“Faith without works is dead A closed mouth never gets fed”

June 12-14, 2015
Anini Beach Park
“Faith without works is dead
A closed mouth never gets fed”
NOTE: We the executive committee will need a valid ID from the participants for camping at this beach park because of the
permit process. So we encourage you to please make a copy of your ID and find a way to get that to the committee to register
for camping at this site or you can
email it to RoundUp@KauaiAA.org
Early bird camping available
from 6/10-6/11/15. No food
Weekend Pass $30
Camping prizes for
the whole family
and lots of fellowship
Volleyball Tournament
Horseshoe Tournament
Family Activities
(13 yrs old +)
Weekend Pass $15
For information call the
(4-12 yrs old)
(808) 245-6677
Day Pass
AA Hotline at
Ask to contact
*0-3 yrs old FREE
Sean S
(need to be pre-registered
Mo L
though to eat meals)
Print Registration Form