Tele : 33632 (ASCON) 011-23333632 (DlD & Fax) 50038/LLLR MK.I I/GS/AAD-8 REOUE Directorate General of Army Air Defence General Staff Branch lntegrated HQ of MoD(Army) Sena Bhawan DHQ PO New Delhi-'l '10105 61 Apr 2015 TION {RF LOW LEVEL LIGHT WEIGHT RADARS MARK-II 1. The lndian Army is planning to procure Low Level Light Weight Radars Mark-ll. With a view to identify probable vendors who can undertake the said project, the OEMs/Vendors in lndia are requested to forward information on the product which they can offer. The parameters/broad specifications of the items are mentioned in the questionnaire attached as Appendix 'A'. ln addition the vendors are required to furnish details as per proforma at Appendix ,B'. 2. Apart from the information as per the Appendices, the vendors may also fonrvard technical details/product brochu res/literatu re etc pertaining to the item in question. 3. The required information/details may please be forwarded at the following addresses by 30 Apr 15. (a) DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF ARMY AIR DEFENCE GENERAL STAFF BRANCH ROOM NO 606, D-,,I WING INTEGRATED HQ MoD (ARMY) SENA BHAWAN DHQ PO NEW DELHI.l 10105 FaxNo : 0091-11-23333632 Email : (b) DTRECTORATE GENERAL OF WEAPONS AND EQUTPMENT (WE-11) GENERAL STAFF BRANCH ROOM NO 543, A WING INTEGRATED HQ MoD (ARMY) SENA BHAWAN DHQ PO NEW DELHI-1 10105 FaxNo : 0091-11-23333903 2 (c) (d) (e) 4. DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT (RFP CELL) GENERAL STAFF BRANCH ROOM NO.444,'A'WING SENA BHAWAN TNTEGRATED HQ OF MOD(ARMY) DHQ PO NEW DELHI.11OO11 Fax No :01123793274 E-Mail : dirrfp.we-armv@n ic. in DTRECTORATE GENERAL OF pRESpECT|VE pLANNtNG(DG pp) (cSQR CELL) GENERAL STAFF BRANCH ROOM NO-122,' SENA BHAWAN TNTEGRATED HQ OF MOD(ARMY) DHQ PO NEW DELHI.11OO.I1 Fax No :0112011198 E-Mail : TEcHNICALMANAGER(LANDSYSTEMS) ROOM NO 28, D.1 WING, SENA BHAWAN MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, NEW DELHI-11 Fax No :0'1123792414 E-Mail : An early response is requested. Encl :As above (Anil Yadav) Col Dir (Proc) Army AD 1' Following parameters / specifications of equipment to be offered by original Equipment Manufacturers (oEM's) is requested in the responses'io our Request for rnformation:- Specification / Parameters ls the proposed equipment suitable for employing plains and desert terrain? Weiqht. What is the weight of the following in :_ Complete System weight. (b) Weight without including the power system. the power system on same platform or separate? (c) Weight of dismanfled radar sys packed transportation cases (less power supply unit). (a) Can subsystems detach ment. radar be broken down into suitable as to facilitate carriage by radar (b) What is the feasibility of carriage road and rail. of radar by Operational Characteristics Q4. Please specify the following:(a) Maximum Detection Range. (r, Minrmum detection Range. (c) Altitude coverage. 6pecrfy mhinrr.rrn maximum altitude). Elevation coverage ltt n imum anO rnaxrnrunr), Resolution and accuracy for range and azinrr_rtfr. 4 ls^the radar capaOte-iGtectrng sma RCS including UAVs? ll targets with low What is the maximum speed-f target that can be oelected by the radar? Q8. Can the radar detect hoverinq helico What is the freo u band of the radar? Whatisthetemperat@ operate? Q 10. radaropera@ C,an the 40-45 knots? Whataretherccuffi Q 12. Q 13. Can the radar function in an EW environment? Does the radar have the facility of remote control? What all facilities including displays are provided in the remote unit? Does the radar have a user friendly Man Machine lnterface? What is the power consumption of the radar? What is the source of ower for the radar? (c) Doestheraa@ UPS? (d) lf so, specify batteries beino used. Q 14. the battery type and life-of tfre (a) Does the radar have Target designation systeml ls the 0estgnatron auto or controlled by the radar ooerator? facility? (b) What is the maximum number of Command Post / weaoons it can desiqnate the ta s to? (c) What is the system at the weapon end to receive the said details of ta (d) Whatistneme@ data from the radar to the weapon end? please speJify if it is only line or both line and radio? (e) lsthe remotee@ (f) ..Whetherpos@ system? correction facility is incorpoiated in the target l:l1lla data receiver? What all target attributes are-Epliyed-t tfre data receiver at the weapon end. (h) What are tne lacitifiey display available in the llelget data receiver includi ower tem? 5 0) ls prioritisation of targets done based on threat n of target like speed, ranqe. headino etc? Whether any alerling/ warning features are available in the target data receiver to alert the operator? Does the radar have the facility to be integrated in a network of radars? What is the IFF facility being incorporated in the radar? (k) Q 1s. Q 16. Q 17. (EMUEMC). (a) What is the EMI/EMC compatibility of the radar? (b) Has the eqpt / product /product family been tested for conformity to Mil Std 461 (Version E or later ) at the sub sys level. (Yes / No) lf yes, is the laboratory accredited? lf No, what other EMC standards does it comply to? Q 18. Q 19. Q 20. What is the time required for the radar to be brought into action from a fully packed condition to fully operational status? Specify the type of mounting of the radar? ls the radar modular in design to facilitate speedy reparrs in field conditions? Does the radar have BITE facility with suitable alarm systems? Q22. Specify humidity factors / restrictrons if anv Q 23. Does the radar meet the quality assurance specifications for the Indian Army? Q24. What is the service life of the Radar system? Q 25. ls it feasible to provide Class Room Variants for the system for traininq purposes? Q 21. Cost Aspects Q 26. What is the approximate cost of the radar system (indicative)? Q27. What is the approximate cost of the subsystems to include display unit, power unit, target designation and target data receivers, and other subsystems (To be given separately)? Q 28. What is the approximate cost of ESP to include MRLS for Operator, lntermediate and Depot level repair, training aggregates and technical literature? b Q 29. ln case AMC is proposed for maintenance of radar what will be cost of AMC for three years? Q 30. Deliverv Timelines. How many radars can be delivered per year, quarter wise? Trials Asoects lissued? Q 32. Q 33. What will be the time required to field the equipment for trials with required technical documents, after intimation of acceptance of technical offer. Can you field two separate systems for simultaneous trials? | 7 Appendix B INFORMATION PROFORMA FOR INDIAN VENDORS 1 . Name of the Vendor/Companv/Firm. (Company profile, in brief, to be attached) 2. Tvpe (Tick the relevant cateqorv). (a) (b) (c) 3. (OEM) : Authorised Vendor of foreign Firm : Others (give specific detaits) yes/No Original Equipment Manufacturer yes/No (attach details, if yes) : Contact Details. Postal Address:- City State : Pin Code Fax 4. Tele : : : URLM/eb Site: : Local Branch/Liaison Office in Delhi (if any). Name & Address: Pin Code 5. : Tel : Fax : Financial Details. (a) Category of lndustry (Large/med ium/small Scale) (b) Annual turn over: (c) (d) Number of employees in firm: Details of manufacturing infrastructure: : (in INR) (e) Earlier contracts with lndian Ministrv of Defence/Government aqencies Contract Number o. u ipment Quantitv Cost Certification bv Qualitv Assurance Orqanisation. Name of Agency 7. Eq : Certification Applicable from ( Date & Year ) Valid till ( Date & Year) Details of Reqistration. Agency DGS&D DGQA/DGAQA/DGNAI OFB DRDO Any other Government Aqencv Registration No Validity (Date) Equipment a Name of Organisation Membership Number 9. (a) Name of Product : (Should be. given category wise for e.g. att proOucts under nfufrt vision devices to be mentioned together) (b) Description (attach technical literature): (c) Whether OEM or lntegrator (d) Name and address of Foreign collaborator (if any): (e) lndustrial Licence Number: (f) lndigenous component of the product (in percentage): (s) Status (in service /design & development stage): (h) Production capacity per annum: (i) countries/agencies where equipment supplied ear er (give details of quantity supplied): (k) : Estimated price of the equipment 10. Alternatives for meeting the objectives of the equipment set forth in the RFl. 11. Any other relevant information: Declaration lt is certified that the above information 12. intimated within five (05) working days of occurrence. is true and any changes will be (Authorised Signatory)
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