City, St, Zip:___________________________________ Phone: 1st ________________2nd ________________ Email: _______________________________________ Preferred method of contact: __ Email __Mail I learned about Impact 100 from: _________________ __ I am interested in serving on the Board. Donation Details and Payment Options Dues: $______+ Operations $______ = Total $_______ __ I am applying for a match from: ____________________________________________ My membership is being fully or partially funded by: ____________________________________________ List as Corporate Sponsor? __ Yes __ No Visa/MasterCard Authorization Form (minimum $1030; $1,000 for dues plus $30 processing fee) Name on card: ________________________________ Billing Address:________________________________ ____________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Credit Card #: _________________________________ Exp Date ______ Code ______ Please include all checks funding membership. You may also pay your dues with a gift of stock. Applications must be postmarked by March 31, 2015. Make checks payable to Impact 100 Baldwin County Mail to: PO Drawer 1903, Fairhope, AL 36533 WOMEN TOGETHER MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN BALDWIN COUNTY JOIN IMPACT 100 AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE Baldwin County is fortunate to have many nonprofits dedicated to improving the lives of its citizens. However. many of these agencies struggle to reach their potential due to a lack of financial resources. In 2008 a group of Baldwin County women had an idea: if they pooled their donations they could collectively make a bigger impact on the mission of these nonprofits. IMPACT 100 was born, and awarded its first grant of $82,000. Since that beginning, Impact 100 has awarded 15 grants totaling $1,386,000. You are invited to join with other women in Baldwin County to continue and expand the power of collective giving in 2015. Become a member by completing the attached application or by joining online. P.O. Drawer 1903, Fairhope, Alabama 36533 Impact 100 Baldwin County is a 501(c)(3) under federal law and all contributions are tax deductible. N O TI T, EA EN R M C N RE O & IR N V ON I IO EN T AT VA C U ER ED ES PR Please process $________ on my Visa/MasterCard. The only requirement for membership is a donation of $1000. This provides a one year membership and voting rights for one person. A woman may personally fund her membership or pay her dues by combining funds from no more than two of these sources: the member, a business, a trust, or other individuals. FA M IL Y Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ C U LT U RE __ Sponsor of: __________________________ • Arts & Culture • Education • Environment, Preservation & Recreation • Family • Health & Wellness W EL LN ES S __Former & __Renew Donor: __ Supporter (making operating fund donation) & Member: __New IMPACT 100 BALDWIN COUNTY is a community of women seeking to transform lives in Baldwin County by awarding high impact grants to nonprofits in the areas of: A RT S Date: ________________________________________ OUR MISSION H EA LT H MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION WOMEN TOGETHER . . . COMMUNITY IMPACT IMPACT 100 BALDWIN COUNTY seeks to benefit residents of Baldwin County by annually awarding high impact grants to fund innovative, meaningful projects. The concept is simple; implementation is straightforward. • The annual $1,000 donations of IMPACT 100 members fund the grants. The number and size of grants given is dependent on the number of members. The goal is to give a $100,000 grant in each area every year. Founded in 2008, IMPACT 100 BALDWIN COUNTY began with 82 members. Seven years later membership has grown to 360 members. The following agencies have been named recipients of grants through IMPACT 100: ORGANIZATION FOCUS AREA 2014 Baldwin Co. Youth Orchestra Arts & Culture Fairhope-Pt Clear Rotary Youth Club Education Lower AL Search & Rescue Environment, Preservation & Recreation Autism Avenue Family Shepherd’s Place Health & Wellness Faulkner Foundation Arts & Culture Big Brothers Big Sisters Family The Lighthouse Health & Wellness Ecumenical Ministries Family Under His Wings Education Family Promise Family Prodisee Pantry Health & Wellness 2010 Outward Bound Education 2009 Care House Health & Wellness 2008 Mary’s Shelter Family of 18 and renewable annually. • Non-profits that serve Baldwin County are eligible to apply for a grant in one of five areas. • Members of IMPACT 100 volunteer to serve on committees that evaluate the grants and select a finalist(s) in each area. • Summaries of the finalists are mailed to the membership. A representative of each of the finalists gives a brief presentation of the agency’s proposal at the annual meeting of IMPACT 100. The entire membership of IMPACT 100 votes to select the winners. 2013 2012 • Recipient agencies are given 24 months to complete their projects. Funds are disbursed as programs are implemented. IMPACT 100 is run entirely by members who VOLUNTEER their time and resources. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the membership donation is awarded to the grant recipients. Additional donations are necessary to fund operating expenses. All donations to IMPACT 100 are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. IMPACT 100 BALDWIN COUNTY accepts proposals for funding from non-profits that have Section 501(c) (3) status. The proposal may be for a capital project, a new program, an expansion of an existing program, or a collaborative effort of several agencies. YEAR • Membership is open to all women over the age 2011 TOTAL COUNTYWIDE IMPACT IMPACT 100 BALDWIN COUNTY reserves the right to change its eligibility criteria without notice at any time. $1,386,000 TRANSFORMING LIVES Although the agency does not have to be based in Baldwin County, the project must primarily benefit residents of Baldwin County. Each year IMPACT 100 hosts a workshop for nonprofit agencies to assist with the application process. Those interested in applying for a grant are encouraged to attend. Find more information and eligibility requirements on our website. The 2014 grant winners from (L to R) are: Arts & Culture: Baldwin County Youth Orchestra - Leroy Hughes; Environment, Recreation & Preservation: Lower Alabama Search & Rescue - Nancy Thompson and Steve Duckworth; Health & Wellness: Shepherd’s Place - Ann Pearson and Susie Caminiti; Education: Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Programs Frances Campbell and Skipper Tonsmeire; Family: Autism Avenue - Terri Miles and Ray Miller.
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