Document 131920

Today’s Sermon
“Jesus Super-Freak”
Pastor Randy Young
Acts 28:11-31
What’s keeping you from being bold, crazy, and daring for Jesus? Learn today, as we end
our study of the book of Acts, and examine why Paul was so crazy for Jesus. Next Sunday,
Pastor Randy will begin a new mini-series on marriage and family.
Annual Budget for 2012/2013
Last week’s giving
Apr 2012-Mar 2013
(excluding designated funds)
Actual income
Actual expense
Alex Chu
Andrew Mole
Anthony Ma (Chairman)
Malcolm Lithgow
Philip Lo
Randal K. Young
Tim Buechsel
Lead Pastor
Randal K. Young
Worship Services
9:30am-10:45am & 11:15am-12:30pm, Assembly Hall, 4/F, YMCA
5:00pm-6:15pm, 4/F, TST MC
Sunday Morning Prayer
9:00am-9:30am, Room 307, YMCA
Alpha Express
9:30am-10:45am, Rooms 1 & 2, TST MC
Evangelism Training Course
9:30am-10:45am, Room 6, TST MC
Jonah Study: Faithbuilders Follow-Up Class
9:30am-10:45am, , Room 601, YMCA
11:15am-12:30pm, Room 610, YMCA
Mongolia STM Training
2723 4777
2732 7318
2723 4777
2732 7314
2732 7313
2732 7322
2732 7319
2732 7304
2732 7311
2732 7326
2732 7302
2732 7315
Associate Pastor
Tim Buechsel
For US citizens wishing a US tax receipt,
please ensure that your check is at least
US$100 (HK$800) made out to “Friends
of Hong Kong Charities, Inc.” with any
designations written on the offering
envelope (available at the welcome table)
- NOT on the check itself.
Please make checks payable to
Evangelical Community Church Ltd.
Walking route to 4/F,
TST MC (Hankow
Pastoral Support Coordinator
Carol So
Director of Worship
KK Kim
Director of Family Ministries
Sarah Williams
Manager of Children’s Ministries
Sherry Cheung Wong
Director of Filipino Ministries
Marcos J. Venezuela
Manager of Outreach & Missions
Brittney Tsang
Directions from 4/F
lift (Hankow Centre)
Director of Youth Ministries
Josh Loke
Coordinator of Youth Ministries
Melody Wakefield
Director of Discipleship & Education
Jenifer Liu
Josephine Kwok
Office Assistant
Cheng Wai Ling
1:00pm-3:00pm, Room 9, TST MC
Uni YoPro Home Group
1:00pm-3:00pm, Room 6, TST MC
May 26th, 2013
9:30am, 11:15am & 5:00pm
Greetings, and welcome to the Sunday worship services at Evangelical Community Church.
This is where we pray, sing and listen to God’s Word. We are here to bless one another and
to lead you into God’s presence through Jesus Christ. If you have any questions, please
contact one of our greeters, a pastor, or one of our church leaders. So relax, and make
yourself at home.
At all morning services, nursery care for your infant or toddler is available near this assembly
hall. If you are attending the 9:30am or 11:15am services, we also have children’s classes
which meet on this floor and on the third floor, as well as youth classes in our Ministry
Center in the building just across the street on Middle Road and Hankow Road. Enter
through Hankow Road. Please see a greeter or usher for assistance if needed.
If today’s message has moved your heart, you may download the audio mp3 recording at If you wish for someone to pray for you this morning, please come near the
green banner to the left of the stage after the benediction.
Mongolia Short-Term Mission: Team Meeting Today
Contact: Stuart Dobie /
Trip Dates: Jul. 7th-Jul. 14th, 2013 Contact:
The trip is currently full as we’ve received applications from more than 20 individuals who
are eager to experience the incredible work God is doing in Mongolia. If you would still like
to be a part, please considering joining our prayer and financial support team! You can signup at the welcome table for more information or contact us if you have any questions.
FDF Prayer Breakfast
XiChe, China Short-Term Mission: Applications Due Today!
This Saturday, Jun. 1st, 9:00am-2:30pm, Meet at Fenwick Pier Main Gate
We will be hiking with some US Navy sailors from Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park via Violet
Hill to Tai Tam Reservoir. It is a scenic hike. The level of difficulty is moderate and we will
have lunch in Stanley afterwards. Please bring water, and money for transport and lunch.
Trip Dates: Jul. 17th-Aug. 2nd, 2013 Skills Needed: Young at heart: Mandarin encouraged
Contact: Application Deadline: Today, Sunday, May 26th
This trip is all about showing the Father’s love to the ‘Left Behind Children’ from the
surrounding mountain villages of XiChe, Hunan, China. We hope to bring a team of 8 young
adults (or young at heart!) to extend hope, love and joy that can only come from the Father.
We will help run a 10-day camp with some English lessons for 30-50 middle school kids who
are part of a sponsorship program run by ECC Mission Partner and member, Joseph Lim.
Conversational Mandarin is encouraged. Please contact us for more information.
Pray for Staff Changes
Hubei Love English Camp 2013: 5 More Needed!
A good pot of soup requires a lot of stirring and moving around. So God stirs Christ’s
church, moving people around. Please pray for Sherry Cheung Wong, whose last Sunday is
today as Manager of Children’s Ministries. Please pray for success in her start of a new
playschool for children. Please also pray for our new Director of Operations, Jeannie Wong,
who will join the ECC staff tomorrow. May God be glorified through their efforts, and may
God give them success in their new callings.
Trip Dates: Jul. 3rd-Jul. 13th Skills Needed: Mandarin encouraged
Come join this year’s camp and share God’s love with the students there! A camp will be
held this year in Hubei and teachers are needed to conduct phonics classes, English games,
and group leaders are needed to organize activities and assist teachers. Conversational
Mandarin is helpful, but not essential. Please sign-up at the welcome table for more
2013 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Results
Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support and participation at the 2013 AGM last
Sunday. We would like to congratulate Alex Chu and Anthony Ma who were re-elected as
elders, and also new candidates Andrew Mole and Philip Lo who were elected as elders as
well. There was also discussion about a new logo for the church, and a review of last year’s
finances and attendance. We thank God for His faithfulness, for the growth of the
congregation, and for His continued sanctification of the church.
New One-Day Inquirer’s Class for Membership—Last Call!
Midweek Bible Study: Colossians
Submit Urgent Prayer Requests:
Request a Prayer Visit:
Freedom Prayer Night
Every Third Tuesday of the Month, Jun. 18th, 7:00pm-8:45pm, Room 8 & 9, TST MC
Experience the freedom and power that comes through praise, worship and prayer. We
can pray for you privately as well. Be blessed and bless the name of the Lord! Coming
straight from work? Sandwiches, drinks, and snacks will be provided.
Every Wednesday, 10:00am-12:30pm, Main Hall, TST MC
Contact: Suet Ha Yeung /
We have ended our study on the book of Romans for now, and will resume the study in
October. Thank you Mrs. Judy Leibowitz for facilitating! The end of season party has been
pushed forward to this coming Wednesday, May 29th. After that, WBS will be taking a break
until September.
Uni YoPro Home Group
Ongoing Courses:
Next Meeting: Today, 1:00pm-4:00pm, Room 6, TST MC
Contact: Charis To /
We are a bunch of university students and recent grads who come together for food, fun
and fellowship, but most importantly to walk with each other in faith and pursuit of God.
Whether you’re just passing through Hong Kong for a while or living here, come join us!
This Wednesday: “Earth Keeping: A Christian Response to the
Next Sunday, Jun. 2nd, 11:15am-2:00pm, Meet at the welcome table after first service
On Sunday June 2nd, we will be inviting some US Navy sailors to join our 9.30am service
after which we will take them for a dim sum lunch. If you would like to join us in hosting
them, please add your name to the sign-up sheet. You will only have to pay for your own
share of the lunch.
FAITHWALKERS - for growing Christians
AXIOM Youth Choir
Every Second Sunday of the Month, Jun. 9th, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Rooms 8 & 9, TST MC
Whether you are a newcomer or old timer, please join us for a time of food and fellowship
at our next Welcome Lunch, June 9th, held at the TST MC (see back of bulletin for
directions). Food will be available on a donation basis, the fellowship is free! Sign-up at the
welcome table.
Dim Sum Lunch with US Navy Sailors
5 Wednesdays, Apr. 24th-May 29th (Except May 1st), 7:30pm-9:00pm, Room 6, TST MC,
Facilitator: Jenifer Liu
Welcome Lunch
Hike with US Navy Sailors
Contact: Jenifer Liu /
This Saturday, Jun. 1st, 10:00am-2:30pm, Room 9, TST MC
Remember, you can’t grow alone. Learn about ECC’s background, beliefs, vision and values
at this new one-day inquirer’s class. See if we’re the church family that can help you grow
through membership by opening doors for serving the Lord, leadership and blessing
others. Romans 12:4-5—Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these
members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and
each member belongs to all the others. Lunch provided. Please sign-up at the welcome table.
Today, 1:30pm-2:30pm, Rooms 1&2, TST MC
Contact: Melody Wakefield / or Melanie Baughman
Are you Axiom-aged (in middle or high school)? Do you like to sing? If you answered yes to
both of these questions, then you're invited to join our new youth choir! We will meet
today from 1:30pm-2:30pm in TST MC rooms 1&2. We're looking for dedicated and
enthusiastic students who want to exercise the vocal chords God gave them. No experience
Every First and Third Tuesday of the Month, Jun. 4th, 7:30am-8:30am, Wan Chai MC
Men, bring your breakfast. We will provide fresh coffee.
New Testament 100 Steps (NT100)
12 Sundays, Feb. 17th-May 26th, 11:15am-12:30pm, Room 610, YMCA, Facilitator: Cary Clifton
LEADER’S ACADEMY – for leaders & mature Christians
12 Wednesdays, Jan. 30th-May 29th, 7:30pm-8:45pm, Wan Chai MC
Recycling, global warming, endangered species... What’s God’s response to these? Are
Christians to protect the earth? Or drain it, since the world will end anyways? If you are a
leader or aspiring to be one, you will inevitably be asked these questions or be asked to set
an example for others to follow. Pastor Randy will be teaching this last Leader's Academy
session for this season, at the Wan Chai Ministry Center, 7:30pm, this Wednesday.
Contact: Mark Venezuela /
Our Saturday group gathers at 10:00am–7:30pm and Sunday group at 12:00 noon to
8:30pm at Wan Chai Ministry Center. We cater to people’s social, emotional, mental, and
spiritual needs through worship, Bible Study, informal interaction, counseling, evangelism
and training for spiritual rebirth, spiritual growth and effective service to God and to one
Uni YoPro Camp
Jun. 14th-Jun. 16th, Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village, Chai Wan
There are spaces for 2 more guys aged 18-27 to attend the Uni YoPro Camp taking place in
mid-June. The cost is HK$330, or HK$300 for full-time students with ID. If you’re interested,
please contact Charis To by tomorrow night, Monday, May 27th.
Come join us for youth group on Fridays and Sundays at the TST Ministry Center! Please
bring your own dinner starting 6:00pm on Friday Nights; youth group to start at 7:00pm.
All Youth: Axiom Friday Nights
6:00pm-10:00pm TST MC
Middle School Youth: Sunday School
9:30am & 11:15am TST MC
High School Youth: Worship Service
9:30am & 11:15am 4/F Assembly Hall, YMCA
Children’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2013
Monday, Jul. 29th-Friday, Aug. 2nd, 9:30am-12:30pm, TBC
Please save the date for this summer’s VBS, for children aged 3-11! This year, VBS will be
taking place over one week instead of on Sundays. More details to come—stay tuned!
Children’s Sunday School
Sundays, 9:30am-10:45am & 11:15am-12:30pm
Contact: Sarah Williams /, Sherry Cheung /
Team Noah (0-2 years old)
Rooms 403 & 404
Rooms 305 & 309
Elementary Children/Pre-teens
Room 401