ZAMBIA - MAURITIUS DOUBLE TAXATION AGREEMENT IMARA TRUST COMPANY (MAURITIUS) LIMITED Zambia - Mauritius Double Taxation Agreement provides new alternatives for investing into Zambia Zambia is an attractive investment destination offering various lucrative investment opportunities in tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, energy and mining. The investment climate is characterized by a stable macroeconomic environment, stable political system, investment guarantees and security, duty free access to regional, wider Africa and USA markets and unrestricted repatriation of after-tax profits. Zambia has signed double taxation agreements with a number of European, North America, African and Asian countries. The double taxation agreement with Mauritius offers one of the most conducive terms and combined with the attractive Mauritius holding company regime, may reduce the cost of doing business in Zambia. Zambia’s Tax Stucture Zambia has a corporate tax rate of 35%, with some exceptions where it could be lower or higher. It also has withholding tax rates (WHT) of 15% under domestic tax laws, on the following: • • • • • Dividends (some companies declaring dividends and covered under incentives schemes are exempt from WHT on dividends, for example companies in agribusiness and large-scale mining companies) Interest Royalties, Management and Consultancy Fees Rents Interest on treasury bills, and Commissions Mauritius resident company using the treaty Nature of income WHT without treaty WHT with treaty Apparent Savings Dividends 15% 5 % (see note 1 below) 10% Interest 15% 10% 5% Royalties 20% 5% 15% Management & Consultancy Fees 20% 0% (see note 2 below) 20% Commissions 0% (see note 2 below) 20% 20% Capital Gains - currently these are exempt both under the domestic laws of Mauritius and Zambia. Also see note 2 below: Notes: (1) 5 % is applicable if the beneficial owner is a company which holds at least 25% of the capital of the company paying the dividend. In other cases, the WHT will be 15%. (2) Such nature of income has not been specifically dealt with in the Articles of the DTA. Thus, a view can be taken that it falls under the residuary clause i.e. Article 21 of the DTA, which mentions that “items of income of a resident of a Contracting State, wherever arising, not dealt with in the foregoing Articles of this Agreement shall be taxable only in that State”. While this is matter of expert tax opinion, however, a view can be taken that such income will thus not be taxable in Zambia, if the income is earned by a Mauritius resident. Hence the WHT is assumed to be 0%. Also, while there is no capital gains tax in Zambia for the moment, if it is imposed in the future and the treaty remains unchanged, the same may also get covered under the above Article 21 of the DTA and could thus be exempt. ZAMBIA - MAURITIUS DTA © 2015 Imara Trust Company (Mauritius) Limited. All rights reserved. 1 Zambia - Mauritius DTA Mauritius allows underlying tax credit both under the domestic laws (subject to some conditions) and under the DTA. This means that, besides the credit of actual WHT imposed on income arising from Zambia, in the case where dividends are received by a Mauritius company from a Zambian company and the Mauritius company holds more than 5% of the shares, the tax paid by the Zambian company on the profits from which such dividend has been declared will also be allowed as a set off against Mauritius tax. Mauritius also allows tax sparing credit both under the domestic laws (subject to some conditions) and under the DTA, which means that, even where tax on profits of Zambian company are reduced or waived under some incentive schemes, Mauritius will assume as if normal taxes have been paid and credit for the same will be allowed against Mauritius tax. It is important to note that Category 1 Global Business Companies (GBC1) in Mauritius, besides being entitled to DTA benefits, are also allowed to certain tax benefits under domestic tax laws of Mauritius, such as: • Deemed tax credit of 80% on foreign sourced income. The normal tax rate in Mauritius is 15% and post this deemed tax credit of 80% the maximum rate at which such foreign sourced income will be taxed is only 3%. This could be reduced to 0% in cases where actual tax suffered (WHT, underlying tax or tax sparing credit) on such income is equal to or more than 15%; and • GBC1 companies are not subjected to any WHT on Dividends, Interests and Royalties, when paid to a non-resident. Thus a GBC1 company, along with the DTA benefits, could help in using Mauritius as a very attractive platform to structure investments in Zambia. To avail itself of the treaty benefits, the GBC1 company will need to show substance and be managed and controlled in Mauritius. Zambia has DTAs with other African countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. While the WHT on Dividend, Interest & Royalty is nil under such treaties, it is however subject to the condition that the income is subjected to tax in these jurisdictions. As the corporate tax rates in these jurisdictions are also quite high, there is thus no real advantage to having nil WHT. The provisions of the Mauritius-Zambia DTA shall apply: (a) In Mauritius, on income for any income year beginning on or after 1 July 2012 (b) In Zambia, with regard to taxes withheld at source and other taxes, in respect of amount paid or credited on or after 1 August 2012. IMARA TRUST COMPANY (MAURITIUS) LIMITED 1001 Alexander House 35 Ebene Cybercity Republic of Mauritius Tel: +230 466 9171 Fax: +230 4660132 ZAMBIA - MAURITIUS DTA © 2015 Imara Trust Company (Mauritius) Limited. All rights reserved. 2
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