E Government of Himachal Pradesh DePartment of AYurveda Ayur. B (9)-312011 Dated: Shimla-2. the !,{Februarv" 2015. Office Memorandum Subject: Provisional Seniority list of District Ayurvedic Officer/Medicat Superintendents as stood on 31.12.2014. The Department has drawn the provisional seniority list as stood on 31,.12.2014, of District Ayurvedic OfficerlMedical Superintendents working in the Department of Ayurveda. The said provisional seniority list (Annexure-A) is sent herewith to all the concerned mentioned in the lisr lor the information and inviting their objections, if, any, that may be routed through the Director Ayurveda , Himachal Pradesh within 15-days from the date of receipt of this Memorandum. Thereafter no objection be entertained and the provisional seniority list will will be finalized It may be noted that no advance copies of letters/endorsernents be sent directly to this Department and routed strictly through the Director of Ayurveda, H'P. The representations received directly in this Department will not be taken cognizance of. Bv Order Principal Secretary (Ayurveda) to the Covernment of Himachal Pradesh Dated: Shimla-2, the/ffobruary, 2015 Endst" No. As above, The Director of Ayurveda, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-9. l. 2. All the concerned Officers as mentioned in Annexure-A. lh ^rr. . b (Kaushlafa-Kashyap)) Under Secretary (Ayurveda) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh fl E 3 OFFICERSIME,D' DISTRICT AYURVE,DIC OF LIST [:]RAFT SENIORITY ON 31.\2.2014. SUPDT AS IT STOOD Name S.N. r, ofl Date of Remarhs of Dt Dt. joining as Joining as promotion /Joining as DAO/MS AMO DOB l I / Dr. Jai lrraKasu l:.0i.:s 14.4.6J 21.08.58 22,4.63 19.A4.51 I7.).bJ D' -- fit 2. I-toenq1( D. 3. Ramesh snavto t t.q.zooq 23.12.1'3 General 24.12.13 SC 01 .01 .14 G",.,;"1 8.01 .14 General 249.20a9 1.9.2009 05.05.201 0 1 t s.ol.zoto 18.01:2010 I(r,tn-rar Ruql--- Dr. Ka-lll10ct 25.04.s'7 28.09.B2 ol.o+.zot t Geireral Rajinder 4.4.196J 26.17.13 26.02.60 ll;1.2012 23.12.13 LVcaP 71.5.5',7 7lTsz l1;l.z0t2 30.1 2. i 3 General(on 6.4. i 983 26.lZ.I 1.6.14) General 4. itr. Pre qnd Dr. 6. Q Daljeet i'. clr Dr. Man sttlgn 1. Ot. 0 (r. 6.4. I v6J Allll xs1qss B.4.lv6J Dr. l(umar, Dr. Madan Mollau, Pq nrnl Ljltawattt r5.8.1957 l. 14. Dr Khenr Singh 26.6.1956 1 4.9,1983 13:t .2012 in frn-T16'12'13 .2012 11.-1.12 3.10.12 5-9- I 96J 6.1 .14 8.1 .14 6.1 .14 extension General 10.4.14 SC (on extenston 77.5.14 General r 9.05.14 since 1.7.14) Generalion \ extension since 1r.r.t+l 23.6.14 General (on Dr Ashok I(umar, |'t .9.56 6.1.14 9.1,14 Generai 18.6.57 1-/-Iv6). 6.9.14 D'Hem Raj 8.7.U) 6.1.14 29.12.t4 General 30.1 .58 Dr. B.D. MS/ DAH, HMR Thakr-rr, extension 9.1.14 6.1 .14 since I 4.10,i2 qt: t +-+-t Gautam 15. J t6:1.12 MS/ D.o c arl 12. 13.4.UJ a Dr. 11 5.0.)o 11;l .2012 13.1 MS/ Q1.imln 10. 13.'l .2012 17.8.2012 Rajincler b+.ot.tqoo Pal 9. tg5.iqs0 t 09.02.2011 Dro c ad 5. 17.1 ,20 I 01.10.14) since
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