Redundancy Elimination in Proper k-level Hierarchies and Its Application in a Ramsey Construction David E. Narv´aez Department of Computer Sciences Rochester Institute of Technology May 15th, 2015 David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 1 / 15 Definitions A directed graph G = (V , E ) is a David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 2 / 15 Definitions A directed graph G = (V , E ) is a k-level hierarchy (Sugiyama et al. , 1981) if V can be partitioned into k subsets {V0 , V1 , . . . , Vk−1 } such that, for every edge (a, b) ∈ E , if a ∈ Vi and b ∈ Vj then i < j David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 2 / 15 Definitions A directed graph G = (V , E ) is a k-level hierarchy (Sugiyama et al. , 1981) if V can be partitioned into k subsets {V0 , V1 , . . . , Vk−1 } such that, for every edge (a, b) ∈ E , if a ∈ Vi and b ∈ Vj then i < j Proper k-level hierarchy (Sugiyama et al. , 1981) if, for every edge (a, b) ∈ E , if a ∈ Vi then b ∈ Vi+1 David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 2 / 15 Definitions A directed graph G = (V , E ) is a k-level hierarchy (Sugiyama et al. , 1981) if V can be partitioned into k subsets {V0 , V1 , . . . , Vk−1 } such that, for every edge (a, b) ∈ E , if a ∈ Vi and b ∈ Vj then i < j Proper k-level hierarchy (Sugiyama et al. , 1981) if, for every edge (a, b) ∈ E , if a ∈ Vi then b ∈ Vi+1 Vertices with in-degree 0 are root nodes. out-degree 0 are leaf nodes. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 2 / 15 Examples (a) A single-root example. Root node is red, leaf nodes are blue. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) (b) Multiple roots and leaf nodes in different levels k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 3 / 15 Minimization Is there a subgraph of order m internal nodes where original connectivity between root nodes and leaf nodes is preserved? Figure: We only need 3 nodes to preserve connectivity. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 4 / 15 NP-Completeness Reduction from Hitting-Set (Karp, 1972): S = {a, b, c, d, e} C = {{a, b} , {a, b, c} , {b, e} , {d, e}} David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 5 / 15 NP-Completeness Reduction from Hitting-Set (Karp, 1972): S= C= a , b , c , d , e {a, b} , {a, b, c} , {b, e} , {d, e} David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 6 / 15 NP-Completeness Reduction from Hitting-Set (Karp, 1972): S= C= a , b , c , d , e {a, b} , {a, b, c} , {b, e} , {d, e} David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 6 / 15 NP-Completeness Reduction from Hitting-Set (Karp, 1972): S= C= a , b , c , d , e {a, b} , {a, b, c} , {b, e} , {d, e} David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 6 / 15 MIPP Formulation x0 x3 xi ∈ {0, 1} x1 x10 x4 x6 x2 x7 x11 x8 x5 x9 x12 David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 7 / 15 MIPP Formulation x0 x3 xi ∈ {0, 1} x1 x10 x4 x6 x2 x7 x11 x8 x9 Every path is a product x5 x3 x10 x2 x9 x12 David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 7 / 15 MIPP Formulation x0 x3 xi ∈ {0, 1} x1 x10 x4 x6 x2 x7 x11 x8 x9 Every path is a product x5 And reachability is be expressed as a sum of products x3 x10 x2 x9 + x3 x4 x2 x9 ≥ 1 x12 David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 7 / 15 MIPP Formulation For a mixed-integer polynomial programming formulation: Assign a 0/1 variable xi per node. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 8 / 15 MIPP Formulation For a mixed-integer polynomial programming formulation: Assign a 0/1 variable xi per node. Let Ps,t be the set of paths from s to t. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 8 / 15 MIPP Formulation For a mixed-integer polynomial programming formulation: Assign a 0/1 variable xi per node. Let Ps,t be the set of paths from s to t. Constraints are: Minimize Subject to P xi xi ∈ {0, 1} ∀s |degin (s) = 0 ∀tP |degQ out (t) = 0 and Ps,t 6= ∅ y ≥1 P∈Ps,t y ∈P David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 8 / 15 Notation Kn is the complete graph on n vertices. Cn and Pn are the cycle and paths on n vertices, resp. A (G , H; n) is a coloring of the edges of Kn that avoids G in the first color and H in the second color. Extensible to (G1 , G2 , . . . , Gk ; n). David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 9 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes The goal is to generate a graph with suitable properties by gluing two graphs from two families. E.g.: David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 10 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes The goal is to generate a graph with suitable properties by gluing two graphs from two families. E.g.: Generate (K4 , K5 ; 24) graphs by gluing (K3 , K5 ; i) and (K4 , K4 ; j) graphs (McKay & Radziszowski, 1995). David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 10 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes The goal is to generate a graph with suitable properties by gluing two graphs from two families. E.g.: Generate (K4 , K5 ; 24) graphs by gluing (K3 , K5 ; i) and (K4 , K4 ; j) graphs (McKay & Radziszowski, 1995). Generate (K5 − P3 , K5 ; 24) graphs by gluing (K5 − P3 , K4 ; i) and (K4 − P3 , K5 ; j) graphs (Calvert et al. , 2012). David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 10 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes The goal is to generate a graph with suitable properties by gluing two graphs from two families. E.g.: Generate (K4 , K5 ; 24) graphs by gluing (K3 , K5 ; i) and (K4 , K4 ; j) graphs (McKay & Radziszowski, 1995). Generate (K5 − P3 , K5 ; 24) graphs by gluing (K5 − P3 , K4 ; i) and (K4 − P3 , K5 ; j) graphs (Calvert et al. , 2012). Generate K4 -free graphs whose complement can be colored with two colors avoiding monochromatic C4 ’s by gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 10 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes The goal is to generate a graph with suitable properties by gluing two graphs from two families. E.g.: Generate (K4 , K5 ; 24) graphs by gluing (K3 , K5 ; i) and (K4 , K4 ; j) graphs (McKay & Radziszowski, 1995). Generate (K5 − P3 , K5 ; 24) graphs by gluing (K5 − P3 , K4 ; i) and (K4 − P3 , K5 ; j) graphs (Calvert et al. , 2012). Generate K4 -free graphs whose complement can be colored with two colors avoiding monochromatic C4 ’s by gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. Gluing is taken to be an incremental, expensive procedure. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 10 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. For a graph X of order 11 and a graph Y of order 7: David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 11 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. For a graph X of order 11 and a graph Y of order 7: Pick a suitable vicinity for the first vertex of Y . David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 11 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. For a graph X of order 11 and a graph Y of order 7: Pick a suitable vicinity for the first vertex of Y . Keep picking vicinities that are compatible with previously selected ones. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 11 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. For a graph X of order 11 and a graph Y of order 7: Pick a suitable vicinity for the first vertex of Y . Keep picking vicinities that are compatible with previously selected ones. Check the graph. Abort current combination if checks fail. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 11 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. For the same graph X of order 11 and another graph Y of order 7: David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 12 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. For the same graph X of order 11 and another graph Y of order 7: Repeat the process. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 12 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. For the same graph X of order 11 and another graph Y of order 7: Repeat the process. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 12 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. For the same graph X of order 11 and another graph Y of order 7: Repeat the process. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 12 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. For the same graph X of order 11 and another graph Y of order 7: Repeat the process. We had done some of these checks. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 12 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. Redundancy can be eliminated by: Calculating the graph of all induced subgraphs in (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. 0,1 0,1,2 0,1,2,3 David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) 0,1,3,2 0,1,2,3 0,1,2 0,2,1,3 0,1 0,1,2 0,2,1 0,2,1,3 0,1,3,2 1,2,0 0,1,2 2,0,3,1 k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions 3,0,1,2 0,1,2,3 May 15th, 2015 13 / 15 Ramsey Extension Processes Gluing (K3 , K6 ; 11) and (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. Redundancy can be eliminated by: Calculating the graph of all induced subgraphs in (K4 , K6 ; 7) graphs. Then minimizing the resulting k-level hierarchy and use it as a map. 0,1 0,1,2 0,1,2,3 David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) 0,1,3,2 0,1,2,3 0,1,2 0,2,1,3 0,1 0,1,2 0,2,1 0,2,1,3 0,1,3,2 1,2,0 0,1,2 2,0,3,1 k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions 3,0,1,2 0,1,2,3 May 15th, 2015 13 / 15 Future Work Find more applications for this. Further explore the MIPP formulation. Path-based partitioning: Find a set of nodes that partition a k-level hierarchy into subgraphs that have more or less the same amount of paths. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 14 / 15 Reference Calvert, J., Schuster, M., & Radziszowski, S. 2012. Computing the Ramsey Number R (K5 − P3 , K5 ). Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 131–140. Karp, R. 1972. Reducibility among Combinatorial Problems. Springer. McKay, B., & Radziszowski, S. 1995. R (4, 5) = 25. Journal of Graph Theory, 19(3), 309–322. Sugiyama, K., Tagawa, S., & Toda, M. 1981. Methods for Visual Understanding of Hierarchical System Structures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 11(2), 109–125. David E. Narv´ aez (CS@RIT) k-level Hierarchies and Ramsey Constructions May 15th, 2015 15 / 15
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