Ayurveda Workshop with Sarah Vanis

with Sarah Vanis
Naturally Restore the Balance Within…
Ayurveda is the Indigenous Indian Health Care System dating back to 3000 BC and beyond
focusing on the health of the whole person. It encompasses health from the mind, body and spirit
connection, working with nature to achieve balance and harmony so that we may live free from
disease and suffering. Ayurveda works from the understanding of the five natural elements being
air, space, fire, earth and water and how these combine to make up our individual nature. It is
through the use of yoga, massage, lifestyle, nutrition and herbs/kitchen pharmacy that we can
realign any imbalances and maintain equilibrium for ourselves.
This workshop will begin with an examination of Ayurveda. We will discuss the elements of the
universe and how these elements combine to form particular energies called Doshas. These
Doshas are responsible for our interactions in the world - like a blue print. The idea is to keep the
Doshas in balance to live in harmony with the self in the universe. One way we do this is through
food. The qualities of the food we eat can bring balance to the energies of our bodies and mind.
We will then learn about the qualities of foods and spices, exploring the best times of the day to
eat, how to eat and what to eat. The workshop will finish with a hands on experience - creating
and then enjoying a beautiful meal together.
Sunday 3rd of May 2015
Just Be Yoga and Meditation Studio – Beaconsfield Vic
10.00am – 2.00pm
$98 – includes handouts and lunch - bookings close 27/04/15
Keren on 0408 510 945 or info@justbeyoga.com.au
Sarah joins us from Aligning Health. She is a yoga teacher, ayurveda practitioner and massage
therapist running classes, workshops and retreats in country Victoria, Melbourne and Bali.
Just Be. Yoga and Meditation | 25 Woods Street, Beaconsfield, 3807, VIC | www.justbeyoga.com.au