March 2015 This issue Capitol Conference Follow Up P. 2-5 Super CE Day P. 6 Carol Cutter Memorial Golf Outing P. 8 Call For Service P. 9 Membership Update P. 10 Member Celebrations P. 11 Marketing Update P. 12 Chapter Updates P. 13-15 GBAHU/NAiFA Continuing Education Day P. 15 Leading Producers Round Table P. 16 Board Members President Mike Ripley President-Elect David Berman Past President Carolyn Beck Secretary Jennifer Revell Treasurer Rita Musser Awards Chair Carolyn Beck Communications Chair, to register and for more information! Nicole Fairbairn Education Chair Cindy Trahin ISAHU-PAC Chair David Berman HUPAC Chair Denny Wright Legislative Chair Dwight Hall Marketing Chair Kristen Kaweck Media Relations Kathy Goffer Membership Chair Bill Robinson Retention Chair Tina Hazelip ISAHU March 2015 Page 1 NAHU Capitol Conference 2015 by Andrea Bogard, South Central President (Scholarship Winner) As a first time attendee I was prepared to meet and talk with my Representatives and Senators from Indiana. What I was expecting was the wealth of valuable information and diverse speakers I would experience in addition to that. After weather related flight delays I arrived in time for the majority of the Leadership training on Sunday. My pre-conceived idea was I would hear about duties of and leading as a local chapter president. While that was correct, it was far short of what the entire leadership meeting was. I came away with a page of notes and ideas of becoming a better, more competent leader in all areas of life, not only chapter president. With a full agenda from start to finish it was almost information overload for me. I am still digesting some of the ideas and data in the areas of transparency, future outlooks on health care, compliance, employer mandates – just to name a few! I was privileged to meet with Senator Dan Coats and Congressman Todd Young and share with each our concerns about the state of health insurance and our roles as agents and brokers. These are extremely busy, constantly on the move men, and I appreciated the time we were given. This was my first NAHU meeting where there were members from all over the country. I can’t emphasize enough how important the sharing of ideas and concepts from people from differing states fighting the same day to day battles we fight can help in our insurance practices. This is exactly why it is so valuable for us to come together for local, state, and regional meetings to learn from and with one another. I want to express my deep appreciation for being selected as one of two Carol Cutter Cap Conference Scholarship recipients for 2015. It was a personal honor for me having known and admired Carol for many years. On a personal note I’d like to say thank you to all the Indiana attendees who made me feel welcomed and an integral part of the team. A special thanks to D Hall for all his diligent work keeping us all in touch and organized throughout our time. NAHU CEO Janet Trautw ein and Susan R ider ISAHU March 2015 Page 2 NAHU Capitol Conference 2015 by Justin Finton, NEIAHU (Scholarship Winner) I would like to start by thanking my state and local chapters for sponsoring me to attend the NAHU Capitol Conference! This was an awesome experience for me! Capitol Conference opened my eyes to see that our organization is MUCH larger than my local chapter. I had the pleasure to meet people in our industry form West Palm Beach, Florida to Anchorage, Alaska. All were fantastic people representing NAHU! I have never been a part of an organization that was so organized in helping train the members on how to speak to our Senate and Congress. The guest speakers were extremely knowledgeable on the talking points. The information provided made it a seamless conversation with our country's leadership. Also, I was fortunate enough to go on our scheduled visits with members that were very versed and experienced on speaking with the members of the House and Senate. AWESOME learning experience for me! Not only did I learn on a grand scale what NAHU stands for, I learned about the types of people that represent us, and I developed many relationships in few days we were together! Thank you ISAHU, NEIAHU, and NAHU for the experience!!! I look forward to supporting NAHU and attending many more Capitol Conferences in the future!!! Rider, Susan ight Hall , s e l i ike M d Dw mins, M n Brooks, an ception m u C l a l Re us Bi oman S C Legislative w s s e r Cong the HUPA at ISAHU March 2015 Page 3 NAHU’S LEGISLATIVE TALKING POINTS These were distributed to attendees as a quick reference during Hill appointments with legislators at Capitol Conference. For those of you who weren’t able to attend, hopefully this will help you get a feel for what our legislative priorities are! Continued on page 4 ISAHU March 2015 Page 4 NAHU’S LEGISLATIVE TALKING POINTS, Cont... ISAHU March 2015 Page 5 ISAHU March 2015 Page 6 ISAHU March 2015 Page 7 Annual Carol Cutter Memorial Golf Outing Friday, June 19th Foxcliff Golf Course Martinsville, IN Cutter Family Presentation Pictures fro 2014 Ou m our ting! Save th Join the e Date and Fun thi s Year! More in formati on to co me! ISAHU 2014 Winners March 2015 Page 8 Call for Service!!! It’s the time of year for ISAHU to elect new leaders, and we’re asking for your help. If you’ve thought in the past about helping guide our association, now is a great time to get involved. Feel free to submit your name as a candidate. An official form will be released via our website. However, if you’re interested in running for a spot and want to get your name in now, please send an email with your interest to Available leadership positions are: President President-Elect Treasurer Secretary Chair positions are: Awards – Recommend experience at local level Communications Professional Development ISAHU-PAC HUPAC Legislative Media Relations Membership Membership Retention Technology/Marketing ISAHU March 2015 Page 9 Calling All “Road Warriers!” By Bill Robinson, Membership Chair Ok, all of you ladies and gentlemen who are out in the field calling on agents – we need your help! If you’re reading this message, then you most likely are a current member of our association; if not, then PLEASE fill out a membership form right now! We need to increase our membership numbers substantially, and that’s where you can be of assistance. As a former carrier representative, I know how easy it is to blend in a little “something extra” to your presentation when you are calling on an agent. With that in mind, I am creating a new member recruiting team which will be made up strictly from company representatives and I WANT YOU to be a part of the team! It’s really very simple – all I’m asking is that you carry membership applications with you and take a few minutes to promote the association, either one-on-one or when you conduct agent seminars. That’s it, no strong arm tactics, no harassment; I just simply would like for you to ask the person you are meeting with to consider joining! If they say no, you haven’t lost anything, other than a few minutes of your time. In all likelihood, the agent will have a deeper appreciation for you because you believe enough in our business to promote our association! Just for fun, I’m going to call this team “Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show,” with apologies to Neal Diamond! So, in true “revival” fashion, let’s reach out our hands to those who aren’t members and preach the NAHU “gospel!” I don’t have the details worked out yet, but I hope to create an incentive for the top recruiter from this team, just to make things interesting. Please give me a call at 317-695-5683 if this is of interest to you! ISAHU March 2015 Page 10 March 2015 Willis Glaros Dwight Hall Lonnie Nefouse Nick Rutigliano Larry Sanders Bert Sorenson James Snyder Adrienne Bough Mark Rogers Linda Stevens William Hartman Chris Johnson Dan Kintz John Kintz Angela Pippin Patrick Sullivan Pamela Schulz David Frye Gary Chitwood Jeffrey Grossnickle Ronald Remak Cheryl Terry Julianne Lassus Andrea Bogard Donald Carless Teresa Milbank Bill Crimmins Beverly Miller Loren Chupp Carri Sheets Ray Snider Tim Weisenbach Phillip Belcher Gary Craig Employer Benefit Systems D. Hall & Associates Nefouse & Associates, Inc Tobias Insurance Agency, Inc The Sanders Agency, Inc Genesis Benefit Solutions North America Administrators A.M. Bough Insurance Agency Delta Dental Plan of Indiana Vision Service Hylant Kintz Insurance Agency Kintz Insurance Agency Marketing Diversified Services, INC Hylant The Healy Group, Inc. Frye Brokerage Company Chitwood Insurance Agency First Insurance Group Inc. Bill C. Brown Associates ISU/The May Agency Net Insurance, Inc. A. Bogard Insurance Group Old National Insurance Cicero Insurance Agency, LLC Worksite Health & Wellness Solutions Voldico Insurance Miller Agency L.J. Chupp Insurance Services Select Health Network, Inc. Casual Marketing LLC Creative Benefit Resources Genesis Benefit Solutions, Inc Craig Benefit Group, Inc 25 yrs 24 yrs 24 yrs 21 yrs 18 yrs 18 yrs 17 yrs 17 yrs 17 yrs 17 yrs 16 yrs 16 yrs 16 yrs 16 yrs 16 yrs 16 yrs 16 yrs 16 yrs 15 yrs 14 yrs 14 yrs 14 yrs 13 yrs 13 yrs 13 yrs 13 yrs 13 yrs 13 yrs 13 yrs 12 yrs 11 yrs 10 yrs 9 yrs 8 yrs Julie Imel Deborah Dugger Anthony Cochren Rodney Liechty Elizabeth Deters Steve Butz Stephen Gray Steven Husk Sherry Fazzini Rita Strauser David Watt Thomas Leix Mark Nantz Jennifer Mitchen Timothy Miller Dabren Clark Stephen Gillie Franklin Johnson Christopher Perkins Karen Scigouski Nate Harmon Jeremy Nelson Brian Robbins Steven Van Scoik Peggy Johnson Jennifer Revell Anne Conley Kristen Kaweck Lori Reever-Howe John Becker Andrew Tauzin Karen Russell Christian Duncan Unified Group Services First Merchants Insurance Group German American Insurance Inc Bixler Insurance Inc. Deaconess Health Plans International Medical Group Circle Health Partners, Inc. Circle Health Partners, Inc. Apex Benefits Group Advantage Health Solutions Anthem BlueCross BlueShield United Health Group Knapp Miller Brown Ins. Hoosier Benefit Plans Medpartners Old National Insurance Old National Insurance Old National Insurance Old National Insurance Old National Insurance One America Delta Dental of Indiana Aflac Holmes Insurance Agency Health Systems Inernational Cigna Sagamore Community Health Alliance HCC Medical Insurance Services L.S. Howe & Associates Advocate Financial LLC Advocate Financial LLC SIHO Insurance Services Duncan Beneift Group, Inc. February/March 2015 Joe Brown John Forrest Kyle Riddle Aaron Van Pelt Dona Lasher United Health One Brown & Brown of Indiana, LLC NorthPoint, LLC Donna L. Insurance ISAHU March 2015 Page 11 8 yrs 8 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs 6 yrs 6 yrs 6 yrs 5 yrs 5 yrs 5 yrs 4 yrs 4 yrs 4 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr How to Create a Facebook Page for Your Company By Kristen Kaweck, Marketing Chair 1) Go to 6) Set up picture. You could use your company logo or the front of the company, or even your company owner’s headshot. 7) Set up your audience (this make take some market research… or you could “Google it”) 2) 3) Choose your category from the above listed choices Select a more specific category from the drop down menu 4) Click “Get Started” 5) Add description and website information. Make sure you add enough details that if a client stumbles upon your company’s webpage they will get the information they need in order to connect with you. ISAHU 8) Fill out profile completely with company information, address, email, phone number, missions, description 9) Publish your first post. Tip – publish at least 5 posts before you invite anyone to “like” your page. Include images and very interesting information to get your audience intrigued right off the bat. 10) Invite your Facebook Friends, coworkers, colleagues, business partners, industry professionals. 11) Promote your Facebook page on your company website. 12) Study what posts work better than others to increase engagement. 13) Find more tips here on managing your company Facebook page: -a-facebook-page/ March 2015 Page 12 Chapter Updates Northeast Indiana AHU | Cindy Trahin, President South Central Indiana AHU | Andrea Bogard, President Northeast Indiana Association of Health Underwriters We had a very interesting meeting this past month. Marla (NEIAHU) – Our chapter is busy brainstorming for Morse, Navigator trainer for Columbus Regional Hospital, interesting Member Meeting Programs to draw our shared with us her experiences in this role. Marla did not members and guests to our meetings. We have know until very recently that we have a local chapter that confirmed an ERISA attorney for our May 18th meeting meets in Scottsburg, but she did know about NAHU and to draw the group crowd, searching for a CPA to discuss on her informational promotions she had listed “Find An tax implications of the Affordable Care Act, a hospital Agent” at for those seeking help. It was to discuss Provider contracts, etc. We are going to beneficial for us all to connect with her. feature a different local charitable organization each Following Marla’s presentation, we had a representative month at our member meetings. We are asking the from FSSA talk to us about HIP 2.0. There were also two charity to discuss their mission, their volunteer FSSA field representatives who attended. Those present opportunities and needs. were able to learn “first hand” about this recently Matt Hatfield, Legislative Chair, Kathy Goffer, approved plan and several have remarked since then president elect, and Justin Finton were all very pumped (myself included) how this has already been of help to us up and excited after Capital Conference and brought and our clients. back many fresh ideas. We are looking forward to their Our March meeting will have an open forum for those of reports at our Member meeting on March 18. We are us who would like to share experiences during the most also very pleased to announce that Mark Rogers recent Open Enrollment period. Often the best way to from Delta Dental will be offering a 1 hour CE learn is through others going through the same things as presentation. We are very appreciative that Delta Dental we are. Anyone is welcome to attend: March 12th, 8:30 will also be sponsoring. AM at the Holiday Inn Express in Scottsburg. We are finalizing the details for the NEIAHU/NAIFA Super CE day which is being held on April 30 at Hotel NAHU recently awarded our chapter “Gold Fort Wayne and offers 8 CE hours. See all the details in Certification” for 2015! the “Save the Date” flyer. Come and join us! Lastly, we are diligently searching for energetic and positive members to join our Board as Chair persons, co-chairs and committee members. Kathy Goffer is busy compiling the slate now. Chapter Updates continued on page 14 & 15 Connect with ISAHU What type of social media do you use? Check out ISAHU on one of the following: Like us on Facebook! ISAHU ISAHU is now on Twitter! Please follow us @INSTAHU for updates on what is happening with your State chapter. March 2015 Page 13 DOL Chapter Updates, cont... Greater Bloomington AHU | Doug Skinner, President We do not have a March Meeting scheduled but instead are encouraging our members to attend both the Medicare Summit being put on by the State and our local CE Day which is in April. The date will be Friday April 24th, 2015 at the Bloomington Country Club in an upstairs meeting room. We have 7 hours of CE, 3 hours of Ethics and a 4-Hour Annuity Class required for those who market it. Lunch is included in either whole day or 1/2 day registrations. The GBAHU CE Day information and registration should be included in the newsletter this month as well. If you have any questions please contact me directly 2015 GBAHU/NAIFA Continuing Education Day 7 HOURS of CONTINUING EDUCATION – DON’T MISS OUT! MANDATORY ETHICS AND ANNUITY COURSES OFFERED Date: Friday, April 24, 2015 Location: Bloomington Country Club 3000 Rogers Street, Bloomington Indiana Start Time: Registration: 8 – 8:30 – coffee, water and rolls provided 8:30 – 11:30: Required Ethics class – moderator Clint Fish – 3 hours of CE 11:30 to 12:30 lunch provided 12:30 to 4:30: Required Annuity course – moderator Susan Wier – 4 hours of CE Cost: Member of NAIFA – Bloomington – Greater Bloomington of Health Underwriters: Full day : $60.00______ Half day: $45.00______ Non-member: Full day: $75.00 _______ Half day: $60.00______ RSVP: Please send your registration to Cheryl Terry E-mail: Phone: 812-353-6480 Address: P.O. Box 1669, Bloomington, IN 47404 REGISTRATION FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION NAME __________________________________________ E-MAIL ________________________________________ PHONE_________________________________________ NAIFA MEMBER ____ HEALTH UNDERWRITERS MEMBER _____ AGENCY _______________________________________ Address _________________________________________ License number ____________________ Expiration number _____________ Member: Full day: $60.00_____ Non-Member: Full day: $75.00_____ Count me in for lunch______ Half day: $45.00_____ Half day: $60.00______ Make checks payable to GBAHU Send registration to: Cheryl Terry E-mail Phone: 812-353-6480 Address: P.O. Box 1669, Bloomington, IN 47402 ISAHU March 2015 Page 15 Leading Producers Round Table (LPRT) Shared by Cindy Trahin, Education Chair The Leading Producers Round Table formed in 1942 to recognize the successful underwriters of Accident & Health Insurance. Today, the LPRT committee is committed to making LPRT the premier program for top Health, Disability, Long-Term Care and Worksite Marketing Insurance producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/agency managers. It's never been easier to file for the for the Leading Producer's Round Table; See details below: (Your deadline to file is March 31.) Qualify by Income To qualify by income, a certification letter signed by the applicant is required with supporting documents that verify the amount claimed, such as: Commission statements A statement of income signed by: Representative of the company/broker-dealer/brokerage agency; CPA (or equivalent); or Representative of the applicant’s personal agency/corporation/office. A W-2, 1099 or other income tax statement Qualification categories Personal Production: Business written by a single producer Carrier Representatives: An employee of an insurance carrier working with producers Agency: Management of a general agency or agency. Carrier Management: Carrier/Home Office sales managers, directors of sales & vice presidents of sales Levels of Membership Qualifying: Available to members applying for the first 9 consecutive years of qualification OR for the first 14 total years. Lifetime: Available to members applying and qualifying for 10+ consecutive years OR for 15+ total years; for members that are no longer in production. Life & Qualifying: Available to members that still generate production at qualifying level and have achieved lifetime members Awards Categories Leading Producer Qualifier President's Council Eagle Golden Eagle Soaring Eagle Soaring Eagle Symposium 2015 Exclusive Event for Soaring and Golden Eagles. June 27-28, 2015 Hyatt Regency New Orleans New Orleans, LA ISAHU March 2015 Page 16 ISAHU March 2015 Page 17 ISAHU March 2015 Page 18 You Should Join NAHU Because… 1. NAHU will protect your right to serve your clients needs. 2. You will obtain timely, informative news. 3. You can attend continuing education seminars on the hottest insurance topics. 4. You will share information with top producing insurance professionals. 5. You can participate in grassroots efforts that respond to local, State, and federal legislative issues. 6. You will benefit from a variety of member-only discount programs. 7. NAHU’s Code of Ethics demonstrates to your clients your commitment to professionalism 8. You will play an active role in the future of the health insurance industry. 9. You will receive a subscription to HIU, the association’s monthly magazine. 10. With NAHU following trends in Large and Small Group Managed Care Plans, Individual Health Plans, Long Term Care Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Medicare Supplements, you will benefit from membership no matter your specialty. ISAHU's Mission Statement: ISAHU will improve its members' ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Americans through education, advocacy and professional development. ISAHU's Vision Statement: Every American will have access to private sector solutions for health, financial and retirement security and the services of insurance professionals. NOTE: ISAHU Financial Reports are available for review. Please contact the ISAHU Treasurer for copies of the Annual Budget Report or monthly financial reports. The ISAHU By-Laws, ISAHU Policy and Procedures and ISAHU Strategic Plan are available for review. Please contact the ISAHU Secretary to request copies. ISAHU By-Laws and Strategic Plan are also available on the ISAHU website. Visit to review. NAHU/ISAHU Dues According to IRS regulations, only a portion of the $495.00 dues paid to NAHU is considered to be deductible as a “normal business expense”. Federal Law prohibits the portion of member dues allocated to lobbying activities to be considered as a “normal business expense”. In Indiana, the amount of NAHU dues are that are considered to be “normal business expense” deductions are: NAHU ISAHU Local Chapters $202.50 45.00 45.00 $292.50 Note: Contributions made to the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes. Quick Links • Guidelines for “Corporate List Bill Membership” Program Association Membership Information and Application Donate to ISAHU -PAC Donate to HUPAC ISAHU Advertising The ISAHU newsletter is distributed via email monthly to all members throughout Indiana and posted to our website at For more information on advertising in the monthly newsletter and/or website, please contact ISAHU’s Communications Chair – Nicole Fairbairn at . ISAHU March 2015 Page 19
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