I?KTLLER sToMPBoxEs FoR KEYs www.keyboardmag.com illililililillllllfltil U LY 2OO9 EYSPACE ARTISTS SHOUT OUT OUT OUT OUT SIGN A LRUNNE RS .|OSIAH LEMING DIANE BTRCH UNSIGNED ARTIST OF THE MONTH ADVICE SESSION SENSEI CAREER COUNSELOR WHAT'S NEXT? PLAYTNG FOR CHANGE COMMU NI T Y CD RE\|IEWS GO SEE WEEKEND WARRIOR g 20 ROB THOMAS Learnhow to turn keys,soft synths,and an Olympianwork ethicintoa platinumcollectionof instantclassicswiththe king of pop songcraft. 2A ERIC HUTCHINSON The younglionof pianorock on the questfor the perfectalbum. 3(, GAME ON! videogamesare a wholenew For manycomposers, growth marketfor new world - and a high-potential music.Here'swhat you need to know to get started' POP Rob Thomas' ,,Her Diamonds" combinessynthbassand toy pianosoundsto createsoaring pop goodness.Learnto playthe key pats here' s6 cosFEL Add textureand powerto yourjoyousmelodieswith Scott Healy'sOc{aves Part llaro tutorial' 9s FROC withJordanRudess'"OstaWizardl' switches onquickrhythmic Getvirtuosic .to tlzz Findyourown Slgnatule Sound with the mai7fiSchord.Andy LaVerneshowsyou how. IGlrNlI=lNlIp-- J U LY 2OO9 48 (iEAR ZIA ROUNDUP: 12 STOMPBOXES THAT KILL ON KHYS ry NO\/ANON SL MIC II 6(' USE AUDIO PLUGIA'IIOR 66 SC'NY PCM-D5O 6A NATI\/E INSTRUMENTS EXCLUSI\/E AUDIO 4 D.| vo ourcK PrcKs DIGITAL SC,UND FACTORY VINTAGE PRO REFILL CYTOMIC THE GLUE DO IT! 42 DANCE MIX WHEN YOU WHOOSH UPON A STAR. . . Learnclassicand cutting-edge waysto createepic dancefloortransitions. 44 SOFT SYNTHS THE STEVEMILLER BAND'S ftFLYLIKE AN EAGLE" Timemayslip intothe future,but this classicsynthsoundis hereto stay. & N()TATION INDEPENDENTCHORDSYMBOLSIN FINALE Laydownyourpiece'sharmonicroadmap,regardless of melody- or lackthereof. A FROM THE EDITOR 18 NEW G E A R GEEK OUT 69 PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT 72 7I CLASSIFIED ADS Jean Michel Jarre'sliverig is a vintagesynthfanatic'sdream- baskin its gloryhere. photo l,'a:lrerson Cover byAnd'e,', IN S ID E TH E N E W R H OD E S It's rea. l'ts shipping. lt's betterthan everand Ke,,ocardis the first mediaoutleton the pla"etto get insidethe new Rhodes Piano'actory. Joincontributing editor RobbieGennetfor up-closevideoof the RhodesMark7,a tour of the factory,and inten';ervs with the peoplewho madea genurneelectro-mechanical pianohappen in thiseraof digitalinstruments and cookiecutterrnanufacturing. A must-see! WRITING SONGS WITH R OB TH OMA S It's onethingto scorean interview with a majorpop star.lt's entirelyanotherwhen saidpop starinvitesyou to theirhome, bootsup theirstudio,and letsyou roll videowhilethey pressbuttonsand write a songfromthe groundup. Don'tmissJon Regen'sspecialvideosupplement to this month'scoverstory. i *- _ homas Pop.Music'sMasterSongsmith on the SoundsandStories Behind Cradlesong/ byJonRegen Photograph byAndrew Macpherson "That one iust might let me keep my jobi' Rob Thomasjokes as he playsme " f ir s ts ingl efro m h i s " H er Di a mo n d s t, he new albumCradlesong.Justweeks awayfrom the record'srelease,Thomas and en g i n e e Hal r W inerar e c a m p e do u t b es ideth e i mpos ingS S L c onso l ea t BiCoastalMusic,a WestchesterCounty, New York,recordingstudio,sculpting songsand craftingvocalsfor the a l b um'sB-si desand bonust r a c k s . Thomasmultitaskswith ease,comping complexvocallineswith the precisionof an air trafficcontroller,stealingbitesof C h i n e s efo o d ,a n d taki ngti meto del ve d e e p i n toth e s o n gsand stori esbehi nd the new album,his first solo effortsince 2005's SomethingTo Be. Thomas, the Grammy-winning singer and frontmanof the successfulrock band MatchboxTwenty(andthe scribebehind such megahitsas "Push,""Smooth,"and "LonelyNo More"),is arguablythe hardest workingsongwriterin pop musictoday. With his recordedeffortssellinga combinedtotalof morethan80 million albumsworldwide, you mightthinkhe'd spendmoretime traversingthe society partycircuitthan hammeringout demosin his homestudio.But an iron-cladwork ethic,coupledwith a relentlesspursuitof the unforgettable lyricand the devastating chorus,is Thomas'svice of choicethese days."Thisis what I doj' he tells me."l'm a guy who writessongsl' Cradlesongis anothercollectionof infectiousRob Thomaspop creations, this time with a surprisingsonicshift. Acousticand electronictimbrescollide givingthe entirecollecwith confidence, tion of tunesa new sheenall its own.The ThomasDolby-esque clangof "Gasoline," oz.2oog t(E Y B oA nD 2l Rob Thomas the JohnnyCashcampfirecall o{ "Getting freneticpop drive Late,"the unabashed, o{ "Gi veMe t he M elt down-" a l l u n i q u ei n yet all prime theirauralarchitecture, examplesof Rob'ssongwritingcraftat its most refined. Rob Thomasand I sat down overa periodto talkaboutthe making three-day ol Cradlesong,and his continuedquestto writethe perfectpop song. On Cradlesong, you actually changed the way you write songs and put demos together. What's different this time around? I usedto writeon piano.I playverylittle guitar,so evenif I'd starta song on guitar,I'd haveto use the piano- becauseI know how to playit. l'd hearthe chord I woul dn e e dt o go t o on t he g u i ta ra n d I woul dg e t s t uc k ,s o I ' d nee dto ru n to t he o i a n o . But whenI'd starton the piano,sometimesljust didn'tget the vibeI liked.On the guitar,I couldget that [strumsan imaginaryguitarl shunk,ka-junk,ka-junk,kind of feel.lt's so percussive. When I first startedto play,I had this littleCasiotoneMT-68keyboard.Theway clacked],I would usu[the keysphysically allyuse the keyboardfor percussionwhen I playedit. I would hit my bassnotesand thing makethemclickto makea percussive happen.And so when I startedto play guitar,I did it the sameway.Everything to me was aboutthe percussion. Now with my newstudio,I startworking on songsevenwhenI don'thavean idea. Or if I just havea melodyfor a verse,I can followit. l'llget a drumbeatgoing,throw that melodywhereverI feel it, and thenjust starl writing.l'llwriteat my KorgOASYS and [Digidesign]ProTools,and just srngif, hear it, sing it, hear it, changethat line, go I haveno ideaat all, back.. .. Sometimes and l'lljust startwith a drumbeat. On the OASYS? Yeah,or throughthe OASYSand using differentdrumsoftware,likemaybeSpectrasonicsStylusRMX.Thenl'llplaya bass line,playa littlekeyboardpart,kindof get a vibe going,and thenwriteto the trackthat I'vebuilt- kindof likewhensomebody sendsyou a trackto writeto. I'venever doneanythinglikethat beforenow,'cause I'veneverbeforehadthe abilityto sit at my houseall afternoonand makea record. 22 r(E Y E o A n o o7.2oog THOMAS GUTDE and myspace.com/robthomas Webpage: robthomasmusic.com Albums recorded as a leader: Cradlesong(Atlantic)and SornefhrngToBe (Melisma/Atlantic). Sefected recordings as lead singer for Matctbox Twenty: Exile on Mainstream (Atlantic),More Than YouThink You Are (Atlantic),Mad Season(Atlantic),and Yourselfor Someone Like You(Atlantic). Selected studio instruments: YamahaYDP223(fortour useas well),Wurlitzer206 StudentElectricPiano,Gibsonand Epiphoneguitars,Fenderelectricguitarsand basses, FenderDeluxereverbamp,RolandV-Drums,CasiotoneMT-68. Grammy-winning collaboration with Santana: "Smooth"off of Santana's Supernatural (Arista). Want to learn how to play Rob's new single, "Her Diamonds"? Flipto page 34 for MichaelGallant'sbeginnerlesson. Towatdr lon Regenand RobThomastalking music: Visitkevboardmaq,com. Yeah.I hadjust gottenthat new Velvet So the first solo record was not writprogramlDigidesign'selectricpiano ten that way? plug-in for Pro Tools.-Ed.l and I was No,the firstsolorecordwasjust piano goingthroughthesegreatRhodes and guitar.On the demos,therewould becausethe sounds,and I foundone that remindedme alwaysbe a smalldisconnect, demoswouldbe just a pianoor guitarver- of "SlipSlidin'Awayl'So it was all very mellow.But thenwhen I sent it to Matt sionof the song.I'd bringthe demosto ' was and he would tol d hi m," Thi nkP aulS i monlhe and Matt Serletic], [producer a lot of thingsabout thinkingof the albumsGracelandand haveto presuppose the vibeI'd be thinkingof - for the record, Rhythmof the Saints.So he came back differentrhythm.That with a completely notjust for the song. Now I can bringin a muchmorefinished was all Mattpullingit together.I would renditionof the way I want it to feel - edgy havenevercomeuo with thatvibewithout guitarpartas the Stylusdrumbeatand the soundof the here,or with such-and-such Rhodesthat broughtthat songout. thewholevibeof the songthere,so thatit buildsout fromthatpart.Forme,everything Cradlesong has a much different but pianoand guitarusedto be secondary. sonic imprint than your last solo album. lt's dirtier in places - the bot' Now,sometimeseverythingsfarfsfrom tom end is fatter and the mix of "secondary" elements. those acoustic and electronic sounds is I stillbelievethatwitheveryoneof the songson the record,I haveto be ableto sit wider. Was this departure in produc' tion intentional? downat the pianoand playyouthe song get you should it. Mattwas reallyconsciousof that,and and lt stripped-down. guitar "Well. the aboutlookingfor lesstraditional then when comes also can'tbe you have as well.My last recordcameout Once to explain sounds in iI's reallycooll' "Cry Me A understand the JustinTimberlake somebody it, during a songto make period. So a Riverj' Timbaland-produced it's notthere, vibe of fit that "Lonely No More" like D i amonds" i s tune a T h e i n tro to "H er me, But to going the time. percussive on at loop. Did what was drum kind of using that beat, in youl new recording that recordwasn'trealizedas muchas y l over thi s one i s.Thi sone i s defi ni telal setup, lay the groundwork for the rest likea it feels place ways, but in some the o f th e s o n g ? like feel All the tunes record. unified Actuai_.:^a: one.oddlyenough,started witha c'--ceat, but it was a totallydiffer- they'refromthe sameperiodin my lifei t soundsl i keme. ent d'--::a:. WhenI startedit, it was = a u i .: Si mon' s" S l i pS l i di n'A w ay," Who are some musicians,singers, mo re and songwriters that influenced you w i tha ' --< c e atfromS tyl us. comi ng up? Like a Steve Gadd kind of drum vibe? Rob Thomas TomPetty,withouta doubt.Also growing up, EltonJohnand BillyJoel.I remember goingto see thosetwo in Orlandobefore we wereeversigned,on theirhead-toheadtour. Also,most peopleI knowthat are in my musicalworld flippedtheirgasket when that first CountingCrows record lAugust and EverythingAfterl came out' Thatwas the firsttime that I felt that the kind of stuff I was workingon in my on the housewas being represented radio,Thatwas when I felt likethis is the time.This is my time. Ghuck Close, the renowned visual artist, has a saying: "lnspiration is for amateurs,l'AndI think that the kind of success you have had' and continue to have,is due in no small Part to that kind of work ethic and drive. You're constantly writing songs and search' ing for the next story to tell' instead of just waiting around for inspiration to hit you. You get up' and You do the work. Period. Do You agree? Withouta doubt.Youjust haveto startwith the basicthing.Youhaveit, and I haveit, and everybodythat writessongsfor a living hasit - knowinghow to writea song,and knowinghow to makea melodythat makes somebodygo, "Oh, that'sreallynicel' That'sthe key.But that,in and of itself,gets you nowhere.Maybeit gets you in the door.In fact,sometimesthatjust givesyou theJones,andthatkillsyou. Peoplecan lookat a pieceof abstract art and say,"l could havepaintedthatl'But they don't understandthat the purposeof art was that they didn't paintit, Ihrs guy paintedit. And halfof art,is gettingout of f***ingbed anddoing rt Halfof being Bono is the fact that Bono workshis ass off at beingBono.He's got the mostamazing voicethat was givento himby God, but the reasonwe knowaboutit is becausehe is firelessat seeinghow far hisvoicecan take him- and if can he writea bettersong thanthe lastsong he wrote. Rob's Home Rig of HalWiner Music BiGoastal designed home studio. Hob's 10324 andtwinBenelec Cinema Display, a Korg0iSVSworktation, Robusesa MacProwitha 30"Apple at center, Gonsole Studio Housed in anArgosy TG Eleckonic preamps, and a El0-Xs, llistressor twinEmpirical labs X?3 power twoUintech conditioner, a Furman Ihetopdghtrackhouses monitors. conditioner, Furman |lnn 1640mixer, 1(SM44 mic,Mackie andto hisleftarea Shure Reverb 4000. 0nthedeskto hisrightsitsa Line6 P00processor, 192interface. anp,andOigidesign SrnetlCEHeadphone rig put togetherby Hal \Mner,the engiRob Thomaswritesand recordsin his upstateNew Yorkhomestudioon a streamlined neerand ownerof BiCoastalMusicin Ossining,New York. Winerdescribesthe customrecordingrig in detail:'Rob has a ProToolsHD3 system,with a KorgOASYSworkstationkeyboard.All the inputsare labeledwith the namesof the keyboardsand/orthe microphones,so he can easilybringup whatever he wants." ,,Robalso usestwo VintechXZ3 mic preamps,two EmpiricalLabsDistressors, plus his old AkaiMPC3000.We hookedhim that Digidesignmakes,includingVelvet,Xpandl,Structure,Strike- all of them' He alsouses up with everyvirtualinstrument Stylusand Synthogylvory,and a MackieOnyxmixerthat he can usefor jam sessionsin the studiol' Spectrasonics (hehastwo of themin hisstudio),and likesthe NeumannM149 mic as Thomassingsthrougha ShureKSM44microphone, well. He listensthroughGenelec1032A activenearfieldmonitors, l ( EY B 0 A RD 0 7 .2 0 0 9 Rolr Tlromas You seem like you're still as excited to write, play and sing, as you were back in your hometown, playing for tips in a bar or at a college. True.Youknow,l'm stillcompletelybewilderedeveryday by the gig, everytime I sit down and come up with a songthat passes for me and I loveit. I'm like,"lt willneverhappenagain'How couldthat errerhappenagain?" SometimesI sit down and actuallythinkaboutthe impetus wherethe melodycamefrom,and how for a song.l'll remember I almostdidn'tevenfollowit, how I wasn'tevengoingto sit downto workon it - and thenI think,"Whatwouldhavehappenedif I hadn't?Thatsongwouldn'texistl'ThenI startto think aboutthe mathand I'mjust like,"Thisis it. Thatwas definitely my lastsongl' SometimesI go downstairsto my studiojust to makethat not for hoursand fish'Fornothing.I'llbe happen.l'llsit downstairs and mywifewill downtherefor fourhours,and l'llcomeupstairs, lookat me,and l'llsay,"Nothingl' But I'velearnedthat if I do that for a few days,one day somewas one thinghappens- like the first single,"HerDiamondsi' o1those.lt wasjustdaysof fishin'andfishin'andfishiniand I was frustrated. So I decidedto quit tryingto write,andjust p/ay.I hadjust gottenVelvet.I pulledthat out with a cool drumloop in Stylus, and then,one of myfavoritesongseverpoppedout' So you have to searchfor it a littlebit. These kinds of things are like a master class - lessons xtvB0AnD 0 7 ,2 0 0 s 'or the next generationof artists com' ng up, in this age of immediate grati' 'ication, where everybodYwants everythingnow. But success doesn't lappen immediately.lt happenswhen you'rehoning your craft, working tireessly,day in and daYout. ':ah, you know,sinceI becamea "famous .:ngwriterl'I work harder,not lesshard.A :t of peopleI knowgo totallyto the other . de of this life,and get intoall the kindof that camewith the success'They ':uff :se focus,hangingout everynightwith a at somebig partyin :rnch of sycophants -.A.or somewhere. I spendthe majorityof my time with my .vife,our dogs,and a few closefriendsup ^ere.I havefriendswho workfor banks and I ' mt he g u yw h o andin a d ve rt is ing, ,vrit es so n g s.l' ll wak eup in t h e mo rn i n g andhavesomecoffee.l'll answersome : mail s,a n d l 'll go downs t airas n d d o mantra into a few Sentences,what would your advice be to someone comi ng up now ? Everytimeyouwritea song,that'sthe only nour s a oay . Th^, ^'D^ d^ U^^^ you'reworkingon.That'sthe only song Jy lllElV !,\ r^ ti ' ^,,MalcolmGladwell songthatexists.Stayin the placewhere called Outliers,l^ :. re says the difference youcareaboutwhatyou'rewriting,where betweenyou anc so"nebodydoing what the onlythingthatmattersis that"l'm t hey want t o do s 1 0 , 0 0 0 h o u r s - t h a t i f gonnawritethissong,and I wantto feel you want to be in the leagueof the best, somethi ngl ' you haveto spelo 10.000 hours,at least, So, don't be afraid to throw things of your life dedicatedsolelyto that thing aw ay.... that you want to do, So that's why I'm all about put t ingm y 1 0 , 0 0 0 G l a d w e l lh o u r s i n . Yeah.Don'tbe afraidto suck,you know? E Darelo suck.Thatchangeseverything. lf you could reduce your Process or s om e wr i - : 3= : . - s e t h a t 's m Yj o b . I c an' t r em e- c : - : - : a s t t i m e I h a d a 4 0 hour wor k \ ' ,eer - i e c a u s e I w o r k 1 8 The Keys To trHer Diamondstt Rob'snewsingle,"HerDiamondsj' makesgreat use of keyboard elements- a centraltoy pianosound and powerfulsynthstabs,for example. How did Rob get thosetones? "Thetoy pianois literallya toy piano from Korea,sampledin TASCAM Gigastudio,and processedthrough EmblemMusicGroup'sechochamber and a RolandRE-201SPace Echoj'he reveals."Thesynthstabs are lproducerMattSerletic]singing througha RolandV-Synthvocoder, blendedwith a DaveSmith PolyEvolver." Instruments Want to learnto playthe chords Flip andgroovefor "HerDiamonds"? Iesson' to page34 for our exclusive And to see exclusivevideoof Rob talkingand makingmusic.checkout on JonRegen'scontinuedinterview keyboardmag.com. KT YBOAR O POP R()B THOMAS' ITT{ER DIAMC,NDS'' byMichael 0allant The manhasa powerfulway with melodies, lyrics'and chords,and his latestsingle, "Her Diamondsl'is no exception. Centralto Rob'ssingleis a simple,but four-barchordprogression unconventional, playedon a toy pianosound.Underneath that,he adds a grooving,syncopatedsynth Youknowthat catchyMatchboxTwenty song "SAM"fromthe mid-'9Osthat st// seemsto hit the airwaveseveryfive minutes- and remainin yourheadfor hours aftereachlisten?Rob Thomasco-wrote that.Santana'sraucousGrammymagnet "Smooth"?Yeah,Rob co-wrotethat,too. layonlhekeysinodertoplaythe howyourlelthand should Ex.1.Here's and 5foltipsontiming linein"HerDiamonds" bass ryncopated - lookathample prograssion outlined thesame chord Following Exrmpla 6forthelullnotation. inonnge onthediagram), f (shown in$a nsxtihrueoxamples, shrlbyplaying back to0 again' inpurple), andlinally inbluo), C(shown thsn/ (shown belowto bassline.Checkouttheexamples yourself. H play"HerDiamonds" withRob cover sloryinteruiew Road JonRegen's lor 20rndvisilkoyhoardmag.com Ihomas onpage video olJonandflob exclusive morc - including discussing "ller0iamondsi' athitd a Swithout Ex.2."ller0iamonds" withthischodintherighthand, opens prugrussion 6' inExample shown Thisisalsothelastchord inthefour-bar M id d lr C= * 54 2 0A c 1 c prugression, an four-chord central thesecond chodinthesong's Ex.3,Here's inversion ofIZ 1 G 5 0 tothefinal belore returning Ex.4.From Cmchord, there, Robplays aninverled (nothhd), 2. shown intxample 4 ci synthbasslinemaylooklric$, butifs easyto tx. 5,Ihetimingofthesyncopated here,count Asshown alonga fewtimes. onceyou'ye counted internalize thegroove tour-ethrese-and'a, two-e-and-a, syllables withthehefpluf "nnle-and-a, afoud frnpo-ta-t0,"elc.worksiustaswell)andtapyourhandon and-a"("0nFp0-ta-io, thenotes yourlegwitheachnoie.Praclicing thiswaywillmakeadding therhylhm easier whenthetimecomes. exponentially putting belore toypianosound eachhandsepamtely in theright.Practice of"HerDiamonds" a tmnscdbed excerpt Ex.0.Here's - synthbassin thelefthand, yourownmusical diamonds. themtogether andcreating "Her Diarrondsl' words and mus c :. i A o Mu sic lnc. All Rights Reser ' ' : ::.:1 Music Inc. and U Rule Mi:sic. All Rights Conirolled and Adminislered by EMI ':: Used by Permission.Reor nted by Permissionof Hal Leonard Corporation.
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