J \ JAA { Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of AYurveda Ayur. B (9)-412011 Dated: Shirnla-2, the -ql.depril, 2015. Office Membrandum Final Seniority list of Sub-Divisional Ayurvedic Officers as stood on3l.l2.20l4 Subject: ' Medical provisional Seniority list of Sub-Divisional Ayurvedic Medical Officers in the Department of Ayurveda as stood on 3l .12.2014 was circulated amongst all the concerned vide this Deptt.'s Memorandum of even number dated 25.02.2015 inviting objection withln l5 days from the issuance of the memorandum' Against the aforesaid seniority list no objection has been. received withinthe prescribed period. Hence, the final Seniority list of l'1.-1*"t":"1 n Ayurvedic Medical Officers as stood, on31.12.2014 is hereby circulated for informat' of all concerned irs per Annexure 'A attalhed to ltris tained except against clerical Tl*lt'i*t: i. ; dftors/omission, if any, wiich \ may be issuance of this brought to the notice of the undersigned within 15 days from the date of memorandum. I Endst. No. As above, Principal Secretary (Ayurveda) to the Government of Himachal PraPesh Dated: Shil1.t I th. &Q.deptil,2015 I 1. ,) The Director of Ayurveda, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-9' All the concerned Officers as mentioned in Annexure-A {, (Kau@KashyaP) Under Secretary (AYurveda) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh Ph. No. 01772624323 '-, Ftlt rifjlcrlire@: 1,' rJ;J,r"ir Khan Chandel, 29.8.1990 6.1.14 13.1.14 General* 01.4.64) 27.8.90 6.1.14 9.1.14 General 24.4J964 14.9.90 6.1.14 8.i.14 W/X-men a. Dr ltaiinder \1 Dr. Subhash Rana,- 8;8.1961 s.2.1964 6.1 .14 u.l .14 D':. Kuldeep Singh, r.9.90' General Ceneral 5.9.1990 4.b. t4 12.6.14 General 30.3.1964 *"*--i .u. tl r . :?,'-fD. Sharma, Sarita Rana i 1 i 18. Dr. PalkiDevi, 9.6.19s9 29. Dr. K.D, Sharma. 3 m* Dr.'lashi Angnro 30.4.1959 31 Dr. Amita Dhimau )L, w 1.9.1990 16.6.14 ST 4.6.14 ffi 31.8.1990 4.6.14111.7.14) 23;1.t4 ST 25.10.1963 12.9.1990 1.10.14 9.10.2014 General 8.1 .1 957 6.+,lYv 1.10.14 1 Dr. Sampuran Singh, Ashok Kumar 25.9.1961 /+.l.Lvv/ t- 10 14 General fir. 01.10.14 33. Poonam Slrarma, 8.12.1963 zl.z.t99/. 0.1 0.1 4 General D. 1 34 35 'Dr. Raiesh Kumar l4-9-196s t4-3-1992 l1 l .3. i963 3 i.u.l9vu I 10.14 19.11.2014 0.10.2014 1 29.11.2014 lGeneral I w/X-men Hlcap . Sc { i i d. I tr q '1 i I -! d I .{ i I 3 I I {I I i l i i
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