Himalayan Institute Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist Training with Kathryn Templeton, Ayurvedic Practitioner, MA, RDT/MT, E500RYT Become an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist! After completing each of 4 units and participating in optional Case Study sessions, you will have the knowledge and skill to create a dosha balancing specific yoga practice, use food with awareness, and create a basic lifestyle plan for yourself and for your clients based upon their needs/goals.You’ll be able to offer basic Ayurvedic consultations, “Ayurveda” 101 programs, and you will have access to additional training and supervision from the Himalayan Institute “Graduates ONLY”, case supervision sessions. This program has been recognized and is listed with the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA). UNITS: • The Macrocosm & Microcosm of Ayurveda & Yoga • Psychology of Ayurveda & the Physiology of Yoga • Improving Our Digestion of Foods, Thoughts & Actions • Clinical Use of Ayurveda & Yoga Kathryn Templeton LOCATIONS This training is available at locations throughout North America. You can take 1-4 units at any location. Dayton, OH Deluth, MN Honesdale, PA Quakertown, PA Memphis, TN Lewiston, ME Minneapolis, MN Halifax, NS, Canada Point Edward, Ontario indigoyogadayton.com yoganorthduluth.com himalayaninstitute.org moondogyoga.cm midtownyoga.com chillyoga.net devanadiyoga.com 108yoga.ca bodhichi.com For complete information including location information, please visit KathrynTempleton.com. CONTACT KATHRYN Website: kathryntempleton.com Facebook: facebook.com/kattempleton Twitter: twitter.com/behappydoyoga Email: hello@kathryntempleton.com Sarah Guglielmi AYS Training is Coming to Indigo Yoga 4-Part Series Certification Unit 1: Feb 19-21, 2016 Unit 2: March 18-20, 2016 Unit 3: April 15-17 2016 Unit 4: May 20-22, 2016 Program Cost: $399/each series; $1396/all 4 Register early at www.indigoyogadayton.com spots are limited 3979 Indian Ripple Road, Suite B Beavercreek, OH 45440 Phone: 937-620-7541 Email: info@indigoyogadayton.com
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