IMMANUEL IMAGES May 2015 May Worship Schedule Sunday mornings – the heart of our life together 9:00 Sunday School 9:15 Nursery Care begins (infants – age5) 9:15 Choir Practice in the Sanctuary 10:00 Worship for All Ages – Sanctuary 11:00 Refreshments and Fellowship Time – in the Narthex Sunday, May 3 – Fifth Sunday of Easter Scripture: Acts 8:26-40, Psalm 22:25-31, I John 4:7-21, John 15:1-8 Our lectionary lessons today take us from Philip baptizing an Ethiopian Eunuch in the book of Acts to Jesus’ proclamation that he is the true vine in the gospel of John. The Psalmist considers the God who answers the prayers of the sufferers and the epistle lesson from I John (one of the really little letters/books in the very end of the New Testament) describes God as the God of love. Today we will be celebrating both sacraments as we baptize Beau Cherry and share the Communion. Sunday, May 10 – Sixth Sunday of Easter Scripture: Acts 10:44-48, Psalm 98, I john 5:1-6, John 15:9-17 The season of Easter continues with the story of Jesus commanding the disciples, and us, to love one another as he has loved us. Later in Acts the Holy Spirit is poured out on Gentiles, something that surprised the Jewish followers of Jesus. In the epistle of I John we are told that faith and love can conquer the world while in the Psalm we celebrate the glory of God in creation. Sunday, May 17 – Seventh Sunday of Easter Scripture: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26, Psalm 1, I John 5:9-13, John 17:6-19 The psalmist in the first psalm compares the good and the wicked, and says the good are happy or blessed. In the epistle of I John, the writer reminds us that those who know the Son have life. In the gospel of John we hear Jesus’ prayer for his disciples and in the book of Acts the disciples deal with practical matters and prayerfully select a replacement for Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, Sunday, May 24 – Pentecost Sunday Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14, Psalm 104:24-34 and 35b, Acts 2:1-21, John 15:26-27 and 16:4b-15 On the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the disciples are gathered together in one place when the Holy Spirit descends on them in tongues of fire and the crowd witnesses as they hear the disciples speaking in so many different languages. This is the story of Pentecost, the beginning of the church of Jesus Christ and it is told in the second chapter of the book of Acts. The Old Testament lesson also speaks of the Spirit as God breathes life in the dry, lifeless bones that lie in the valley. The gift of the Spirit is also mentioned in the gospel lesson as Jesus promises his disciples the presence of the Advocate (Holy Spirit) in his absence. On this Sunday we are planning to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with the baptism of Scarlet Luthy. Sunday, May 31 – Trinity Sunday Scripture – Isaiah 6:1-8, Psalm 29, Romans 8:12-17, John 3:1-17 The Sunday after Pentecost is often celebrated as Trinity Sunday. On this day we will look at the scripture where Isaiah is called to be a prophet, the psalm where the voice of God is found in a great storm, and Paul calls us to live by the Spirit and not by the flesh. The gospel of John shares the story of Nicodemus’ secret visit with Jesus. Sunday School Schedule Plans for the adult Sunday School are in process, but we are still waiting for confirmation from several speakers. Prayer Breakfast The Dorchester County Ministerial Association is again hosting the Annual National Day of Prayer Breakfast. Formerly called the Mayor’s Prayer breakfast, the event this year will take place on Thursday, May 7 at 7:00 am at Minette Dick Hall in Cambridge. Tickets are $12 and available from Pastor Dale. We are pleased to welcome Dr. Jose Rojas as the guest speaker. Dr. Rojas is an internationally known speaker and motivator. We are also expecting a visit and musical performance of gospel music from the “King” or at least one of his impersonators! For more information, please see Pastor Dale. Baccalaureate Service The Dorchester Ministerial Association in conjunction with Cambridge South Dorchester High School is hosting the annual Baccalaureate service for the graduating seniors. This year the event is being moved from its usual Sunday night date and time to Thursday night, May 21 at 7:00 pm. Rev. Yvonne Penn, pastor of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church will be the speaker. This year, at the school’s request, and with the Ministerium’s strong approval, the public is invited and encouraged to join with the graduates and their families as they prayerfully mark their transition from high school to their new endeavors. Please consider attending the service and support the young men and women as their high school careers come to an end and they begin a new phase in their lives. Pastor’s Message Do you ever have too many things to worry about? Are you ever overwhelmed by all of the problems of the world? How often do you just want to hole up in your home and forget about the world and all of the darkness around us? My guess is that we all say yes to these questions. I know, just last Sunday I was talking with someone who asked, “How many requests for help can I answer?” We all have our limits. There is only so much we can do. But we are called by Jesus to love one another. We are called to care for one another. And we can only do this if we acknowledge the problems we, and the people around us, face. One such problem that is gathering growing attention is Human Trafficking. According to Wikipedia: Human trafficking is the trade of humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage, or the extraction of organs or tissues, including for surrogacy and ova removal. Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Human trafficking is the trade in people, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another. Human trafficking represented an estimated $31.6 billion of international trade per annum in 2010. Human trafficking is thought to be one of the fastestgrowing activities of trans-national criminal organizations. For the last year the Dorchester County Ministerium has been learning about this subject and its connections to the mid-shore – and there are connections, there have been arrests in the region. Human trafficking does reach into Dorchester County and the Ministerium would like to raise awareness of this problem To this end the DCMA is hosting an event with some very knowledgeable speakers and guests. One of the speakers is Christine Dolan. Ms. Dolan, an Investigative Journalist, former CNN Political Director, and Author of Shattered Innocence, a ground breaking investigation on human trafficking, has seen trafficking first-hand in the U.S. and abroad. Commissioned by the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 2000, she has reported on the subject for the last fifteen years in the media and conferences in the U.S. and across the globe. I have personally heard Ms. Dolan and was moved by her passion, experience and knowledge and encourage us to support the DCMA’s seminar on Human Trafficking. Please consider attending what should be an enlightening and informative session. Human Trafficking Seminar Thursday, May 21, 7:00 pm Dorchester Center for the Arts \ MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST The men of Immanuel will prepare breakfast to honor the mothers of Immanuel UCC Sunday, May 10, 8:00-9:30am. All IUCC families are invited to attend! SPRING SALE - MAY 16 SPRING YARD SALE: Saturday, May 16 starting at 7:00 a.m. Needed for our table are white elephant items, good rummage (no clothes, please), bakers (for the bake table), and lots of helpers. Bring your salable items to the church during the week of May 3. We will have chicken salad (sandwiches or cups) and soups for sale. Bake sale items should be delivered to the church on Friday or early Saturday morning. Sign up at the church to help with the sale or to indicate that you will bring baked goods. We need customers too - so spread the good word. SPRING SALE on May 17th at 7:00 a.m.. See prep schedule below May 15 - Cook and de-bone and cut up chicken 11:00 a.m. May 16 - Kitchen help - be at church at 6:00 a.m. From the Hospitality Committee GRADUATES This year we plan to honor our graduates with a reception to be held during the coffee hour following worship on June 7th in the Narthex. We will also like to include some brief information on each graduate in the church bulletin that day. Information sheets will be available in the office or the Narthex for pick-up or we can mail it to you (contact the office). Please send your information sheet to the church, call 410-228-4640 or we’ll take the information by phone or e-mail: (be sure to put the information in the body of the e-mail - not an attachment as we sometimes can’t open attachments due to programming differences.) If you have a photo that we can include, send that to us as well by e-mail. If you have a graduate in your family (high school or college), please contact the office 410-228-4640 so they can be included in our program. DEADLINE: MAY 24, 2015. EASTER FLOWER GARDEN A big THANK YOU to all those who made our Easter Garden "bloom" with the beauty of springtime, welcoming everyone as they came into the Narthex Easter morning. The response was much appreciated. SUPPORTING THE WIDER COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY Your continued support of our food pantry is very much appreciated and needed. Robin Burton meets with clients usually twice per month (sometimes more often) and each time many of the clients are asking if we have food available. It has been gratifying to say “yes” and give them a couple of bags to pick up what they need from what we have available. While we ask that you remember the pantry on communion Sunday (the first Sunday of each month), you may bring any and all donations to the church at any time. The office is open Monday-Friday between the hours of 9am and 1pm. STRENGTHEN THE CHURCH – INVEST IN THE VISION Each day, visions and dreams are created in the hearts of many in the United Church of Christ. Through the Strengthen the Church offering, these visions and dreams can become a reality. Strengthen The Church (STC) is a special mission offering to reimagine and build the future of the UCC. Shared at the conference and national levels, STC largely supports youth ministries and full-time leaders for new churches in parts of the country where the UCC voice has not been heard. As God calls our congregations to be the "church" in new ways, your generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults. STC funds will also be used to award grants to help congregations communicate the "God is still speaking," message. This year, our offering to “Strengthen the Church” will be received on Pentecost Sunday, May 24. ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING On March 15, 2015 Immanuel took up our offering for “One Great Hour of Sharing”. As noted in the newsletter for March, one of the functions of this offering is to… Respond to disaster. OGHS provides emergency and longterm assistance to people in the aftermath of hurricanes, tornados, storms, floods, tidal waves, fires, explosions, technological disasters, civil strife, war, or other natural or human-caused events. On average, OGHS responds to a disaster once every 2.5 days. With the devastation in Nepal due to the recent earthquake, the fund is working to help. Below is an email forwarded to us from the Rev. John Deckenback. Colleagues, I have been receiving inquiries concerning the Nepal disaster, and want to share with you that we will be responding to it through One Great Hour of Sharing. At least initially we will work with the Act Alliance, a consortium of faith-based organizations headquartered in Geneva. Typically in these situations, there is an immediate relief response, followed by long term rehabilitation efforts. Our Executive for Disaster Ministries, Zach Wolgemuth, will be updating the OGHS portion of the UCC website in the coming days as more information becomes available. For churches and individuals who would like to donate to our response, they can do so by designating to "International Disaster Relief," either through on-line giving to OGHS or by check. I will be leaving for the Middle East in a few hours, but specific questions can be addressed to Zach at Thank you all for your ministries. Peace, Jim Moos UCC Wider Church Monistries MAY BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES May Birthdays Lindsay McDonald Jake Creighton Lucas Tolley Linda Slacum Kim Leonard Ray Shelly, Jr. Leah Krotee Sara Slacum Amanda Bair Kyle Jackson Brenda Pender Jocelyn Spies Helen Malkus Ronnie McCollister Brian Malik May Anniversaries Susie & Jim Creighton 5/2 Connie & George Barnett 5/7 Jill & Jason Segar 5/17 Tracy & Andrew Frase 5/20 5/2 5/2 5/3 5/7 5/7 5/10 5/11 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/16 5/20 5/23 5/24 5/24 BIRTHDAYS (Continued) Kathy Kelly 5/27 Jillian Burton 5/27 Giselle Burton 5/29 Bill Cox, III 5/29 Don Rae 5/30 Ruth Bradley 5/30 Steve McDonald 5/31 Your Staff The Rev. Dale Krotee Janice Haller J. Curtis White Lynne Breil Lisa Plummer Stephanie Dixon Pastor Church Secretary Choir Director/Organist Pianist Custodian Nursery Care Provider Your Church Council Wallace Dodson - President Chuck Hanson Lou Jones Terry Melius Kim Bair Diana Jackson Bill Malkus John Dodson Kim Leonard Bill Malkus Church Contact Information Office Hours - Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Phone: 410-228-4640 FAX: 410-221-6419 E-mail:; IMMAMUEL PRAYER LIST: You are invited to remember these people in prayer Members of Immanuel: Dorothy BURTON resident at the Dixon House, Easton Wylie BURTON, Robin Burton’s father, health issues Merilyn CUSICK, health issues, at home Bill FOXWELL, facing health challenges Evan KOZAK, undergoing treatment for Perthes disease Helen MALKUS, health issues, at home Cecil MURPHY, husband of Phyllis Murphy, at home, health issues Friends of Immanuel Church: Kim BROHAWN, granddaughter of Merilyn Cusick, facing MS Henry & Darlene DeVOS, friends of Beverly Shelly, health issues Kenny ELZEY, Julia Newman’s father, at Chesapeake Woods JoAnn Hutton & her family, friend of many at Immanuel, health issues Kali KNOPP, family of C.R. and Julia Newman, surgery & recovery Sherry Meekins SATTERFIELD, friend of Don & Pat Creighton; health issues Hollie SMITH, friend of Robin Burton‘s parents, health issues, at home Dorothy UDOFF, Jay Book’s mother and Debi‘s mother-in-law, at Heartfields Assisted Living in Easton Other Prayer Requests: Guidance in Immanuel’s leaders for 2015 and beyond God’s support in our response to Ebola epidemic Members and Friends Serving in Our Armed Forces: Christopher ANTENEN, U. S. Air Force, now stationed in the USA, grand-nephew of Jean Haddaway Timothy Scott MOXEY, JR.,U. S. Navy, stationed in San Diego, grandson of Debi & Jay Book. Great-grandson of Ted Malkus. Daniel MOSSBERG, U.S. Marine Corps, husband of Ariana Spillman-Wise, stationed in North Carolina Thomas PARENT, U. S. Army, friend of George & Connie Barnett, serving in Colorado Matthew L. Ruble, II, U.S. Army, nephew of Michal Dixon, stationed in Seattle, WA. Kregory TYLER, U. S. Navy, stationed at Naval Air Station, Lemoore, CA., grandson of Janice Haller and Don & Pat Creighton Jimmy WINDSOR, U. S. Army, stationed in Virginia MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST May 10, 2014 Serving 8:00-9:30am All Immanuel UCC family is welcome! IT’S A “SPRING SALE Immanuel United Church of Christ Saturday, May 16, 2014 Sale starts at 7:00am Tables available: $10.00 Call to reserve your sale table! 410-228-5167 or 410-228-4640 Enjoy soup, chicken salad, Breakfast sandwiches Bake table (contributions needed)
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