mrTrqgmdM fnHet-*;/dq dRr+r()+-fi t I LSE-g 7 p.T.o. +,2. RmrqT-ii4i {ffi qliqq : 7x5=5 (i) qlRrsTfutrm +.rnfrqrfr (ii) FnAtr dFdqq* mr<or t t*-qrqr r ftT q-<r rtart t (iii) edRr idRqT it qrfr q) qrd *ffi tfrfidetfrt r (iv) sr{dq +AtRq-*fi-s q s-flSr t qEqtrrd dMntfrt r (v) firdmciit A {+fff srd fr} ooi t r FrqFmfud*wfdfuq: 7x4:4 (i) ,ilqr + € nts t ,ttq{ 6GITI (ii) qfrm 3rfifdd Brct sRI s{ir+r + qfr eqf#qT r (iii) sr{iTrl tifmsT 6r qE ryrs ffii dn eirfr B t (iv) 3i-tr*flel qmii t ilT €rF{d {strii al qrqrq *ofr r 64. {f,r{q F* FrqFebaoqq d o t qr ,7?nF) : }*6:3 qg+]ffiq (i) fr-+.d i qffis 6T lR* qftqTqqfuq q t (ii) R+-{ i .iq qrn crffwq or qfrqrfr f+-qrq t (iii) qEAf€qTor ffiq 6qur,ri I LSE-9 H{f, qr+* gqr{ii *,r (iv) ffi-s qtkgT +l frFq-dqt-qpq qril q-ar t I (v) qsE+sqta* 'rr+ ei'r arf, qrqElt t r (vi) qrcafr Fruq qurfqqrqqrt t r LSE-9 P.T.O. ETUEET qlz: ffiwrrdi#srrd&gr En. .iq qIkT q,flq.{ur {fdq dsil Frqhfud swiqqi q'ra it rfisq : fr€, Fiq, dq, rt'm-ER(lYqrd, @, +} s{h q$Fq, frcsr Er2. ffi qfq ffien s qisif*if il nq nqr s+S Ai qT-A t'it + qH frfuq I s Ers. tf,f,q-gT(Eilfi.{tq)* Tt wFT n"i 6.r rrqifsd FT fir{q r 5 Er4. inffiFfr dqT qfdqir {6ii qi, Efi-+{-qfddrq effi{sni}iiit qrq q|-t qra +$ dq irtnr corgq| 5 Ers. +iei fr HTqrfs qq-pr t tdq *}.i +q erq w qt$ q 664qfqf,r{q I 5 qTqqT+ Er6. sr+Fffisfi + frqd{ qrufrF1-5irrii fr 3TfErs ql qs 6RUr{dr{q r +}-$qR qrfr {flr{q ffi{fr s{dFmqr{ + fuq dnrfifi d-drd | 7+4:S EI7. Hrffq +Atf€qRfr-ssT qrtr*rq tt aq qdm q'f (ffiTq) sr gm-gms{d{uTqi fdfuq l-kidtfurnq fr titrsTiir + ;rsq dt qgd {i*q ii qrcqr dfqq | 5 Ex8. tflJtt f*-0 *.-dAt ? kg6r t t y$=qi+1 fr+{iT dfqq | LSE-9 5 10 EIUg:T qlz: dTqr{-+ + ra d&q I . rlt. ffisTr * y*rq si fu-s,Fs + Eqq fr rqgqq fr.{ qa wr-wr t ? F{i t mA q} sT {i*q q"ir ;' fr snqq r S+7:i0 f ffi n a \2. qqrd FTfoit+ fr-{ Hrqrqq6q) qi Tqf +ifqq I +-qFTfuqf rlq t fu-srqn FTr*-fi d ? g+t=to rnl. erTerTqtsl fr v+c+ t r+alfird srCt-frfrBruTq{ gs frqd tr-+tuT fe@ r rc rI4. q-Sffi qiRq I q vg-rsdl (nqn-chordates) q{ fq+qq ro q5. q)-frqqIt Erd t x+n * qM * ilq. ldfuq I qt-fi q+i qi frRT q,r ffii 6i sorifdr t wh +ifqq | rc LSE-9 11 3,000 t t BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B-Sc.) Term-End Examination June, 2006 LIFE SCIENCE L S E - 1 0 : A N I M A L D I V E R S I T Y- l l Maximum Marks : 75 T i m e: 3 h o u r s Note : The questionpaper consistsot' three sectionsA, B and C. Answer the questionsas directed in each section.Whereuerneeded,supportyour answerwith diaqrams. SECTION A Answer all the questions' - Note : . Al. Fill in the blanks : (i) 7x5=5 Protostomes are the animals in which mouth arises from the (ii) Dipnoi include the three surviving genera today, namely Lepidosiren, Neoceratodusand I tI I LSE-10 P.T.O. (iii) Alligators and Gharialsbelong to the Order _ . (iv) Monotremata are the most primitive members of (v) Scales of teleost fishes are of two types, namely, cycloid and -- . 42. Write True (T) for correct statementsand Folse (F) for incorrect statements. lxS:S (i) Reptilesfeedby filter feedingmechanism. (ii) External respiration is the utilization of oxygen for oxidation of nutrients in cells and tissues. (iii) Amniotes have double blood circulation pattern in which blood passestwice through the heart. (iv) Protonephridia, the organs of excretion in Branchiostoma,are ectodermalin origin. (v) Central nervous system consistsof brain, spinal cord and cranial nerves. A3. Matchthe itemsgivenin ColumnI with thoseof Column II. 1,x5=5 Column I Column II (i) Skull (a) (ii) Gonadal hormone (b) Craniata (iii) Animal behaviour (c) Animalsocieties Relaxin (iv) Altruism (d) Ethology (v) (e) Yellow colour LSE-1O Pteridines 2 -t SECTION B T Note : Answer any six questions. B1. (a) List any five points of difference between chordates and invertebrates. (b) Draw a schematicdiagram showing four distinctive characters of chordata. ; B.2. (a) (b) zlxz=s List any five characteristics of birds. Mention five types of featuresfound in modern birds. zlx2:s 83. (a) (b) 84. (a) Name the four successivelayers present in the integumentof mammals. Explain the process of Keratinizationin terrestrial vertebrates. What are gills ? (b) Mention their two types. (c) Explainthe ways in which a giil runctions. 85. Draw the labelleddiagramsof the following : (a) Somaticsensoryneuron (b) Somaticmotor neuron LsE-10 l+iis=s 2)xZ:s P.T.O. 86. (a) (b) 87. (a) (b) n8. (a) on the basis List the five types of vertebraeclassified of the centrum' Draw a labelleddiagram of a typical vertebra "t "Lr=U zZ^z Explainthe term "Animal behaviour"' ? Why is it important to study animal behaviour 2+3=5 in animals ? Wfrat is meant by social organization Discussthe benefitsand costsof sociality' 2+3-5 following : 89. Write short notes on any tuto of the Zlx2=5 (b) (a) SubclassElasmobranchii (b) Digestivesystemof amphibians (c) LSE-1O parts through Structureof vertebrateeye and labelthe which light rays pass into the retina (No descriPtionis needed) 4 SECTION C . Note : Answer any three questions. Cl. Discussthe ancestoryand evolutionof birds. ^' 10 e2. Compare the venous system of amphibians with that of reptiles. 10 C3. With the help of suitablediagrams,describethe location, structureand function of pituitary gland in humans. i6 C4. Write an essay on the importance of colouration in vertebrates. 70 C5. How have mammals successfullyadapted to their life on land ? 10 LSE-1O {e.{s.$.-ro f{drr Frtrtr ( ffi.) Fdiil qfrqr E{, 2006 EfrqfrilE !F.qq.S.-lo : rTfrrfrfrRT-rl Wlzl : S qot qlz : qfenaq ai6 : 7s w yyq-w t d\q sas 6, @ denr d I yda oqrfl?q?qFtr#snsnmi+# deq t vai erqvqq&, .oU ,f deq'; "a ; Erug i5 Ire: irl. peiftrrd" t rar d&q I Rffi {qTi) +i {ffi dfqq : 1x5:5 (i) izl*ilq anig Eiat tu{* t uq sq*ilmdi (ii) W * eTre fr-{ -$-.dq A sfrfud ei t, fuaq d/?-sMz aonsTzte-s' eil. vrfuet r L S E - 1O P.T.O- (iii) tdrter 3ft qBqT-dwT - * sffid eTrtt r + vdt qTRqs(s d I (iv) d&l-4, (v) dftA* q-6ffii ii vro t qaR t Ele t' l nFR: WWnfe 31t{ ..T{d mtri } q62. vfr qeri * fdq sA ffl f€fisq ert{ t xtq (i) vfrgv. e+r+ sTrdnfiFsz{-3T{H-qtTr€i 6-{d € I di sildii + qlf,{ (i,) qro €{FT or enf t 41Rr6reit m" ua * gffi-{itT * fdq effiqq fl qdqld s-tril I (iii) tFd-ii t AiE\t|ti{ qRinuT61 vaFa*-fr t fui dfln *o q t d-d{t eRFi-or t t (idblrsqrl (iv),#raA" t s-*-$qi.T Tqg^ffi t d-dTA I Hr sEsrqqr-{-qf Cq#l fu q deIT6qrd (v) adq iiff,sT iir ii qkq' dffi rnfr'ot t q 'tq tn.3. Eff,q r * data Rq .Tq {lcii d +ioq u fqq 1x5:5 rrdittFmqq' qif,q I (i) Hnfc (i,) riiso dmq qtrdqn (3{)R-dR-{ (iii) sig-q-{6T{ (q) *FqcT (q) Eig-{gEIq (iv) qMiT t<l {qHfr (v) qRS. (q) q1-mT tT O LSE-1 8 I i Elug Ei aiz: ffiwve-+#rrrdftgr En. (ol qfsa {rm{i $ilr 3r-6tr6"ii+ qtq er<r t , ffi liq fdr€3tqi {S e-qsqI (€) q* qtw+ ento q+r{q@ qf*a Hofr* qR eq{uTfq€N'rqtr ztxz:s 41 {* ETF( r Erz. (ol qRrq]41 ffi qf-qfqRTvdT3ii (s) adq-aqR{dti qreqA qrA qTq'xon * qti ot B-d€ dfu\ | 2Lrxz=s fr f{€qr+ * 596 wii Ers. (q) rnqqrRziit ercar+{ul t qH drFq I (sl rq-d-qqrffir fr t*ttrfrrr+q f*rffiqTq) qBqT qi al-€qr dfqq I 2+3:5 Er4. (s) Rirq (Frsl wr oroi' z (q) qq)t'i+ A n-6tiiqr cdo 41|qqI (.r) ffi t qrd q{t +i frfird q1qrcqr . Trlr:u 31rtsaaEq: EIs. FFqfufudfr qTqiFrd zlrz:s (ql tRq {ilfr {dq (sl ttr+ iis qrfq LSE-IO 9 P'T'o' (ml ftq d g.*t * eTeT,R qt qfltrd qT)FsTsil tqEil + qfq rsrfr +1 qql q+rw I (u) ita+ q1 !F ys* q-frcql q.r qrqifud 3iltq ,Llr=u Er. (6) "dd-qq6n" vq +1 qreqr dfrq r (€) sig-q{d{ 6r srqcq q{qr Fii qfq"i ... t I 2+S:S . (s)- Ei(eii if 'qrq|.fus{irtd{' sr Fn eTtft ? 1sy vrwfu*-ort E)+qTddr$itsil{ dt-{-dlqi fdaqqT dfre r EIe.frqfdfudfr + ffi 2+3+5 EIqt ffinRffi lefuq : zlxz:s (s) Bqq'flfdrcq)*fuTr$ (u) tffi+q;it il qrq{-dr (r) qrlofuril + ir eir t5qiT ffi*d sq qrq] qr qni*a dfqq tq=r+ qftq rqrvr-fui Uqt*{ q-frt) tE-+rr+ qg,ilfr t fq"tqq1enEq.Ersdr L S E - 1O 10 EIUg IT qle : fadT aTrrr-di + rf,{' d&q / qr. qftzii qi Tdqf,T3tt{ s{* f{+rq fi f{+-qqT dFq | rc rt2. tFsffir .ft qfrqm + RRTiil q1 ge-{raifqq | rc rT3. Blgm qtait q1 sorqart qn-dim q{q (FlRefr) 10 tflr 61 Rqfr, {rqiT si{ qrd or quh dfqq | rt4. qfut flFt-it q rqq 6 q{€ qq gs f{q*T ffiq rT5. qdr{qfu fsq xqn wqETfiql"fr3Tqi€rdiq fifi Fdq{u,-mdT$ssrfifdd d're | L S E . 1O 11 r lo + 10 3,000 t a BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) Term-End Examination June, 200,6 LIFE SCIENCE LSE-12 : PLANT DIVERSITY-I Maximum Mqrks : 75 Time : 3 hours Note : Answer the questionsas directe) in SectionA, B and C. Drqw neat qnd labelleddiaqramswhereuer necessarv. SECTIONA Note : AII the questionsin this sectionare compulsory. Al. Fill in the blanks, 7x5:5 (i) A colony of Voluox with cells arranged in a specific manner is called a (ii) The male and female sexual reproductive bodies in Ascomycetesare called antheridia and respectively. L S E - 12 P.T.O. (iii) plays an essential role in bringing about fertilizationin Bryophytes. (iv) In Pteridophyteswhen the phloem is on both external and internal surfacesof xylem, this type of stele is called (v) The Five-Kingdom classification was proposed by A2. Indicate which of the following statementsare true or 7x5:5 false : (i) Cyanophyta are prokaryotes. (ii) Chlamydosporesare perennatingspores. (iii) Red snow is causedby red algae. (iv) The elatersare formed from sporogenouscells. (v) The genus Equisetum is commonly known as horsetails. A3. In the following statements,choose the correct alternative word given in parentheses. 1x5:5 (il The life cycle I)lua shows of (isomorphic/heteromorphic)alternationof generations. (ii) Viruses infect other organisms and reproduce themselves(outside/inside) the host cells. (iii) Fungi are (achlorophyllous/chlorophyllous) organisms. LSE-12 In Pellia the antheridia are present on the (dorsal/ventral)surface of the thallus in antheridial cavities. ln Psilotum each fructificationrepresentsa group of (two/three) fused sporangiacalledsynangium. L S E - 12 P.T.O. SECTTON B Note : Answerony six questions.All questionscarry equal marks. Bl. With the help of a well-labelleddiagram describebriefly the ultrastructureof a cvanobacterialcell. 5 82. Describesexualreproductionin Neurosporc. 5 [}3. Write briefly the economicimportanceof lichens. 5 84. Draw neat and labelled diagrams of any two of the following ' Z1*Z=S (i) Vegetativestructureof Ulothrix (ii) L.S. capsuleol Funaria (iii) V.S. leaf of wheat passingthrough uredosorus (iv) L.S. strobilusoI Selaginella 85. Match the following given in Column A with those given in 1x5:5 Column B : ColumnB Column A (a) Late blight of potato (i) (b) Ectocorpus (ii) Cyanobacteria (c) Yellow-greenalgae (iii) Pucciniatritici (d) Black rust (iv) Phaeophyta (e) Phycocyanin (r) Phytophthora inJestons LSE-12 4 Xanthophyta 86. What are slime moulds? Write a note on their veqetative phase. 87. Compare the pteridophytes. characteristics of bryophytes with 88. Describethe strobilusof Equisetum. 89. Discussthe reproductivestructuresoI Mqrchantia. L S E - 12 P.T.O. SECTION C Nofe : Answer any thtee questions. AII questions carry equal marks. Cl. What are fossils? How are they formed ? 10 C2. Discussthe economicimportanceof Algae' 10 describethe disease c3. with the help of welllabelled'diagrams cycle of late blight of potato or Puccinia graminis' Also 10 give the control measures' C4. Give a brief account of various usesof Bryophytes' 10 C5. Illustratethe life cycle of a typical pteridophyteand describe 70 its featuresin detail. L S E - 12 qo.qq.{.-rz ft-ilq ptkrdr1fi.9u fr.) wiil qrfrqt W, 2006 Eflq f*f,r+ W.qF.{.-rz : rr({ frfurym-t WFl : S qot th : 3t?l$dq ilzF : 75 sw 6, s e#{ a. C Rq 4q fttgi # erywn tr4i + rar d&q t qai qzwct al sm dqr 4rqifudfut qqrwt Elug t5. qle: trs s'-s + Feifryyaalnad d t if,l. Fmfufuofr R-m{qT;iifr Blgmq|-<fuFgqI ix5=5 qs ffi (i) ry-q-ar#al fd-qofrqt qfM q6i t I x+n t q-qRqd€tr t Tfr (ii) tffi.q fr T{ dFm wH orqr:rirq) q6A t I gwFqfder qrErd -L S E -2 1 P.T.O. (iii) qdrEE{T + fr\-d{ it _ +1 TfrsT ern-qr4 t r (iv) tRdqrE€ fr {q ffif -qrfeq q1 erdft dqT rffi fr-nqildtqt ffiqq Etdrt o-aoror t r (v) frq-q'ro + qlfrfiq +1 f+-qrqr r e'2, qf,r{q ft FTqfufuHt t +.t tq i T€ilrFd 6PI{ ss qT erss =r\. . 1;5=5 a (i) qqn$r{cTEd}ffii stq t r (ii) dffidqr5 ffiq etwE t r (iii) qps fuq-6 ero l)qreii* onor nhr t t (iv) {Ae{ frq:-luFq{ 4}Rffircilt qqt t r (v) drr y4q\fre sTrrft qt ervq-Sa lqfClw) q-eenrt r tr3. ffi'tuH +qql t fdq q)we;tq Rq Tq {lcii t t q-frtr*-tr gfrq : 7x5:5 (i) sr€7 sr qt+q qfr frfG"ii+r (qqsfrzfrqq"oq1) qdff,{ur qfltdTt r (ii) qr.rtq er-qqtii sl {ffiFrd6{i t ffIT qrq}qlal +]Rffipit t (qrovsi-<r)vq+q oG t r qrd fr-q t r (iii) o-+qfe{qufdRd/qntdRd) L S E - 12 ffuqr fr EcrTM *eq qi lyuTerw) *-fld q{ qi Urrqifr +-frt I gsTrffir (v) Hrfdt q t kts dqgqrm d ffid q-oti' r LSE-12 seFT (<}2fr-+l dq}fq-d qr-ort R tetqT"r.trfr P.T.O. EIUg EI th : ffi w v'flt' # rf,{ d&q t srfr wit $ ata sql7d t En. qq' 4 {qiB-d fdii 41 sdrqf,rt eTTa}MRqTdr qiRffir q1 q-{r€{q-{rq.r {Rrq fr q"iE drfqq | Er2. {Mfl + dFffi HEf{q*.r quta dfqq t Ers. dFldr 6 qff* (i) , 5 qi + s@ q qnifud Fr 2}x2=5 Tdfsw q1 6rfus {t+iT (ii) v?+/"4r t fud q1sr{td 6re (iii) t{ dr q-dlsTsryrq +ra1ffiv d fr (iv) €ffidr ge + {i$ 61 eq-{M+,ra EIs. kIEsTA 61 fi1q6 kIEq B t mfqq : 1x5=5 RBI B ffiEI A (6) qlq +1 fuikd 3ffi (i) .+RftEFcT 1s) qGzifrds (r) qt-d-€Rd Yfdrd (ii) {Tri}ffiRqr (iii) qffiqt FZsrl (q) oror F*e (iv) nE+HEzT (e) srr*Mq (v) wiwfrrdd€ LSE-2 1 5 rc,d q) {iRnRq fdfuq | Er4" qqP666 g Q ffi q{r{q : 5 10 ! EI6. 3f+is ql!ftqT wT Et-d'rii 7 si-6r sTfqm gfifte1 q1 EqufrFefuqr Erz.ile}s'e--sq tRelH-qH+ dquiiei ge+r+1fuqr EItt. @dzq + yi$ sr quh dfrq r Ere. qr+fuqr L S E - 12 11 P.T.O. EIUg IT fuT ilTr t{ii } $il{ d&q t ssITY'{-t *, si6 sqTad 1 rtl. trffq wr t\il t z a ffiq rmn q-{ht ? 10 I 31ffi q6a 6Ttr+fi mfqq I 10 ie: rtz. w@ q qTqifuTff;ii +1 sdnrdrt eTq 41 trc{f{d qT qffiiq tfutrs + t'r ltn 6T q"ir 3ffi dfqq I qTerA ftiilr t sqrq qi ftfuq I rt4. ildsr€.q t Ann sqq}ii 61 €R{q g qqgn{qr rts. qs {6q1 effiqr{c + fr-fi qm q} fqtrd alRq q 3q-t €qrT"iior quh f{RI{ t dfqq t rl:l. 70 1.0 10 I f L S E - 12 12 2,000 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) Term-End Examination June, 2006 LIFESCIENCE LSE-13: PLANTDIVERSITY-II T i m e: 3 h o u r s Note : MaximumMarks: 75 Answer the questionsas directed in SectionsA, B and C. Drqw labelleddiagrams,whereuernecessqry. SECTION A Note : Answer aII questions. Al. Fill in the blank(s)with the appropriateword(s): 7x5:5 (i) The oil of Cedrus deodarqis usedin (ii) A modified stem can be recognised by the presence and of-and-. (iii) Saffron is obtained from the of the flower. L S E - 13 P.T.O. (iv) In aquaticplants aeration and buoyancyis providedby tissue. (v) The botanical term for the fruit of pomegranate is 42. Explain each of the followingin one or two lines : (i) Albuminouscell (ii) Sessileleaf 7x5:5 (iii) Tetradynamousandroecium (iv) Phylloclade (v) Pseudostem A3. Answer each of the following in a few words : 7x5=5 (il Name a gymnosperm whose pulp is used for manufactureof superior quality paper. (ii) Name the gymnospermwhich is referredto as "big lree" . (iii) Name the family which is consideredto be the largest amongstthe dicotyledons. (iv) What is the term usedfor the plants that rely on birds for pollination ? (v) LSE-13 Write the botanicalnameof the plant from which drug is obtained for the treatment of malaria. SECTION B Note : Answer only six questions. AII questions cq.rry equal marks. B1. Enumerate the differencesbetween monocot and dicot stems. 82. Why are the cycadsconsideredas living fossils? s 83. With the help of labelleddiagramsonly depict the life-cycle of Pinus. s 84. Describe the various forms of sclereids with examples of each. 85. Summarize the various theories which suitable explain the morphological nature of carpel. . 816. Write a general account of the botanv of wheat or maize plant. 87 . Differentiatebetweenany two of.the following (i) Vegetativeshoot apex and Floweringapex (ii) Essentialoils and Vegetableoils 2|x2:5 (iii) Sapwoodand Heartwood 88. Write short notes on any two of the following : (i) Economic uses of gymnosperms (ii) Specialized stems (iii) Seed appendages LSE-13 3 2|x2:s p.T.O. sEcTtoNc Note : Answer ony three questions.AII questions carry equal marks. Cl. Angiospermsare the most widelyspreadgroup in the plant kingdom.Justifywith suitableexamples. 10 C2. Give a detailedaccountof the origin, cultivation,usesand 10 breedingprogrammesof rice. Ca. (i) (ii) C4. (t (ii) C5. (i) (ii) Differentiateaberry from a drupe. Describe the botanical features, ecology and uses of 4+6=70 mango. List any five spicesalong with their botanicalnames, families and plant part used. Describecultivationand usesof any two spicesof your 5+5:70 choice. Enlist the field recognitioncharactersand comment on the morphologicaldiversity of familyAsteraceaeor Euphorbiaceae. 6 Compare the diagnosticfeaturesof Malvaceaeand Rutaceae. 2 (iii) Describethe structuraldiversityof family Palmae. L S E - 13 2 ({.-rs t{dn ptkrtn(fr.qu fr.) . a IITTq{T TFTKT W, 2006 Efrqf{ilq S{.q{T.d.-13: !rr(efqfuqf,r-Il qfetqdq ai6 : 75 WIzt : s q") ie : sas $, o ,a;ft.r C Gq qq t?*d t eryvrr tr+ + wr d&q t qai fivNTqvF fi vw dw 4HiBd fut qqqq t Elxrg Eh qTe: vcr?wii # rar fr?q r EEr.Rmtrnq]+} sfudwe;vdi t ,rftq: (i) k^ss eerkr + A-a61 sqqlr _ q-dTiie)ort (ii) f{i$Ff, n-i 61 q{qm 7xs:b derT deil +1sqRqht q1qr v+-frt r (iii) +q{ +1xTk guil+ t frfi t r L S E - 13 P.T.O. (iv) qafrq qTili fr sftE qkFr derr smlqq q-ffi s{f,r d r (v) 3tqrR+ q-e +1 qr+wfu+w t 6-drqrarl, t a2. FrqFf,fudrS-* a gs qi A qRsqjit e.TsT{q: (i) Wii dftTsr 7xs=S (ii) si?id ffi (iii) qgefr gri'T (iv) wrfq Ta (v) te d-{r tF3. frETFrfudndq qr sr{ gB yr<i fr {fqq : 7xs=S (i) q+' tS fs+wd il qFr ffqq f$r+1 ?r'rfi t BilrTfiofr +r +rqq +qR+-dTd I ,.q-eq-s,, (ii) Ts F+sd 6[ TrrrE-dr{qffi + w t qrqrqrdrt r q H{S Nr qT}qr} Erd yf, +.rrH (iii) fs,ffir ffir{q I (iv) qRtfi HnrqfiFrf,qrqq* FeexT.FqRqrR'm vr< {ftq t (v) TfrRqr * sqqR qi Eqr$f*q qrqq (qfffifr-s iTq)t swrerE)-frt ? L S E - 13 EilTg EI iz : fuat w rp-di# rd{ d/?q r safrsp4l+ ei6 sqqd r EIl. qdfr-qqriqri fnfi-$ffi iqi it srf,ii q) eu q1frq r Er2. Hrl*g dqi qi Efrh-dqtqrqq*ii qnr qrdr t z Er3. +i-d niqihd fr-ii + HKr rrlas + cfl-fi_qs qi eq-aEqr EI4. FG)-dst Anr* xqrfr qr sqgtr sqr6{uifqfild E"h dfrq r q5. RFT* R-€fdi d qniRrd qifqq q) skr) +i e+-+rk+tq x-Sfr+) sqeTt t r Er6. tq w qwr * dq) si ersftffi1 ol Hrril-qtr-qvr <nqql , 5 En. frETfufuH t t A.A d,d f+t< q1Fqq: zf,xz:s o +Tfusxie efr$ 5uvvN (ii) q=tq e+r "ilr +f, o.'-fltm (iii) {sEr€ Bili 3ifisTs Er8. f{Eftfun fr t ffi E?,qr€fuq Eq,FTqf frfuq,, 2Vx2:s (i) ffird; qTffi-s Bqqtr (ii) fqqNrFd Hi (iii) Etq + sqi'T L S E -3 1 7 P.T.O. EIuE TI qla: fuT dT+s,P"i+ ffi{ drfu t stfr rfl# + si6 sqq d 1 rn. eF{M q14r wn lt q-dfrfq-qdsq t *or g3TI{ql t I sfuf, sqt{uir qtrd 3Tq}stn dl 5tr lo drfqq I T2. qr*s +1 BHfr, tfr, srq}il {q Fsaq fl-fmql sT 10 fiqd tdqrurffqq | rrg. (i) s{q qE s{Ee qd il er<t arar{qI (ii) 3TIrT61 qtrwFil+ msdpii, qRRqftr*1 w gwlhil qr qufq 4ifqq l 4+6:10 rT4. (i) ffi liq q-qrcit* qnsm* qrfr, g,d delt sqq)'fr qr<q srT'iiq.r f+tq {Rq | ' (ii) erqfiqs< + ffi- fr qs6 dr d-fi aqrsqfrii or qutq qifqq I rT5. (i) eFtqi qT {siffi 5+5:1o gm * qtt:s 3firln eqToT Fkemr qr ffi Fdnsqnur ffi 3il6rR-+iq fdfuq t dtnuti+1gen (ii) qrcTlqidql F2€ ge * sTFrtrH qif$rq | ; 6 2 (iii) wri ge +1 e+rorRqiq frFgrdror qoh qlFqqt z L S E - 13 2,000
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