MAHONING COUNTY ART SHOW| Guidelines Booklet 2015 WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2015 6:00-7:30 p.m. MAHONING COUNTY CAREER & TECHNICAL CENTER Joyce Brooks Center 7300 N. Palmyra Road Canfield, Ohio 44406 MAHONING COUNTY ART SHOW | Guidelines Booklet 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION The Mahoning County Annual Art Show is held to recognize high school students in grades nine though twelve who have an interest and talent in the visual arts. Entries must be submitted to the Mahoning County Educational Service Center through the art department in area school districts. Only individual, rather than joint, entries will be accepted with the exception of the Film Making/Video category, which require more than one person to create. All entries must be approved by the high school principal. Entries are limited to no more than 15 pieces per teacher. JUDGING FOR HONORS Judges for the Mahoning County Annual Art Show are artists and/or educators who possess an understanding of art education at the secondary school level. They cannot be affiliated in any way with the districts or schools participating in the Annual Art Show. AWARDS There will be an award for first, second, and third place winners in each classification. Other awards to be given include “Best of Show,” “District Award,” and honorable mention. There may be more than one first place winner. STUDENT PURCHASE AWARD One work of art will be purchased for permanent display at the Mahoning County Educational Service Center. The winner of this Student Purchase Award will receive $100.00. NOTIFICATION OF WINNERS An open house for the purpose of recognizing the winners and their teachers will be held at the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Winners will be notified in advance through their principal. The open house will be open to the public and special invitations will be issued to citizens interested in the arts. RETURN OF ENTRIES Those pieces not included in the exhibition will be delivered by the district instructional consultant on or before Friday, March 20th. Winning entries may be photographed for display by the MCESC for educational purposes. ENTRY BLANKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. An official 2015 entry blank must be filled out completely for each entry. The form is available at the MCESC Art Show Webpage. PRINT or TYPE all information. TYPING IS PREFERRED. Fill out EVERY LINE on the entry blank. Each entry blank must be signed by the teacher as verification of the originality of the student’s work. If a published photograph, magazine or book illustration is used, permission must be obtained and a copy must be attached to the back of the artwork. Original photographs must also be attached and marked original. Also needed is an artistic statement from the student explaining the reason for the use of the photograph. If these two items are not attached to the work, the work will be returned to the district. Secure the top half of the white entry blank to the back of each flat piece in the center (same direction as the picture). For three-dimensional entries, paste the top half of the white entry blank on cardboard to form a tag and fasten it securely. MAHONING COUNTY ART SHOW | Guidelines Booklet 2015 DATES TO REMEMBER MARCH 11 ALL ART WORK MUST BE DELIVERED TO Mahoning County Educational Service Center from 2:305:00 p.m. *In the event of a snow day artwork should be delivered March 12, 2015 between 2:30-5:00p.m. MARCH 14 JUDGING OF ART WORK MARCH 16-20 UNSELECTED ART WORK RETURNED TO DISTRICTS MAY 5 SET-UP OF ART SHOW AT MCCTC MAY 6 OPEN HOUSE 6:00-7:30P.M. AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED AT 6:30 P.M LETTERS WILL BE SENT TO QUALIFYING STUDENTS AND INSTRUCTORS. MAY 7-15 ART WORK RETURNED TO DISTRICTS RULES FOR PREPARING ENTRIES SIZE AND WEIGHT OF ENTRIES 1. Entries in Classification I (Acrylics) – Classification XI (Computer Graphics) may not exceed 36 inches in any dimension. 2. Sculpture/Ceramics entries (Classification XII) and Metals entries (Classification XV) may not weigh more than 25 pounds or measure more than 24 inches in any direction. 3. Entries in the Classification XIV (Fiber Arts and Textile Design) must not exceed these dimensions: a. Stretched, matted, or mounted entries must not exceed 24 x 36 inches. b. Unmounted flat work must not exceed 48 inches in any dimension or must be able to be folded to 24 x 36 inches. MOUNTING All paintings, drawings, prints, and designs must be mounted on white or black, and fastened securely. Heavy paper should be used to reinforce the back of entries. Paintings on stretched canvas or canvas boards are the only exception. 1. Matting should not exceed 5 inches in any direction. 2. Do not use colored mats on art entries. 3. Please do not use frames, glass, or wood strips. MAHONING COUNTY ART SHOW | Guidelines Booklet 2015 ART CLASSIFICATIONS I. ACRYLICS Entries may be on stretched canvas, or other prepared surfaces. Acrylics include all newly developed plastic paints. II. OILS Entries may be prepared on any surface, prepared canvas, wood panel. III. WATERCOLORS Entries may be either opaque or transparent watercolors. IV. PENCIL DRAWING Entries may be rendered in any pencil technique. V. COLORED PENCIL Entries may be rendered in any pencil technique. VI. INK DRAWING Entries may be rendered in any ink technique except scratchboard. VII. SCRATCHBOARD Entries may be rendered in any technique in which lines are scratched to expose the surface underneath. VIII. CHARCOAL DRAWING All entries must be protected in some way to prevent smudging (i.e., a fixative or cellophane). IX. PASTELS All entries must be protected in some way to prevent smudging (i.e., a fixative or cellophane). X. COLLAGE Work is considered collage only when the picture plane of the work is interrupted (i.e., gluing materials on, collage, cutting, tearing, or building up objects). If collage materials do not extend more than a quarter of an inch above the surface, these entries may be included in this category. XI. MIXED MEDIA Two or more mediums on a picture plane. If all the media affects the picture plane of the paper the same way, it is not mixed media. For example, a combination of an ink drawing with a wash would not be entered in the mixed media category because it is on a flat surface and does not interrupt the picture plane of the paper. This work must be entered in its primary medium category. XII. PRINTMAKING Any form of creative prints may be included in this category. XIII. GRAPHIC DESIGN Art in this category will emphasize the creative use of lettering and text as a primary design element. Examples might include: calligraphy, T-shirts, posters, and business logo graphics designed for promotional purposes. Computer graphics may also be entered in this category. XIV. ILLUSTRATION Entries in this category are to be more fine arts oriented than those works in the graphic design category. Works might include commercial art, airbrush, or cartooning. Two-dimensional works not included in other categories may be submitted as illustrations. MAHONING COUNTY ART SHOW | Guidelines Booklet 2015 XV. COMPUTER GRAPHICS/ DIGITAL IMAGING Full color or black & white image altered by a computer program. Artwork created with any digital imaging program. XVI. SCULPTURE /ARCHITECTURAL MODELS Entries may be round or relief, modeled, carved, cast, or assembled. Do not submit any entry that is extremely fragile. XVII. CERAMICS/ GLASS Entries must be hand crafted. Do not submit any entry that is extremely fragile. XVIII. PAPER MACHE Entries may be round, relief, molded or assembled. XX. PHOTOGRAPHY/ DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Black-and-white or color photographs may be entered. Work should be submitted on a black or white mount. Flush mounting may also be used. Entry must be the composition of the student submitting the work. XXI. FIBER ARTS AND TEXTILE DESIGN Creations in fiber or fabric, including batik, weaving, stitchery, hooking, tufting, and hand-made paper, as well as designs for printed or dyed textiles are included in this category. XXII. METALS Entries may include utilitarian objects (i.e., pendants, rings, pins, or boxes) or non-utilitarian objects. They may be composed of any suitable material or combination of materials. Commercially – cut shapes must not be utilized as a base for individual work. Precious stones and metals may be used. However, the sponsors of this show carry no insurance for these items. XXIII. FILM MAKING/VIDEO/COMPUTER ANIMATION A video, PowerPoint or HyperStudio presentation that blends a multisensory format; maximum length of five minutes. MAHONING COUNTY ART SHOW | Guidelines Booklet 2015 GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING ENTRIES PACKING AND SENDING ENTRIES 1. All work from one school must be sent at the same time with an inventory sheet. Please make a xeroxed copy of the inventory sheet for your records. 2. Two-dimensional drawings may be placed in a portfolio. Place tissue between pencil drawings, pastels, etc. which require protection against smudging. 3. Three-dimensional work and sculpture must be packed carefully in separate cartons to avoid breakage. A good packing material such as shredded paper should be used to provide additional protection. 4. Entries must be delivered to Mahoning County Educational Service Center on WEDNESDAY, March 11th, from 2:305:00 p.m. Judging will be done on SATURDAY, MARCH 14th. Those pieces not included in the exhibition will be delivered to districts between March 16th and March 20th. PLEASE NOTE: The Mahoning County Educational Service Center and the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center can assume NO responsibility for loss, damage, or breakage. Entrants who submit breakable objects must understand that they do so at their own risk. MAHONING COUNTY ART SHOW | Guidelines Booklet 2015
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